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This paper assesses the impact of financial flows and their composition on the real exchange rate and on economic growth for a sample of low- and middle-income countries over the period of 1980–2012. Financial flows can directly support economic growth by relaxing constraints on domestic resources, but can also indirectly weaken growth through appreciation of the real exchange rate. We use the generalized method of moments (GMM) for dynamic panel. Results show that net financial flows affect economic growth both directly and indirectly: (i) a one percent increase in total financial flows appreciates the real exchange rate by 0.5 percent; (ii) the real exchange rate appreciation effect of remittances is twice the effect of aid and ten times greater than the effect of Foreign Direct Investments; (iii) financial flows stimulate economic growth regardless of the development level. An increase of $10 per capita financial flows leads to a gain of 0.08 points of annual growth. This gain amounts to 0.15 when we control for the negative impact of the real exchange rate. Instability of market-oriented flows, such as FDI and portfolio investments, exacerbates instability of the economic growth rate.  相似文献   

Flexible exchange rates as shock absorbers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we analyze empirically the effect of terms of trade shocks on economic performance under alternative exchange rate regimes. We are particularly interested in investigating whether terms of trade disturbances have a smaller effect on growth in countries with a flexible exchange rate arrangement. We also analyze whether negative and positive terms of trade shocks have asymmetric effects on growth, and whether the magnitude of these asymmetries depends on the exchange rate regime. We find evidence suggesting that terms of trade shocks get amplified in countries that have more rigid exchange rate regimes. We also find evidence of an asymmetric response to terms of trade shocks: the output response is larger for negative than for positive shocks. Finally, we find evidence supporting the view that, after controlling for other factors, countries with more flexible exchange rate regimes grow faster than countries with fixed exchange rates.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the effect of remittances on the current account in developing and emerging economies, incorporating an assessment of the extent to which exchange rate regimes impact the relationship. The main findings suggest that there is a positive effect of remittances on the current account contemporaneously, but that the lagged effect is negative, which could be indicative of the existence of some underlying mechanisms characteristic of the Dutch disease phenomenon. In addition, the results show that a more flexible exchange regime dampens the contemporaneous positive effect that remittances have on the current account. The paper, therefore, asserts that policymakers face trade‐offs pertaining to the use of exchange rate policy in managing the effects of remittances on the current account, which should be given due consideration when such policy choices are made.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the impact of remittance inflows on growth using data for developing countries over the period 1970–2010. We relax the hypothesis that all countries follow the same unique growth regime in favor of multiple regimes, and test whether the impact of remittances on growth depends on the growth regime to which an economy belongs. We follow the recent literature that has applied the finite-mixture-of-regressions method in other circumstances to endogenously identify growth regimes, correcting for unobserved heterogeneity. We find that our data are best described by an econometric model with two different growth regimes: one in which remittances have a positive and significant marginal impact on growth; and another in which the impact of remittances is insignificant. The analysis of the determinants of the probability of being in the remittances growth-enhancing regime shows that being a Sub-Saharan African country increases significantly this probability, while financial development moderately reduces this probability but with strong reservations on the statistical significance of the estimates on the different indicators of financial development.  相似文献   

Using recently developed panel unit root and panel cointegration tests and the Fully-Modified OLS methodology (FMOLS), this paper estimates the impact of remittances on the economic growth of selected upper and lower income Latin American & Caribbean (LAC) countries over the 1990–2007 period. Despite the large flow of remittances to the region, there have been relatively few empirical studies assessing the impact of remittances on economic growth in LAC. Panel unit root tests suggest that several of the macro variables included in the model exhibit unit roots, yet, at the same time, Pedroni’s panel cointegration test determined that there is a cointegrating relationship among the variables in the estimated model. The FMOLS estimates suggest that remittances have a positive and significant effect on economic growth in both groups of countries. The estimates also indicate that both the degree of economic freedom and credit provided by the banking system have a positive and significant effect on economic growth in upper (middle) income LAC countries. The sign of the interaction term between remittances and the credit (and EFI) variables suggest that remittances act as substitutes for these variables. Finally, the effect of remittances on both sets of countries is stronger in the presence of a financial (credit) variable.  相似文献   

Within a theoretical framework, the author analyzes the effects that both workers' remittances and financial intermediation have on economic growth. It is found, among other things, that remittances can have significant positive long-run effects on growth. The author confronts the implications of the theoretical model proposed with panel data for countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. After considering the effect of long-run investment and demographic variables, and controlling for fixed time and country effects, the empirical analysis indicates that financial intermediation tends to increase the responsiveness of growth to remittances. The overall conclusion is that making financial services more generally available should lead to even better use of remittances, thus boosting growth in these countries.  相似文献   

