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房价逆调控而上涨的政策性原因与对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对近期我国房价快速上涨、房地产商及高价商品房主导市场、住房投机愈演愈烈、中低收入阶层住房困难等问题,作者对北京房地产市场进行了调查研究,并从中发现了一些值得探讨的问题.本文通过对廉租房、经济适用房、商品房、出租房现状及相关政策进行客观分析,揭示了我国高房价的症结及一些政策方面的原因.文中以调查研究为依据,提出了强化政府责任、完善住房保障政策的个人看法与建议.  相似文献   

住房可分为土地和依附于土地的建筑物两部分。基于土地杠杆基本概念,利用我国35个大中型城市数据,将住房价格动态分解为土地价格和建筑物价格,考察我国住房价格增长中土地增值的贡献比例与速度。对土地杠杆假说的实证检验发现,拥有更高土地杠杆的住房,其增值速度会更快。通过对土地杠杆假说的实证研究,对于了解潜在的房价决定机制、价格指数建立、土地利用限制的成本评估,以及制定住房政策和评估住房市场的合理性等,都具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

基于我国1999-2010年房地产市场季度数据,本文建立向量自回归模型(VAR)和向量误差修正模型(VEC),将住房供给和需求同时纳入模型,分析我国利率政策、信贷政策和税收政策对住房价格的影响。结果显示,贷款利率在短期内对住房供给有负效应,但长期效应不明显;贷款规模对住房价格的短期冲击明显,二者之间存在正相关关系;针对保有环节征税可以通过影响住房供给,从而有效抑制住房价格上升。根据我国住房供求特点,应优先选择税收工具,通过促进住房供给实现控制房价的政策目标。  相似文献   

关于提高住宅有效购买力的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁丽丽 《城市问题》2003,(1):52-54,48
随着我国住房制度改革的推进 ,房地产业面临着前所未有的发展机遇。然而 ,几年过去了 ,我们却不得不面对住宅潜在需求和有效需求不足的尖锐矛盾。产生这一现象的原因是多方面的 ,笔者认为最主要的原因在于商品住宅价格偏高、住房金融市场发展缓慢以及住房交易市场不健全三个方面。因此 ,要使住宅产业真正成为消费热点和新的经济增长点 ,就必须努力降低现有商品住宅价格、加快住房金融市场的发展以及完善住房交易市场  相似文献   

Essentially an update of Renaud (1989). K.Y. Kim (1991), and K.H. Kim (1993), this paper introduces the Korean housing market and policies, but from a distinct perspective. Housing conditions in Korea have dramatically improved both in terms of quantity and quality over the past 35 years. The market has mainly accommodated buyers of new houses, while ignoring or even sacrificing needs of low income households. This is the result of government control of the market mostly by regulations on new for-sale houses rather than by budgetary or financial resources. Both the weakness and strength of this housing supply system were clearly revealed by the price hikes in the late 1980s and by the mass production of houses, which finally stabilized the market As for major current policy problems, the suggestions put forth in this paper emphasize fewer regulations and more involvement of the private sector.  相似文献   

The question of whether or not the housing market is efficient is posed by an increasing number of economists, policymakers, homebuyers, and homesellers. This article tests the efficiency hypothesis on data from the housing market in Oslo over the period 1991–2002, employing the Case–Shiller time-structure test on a repeat-sales house price index and returns to housing. We demonstrate that both the repeat-sales house price index and returns contain time structure and that the housing market is characterized by inefficiencies. We also find, surprisingly, that the housing market consistently yields higher appreciation at lower volatility than the stock market over the period.  相似文献   

本文从土地市场、新房市场、旧房市场、租赁市场和金融市场等五个方面分析房地产泡沫形成机制,构建了五级市场结构的房地产泡沫分析框架,利用1998-2010年季度数据进行实证研究。研究结果表明,我国房地产泡沫兼有“成本推动型”、“投机推动型”和“信贷推动型”三重特征。因此,根治“土地财政依赖症”、打击投机炒房行为、完善住房金融市场将有助于抑制房价的过快上涨。  相似文献   

