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<正>商务信用是社会主义商务文化的重要组成部分,在社会主义商务文化框架中,处于核心地位。推进社会主义商务文化建设,必先推进商务信用建设。信用是和商品生产、货币经济相联系的。在商品货币关系条件下,信用是价值运动的一种特殊形式,是用契约关系保障资金回流和增值的价值运动。商务信用是一个商业行为主体在经营过程中诚信和信誉程度的综合反映,它体现该行为主体在经营活动  相似文献   

国际贸易是世界各国经济、政治、文化交流的重要纽带,是一个复杂时变的非线性系统。科学地分析与预测是作出正确的国际贸易决策的前提。对国际贸易非线性定量分析与预测方法的研究与应用现状进行评述,并讨论我国近年来的发展情况,以期为该方面的研究与应用者提供参考。  相似文献   

国际贸易的全成本观:一个新的理论视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际贸易理论和现实的最新进展表明,比较优势理论的要素基础需要进一步广义化。一个国家要形成自身的比较优势,除了考虑劳动、资本、土地等传统要素,制度、生态环境等要素也不可或缺。基于广义要素的成本可定义为全成本,它是包括生产成本、交易成本、环境成本和代际成本的动态开放系统。全成本构成了一国参与国际分工的比较优势的基础。  相似文献   

出口信用保险是各国政府以财政为后盾,为本国企业在出口贸易、对外工程承包和对外投资等活动中提供风险保障的一种政策性支持措施;是世贸组织允许的扶持出口的措施,它与出口退税一样都是扶持出口的经济杠杆。出口信用保险执行国家的外交、外贸、产业、财政、金融政策,把本国的政策融汇于国际贸易规则所允许的保险政策和条款中,符合国际惯例。出口信用保险在西方国家已有近百年的历史,上个世纪七十年代以后,随着国际贸易规模加大,全球经济一体  相似文献   

陈勇阳 《商场现代化》2007,(33):372-373
信用是一种经济活动,也是一种以未来偿还的承诺为条件,获得另一方财物或服务的能力。在现代信用活动中,信用的核心是信用权。信用权是信用活动主体的一种无形资产,它是具有价值的,具体表现为隐性价值和显性价值的。隐性价值是通过降低交易成本变相增加信用交易者的价值的,显性价值是直接表现为信用活动获得的实际收益或价值。  相似文献   

征信活动的产生源于信用交易的产生和发展。信用是以偿还为条件的价值运动的特殊形式,包括贷币借贷和商品赊销等形奠,如银,信用、商业信用等。现代经济是信用经济,信用作为特定的经济交易行为,是商品经济发展到一定阶段的产物。  相似文献   

近年来在国际贸易界讨论得最多的是对等贸易,这就其最广泛的意义来说,它包括了一切以货换货的国际贸易——一种相互对冲式的易货贸易业务。对等贸易是在全世界的经济形势维艰,信用紧缩的情况下产生的。它在先祗是由几个维也纳商人经营的一种特殊的专营业务,后来才由通用汽车公司、通用电气公司和西尔斯公司进一步发展成为大宗的贸易。不过,没有一个人认为它对于世界经济有什么好处。看起来,以货易货不如使用现汇效率高,事实也正是这样。但通用汽车公司的对等贸易附  相似文献   

陈勇阳 《商场现代化》2007,(11X):372-373
信用是一种经济活动,也是一种以未来偿还的承诺为条件,获得另一方财物或服务的能力。在现代信用活动中,信用的核心是信用权。信用权是信用活动主体的一种无形资产,它是具有价值的,具体表现为隐性价值和显性价值的。隐性价值是通过降低交易成本变相增加信用交易者的价值的,显性价值是直接表现为信用活动获得的实际收益或价值。  相似文献   

信用、道德与法制楚庭训,白云路,李振康信用,在传统的经济学中,其内涵是有缺欠的。过去几乎所有的经济学家,在论著中都把信用解释为:“以偿还为条件的价值运动的特殊形式。”即仅把信用视为一个经济范畴,换句话说把信用视为没有“含德量”的经济范畴。本文认为,即...  相似文献   

