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保险合同准备金是保险公司按照权责发生制原则确认和计量的成本项目,也是保险公司最主要的一项成本支出。保险合同准备金如何在企业所得税税前扣除,直接关系到公司的所得税负担,影响到现金流状况和偿付能力水平,是保险公司所得税制中的重要内容。保险公司自2009年执行《企业会计准则解释第2号》(以下简称准则2号解释)后,客观上形成了用于财务报告的会计准备金与用于偿付能力报告的法定准备金的差别,由此产生了对用于判别所得税前扣除额度的准备金(以下简称税收准备金)应以会计准备金还是法定准备金为基础确定存在不同的理解,需要从理论和实践上做出解释。本文从保险合同准备金的原理出发,论述了其在税前扣除的必要性,并就执行准则2号解释后税收准备金的确定问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

财政部2009年12月22日出台了《保险合同会计处理相关规定》,其中对保险合同准备金处理的基本要求、计提假设和期间、计量方法、信息披露做了详细规定。新规定《企业会计准则第25号——原保险合同》对非寿险原保险合同义务准备金的计提基础,有了根本性的变化,改变了过去会计处理依据保险精算,实行了保险人应当在资产负债表日计量保险合同准备金,  相似文献   

同一家保险公司按照不同国家和地区的会计准则,损益结果差异较大,对于欲统一全球会计准则的国际会计准则理事会(IASB)而言,这是无法容忍的。随着IASB关于保险合同第二阶段会计准则的推进以及中国资本市场的快速发展,我国现行的保险合同会计实务已经无法满足会计信息使用者的决策需求,对保险合同负债计量方法的一场革命已经迫在眉睫。本文先分析我国保险合同负债计量的现状,在此基础上全面分析和研究保险合同负债计量的理论基础、发展趋势,进而提出政策建议。  相似文献   

本文基于财政部和保监会下发《企业会计准则解释第2号》等相关政策文件,选取国内最具代表性的寿险公司(中国人寿、平安寿险、太平洋寿险)2010年信息披露年摁,分析重大保险风险测试和保费分拆,保险合同准备金财务计量对寿险公司财务利润的影响,同时也指出政策的不足,如行业过分依赖分红险、保费结构单一、准备金财务计量属性下精算假设信息不充分等问题.建议在未来增加信息披露范畴和变动分析等方面的要求,提升财务报表透明度。  相似文献   

国务院有关部委、有关直属机构,各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局),新疆生产建设兵团财务局,有关保险公司: 为了规范保险混合合同分拆、重大保险风险测试和保险合同准备金计量的会计处理,根据《中华人民共和国会计法》和《企业会计准则——基本准则》等有关法律法规,我部制定了《保险合同相关会计处理规定》,现予印发。  相似文献   

<正>财会[2009]15号国务院有关部委、有关直属机构,各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局),新疆生产建设兵团财务局,有关保险公司:为了规范保险混合合同分拆、重大保险风险测试和保险合同准备金计量的会计处理,根据《中华人民共和国会计法》和  相似文献   

保险合同取得成本的定义、内容及会计模式对保险公司尤其对经营人寿保险业务的公司来说至关重要,直接关系到保险公司利润衡量和资产负债管理。尽管目前IASB暂时决定取得成本应在发生时费用化,但是关于取得成本会计的讨论一直没有停止。本文在介绍IASB与FASB对保险合同取得成本会计不同意见的基础上,比较分析了保险合同取得成本的定义和会计模式,最后就我国保险合同取得成本会计提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

我国保险法以投保人和保险人为保险合同当事人建立了我国保险合同解除的法律制度,在某些方面还不尽完善,突出表现在对被保险人的利益保护不够。本文在探讨和分析保险合同解除权的主体、第三人代交保险费是否享有保险合同解除权、保险合同解除权行使的期限以及人身保险合同的投保人死亡后其继承人是否享有解除权等基本理论的基础上,提出要对投保人的保险合同解除权进行适当限制,并建立和完善保护被保险人利益的法律机制,如保险合同解除应通知被保险人以及被保险人的异议权和参与权等。  相似文献   

我国保险法研究尚处于发展阶段,有关保险合同问题的认识比较混乱.本文针对争论比较多的保险合同的特征、保险合同中的要约与承诺、保险合同的形式以及保险利益等四个问题展开分析和讨论.文中充分利用了已有的研究成果,通过对比发现一些问题,并结合司法实践对相关问题进行再认识,从而提出了一些新的观点.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国保险业的发展,保险合同纠纷日渐增多,其中因保险合同不具备生效要件而引发保险合同是否生效的纠纷数量呈上升趋势,怎样认识和处理欠缺生效要件的保险合同,在保险司法理论及实践领域尚缺乏统一的认识及系统的分析。笔者对欠缺生效要件的法律后果进行了法理上的分析,对各项后果进行了比较,并提出相关处理建议。  相似文献   

通过对保险会计准则国际趋同进展与困境分析,可以发现:保险会计准则国际趋同进程中存在着分红保险一股独大、公允价值有关公允,会计信息可比性降低、保险监管指标计量基础改变等问题,鉴此,应改进保费收入的度量标准,完善准备金计量中有关折现率、风险调整和合同服务边际的评估标准,引入综合收益表列报方式,完善保险监管会计体系,强化监管要求。  相似文献   

