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确定平均站间距是城市轨道交通规划与设计的重要内容.以乘客出行过程产生机理为基础,引入决策树思想,建立基于乘客出行总成本最小的多方式组合最优模型,通过系统临界值的计算确定城市轨道交通平均站间距全局最优值.根据实例分析,说明该模型在确定城市轨道交通平均站间距中的应用.  相似文献   

城市轨道交通作为城市综合交通体系的重要组成部分,其站间距的设置与客流吸引能力、旅客出行时间、列车运行效率等因素密切相关。通过分析城市轨道交通站间距设置的影响因素,提出合理站间距的设置方法及优化模型,结合实例计算并综合考虑各方面因素,推荐城市中心区车站的合理站间距以1050~1 150 m为最优,郊区车站的合理站间距以1 800 m左右为优。  相似文献   

公交线网优化模型是整个线网优化的基础。通过对居民公交出行需求进行研究,找出影响居民公交出行的主要因素,从而构建了线网优化模型。通过对模型及约束条件的分析,得出以换乘次数最少为主要目标,所经过的公交站点数最少为次要目标的线网优化模型。  相似文献   

为了按照旅客出行要求提供准确的换乘方案,在分析客运换乘问题的基础上,通过增加虚拟点的方式构建基于列车运行时刻的换乘网络。并在此基础上,设计了有换乘次数限制的、总旅行时间最少的中转换乘模型,对数学模型中的目标函数采用遗传算法寻找最优解。同时通过实例计算说明模型的应用。  相似文献   

合理确定双线铁路站间距,可以在满足运营需要通过能力的同时,适当减少中间站的设置数量,满足铁路运输需要。以图解法和分析计算法为基础,考虑列车速度组合、列车铺画顺序、列车连发对数和列车间隔时间等因素对合理站间距的影响,采用均衡铺画和集中铺画方法,分析列车运行图周期的时间构成,计算3种速度等级列车组合下的双线铁路站间距。经实例验证合理站间距计算方法的合理性,得出双线铁路区段在3种速度等级列车组合情况下的合理站间距。  相似文献   

本文基于新能源汽车出行轨迹,构建了出行起始时间、出行终止时间、出行总时长、出行总里程、出行时间重复率、出行空间重复率等时空特征,通过新能源汽车出行信息增益值计算,确定了新能源汽车出行特征对交通事故的影响程度。经实例验证表明,新能源汽车出行总里程指标与交通事故关联程度最高,新能源汽车出行时间重复率和出行空间重复率都与交通事故有较强的相关性,这对于新能源汽车事故的精准防范具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

城市轨道交通客流出行特征分析是制定线网规划方案和诊断轨道交通运营组织问题的重要依据,为解决传统城市轨道交通站外OD点识别算法参数设置较主观、识别精度较低、普适性与抗干扰性较弱等问题,研究以时空密度聚类算法为基础,融合遗传算法优化聚类算法参数,构建个体城市轨道交通出行站外OD位置点识别方法。识别过程中,根据志愿者信令数据、出行日志数据与GPS数据,结合遗传算法,标定时空密度聚类算法中聚类半径阈值EPS、聚类时间阈值?T等参数最优值;以此为基础,构建时空密度聚类算法,高效识别轨道出行站外OD。结果表明,通过比较志愿者实际出行日志、GPS等数据,志愿者出行站外OD位置点识别平均误差为633.75 m,算法精度可以满足实际需求。  相似文献   

旅客旅行舒适度的需求分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
影响旅客舒适度的主要因素有人均占用面积、旅行时间、站车环境、运行平稳度和客运服务水平。不同职业和出行目的的旅客,对旅行舒适度的需求有所不同。铁路客运专线建设为旅客出行提供了更人性化的设计和高标准的软硬件环境,舒适度的改善将使旅客出行更加舒适愉快,也将进一步增强铁路客运的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

城市轨道交通网络化、高频度的运营为乘客提供了灵活的出行方案,制订多种快慢车停站方案,可以更好地满足不同乘客的乘车偏好,实现更大选择空间,提高运营效能。阐述乘客的反向换乘行为,采用广义出行费用和Logit模型量化计算乘客多样化出行意愿,建立可体现乘客反向换乘情况的快慢车停站方案模型,利用计算机仿真求解模型。结果显示,全线乘客的总旅行时间比仅考虑同向换乘与"站站停"方案分别减少0.34%和4.45%,表明兼顾乘客反向换乘行为制订的快慢车停站方案能够提升轨道交通的运营效率。  相似文献   

铁路客运市场调查分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用问卷方式,对北京站候车旅客为300km/h高速列车开行的旅途时间、发车频率和换乘条件等的需求进行调查,通过对数据的分析,得出高速列车开行以后,旅客的出行选择的变化,并对高速列车的开行提出建议.  相似文献   

上海虹桥综合交通枢纽是城市规划和城市交通规划的一次大胆尝试。介绍虹桥综合交通枢纽项目的由来、功能定位、开发策划、规划设计、道路交通规划、信息系统规划、空铁联运、防灾规划,对综合交通枢纽的规划与运营进行总结和探讨。  相似文献   