在非演化系统中,技术既是国际贸易的前提,又是国际贸易的结果,因而呈现出稳定、均衡、线性、秩序的世界。在演化系统中技术与国际贸易二者之间存在着不确定性振荡,振荡引致国际贸易技术涨落,在尖拐区域发生突变,使秩序世界衰败,行为与结果之间不再是单一的、线性的,在耗散状态下演化突变为耦合的、非线性的。  相似文献   

随着国际贸易的不断发展,国际贸易结算方式也呈现出多元化的趋势。信用证作为传统结算方式的一种,依然在其中占有一席之地。但是由于信用证结算方式本身存在制度上的缺陷,使得受益人在很多情况下并不能安全、快速地收回货款。受益人应在交易前期做好资信调查及目标市场调研,设置完善、协调的交易合同条款,及时催开信用证,做好备货与装运、审证和改证工作,及时交单,以规避风险。  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that the institutional acceptability of child labor will be more prevalent when the other members of a society gain from its use. Therefore, the cross‐country variation in the prevalence of child labor depends on the degree to which child labor affects the welfare of the remaining members of a society. It is demonstrated theoretically that the non‐child‐labor factors gain from child labor when the economy is closed. As an economy becomes more open to international trade, those gains diminish and even turn negative as the size of the economy increases. Child labor will not exist in capital abundant countries since, in them, child labor makes the non‐child‐labor factors worse off. It is shown empirically that the cross‐country prevalence of child labor falls with increases in a nation's per capita income, its openness to trade, and its economic size. It is argued that trade sanctions, as a remedy for child labor, may be counter‐productive since an open economy reduces the benefits of child labor to the other members of a society, and thereby reduces the society's incentive to allow child labor. The model also demonstrates that the economic changes brought on by democracy undermine the practice of child labor.  相似文献   

认证认可是国家质量基础设施的重要组成部分,被称为质量管理的"体检证"、市场经济的"信用证"、国际贸易的"通行证",在提升产品质量水平、推动产业结构升级、规避双边贸易壁垒、降低贸易通关成本和促进贸易合作与发展方面扮演日益重要的角色。选取"一带一路"沿线国家作为样本,从服务竞争力、区域竞争力、国际影响力、创新竞争力、基础竞争力等五个维度构建"一带一路"沿线国家认证认可国际竞争力指标体系,考察沿线各国比较优势,研判"一带一路"认证认可格局。结果显示:"一带一路"认证认可格局涵盖卓越型竞争力、潜力型竞争力、成长型竞争力和沉寂型竞争力四个阵营,我国位于卓越型竞争力阵营,在区域竞争力、国际影响力和基础竞争力方面占据比较优势。"一带一路"倡议提出以来,我国积极发展与沿线国家间的经贸合作与双边互认,与蒙古、新加坡、哈萨克斯坦等签署了标准化合作协议,推进产品标准双边互认建设。中国认证认可的影响逐步深入至经济、社会的各个领域,其服务能力、服务效果仍具备较大的提升空间。  相似文献   

This paper examines the recent political economy of trade policy in Indonesia against the backdrop of two major events: the deep economic crisis of 1997–98, and the transition from three decades of rapid growth under an authoritarian regime to a weaker but democratic state. We investigate both international and domestic trade policy. The international trade policy regime has remained largely open, perhaps surprisingly in view of the unpopularity of liberal economic policies in the wake of the crisis and the forces advocating more protectionist policies. However, this openness is precarious, and lacks both institutional and community opinion support. In contrast, while remaining largely open at the international border, domestic barriers to trade have increased. This conjunction of economic crisis and weak, democratic states is a common phenomenon in the developing world, and the lessons for trade policy from the Indonesian experience over this decade are therefore relevant to many other countries.  相似文献   