In this paper, using the GMM technique we attempt to empirically investigate the Dutch disease effect of remittances. The analyses are based on an annual balanced panel data set for 18 developing countries, which have remittances to GDP ratio of 5 percent and above, over the years 1999–2015. It is found that an inflow of remittances has a positive effect on economic growth, whereas it leads to a depreciation of the real effective exchange rate.  相似文献   

In recent years, numerous studies demonstrated that the effect of exchange rate regimes on economic growth is influenced by several factors. However, the literature rarely takes into account the possible costs associated with improving institutional quality on the choice of exchange systems and the analysis of the effects of shocks in the case of each type of regime. Throughout this research, we analyze the extent of bidirectional shocks according to each regime and compare the shock effects accordingly. The results show that the real exchange rate is less volatile and the shock effect is lower in countries that adopt a fixed exchange rate regime while the exchange rate is more volatile and the shock is higher in countries that adopt a flexible exchange rate regime. To show the effect and persistence of shocks, we carried out a Panel-VAR regression completed by impulse response functions, VAR decomposition and Granger causality tests for 20 countries adopting the first type of exchange regime compared with 20 countries practicing an alternative exchange rate regime in the period from 1996 to 2012.  相似文献   

Financial crises in emerging markets have led many observers to recommend abandoning fixed exchange rates and adopting more flexible regimes. Moreover, some recent research suggests that the correct exchange rate regime may have a significant effect on inflation and even economic growth. The estimated effect found in such studies, however, likely suffers from an upward bias, as countries which choose a given exchange rate regime have other hard-to-measure policies and attributes which also affect economic performance. Utilizing a recent data set on actual, as opposed to official exchange rate regimes, this article employs the difference-in-differences method, currently popular in applied microeconomics, to a set of emerging markets that switched to more flexible currency policies. Results indicate that, contrary to previous studies, exchange rates themselves exert no significant impact on inflation or output.  相似文献   

本文应用TVSTAR方法实证研究了房地产周期、固定资产投资周期与经济周期的关联性,以及货币供给量M0,M1和利率的调整对联动的影响。研究结果显示,经济增长周期与房地产周期间存在显著的区制性特征。在收缩区制,房地产周期的变动是引起CPI周期变动的原因,而固定资产投资周期具有显著的逆经济增长周期的波动特征。在扩张区制,货币供给量M0和M1增加,对稳定经济增长、增加投资和维持房地产市场的繁荣具有积极作用,但持续和过度的宽松货币政策易引发通胀和房地产泡沫,在收缩区制,上述货币政策工具失效。  相似文献   

Workers’ remittances have become an important source of foreign exchange for some emerging economies even when compared to official development assistance, foreign direct investment or other types of capital flows. While some research suggests that a high inflow of remittances lowers poverty and stimulates economic growth and financial development, other studies suggest that remittances can appreciate the real exchange rate and thereby hurt the competitiveness of the tradeable sector. In this article, we examine the Dutch disease argument for Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka using a fixed effects model. We are unable to reject the null that there is a statistically significant appreciating effect of remittances on real exchange rate. Since our estimation results show that trade openness causes a depreciation of the real exchange rate, the appreciation effect of the real exchange rate originating from remittance inflows can be made weaker by trade liberalization.  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the role of trade, remittances, and institutions in economic development in a large sample of developing countries using recently developed instruments for all these variables. Both cross-country (over 30 years) and dynamic panel data (over 5-year periods) regressions of growth rates on instrumented trade, remittances, and institutions provide evidence of a significant impact of trade, institutions, and remittances on growth. While institutions foster growth, remittances hamper it. The effect of trade on growth is positive in cross-sectional regressions but ambiguous in dynamic panel data regressions. These results are indicative of a more important role for trade in explaining growth in the very long run compared with over shorter horizons.  相似文献   

If Tunisia is hailed as a success story with its high rankings on economic, educational, and other indicators relative to other Arab countries, the popular 2011 uprisings underscored the fragility of its main economic pillars, including those of tourism and foreign direct investment. This paper examines the economic impact of migrants’ remittances, which are expected to exhibit relatively countercyclical behaviour during periods of intense upheaval. This study is novel in its methodological approach, which is used to pinpoint the dynamic effects of remittances on key macroeconomic variables within an unstable framework. The analysis reveals that the effect of remittances on Tunisia's economy has varied over time. Prior to the Arab Spring, remittances had a short‐term negative influence on economic growth, varying effects on domestic investment and positive impacts on consumption. In considering the post‐Arab uprisings, positive and strong impacts of remittances on growth and consumption are found in the long run while negative and moderate investment effects of remittances are shown over the short and medium term.  相似文献   

