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本文在认真分析了传统教学模式与存在问题的基础上,全面阐述了项目教学法的内涵与特点,提出了项目导向的教学模式,包含教学整体思路设计、教学过程设计及考核与评价等几个环节。经过两年来的实践与探索,基于项目教学模式,使学生带着任务学,充分调动了学生学习的积极性与主动性,切实增强了教学效果。  相似文献   

中职机电教学模式的开展,采用互动式教学方法对教学活动的顺利实施与教学质量的提高具有重要的意义。互动式教学方法是机电教学活动的内在需要。中职机电教学采用互动式的教学方法具有一定的优越性。相较于传统的教学方法,互动式教学方法的优势越来越明显。教师在教学活动中采用互动式教学方法不仅可以提高学生的积极性,还有助于教学效果的获得。本文就中职机电专业互动式教学方法的开展进行简单的分析,以期能够对中职机电专业教学有更深入的了解。  相似文献   

正一、互动式教学模式及问题的提出"互动"是从社会心理学引入教学领域的一个概念。早在20世纪60年代,"互动"的概念被引入课堂。教育部颁布的《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》指出,"教师在教学过程中应与学生积极互动、  相似文献   

王娜 《民营科技》2010,(12):108-108
通过分析高职英语课堂教学的现状,根据互动式教学的定义及重要意义,提出了构建高职高专英语"互动式"教学的具体模式,目的是培养出知识、能力、素质协调发展的应用型人才。  相似文献   

本文在继承多年传统教学经验的基础上,对会计传统教学模式进行了发展创新和改革的探索。会计教学模式改革的目的是要培养学生的观察能力、思维能力、想象能力、决策能力、动手能力、解决问题能力和创新能力。提出了“立体多向互动式”会计教学模式的基本框架、实施策略和实施效果。  相似文献   

本文在继承多年传统教学经验的基础上,对会计传统教学模式进行了发展创新和改革的探索。会计教学模式改革的目的是要培养学生的观察能力、思维能力、想象能力、决策能力、动手能力、解决问题能力和创新能力。提出了立体多向互动式会计教学模式的基本框架、实施策略和实施效果。  相似文献   

信息检索课作为信息管理与信息系统的专业基础课具有十分重要的实践教学意义,主要介绍信息检索基本原理、信息检索工具的编排体例与检索方法、信息检索领域的综合性问题和技术方法等几个部分,各类检索工具(检索系统)的检索与利用一直是该课程的主要内容之一,可以提升学生信息获取、信息分析、信息检索等能力、提高学生信息素养和技能,信管专业的《信息检索》课程的授课应接受变革以适应社会的需求,提高学生的实践动手能力.  相似文献   

宣立颖 《民营科技》2014,(11):92-92
对目前高校信息检索课程出现的问题进行分析,针对信息检索课在课程设置、教学模式、教材、考核方式等方面的不足,并提出一些对策。目的在于提高教学质量,培养具有信息意识、信息获取、信息分析等能力的合格人才。  相似文献   

针对我军士官院校学员中普遍存在"厌学"的现象,根据教育学原理,并结合我军士官院校学员的心理特点,提出作者自己的观点:互动式教学必须以尊重学员为前提、互动式教学必须凸显学员主体、要在实践中灵活应用互动式教学。  相似文献   

创新型教学模式在计算机基础课程中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐奋飞 《企业技术开发》2009,28(6):151-151,154
文章基于创新教育理念,提出在课堂教学中构建创新型教学模式,并提出这一模式的教学目标、教学策略、教学操作程序及评价方法等。  相似文献   