基于电子商务应用的个人信用体系建设策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文认为,我国电子商务的发展离不开信用体系的支持,而个人信用体系则是整个信用体系的基础。个人信用体系的建立与完善需要一个过程,加速这一过程最有效的方法是电子商务实践与应用,将具有可操作性的实践活动由分散的点到局部的线再到整体的面层层推进,最后建立起面向全社会的完善的个人信用体系。建立并完善个人信用体系,在宏观层面,应建立与完善分散的务实的个人信用体系和全面服务于社会的第三方个人征信体系,推进以行业应用为主的个人信用体系的联合与过渡。在微观层面,则应加强网上身份认证管理,确保网络身份的真实性;改进评价方法与规则,加大对交易过程和交易数据的监控力度,提升信用数据的可靠性;从技术角度提高系统的安全性,保障信息与支付安全。  相似文献   

后危机时期的贸易保护主义及其应对   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陶忠元 《商业研究》2011,(4):148-152
面对国际金融经济危机后的市场萎缩和经济低迷,新一轮贸易保护主义重新抬头,突出地表现在滥用贸易救济措施、逾越WTO法则、霸权与强权性贸易干预以及国际投资限制等。贸易保护对WTO自由化、经济全球化进程、国际贸易的恢复和世界经济的复苏产生了较为严重的制约作用。因此,在积极反制国外贸易保护的同时,我国应加快推进经济增长着力点转变和过剩产能消化,注重开放型经济的内涵发展和区域合作框架的拓展。  相似文献   

Although improving international trade on the back of financial sector development is one of the preoccupations of countries in Africa, empirical literature on financial development-trade nexus has not been rigorous in examining how finance shapes trade. In this study, we examine the effect of financial development on international trade in Africa relying on data for 46 countries over the period 1980–2015. Results from our system generalized method of moments reveal differential effects of finance on trade. In particular, we notice that, private credit does not promote trade while domestic credit positively affects trade. These effects are robust to measures of trade. Thus, improving the level of private (domestic) credit dampens (amplifies) exports and trade openness. However, we also find a U-shaped relationship between private credit and trade measures suggesting that financial sector development may be detrimental (helpful) to trade for economies with low (high) level of private credit.  相似文献   

作为管理国际贸易的场所,WTO日益重视贸易、环境与发展问题。在WTO运行实践中,与环境有关的贸易争端不胜枚举。虽然WTO将可持续发展思想确立为其基本宗旨,但多边贸易体系逐渐显示出其局限性。WTO需要改革,以建立起可使贸易与环境社会发展目标相容的具有全球意识的贸易环境规则。从长远看,WTO需要建立一个更加公开、公平、安全、非歧视的平衡贸易与环境发展体系。  相似文献   

商品贸易中的赊欠交易研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从商品贸易中的赊欠交易特征入手,分析赊欠交易存在的基础及制度保障,并就国际贸易中赊欠交易双方博弈及利弊进行分析,指出在现代市场经济条件下从事赊欠交易所具有的信用风险,提出了信用风险的防范及分散措施。  相似文献   

Liberalisation of international trade in services through the Movement of Natural Persons (Mode 4) remains one of the least negotiated issues of trade policy among the 144 members of the World Trade Organisation. Economists believe that there is a basic convergence of economic interest between the developed and the developing world for liberalising Mode 4. Yet the multilateral trading system has not facilitated greater worker mobility between the labour‐surplus and labour‐scarce countries. Is there any economic logic as to why cross‐border movements of workers have not followed the pattern predicted by international trade theory? Or are there strong socio‐political barriers that have come in the way of liberalising Mode 4? These are some of the questions the paper attempts to answer. The paper shows that the economic arguments against the free movement of natural persons are based on the narrow perspective of the welfare of domestic workers while ignoring the benefit it brings to the economy as a whole. Further, non‐economic arguments miss the point that the movement of workers under Mode 4 of GATS is temporary in nature, and so unlikely to have any lasting social and cultural spillovers. The paper gives specific illustrations from the recent past where temporary import of workers from labour‐surplus countries has enabled both developed and developing countries sustain their economic growth. It concludes by arguing that the environment for renegotiating WTO commitments under this important sector of international trade in services is better than ever before, even though the current world economic slowdown may delay actual negotiations for a while.  相似文献   

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