Estimating the Demand for Housing, Land, and Neighbourhood Characteristics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides estimates of the structure of demand for individual housing and neighbourhood characteristics and for land in two British cities. We estimate a hedonic price function, and from this obtain the implicit prices of house attributes. These prices are used to estimate a demand system for each city. These perform well, and enable us to calculate price and income elasticities for each of the non-dichotomous characteristics and for land. To counteract criticisms of demand estimates derived within the hedonic framework a method is developed for selecting an appropriate set of instrumental variables. Estimates derived from this method, however, differ only slightly from those obtained using the conventional techniques. Several features of these estimates provide insights into the unusual characteristics of the British housing market, the effects of constraints imposed by land use planning, and the effects of changing income distribution on the structure of demand.  相似文献   

This paper considers the informational efficiency of the UK owner‐occupied housing market over the period 1991–2001. Original small‐area, monthly, quality‐adjusted house price index series are developed from raw housing transaction observations for a number of UK counties and cities. These series are then tested in an autoregressive setting for characteristics indicative of weak market efficiency and seasonality. The major conclusion drawn is that there exists little evidence to support notions of inefficiency in these markets over the period considered.  相似文献   

Housing market researchers have long suspected that the market for single family homes is not efficient. The apparent predictability in housing prices, at least in the short run, leaves open the possibility of speculative purchases in the housing market. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relative influence of speculative and economic demand on median house price on the Santa Barbara South Coast. An empirical model is presented that allows for decomposition of house price appreciation into that driven by economic and demographic forces and that resulting from speculative demand. The decomposition reveals a speculative bubble in the housing market forming in late 1987 and collapsing in mid 1990.  相似文献   

Although the volatility of house prices is often ascribed to demand-side factors, constraints on housing supply have important and little-studied implications for housing dynamics. I illustrate the strong relationship between the volatility of house prices and the regulation of new housing supply. I then employ a dynamic structural model of housing investment to investigate the mechanisms underlying this relationship. I find that supply constraints increase volatility through two channels: First, regulation lowers the elasticity of new housing supply by increasing lags in the permit process and adding to the cost of supplying new houses on the margin. Second, geographic limitations on the area available for building houses, such as steep slopes and water bodies, lead to less investment on average relative to the size of the existing housing stock, leaving less scope for the supply response to attenuate the effects of a demand shock. My estimates and simulations confirm that regulation and geographic constraints play critical and complementary roles in decreasing the responsiveness of investment to demand shocks, which in turn amplifies house price volatility.  相似文献   

A new housing sector has been incorporated into the London Business School model. This article outlines the new housing model, summarizes the research which has gone into its construction, and presents a forecast of the UK housing market. Using the new housing model, we forecast a moderate recovery in the housing market in the later part of 1991 and 1992. This recovery is however short-lived and does not result in such high rates of house price increase as previous house price booms (Chart 1).
Cuts in interest rates following entry to the exchange rate mechanism of the EMS prompt a recovery in house prices from the middle of 1991. House price inflation then peaks with an increase in average UK house prices in 1992 of 11 per cent over the previous year. Increases in real personal disposable income are modest, by the standards of the 1980s, and for this reason the recovery does not develop the momentum of previous house price booms. House price inflation moderates again in 1993 falling back to around 7 per cent. Housing starts and housing investment recover only slightly from their present depressed levels.
the recovery in house prices is weaker than that foreseen in our April Forecast Release. This is because real personal disposable income is now forecast to grow more slowly during 1991. Sterling's membership of the ERM is followed by a fall in interest rates, but it is the timing of interest rate cuts rather than their magnitude which differs from the earlier forecast. The changed profile of interest rates has altered the house price forecast only marginally.  相似文献   


This paper aims to demystify the housing boom in Chinese metropolises by allowing for behavioral heterogeneity among investors. We construct an agent-based model where investors are categorized into two groups: fundamentalists and chartists. In addition, the investment strategy switching is allowed between these two groups contingent on the historical performance. Using the data of five Chinese metropolises over the period 2008–2014, the results suggest that chartists dominate the housing market and make the house price maintain an upward trend, while fundamentalists play a stabilizing role. Specifically, fundamentalists can serve as a “price anchor” in the market, because the proportion of the fundamentalists is negatively associated with both the growth rate of the house price and the deviation relative to the fundamental value. Overall, the impact of the chartists on the house price is much greater than that of the fundamentalists, which contributes to the ever-increasing house price in Chinese metropolises.