Remittances have a wide range of benefits to households and the economy at large. Evidence show that women are the major recipients of remittances in developing countries, consequently this may have the potential of reducing the gender gap in economic outcomes. This study examines the impact of remittances on gender gap in financial inclusion in developing countries. The dataset for the study was built from multiple sources. Based on data availability, the study covers 102 developing countries for three years, namely 2011, 2014 and 2017. The study employs fixed effects instrumental variable technique using the economic conditions of the top five remittance sending countries (proxied by their GDP per capita and employment rate) as instruments. For robustness purpose different measurements of remittances are used in the analysis. Though the study does not provide evidence that remittances impact the overall inequality in access to financial services, the results show that remittances significantly reduce the gender gap in financial inclusion in developing countries. Based on these findings, the study makes appropriate policy recommendations.  相似文献   

An examination of the relationship between exchange rate liberalization and economic growth in selected Latin American and Sub-Saharan African countries reveals evidence of a short-run causal relationship between the two variables in both Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. Within each region, exchange rate liberalization causes growth in some countries while others exhibit reverse causality running from growth to exchange rate leads to increased growth and growth induces exchange rate liberalization in most Latin American countries, in the majority of Sub-Saharan African countries studied, exchange rate liberalization reduces growth while growth causes distortions in the exchange rate. Market imperfections, expansionary fiscal and monetary policies under a fixed exchange rate regime, and poor terms of trade are cited as possible explanations for the findings for Sub-Saharan Africa. [F, O]  相似文献   

Incorporating migrant remittances among other variables into a growth model, and employing panel data over the 1970–2008 period, this study investigates the impact of migrant remittances on economic growth in South Asia. Migrant remittances are found to have a significant positive effect on economic growth. A significant positive interactive effect of remittances on economic growth is detected through education and financial sector development.  相似文献   

The author analyzes the relationship between remittances, exchange rates, and money demand in Mexico. He finds that shocks to remittances have a positive impact on domestic money demand. The results also suggest the existence of a bi-directional relationship between remittances and the exchange rate. Furthermore, positive shocks to remittances are found to have a negative impact on Mexico's real exchange rate. This indicates that remittances appreciate the Mexican peso and therefore may impact on the competitiveness of the tradable sector negatively.  相似文献   

Using a dynamic spatial framework, this paper investigates how foreign direct investment (FDI), foreign aid and remittances impact the economic growth of 53 African and 34 Latin American and Caribbean countries. Previous growth studies examine how one factor or two of these factors impacts economic growth, which results in biased estimation because of the omitted variable(s). Separate estimation shows foreign aid and FDI affects economic growth in Africa, but when we control for all three factors, only FDI affects African economic growth. For Latin America and the Caribbean, foreign aid and remittances affect growth when estimated separately, while remittances affect growth when they are estimated simultaneously. Finally, both regions' results confirm spatial interdependence is important in explaining economic growth, as growth in one country depends on the growth of its neighboring countries.  相似文献   

The study examines the differential effects of capital flows on economic growth in five Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries over the period 1970–2014. Using the autoregressive distributed lag methodology, the findings show that in the long-run capital flows (i.e. foreign direct investment (FDI), aid, external debt, and remittances) have different effects on economic growth. FDI has a significant positive effect in Burkina Faso and negative effects in Gabon and Niger whereas the impact of debt is negative in all countries. Aid, however, promotes growth in Niger and Gabon whiles it deters growth in Ghana. Remittances, on the other hand, have a significant positive effect in Senegal. Finally, gross capital formation is significant in most of the countries and the impact of trade is mixed. These results suggest that the benefits of capital flows in SSA have been overemphasized.  相似文献   

We estimate the effect of government purchases on unemployment in 20 OECD countries, for the period 1980–2007. An increase in government purchases, equal to 1 percent of GDP, is found to reduce unemployment by about 0.3 percentage points in the same year. The effect is greater and more persistent under less “employment‐friendly” labour‐market institutions, and it is greater and more persistent under a fixed exchange rate regime than under a floating regime. The effect is also greater in downturns than in booms. The effect on unemployment reflects a corresponding positive effect of increased government purchases on the employment‐to‐population rate.  相似文献   

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