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由于资本监管力度的增强和银行自身盈利模式的局限,我国商业银行需要建立资本补充机制。针对目前银行资本补充的现状和问题,本文建议从持续补充核心资本,多渠道补充附属资本,优化资产配置和转变盈利模式入手,完善我国商业银行资本补充机制,以提高银行自身安全和社会稳定。  相似文献   

郭田子 《云南金融》2011,(5X):120-120
由于资本监管力度的增强和银行自身盈利模式的局限,我国商业银行需要建立资本补充机制。针对目前银行资本补充的现状和问题,本文建议从持续补充核心资本,多渠道补充附属资本,优化资产配置和转变盈利模式入手,完善我国商业银行资本补充机制,以提高银行自身安全和社会稳定。  相似文献   

经济资本管理基于资本的稀缺性和高成本性,具有效益约束和风险约束的双效应。近年来,银行管理领域发生的最为显著的变化是,其管理重点逐渐过渡到以风险度量和资本优化配置为核心的全面风险管理。经济资本是贯穿风险度量和资本优化配置这一过程的关键概念,不仅可以提高商业银行的资本管理水平,而且通过发挥经济资本在商业银行经营管理中的预算管理、资源配置和绩效考核作用,推动我国商业银行向现代商业银行转变。从长远看,推行经济资本管理将对商业银行和金融监管当局产生重大的深远影响。  相似文献   

现代公司财务治理理论的形成与发展   总被引:70,自引:1,他引:70  
伍中信 《会计研究》2005,(10):13-18
新制度经济学的研究促进了现代财务治理理论的发展。本文拟建立以财权配置为核心的现代财务治理理论体系。认为财务治理结构是财务治理研究的基本框架,其核心是财权配置,并从两个方面影响企业治理,其一是形成特定的财务结构(或资本结构),从结构上影响企业治理;其二是形成一种财务激励约束机制,从制度上影响企业治理。  相似文献   

完善股份制商业银行的资本约束机制,要逐步改进绩效考核体系。将考核拨备前利润改为考核拨备后利润。同时将经济利润和经济资本回报率等指标作为对分行考核的重要内容,加大对资本占用较低的中间业务等的考核力度,以资本约束机制的完善推动业务结构优化和增长方式转变,实现战略转型。  相似文献   

资本市场的完善,创新与国有企业改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,国有企业改革的核心症结在于资本市场发展存在缺陷。国有企业改革要想取得实质性的进展,突破口就在资本市场。通过资本市场自身功能的完善和发展,既可以为国有企业开辟新的资金源,降低高负债率;又能通过完善企业的股权结构和法人治理结构,进而改善融资机构,提高国有企业的绩效;还能通过流动性功能的加强,促进企业产权重组。其核心是构建一个完善、成熟、规范的市场机制,实现资本资源的优化,高效配置,最终从微观的、供给的层面来促进经济增长。为此,需以资源配置为核心,完善资本市场的功能;以创新为动力,推动资本市场的全面发展。  相似文献   

本文从死亡率风险管理的角度研究保险公司的最优资本配置问题。应用CBD模型刻画随机死亡率,并假设资本面临的风险来自于随机死亡率。以美国的经验死亡率数据为基础,在偿付能力的约束下探究保险公司在不同产品线上的最优资本配置。通过敏感性分析,考虑保险期限、死亡率改善、缴费方式和随机利率等多种因素对模型结果的影响,对保险公司的最优资本配置有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

《商业银行资本管理办法(试行)》代表“巴塞尔协议Ⅲ”在中国的实施落地,对资本定义更加严格,资本约束机制更加强化,将进一步推进商业银行转变发展方式,增强抵御风险的能力。商业银行应按照资本监管新要求,积极转变经营方式,完善经济资本计量和管理,推动业务结构从资本依赖型向资本节约型转变。  相似文献   

传统的风险管理模式已经不能适应保险公司发展的需要.经济资本管理已经成为国际保险业风险与资本管理领域的核心工具.保险公司经营的特殊性决定了保险公司要实施经济资本管理.经济资本可以广泛地应用于内部资本充足率管理和价值创造管理,为保险公司的关键决策提供依据.经济资本管理体系核心是准确计量风险、优化资本配置与评估风险调整绩效.中国保险业要实施经济资本管理,必须要统一认识,整合资源,优化组织结构,积极推动经济资本管理体系建设.  相似文献   