在考虑检修的条件下,根据接续时间和接续地点,以动车组周转接续时间总和最小来表达动车组运用数量最少作为目标函数,建立动车组运用计划的数学模型,并采用模拟退火算法进行求解。以武广高速铁路的开行方案为基础进行仿真应用,表明在给定列车运行图后,采用该模型和求解算法能够得到优化的动车组运用计划。  相似文献   

在分析现有研究的基础上,结合城市交通特性和综合客运交通枢纽发展方向,对综合客运交通枢纽定义、分类、分级和规模等问题进行探讨。梳理目前枢纽建设所面临的问题,结合未来城市建设重点以及城市部分功能的调整情况,理清枢纽建设与上述问题之间的内在联系,探讨枢纽的功能定位、分类、分级等问题,为今后综合客运交通枢纽规划建设提供技术支撑,实现不同区域综合客运交通枢纽的差别化布局和规划,促进综合客运交通枢纽系统、区域交通一体化以及社会经济的全面发展。  相似文献   

This article examines the roots and the evolution of tourism and town planning theory and practice. It discusses how both fields have interacted with each other, and provides some clues about the way in which tourism and town planning theory and practice are likely to evolve in the future. It is argued that tourism planning theory is still looking for its own identity and ways of evolving in the future. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2008,15(2):127-137
In order to address some of the shortcomings of traditional urban transportation planning, it is argued that a shift is needed from planning for mobility to planning for accessibility. Accessibility is a well-known and studied concept within the scientific literature. Its use in practice however is limited. This paper explores the ways of using the concept of accessibility in planning practice, with a special focus on the phase of policy design. Using the Amsterdam Region as an example, it is illustrated how simple accessibility measures can help planners with the design of integrated transport and land-use policies that call for different solutions than the traditional approach.  相似文献   

The interests of infrastructure development, urbanisation and quality of life are becoming increasingly intertwined while at the same time becoming detached from any one administrative area or level of governance. Consequently, infrastructure planning is becoming more a multi-scalar and multi-actor process. It is expected that the leading role of national governments in large-scale spatial planning will gradually evolve towards types of multi-level governance. This paper focuses on the question to what extent this will lead to a corresponding change in national spatial planning. A case study will illustrate how the planning of cross-border rail infrastructure in the megacorridor from the Randstad to Flanders is taking place. Finally, some suggestions for improvement are presented.  相似文献   

Many cities around the world have seen efforts to restructure the provision of public transport. While transit authorities as public agencies continue to deliver transit services in some cities, many others have privatised these services, have opened up the market to private operators or have outsourced them to newly founded subsidiaries. The situation is no different in Turkey, where new legislation was enacted in the 1980s enabling local authorities to establish corporate companies under their own agency, and to shift to them the entire responsibility for running certain public transport operations. The motivation is often to increase efficiency, productivity and profitability in these operations, although there is a risk that planning and operation may become fragmented under such organisational reforms, making it difficult to maintain coordination in planning and to ensure the provision of an integrated service. This paper analyses this organisational change in public transport in Turkey, focusing on the planning, operation and performance of urban rail systems in Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir.  相似文献   

随着高铁建设的发展,国内以铁路为主的综合性交通枢纽建成带来了示范效应,各地围绕铁路客站开展了综合交通枢纽的规划设计。回顾广州南站综合交通枢纽的规划设计及建设情况.从城市空间一体化层面,对铁路综合交通枢纽建设过程中铁路与城市相关单位在统一规划、协同设计、工作流程和建设管理等方面问题进行分析并提出建议。  相似文献   

Despite nearly eight million rides per day on formally planned and legally sanctioned buses and subways, dollar vans provide service that shadow some of the busiest bus lines in Brooklyn and Queens. Dollar vans are an informal transport service that occupy an awkward liminal space between legal and illegal—some are licensed and some are not, but all dollar vans operate illegally. It is this legal confusion that renders them informal. It is because of this informality that dollar van operators and drivers can also adapt their routes and service as they deem necessary. This “generative” mode of planning introduces a second dimension of informality; however, I argue that dollar van operators follow a similar logic as formal transportation operators when planning service. I demonstrate this by examining the case of a dollar van operator in Brooklyn developing a new route. I juxtapose his method with that of bus planners from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) to show how both groups of planners rely on prompts they encounter, be it anecdotal stories about West Indians in Flatbush moving away or an angry letter from a state legislator, rather than a systematic approach that is taught in classrooms. By examining the planning of a new dollar van route in Brooklyn, I trace the operator's planning process and compare his data against quantitative datasets to show that his generative planning process is supported by the quantitative data and deepens its meaning when combined with his local knowledge. Seen in this light, it is clear that the distance between informal and formal transit is artificial rather than inherent.  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程不断推进,市域铁路发展需求不断增加,科学制定市域铁路线路规划,对推进新型城镇化市域铁路发展具有重要意义。在阐述市域铁路线路规划影响因素及结构模式选择的基础上,综合线路选择模型与线网规划模型的特点,建立市域铁路线路规划两阶段联合模型,先通过基于自身建设目标的线路规划模型中所得到较优备选线路集合,再联合基于轨道交通整体网络的线路比选模型的二次筛选,得出一个综合优化的市域铁路线路选择方案。以成德市域铁路线路规划为例,验证线路规划结果,为市域铁路线路规划研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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