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区块链、大数据、物联网和人工智能等技术正深刻影响着全球贸易的模式和格局。构建互信共享的跨境电商贸易环境,重构跨境电商供应链多主体间价值链成为当前的急需。区块链技术引入法律规则和监管节点,可实现各监管部门的数据实时共享,提升事前监管有效性,提高跨境贸易监管效率。跨境贸易活动的全链条数字化赋能可实现全流程物流追踪,提高供应链透明度和可追溯性。保障交易信息安全完整透明真实,降低交易风险,降低贸易成本,提升贸易效率。优化跨境电商业务流程,实现跨境电商供应链多主体间协同共生管理。促进供应链管理的数字化、多元化、柔性化、平台化、生态化发展。  相似文献   

徐文思 《商业时代》2022,(8):153-156
近年来跨境电商发展较快,同时也带来贸易效率降低、假冒伪劣销售、市场监管机制不完善等问题.随着区块链技术的进一步发展,跨境电商与区块链技术具有更深入契合的可能.本文试图运用区块链的去中心化、无法篡改、共识计算等特性,建立区块链公有链解决跨境电子商务中出现的支付与信用等问题;建立区块链联盟链解决跨境电商中监管合作问题.最后...  相似文献   

自贸区是我国推进更好水平对外开放的重要战略,承担着为国家试制度、为地方谋发展的重要职责。随着自贸区的发展,跨境支付需求的必然飞速增长。区块链技术趋中心化、智能和自动化的特点,为传统跨境支付中的高成本、低效率和数据存储安全等问题提出创新的解决方案。本文研究了基于区块链跨境支付的解决方案,分析基于区块链跨境支付的优点和面临的问题,最后提出了基于区块链的跨境支付在自贸区中应用前景和推进模式。  相似文献   

李佳鸿 《商业观察》2022,(10):26-28
区块链技术作为一种新的技术体系,具有可追溯、无法随意篡改及数据统一存储的优势,在具体应用中,不会受到集中式中介机构的制约,能够借助存储交易信息的开放源代码进行分布式数据库的构建,体现信息共享、透明及不可逆的特点。凭借自身具备的各种优势,区块链技术在金融交易环节中可以有效地解决信用危机及信息不对称的问题。因此,文章从区块链技术驱动的视角出发,针对供应链金融模式创新进行研究,以解决以往金融机构在交易监管、信用识别及风险管控中存在的不足,为金融市场的稳定发展奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

熊雪冰 《商展经济》2022,(6):108-111
中小企业融资“三难”一直都是企业发展受限的主要因素,传统供应链金融无法很好地解决“融资难”“融资贵”“融资慢”的三难现象,随着计算机技术的迅速发展,以及计算机技术与金融行业的融合,区块链技术以其自身的信息透明、去中心化、可追溯性和共识机制等特征有效助力中小企业的融资。本文以“微企链”平台为例,将微企链中应收账款融资过程和运营环节进行拆分和研究,分析在区块链技术的赋能下,供应链金融如何发挥其效能,以期为更多的中小企业融资提供有效借鉴。  相似文献   

随着互联网和电子商务的纵深发展,新型贸易模式——跨境电商逐步成为我国对外贸易增长的重要引擎。然而,传统的跨境支付结算模式具有的成本高、效率低、安全性差等缺陷已成为制约这一新型贸易模式发展的重要因素。针对传统跨境支付结算存在的不足,文章基于区块链的去中心化、去信任化、不能篡改、匿名性和可追溯性等特征,从理论层面论证了区块链技术融于跨境支付的优势,设计了一个基于区块链的跨境支付案例,从实务操作层面证实了区块链用于跨境支付的可行性,最后给出了区块链在跨境支付领域真正落地的四条建议。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的不断推进及跨境场景的不断丰富,跨境支付的需求飞速增长,但高成本、低效率等问题一直为使用者诟病。区块链技术具有泛中心化、不可篡改的特点,为其提供了适时解决方案。本文通过应用SWOT模型对区块链跨境支付的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战进行研判,并提出策略建议,以此助力国家战略实施和普惠金融发展。  相似文献   