以经济资本管理为内核,优化经营结构,加快经营战略转型,实现业务经营增长方式的根本转变,是农业银行在新的历史时期做出的重大战略决策。本文针对湖北农行业务经营现状,重点阐述了其业务发展模式、经营管理方式、考核评价机制等经营战略转型的重大变革思想。  相似文献   

企业价值创造来源于财务资本与非财务因素的耦合,而该耦合机理的研究,则演变为对于多元化的资本网络的框架研究,因此多元资本网络的形成机理、演化规律和治理机制构成了本论文的研究主题。本研究认为资本网络是结构性地嵌入在企业网络和企业价值网络中,其演化是通过多元资本结构和资本转换来实现的,多元资本结构影响企业价值创造,资本转换实现企业价值创造。多元资本网络的治理则是传统科层治理和网络治理的有效融合,本论文还提出了多元资本网络治理中控制权相机配置的理论框架。  相似文献   

财务资本对于企业价值创造的作用是毋庸置疑的,而在知识经济时代,智力资本对于企业价值创造也发挥越来越重要的作用。研究以江苏、浙江等地的企业为分析样本,在智力资本三分法的基础上,通过结构化方程构建了四个嵌套模型。研究结果表明:(1)财务资本对于企业绩效具有重要意义,相对于人力资本更处于核心地位;(2)人力资本不能直接对企业绩效发挥作用,需要通过关系资本和结构资本作为中介;(3)智力资本对于企业绩效的可持续增长具有重要意义,企业要获得长期战略绩效,需要更关注于智力资本的积累与培育。  相似文献   

韩旺红 《武汉金融》2001,(11):56-58
西方金融投资学的主流观点是以有效市场假说为基础 ,以均衡、线性思维、标准计量模型优化求解为主要特征的。它们受到广泛的实证检验,是现代资本市场理论的基石。协同市场假说尤其是分形市场假说等新的更为广义的非线性理论的出现 ,为资本市场研究和投资策略设计开创了一种新视角和新方法 ,并可能重新构造资本市场理论框架  相似文献   

伴随我国经济的高速增长,社会保障问题日益凸显。如何完善社会保障制度以更好地促进经济增长成为社会各界关注的重点。在新经济增长理论的影响下,经济学家们开始以人力资本作为中间变量,从社会保障影响人力资本及其形成过程的角度来论证社会保障与经济增长的关系。本文选取中国1989-2008年的数据为研究样本,运用协整理论来检验社会保障、人力资本积累与经济增长之间的关系。结果显示,在现收现付制下,社会保障水平的提高有利于促进人力资本积累,而提高社会保障缴费率对人力资本积累存在正负两种影响。  相似文献   

社会保障可持续发展的理论要义与复杂性视阈   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从社会学角度理解社会保障可持续发展,往往是将社会保障与社会稳定、社会秩序、社会公平等联系在一起;从经济学角度认识社会保障可持续发展,将收入分配、国民储蓄、财政与金融政策、资本市场、人口老龄化与经济增长等变量与社会保障联系在一起;从政治学角度研究社会保障可持续发展,更多考虑的是社会保障责任政府、政府社会保障职能等问题。社会保障可持续发展的目标是要使全体人民的福祉不断得到改善与发展。社会保障能否可持续发展?需要我们从复杂性视阈的角度进行动态评估,以追求社会保障科学、务实与健康的发展。  相似文献   