Information criteria (IC) are often used to decide between forecasting models. Commonly used criteria include Akaike's IC and Schwarz's Bayesian IC. They involve the sum of two terms: the model's log likelihood and a penalty for the number of model parameters. The likelihood is calculated with equal weight being given to all observations. We propose that greater weight should be put on more recent observations in order to reflect more recent accuracy. This seems particularly pertinent when selecting among exponential smoothing methods, as they are based on an exponential weighting principle. In this paper, we use exponential weighting within the calculation of the log likelihood for the IC. Our empirical analysis uses supermarket sales and call centre arrivals data. The results show that basing model selection on the new exponentially weighted IC can outperform individual models and selection based on the standard IC.  相似文献   

胡明  马志强  李明威 《价值工程》2012,31(18):198-199
本文首先分析"FPGA技术与应用"课程的特点,针对教学中存在的问题提出将CDIO工程教育理念引入FPGA技术与应用课程教学过程,并给出了具体实施方案,改进教学方式方法,加强实验实践环节,提高教学质量和教学效果。  相似文献   

信息素养包含文化素养、信息技能以及信息意识,是当今信息时代背景下高职人才培养工作的重要内容之一。本文分析了目前高职学生在信息素养培养方面存在的问题,结合笔者的教学实践,提出了在计算机基础教学中培养学生信息素养的具体方法和建议。  相似文献   

会计具有社会性与技术性,因此社会、经济、信息技术都对会计的发展产生影响。会计的社会性决定了会计信息系统发展的方向,是向各利益相关者提供决策有用的信息。会计的技术性决定了会计信息系统发展的历程与发展趋势。本文提出,事项驱动的信息系统体系结构、物理与逻辑分离的思路,这两个管理信息系统的发展趋势,并不是会计信息系统的特有趋势。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the factors that influence the value of supply disruption information, investigate how information accuracy influences this value, and provide managerial suggestions to practitioners. The study is motivated by the fact that although accurate disruption information creates benefits, fully accurate disruption information may be difficult and costly to obtain. Furthermore, inaccurate disruption information can decrease the financial benefit of prior knowledge and even lead to negative performance. To perform the analysis, we adopt a newsvendor model within a single product setting where the focal firm can source from a supply network and has a given resilience capacity. The results show that information accuracy, specifically information bias and information variance, plays an important role in determining the value of disruption information. This influence varies at different levels of disruption severity and resilience capacity, and our results imply that higher amounts of resilience capacity actually may be detrimental to a firm without accurate information about a disruption's influence. Thus, for companies with a high resilience capacity, obtaining quality information is critical for effectively coping with disruptions.  相似文献   

We generalize the economic decision problem considered by Blackwell (1953) in which a decision-maker chooses an action after observing a signal correlated to the state of nature. Unlike Blackwell's case where the feasible set is fixed, in our framework the feasible set of actions depends on the signal and the information system. We argue that such a framework has more significance to economic models. As was demonstrated by Hirshleifer (1971) in such cases, contrary to Blackwell's well-known result, more information may be disadvantageous. We derive conditions for this general model which guarantee that more information is beneficial.  相似文献   

物流立法课程引入诊所式教学法主要是让学生在掌握一定物流法知识和立法学理论知识前提下进入专门设立的立法诊所展开学习。立法诊所教学以立法思维和立法技巧为主要内容。诊所式教学法有助于培养学生律师式思维方式和实际应对能力。  相似文献   

针对《数据结构》课程内容较抽象、实践性较强的特点,分析了教学实践过程中常遇到的几方面问题,并结合实际软件开发应用,提出了一些可供参考的教学思路。  相似文献   

This paper offers a model to describe the way in which female expatriates develop relationships and utilize those relationships to become cross-culturally adjusted. This model includes three predictive components affecting cross-cultural adjustment. The first includes the factors affecting whether a woman is able to form relationships on the expatriate assignment. These antecedents can include the female expatriate's personality, the cultural norms towards women, her language skills and the availability of possible opportunities for interaction. The second component includes the various sources of social interaction and social support (e.g. family members, and host national colleagues). The third component describes the nature of a female expatriate's social interaction and social support (e.g. emotional, informational and instrumental). Practical considerations for multinational organizations sending female expatriates are offered.  相似文献   

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