本文由供应链金融在发展中的遇到的一些问题引发思考,结合区块链这一技术的特性,并分析区块链技术在供应链金融领域中的应用。  相似文献   

2012年我国开始实施跨境电商试点以来,其交易规模迅速增长,成为国际贸易领域经济增长的新兴力量.但是由于互联网交易的信用风险和跨国支付滞后等问题,导致跨境电商实际运作存在较多问题点.借助区块链技术,充分利用其自身优势,创建跨境电商新模式,能够有效解决跨境电商中产品溯源、物流追踪、虚拟支付等信任痛点,提高跨境电商交易的真...  相似文献   

中俄贸易中的灰色清关及其对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2004年2月俄罗斯强力部门查抄中国商人货物的艾米拉事件再次暴露了中俄民间贸易存在的问题——灰色清关,灰色清关已经成为中俄民间贸易的瓶颈,严重制约了中俄经贸关系的正常发展。本文就此展开,解释了什么是灰色清关,灰色清关形成的历史背景,分别从俄方和中方的角度分析了灰色清关问题至今悬而未决的原因,并在此基础上提出了目前解决灰色清关问题的对策。  相似文献   

Despite the anticipated benefits and the numerous announcements of pilot cases, we have seen very few successful implementations of blockchain technology (BCT) solutions in supply chains. Little is empirically known about the obstacles to blockchain adoption, particularly in a supply chain's interorganizational setting. In supply chains, blockchains' benefits, for example, BCT‐based tracking and tracing, are dependent on a critical mass of supply chain actors adopting the technology. While previous research has mainly been conceptual and has lacked both theory and empirical data, we propose a theory‐based model for interorganizational adoption of BCT. We use the proposed model to analyze a unique in‐depth revelatory case study. Our case study confirms previous conceptual work and reveals a paradox as well as several tensions between drivers for and against (positive and negative determining factors, respectively) of BCT adoption that must be managed in an interorganizational setting. In this vertical context, the adoption and integration decision of one supply chain actor recursively affects the adoption and integration decisions of the other supply chain actors. This paper contributes midrange theory on BCT in supply chain management (SCM), future research directions, and managerial insights on BCT adoption in supply chains.  相似文献   

周佳 《对外经贸》2021,(3):77-79
互联网技术驱动下的数字货币革命揭开了货币史上的新篇章,私人数字货币迅猛发展的同时,世界各国中央银行为了维护主权法定货币的地位纷纷投入到了法定数字货币运动的浪潮中。而法定数字货币有利于克服数字货币天然的缺点,并能给市场带来更透明化更加安全的环境。基于分析法定数字货币的内涵与发展现状,对比私人数字货币的突出特点,提出发行法定数字货币的必要性,为法定数字货币的发行与流通提出建议。  相似文献   

供应链中的“牛鞭效应”分析及弱化措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑苍林 《中国科技财富》2008,(8):114-115,113
本文深入分析了牛鞭效应的危害及成因,探讨了弱化“牛鞭效应”的措施。  相似文献   

The post–WWII economic expansion of economies such as Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and more recently China and India was enabled to a significant degree by the increasingly complex, global supply chain networks of large Original Equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the United States, European Union, and Japan. By linking buyers and suppliers across countries and industries, supply chain management (SCM) practices have a large impact on the economic fortunes of companies and countries throughout the world. Nowhere has the effect of this mutual interdependence been felt more strongly than between the U.S. companies and the Asia-Pacific market. Although the benefits of SCM are well documented, some evidence suggests that the reality of SCM implementation can create additional pressures for suppliers. We identify key problem areas experienced by suppliers and their link to the type of information shared by buying firms. The problem area experienced by most suppliers relates to issues of dependence in the alliance. Mere information sharing is insufficient for a successful alliance, and more information can be associated with a number of problems. For example, lack of information sharing can be associated with a supplier's perception of the buyer expecting excessive support. However, greater information sharing can be associated with a supplier's perception of the buyer passing on an excessive burden. Sharing of financial information is perceived as intrusive and controlling. These apparent contradictions uncover the complexity of the supply chain alliance. The moderating factors appear to be open communication and joint sharing of problem solving procedures—factors identified by suppliers that define a world-class buyer.  相似文献   