王吓忠 《基建优化》2007,28(1):80-84
目前我国住宅市场存在严重的信息不对称,如何进行规制引起多方关注。首先利用房价博弈模型研究我国住宅市场信息不对称下的非理性均衡和精炼优化的序贯均衡,进而探求政府对市场房价经济优化规制后的理性序贯均衡,以此提出政府对住宅产业的规制方式和对策建议。  相似文献   

House prices and consumer welfare   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We develop a new approach to measuring changes in consumer welfare due to changes in the price of owner-occupied housing. In our approach, an agent's welfare adjustment is defined as the transfer required to keep expected discounted utility constant given a change in current house prices. We demonstrate that, up to a first-order approximation, there is no aggregate change in welfare due to price increases in the existing housing stock. This follows from a simple market clearing condition where capital gains experienced by sellers are exactly offset by welfare losses to buyers. We show that this result holds (approximately) even in a model that accounts for changes in consumption and investment plans prompted by current house price changes. There can, however, be changes in welfare due to additions to the stock of housing, or to changes in the price of renovating and upgrading the existing stock of housing. For the United States, we estimate the welfare cost of house price appreciation to be an average of $127 per household per year over the 1984–1998 period.  相似文献   

从梯度消费看中小户型住房的需求   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章指出,近年来随着房价的不断攀升、购房者消费理性的回归,中国房地产市场热度已经开始逐渐降低,大部分地区的房地产市场已呈现出有价无市的现象。在这种新的市场形势下,中国房地产市场应倡导梯度消费的新观念,即根据不同的消费能力分阶段购买不同档次的住房。同时,在目前房价较高的市场形势下,对于购房的大众消费者而言,中小户型住房已成为最迫切的需求,因此,政府应做好政策性的引导,房地产开发商也应重新定位开发方向,开发适销对路的户型。  相似文献   

The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake destroyed a huge number of houses and caused housing problems in the disaster area. This paper investigates the influence of the earthquake on the related housing market, mainly in terms of changes in house prices and housing rents, and analyzes the machanism of the changes. Empirical results by Hedonic analyses indicate the influences are different between house prices and housing rents and also between the disaster district and the surrounding area. Those differences are explained by the factors of the earthquake that would affect the housing market, such as decrease in income, diversity of damage among the districts and others.  相似文献   

住宅市场具有很强的地域特性,不同城市由于经济发展等因素的影响,造成住宅价格具有较大的差异。将城市经济分为城市经济规模、城市产业结构和城市经济效率,以35个大中城市为例,运用静态面板数据模型研究城市经济对住宅价格的影响。结果表明,城市经济对住宅价格具有很强的正相关作用,尤其是城市经济规模和城市产业结构。城市经济规模方面,GDP、地方财政支出对住宅价格具有显著的正面影响;城市产业结构方面,第三产业增加值占GDP比重越高,住宅价格越高;城市经济效率方面,人均地方财政收入和第二、三产业增加值与建成区面积之比都对住宅价格具有显著的正相关性。因此,城市在区域经济一体化的带动下将追求创新高效率的发展,同时优化城市空间结构和产业结构,有助于住宅市场的健康发展。  相似文献   

本文基于对上海市600余名夹心层(青年白领)人士的问卷调查,采用特征价格法模型计量测度了住房关键性特征对上海住房价格的影响。在此基础上,根据上海市夹心层真实住房需求分布情况推算出该群体期望住房的市场价格,从而为进一步衡量夹心层住房购买力缺口提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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