Venture capital firms (VC) have encountered with uncertainty and risk of asymmetric information due to an investment in early-to-growth stage start-ups with technological base and high growth potential. Venture capital syndication network helps reduce a broad gap of information asymmetry in a venture capital investment. Moreover, network connections are found to be the success factor for venture capitalists under a lack of fully developed institutional environment in emerging market. Venture capital industry in Southeast Asia is nascent yet in demanding and fast growing. Despite a decline in the number of venture deals in the US, the deals keep surging in Southeast Asia (SEA), one of the most significant and dynamic propellers of the world economy. To develop the entrepreneurial ecosystem in SEA, it is interesting to examine how VC firms are connected to one another. Even though several literatures found some distinctive network characteristics amidst the US, European and Chinese venture capital market, the Southeast Asian has left unattended. In this paper, we initiate the network of venture capital firms among Southeast Asian nations and explore their relationships through social network analysis. The purposes of this study are to investigate the topological and statistical properties of VC network consisting of small-world behavior, power law distribution, and centrality measure such as degree, closeness, and betweenness. In addition, we classify various levels of connections into subnetworks and examine influential groups of VCs in Southeast Asia.We initiate an empirical study on the characteristics of VC network across different countries in Southeast Asia by using a unique hand-collected dataset of syndicated deals. Social network analysis has initially and preliminarily been applied to the VC network in this region. This paper contributes to VC network literature in providing a unique network structure and network metrics of venture capital in SEA. In managerial contribution, this study provides more structural VC cooperation towards VC syndication networks. This benefits to venture capital firms who are looking for potential partners in Southeast Asian region and start-up companies who are looking for funding with high-networked or influencial VCs. The results also confirm previous evidence of significance on VC networks in emerging market, even if the institution and regulation are claimed to fall behind that in the developed market. This research introduces the fact that the venture capital network in Southeast Asia has small-world pattern and Singapore acts as a hub of venture capital market in the region. Top-ranking VC firms have been listed by network centrality across nations, while multi-company syndications are prevailing in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

I document the time-varying investment efficiency of conglomerates compared with single-segment firms. I find that, during recessions, conglomerates have higher Q-sensitivity of investment than do stand-alone firms, in contrast to the relationship during expansion periods. I also find that conglomerates, with the benefits from internal capital markets, exhibit increased dependence of investment on internal capital during recessionary periods, while stand-alone firms significantly increase cash retention and deviate their investment from its optimal level more severely. I examine the effect of the degree of diversification and find consistent evidence on investment efficiency and deployment of internal capital. I also provide evidence that conglomerates with stronger governance do not improve investment efficiency during recession, which suggests that agency costs cannot fully explain the changes in investment of conglomerates.  相似文献   

Using a multicountry panel of banks, we study whether better capitalized banks experienced higher stock returns during the financial crisis. We differentiate among various types of capital ratios: the Basel risk‐adjusted ratio, the leverage ratio, the Tier 1 and Tier 2 ratios, and the tangible equity ratio. We find several results: (i) before the crisis, differences in capital did not have much impact on stock returns; (ii) during the crisis, a stronger capital position was associated with better stock market performance, most markedly for larger banks; (iii) the relationship between stock returns and capital is stronger when capital is measured by the leverage ratio rather than the risk‐adjusted capital ratio; (iv) higher quality forms of capital, such as Tier 1 capital and tangible common equity, were more relevant.  相似文献   

村镇银行社会网络资本作用的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会网络资本影响网络主体的经营绩效。本文尝试对村镇银行社会网络资本对于其经营绩效的作用进行实证,通过村镇银行经营管理人员的社会网络资本作为替代变量来测度村镇银行的社会网络资本,用信贷额增长率、利润额增长率、当地市场份额增长率三个问题来衡量村镇银行经营绩效。结果表明村镇银行经营管理人员的社会网络资本对其经营绩效正面影响不显著,但可以通过提高村镇银行市场和非市场发展能力来提高其经营绩效。  相似文献   

The relationship between international trade and capital flow has been extensively discussed. Using bilateral data from 2001 to 2016, we construct international trade and capital flow networks, defined as a weighted graph in which nodes are countries and edges represent trade and capital flow linkages. Centrality is employed as the main variable in this study to represent the importance of a country in the networks. To gain further insight into the network characteristics, we adopt a turning-parameter centrality to combine both the original degree and strength measurements within the weighted network. Moreover, we develop a new indicator called “partner quality centrality” to identify the quality of neighbors. Within the panel cointegration framework, we argue that a positive long-run equilibrium exists between the trade and capital flow networks as constructed. In addition, we employ a panel causality test to investigate the short-run dynamics, indicating that the international capital flow network has predictive power on the trade network from the short-run perspective but not vice versa.  相似文献   

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