梁建 《江苏商论》2014,(11):70-72
当前高校科技成果转化率低是不争的事实。本文从供应链管理的视角,分析了供应链下的高校科技成果转化的模型,总结了高校科技成果转化中的特点、方式和路径。从而提高了高校科技成果的转化率。  相似文献   

Organizations investing in supply chain information systems struggle to ensure successful adoption and implementation. Projects fail because of technical caveats, inability to meet business needs, and poor management of implementation. Implementation of blockchain technologies across a network of supply chain partners is more complex than internally focused technologies. It is necessary for partner firms to implement, contribute, and share information, and employees to actively use the capabilities of the technology to realize potential. Blockchain technologies can substitute for traditional interfirm intermediaries acting as an unbiased software agent embedded in the supply chain network. Understanding managers’ perceptions of and willingness to use blockchain technologies is crucial for successful implementation. Integrating design theory with classic diffusion processes, we conducted a scenario‐based role‐playing experiment with industry professionals to examine managers’ perceptions of blockchain technologies and willingness to use. We find that trustworthiness with regard to competence and perceived distributive justice is the focal drivers of managers’ willingness to use the technology. Additionally, both risk and interactional justice are not drivers of willingness to use blockchain technology despite significant claims to that effect. We provide implications for how managers can leverage these drivers to influence supply chain partners’ willingness to use the technology.  相似文献   

The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model has been widely adopted in many companies. Anecdotal evidence and trade journals have reported significant improvements after firms have adopted the SCOR model. Although practitioners have been enthusiastic about implementing and using the SCOR model in their operations, the SCOR model has not been empirically validated. The purpose of this study is to empirically validate the SCOR model (i.e., test the structure of the SCOR model). Data from 125 North American manufacturing firms were collected. The results show that the relationships among the supply chain processes in the SCOR model are generally supported. The Plan process has significant positive influence on the Source, Make, and Deliver processes. The Source process has significant positive influence on the Make process and the Make process has significant positive influence on the Deliver process. The Source process mediates the impact of the Plan process on the Make process and the Make process mediates the impact of the Plan process on the Deliver process. The findings provide managers with empirical evidence that the SCOR model is in fact valid.  相似文献   

The food industry plays a significant role in food supply. However, it is increasingly facing a significant number of risks to tackle. This article provides insight into sources and quantification of risk, which can restrict food operations and supply chain performance. Certainly, risks imposed by today's constantly changing global environment makes it imperative for food and agribusiness firms to develop purposeful proactive and predictive risk management for their global supply chains. We proposed the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model to analyze sources of risks attached to the focal firm's global food operations and supply chain. The identified risks were from a review of relevant literature, expert opinions from the focal firm supply chain C‐level executive, and consultants in the food industry. We grouped the identified risks into seven categories and discussed the risk mitigation strategies. We validated the proposed model using a case study involving a focal food and agribusiness firm with global presence. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The food industry faces many significant risks from public criticism of corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues in the supply chain. This paper draws upon previous research and emerging industry trends to develop a comprehensive framework of supply chain CSR in the industry. The framework details unique CSR applications in the food supply chain including animal welfare, biotechnology, environment, fair trade, health and safety, and labor and human rights. General supply chain CSR issues such as community and procurement are also considered. Ultimately, the framework serves as a comprehensive tool to support food industry practitioners and researchers in the assessment of strategic and operational supply chain CSR practices.  相似文献   

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