This article suggests that liquidity may be an important reason for a corporation to purchase property insurance. A model of a risk‐neutral producer facing an endogenously determined risk of property damage under an output contract that penalizes underproduction is formulated to exemplify such a real need of liquidity. Under the output contract, the producer may purchase full unfavorable property insurance even when postloss financing is available. Surprisingly, the conclusion may still hold when the cost of postloss financing equals that of long‐term capital, provided that the rate of underproduction penalty is sufficiently high. Similar conclusions apply when postloss financing is replaced by planned internal reserve (self‐insurance) that may be invested in the short run at an interest rate that is lower than the long‐term cost of capital. When the capital market is perfect, however, the holding of planned internal reserve eliminates the purchase of actuarially unfavorable property insurance.  相似文献   


The surplus on a life insurance policy is defined, at any time during the term of the contract, as the difference between the second order retrospective reserve and the first order prospective reserve. General principles for redistribution of the systematic part of the surplus as bonus are formulated, and various special bonus schemes are discussed. Techniques for forecasting future bonuses are worked out in an extended model with stochastic experience basis. Numerical illustrations are provided.  相似文献   

Dynamic Insurance Contracts and Adverse Selection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We take a dynamic perspective on insurance markets under adverse selection and study a dynamic version of the Rothschild and Stiglitz model. We investigate the nature of dynamic insurance contracts by considering both conditional and unconditional dynamic contracts. An unconditional dynamic contract has insurance companies offering contracts where the terms of the contract depend on time, but not on the occurrence of past accidents. Conditional dynamic contracts make the actual contract also depend on individual past performance (such as in car insurances). We show that dynamic insurance contracts yield a welfare improvement only if they are conditional on past performance. With conditional contracts, the first‐best can be approximated if the contract lasts long. Moreover, this is true for any fraction of low‐risk agents in the population.  相似文献   


The demands that financial reporting of insurance companies present to actuaries are great and growing. With the prospects of change in the rules for financial reporting becoming more likely and insurance products becoming more complex, it is desirable to examine the evolving roles of the actuary and the actuarial profession. This paper describes these changes and the value that actuaries bring to financial reporting. The challenges presented are significant. As the methods of assessing and managing risk change are becoming more complex, the best efforts of the profession and individual actuaries will be needed to ensure that the actuary’s role is enhanced and expanded. Not only will the techniques used evolve, but the audiences served by the actuary will become even more demanding. The actuarial profession is better situated than other professions to meet these demands.  相似文献   

保险会计新准则的变化主要体现在保费收入确认和准备金计量两个方面。由于绝大多数非寿险产品都能通过重大保险风险测试,保费收入几乎没有变化,因此新准则对非寿险业的影响主要体现在准备金计量上。新准则要求非寿险公司运用"三要素法"计量准备金,这将使得非寿险公司的准备金计量方式、财务管理模式和利润情况发生重大变化,对非寿险公司产生近期与远期的深远影响。  相似文献   

This paper examines the association between monitoring and earnings management by property-casualty insurers. Prior literature has evaluated the impact of auditors and actuaries on insurer reserving. We extend this work by considering the nonrandom nature of monitor assignment. We model the insurer decisions regarding choice of auditor and actuary jointly using a Heckman selection model. Consistent with prior literature, we account for potential loss reserving incentives that may confound these decisions. We find that the use of internal actuaries is significantly related to higher reserve errors, but this is reduced, but not fully offset, when the internal actuary is an officer of the insurer. We find lower reserve error for auditors from a Big N firm. However, the use of an auditor and actuary from the same Big N firm is significantly related to higher reserve errors.  相似文献   

我国交强险实施一年多来社会效益显著,但费率的合理性问题也成为公众关注的焦点之一。本文围绕马萨诸塞州强制车险几十年来的运作实践,深入分析其费率“不过高也不过低”的监管机制,得出费率精算的细化与微调以及允许费率下浮和费率听证的一系列具体做法值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

保险合同会计--进展、反思与启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
国际会计准则委员会近期发布的“国际财务报告准则第4号”(IFRS4)是保险合同会计第一阶段的成果。为了理解国际上保险合同会计的这一进展,本文首先从设问的角度界定了一个保险会计的框架;在此基础上,归纳和分析了IFRS4中的主要议题,并从概念与现实的权衡及会计错配两方面对其过渡特征进行了剖析;在界定的框架范围内,依据对IFRS4的分析评价,提出了我国保险会计规范中值得注意的几个问题。  相似文献   


Current formulas in credibility theory often estimate expected claims as a function of the sample mean of the experience claims of a policyholder. An actuary may wish to estimate future claims as a function of some statistic other than the sample arithmetic mean of claims, such as the sample geometric mean. This can be suggested to the actuary through the exercise of regressing claims on the geometric mean of prior claims. It can also be suggested through a particular probabilistic model of claims, such as a model that assumes a lognormal conditional distribution. In the first case, the actuary may lean towards using a linear function of the geometric mean, depending on the results of the data analysis. On the other hand, through a probabilistic model, the actuary may want to use the most accurate estimator of future claims, as measured by squared-error loss. However, this estimator might not be linear.

In this paper, I provide a method for balancing the conflicting goals of linearity and accuracy. The credibility estimator proposed minimizes the expectation of a linear combination of a squared-error term and a second-derivative term. The squared-error term measures the accuracy of the estimator, while the second-derivative term constrains the estimator to be close to linear. I consider only those families of distributions with a one-dimensional sufficient statistic and estimators that are functions of that sufficient statistic or of the sample mean. Claim estimators are evaluated by comparing their conditional mean squared errors. In general, functions of the sufficient statistics prove to be better credibility estimators than functions of the sample mean.  相似文献   

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