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Predatory publishers charge fees to authors for open access publishing but have limited peer review or other quality controls. In this paper, we use data from five of the most widely used predatory journals used by South African academics in Economic and Management sciences to show that predatory publications are widespread in Economics departments in South African universities. We also critique the Department of Higher Education and Training’s research publication subsidy system and highlight that several journals on the DHET accredited journal list, that South African academic economists publish in, are probable predatory journals. In improving the data on predatory publications in South African Economic and Management Sciences used by de Jager et al (2017), we show that approximately 50% of predatory publications by South African academic economists are authored by professors or associate professors, a finding which corroborates international evidence on predatory publications in Economics. Our paper is also a source of information on the quality of research produced by South African economics departments.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, economics departments in South Africa have seen major changes and a certain level of disruption. Much of this can be attributed to the integration of our discipline into the global arena after a period of academic isolation. This paper presents a survey of economics departments and covers everything from staff profiles and qualifications to curricula, and research output. This paper indicates that there has been some improvement in the state of economics at South African universities since 2003 when the previous survey was conducted. Research output is largely up as is the proportion in international journals, and more researchers are producing in leading international economics publications. However, the gap between South African economics departments and their international counterparts remains large.  相似文献   

The current state of Nordic business history is by certain estimates better than ever. Nordic business historians publish extensively in leading international journals and have a strong presence at international business history conferences. Still, in this discussion article we raise a yellow flag of warning for the future of Nordic business history. We argue that the subject field is challenged along three important dimensions: (i) lack of relevant teaching, (ii) continued reliance on commissioned history and (iii) limited recruitment. The article discusses these challenges and seeks to place them in a historical perspective. For each challenge, we develop a set of concrete proposals to address the problems identified. A common theme in our proposed solutions is to intensify Nordic collaboration, particularly through the establishment of common, externally funded Nordic research projects. To create meeting grounds for the development of such projects, The Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History – the formal collaborative body for Nordic economic historians and the owner of Scandinavian Economic History Review – should be reinvigorated.  相似文献   


The Scandinavian Economic History Review was started 50 years ago in 1952 albeit the first issue did not appear until the summer of 1953. Professor Ernst Söder-lund of the University of Stockholm was the initiator and first editor of the journal. According to Söderlund's words in the first issue: “The Scandinavian Economic History Review has a dual purpose to fulfill: the publication of the research of Scandinavian historians and that of other historians whose subjects lie within the field of Scandinavian economic and social history. Despite the difficulties inherent in the presentation of material concerned with local and national institutions for which there are no foreign counterparts and for which-the terminology of a foreign language is understandably deficient, we regard the international nature of social and economic history as a sufficient reason for attempting the publication of this journal in an international language.”1  相似文献   

Economic Development highlights the growth and progression of every nation towards prosperity, and South Africa is not an exception to this phenomenon. Present article reviews economic progression in South Africa for last 25 years of time by applying systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis (1,241 articles) on Scopus extracted database (1994 to 2019; until 06 June). Inferences evidence significant work contributed by top universities, authors, funding sources, journals and citation statistics. Noticeably, implementation of a concept solely will not fetch real situation; however, a systematic review extends good to excellent understanding of the considered research agenda. Findings reveal the contradictory inter-connectivity of Cluster 1 Economic Inequality and Poverty, Cluster 2 Developing Country and Corruption and Cluster 6 Economic Development and Economic Policy. It is very important to understand that if a nation is facing economic inequality, corruption, and poverty; how it can achieve the status of economically developed nation. Identification of Cluster 3 Industrialization and Industry 4.0, Cluster 4 Unemployment and Entrepreneurship Education and Cluster 5 Sustainable Development and Economic Growth signifies scope of improvement. Conclusively, the researcher has proposed a conceptual model to address above stated concerns.  相似文献   

This piece is an introduction to the symposium on Food Access, Program Participation, and Health: Research using FoodAPS. The symposium includes articles presented at the National Bureau of Economic Research Conference on Food Security on December 7 and 8, 2017. The research herein was supported by the Economic Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, grant number 59‐5000‐5‐0115. The grant included funding to study the effects of various food assistance programs on outcomes, using data from the National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS). We describe the programs and the FoodAPS data, and point out highlights from the articles.  相似文献   

This study examines academic resource (mis)allocation in China by focusing on the correlation between publication in leading economics journals in China and researchers' subsequent academic performance. Our findings demonstrate that researchers with a track record of publication in the most exclusive academic outlets publish more papers in high quality journals, with an average 12.4% increase, as they move up the career ladder, obtain more external grants, and acquire more executive powers. As the observable channels fail to explain most of the publication persistence, the increase in the research productivity along a researcher's career trajectory is attributed to other mechanisms that are suggestive of resource misallocation, including a reputation effect gained from initial visibility in leading academic outlets and non-academic channels facilitated by better access to social resources, among other mechanisms. Our findings depict some intriguing observations regarding the ecosystem of a prominent subject in Chinese academia and reveal tentative evidence on how structural changes, such as fostering a more open and international research environment, could benefit early career researchers.  相似文献   


In the article “Is Swedish Research in Economic History Internationally Integrated?” 1 Daniel Waldenström, Is Swedish Research in Economic History Internationally Integrated?, Scandinavian Economic History Review, vol. LIII, 2005:2, 50–77 , I present new facts on the past international publications and conference participation activity of Swedish economic historians. In contrast to claims made in a recent large public investigation, my data show that Swedish economic historians have not published extensively in international journals, or books, in recent years. This can in part be explained by the custom to write predominantly monographs, to write mostly in Swedish, and to use hardly any quantitative methods or theory-based economic analysis. Naturally, I am well aware that there may also be some other factors at work, and that empirical investigations of this kind are always open to objections. Problems regarding sample selection, variable definitions and so forth cannot be avoided, and to focus mainly on journal article publications in a field where books and anthologies play an important role raises some concern. 2 See, e.g., the discussion in my article on these issues relating to the works by Diana Hicks and others. However, my article does not advocate any methodological dogmatism and acknowledges that economic history research can be conducted and presented in many different ways, using several different methodologies. The important thing is to recognise that there is great potential in combining such an open-minded methodological attitude with an active interest and participation in the research that appears in the many international peer-reviewed journals. This would not be to import some foreign (American) methods or views of the field so much as trying to revive the true Swedish economic history in the spirit of Eli F. Heckscher. In my view, this is the most consistent strategy to ensure both more and better future Swedish research in economic history.  相似文献   

Publication in the best journals of ones discipline is for many the equivalent of making the big leagues in sports or performing at Carnegie Hall in the arts. Using individual-specific data collected from 704 economists, this study provides a multivariate analysis of the factors which contribute to publication in top economics journals. By examining only publications in elite journals, the analysis avoids pitfalls associated with weighting the quality of a wide array of journals while maintaining an emphasis on the determinants of excellence in scholarship. Empirical results indicate that many factors impact elite journal publication, including the quality of graduate education, collaboration with colleagues, presenting at professional conferences, teaching commitments, and service work.  相似文献   

This paper, based on a pilot study, is part of an ongoing research project on rural water supplies in Southern Africa. Research of this nature aims at bridging the gap between some critical sociological approaches which ignore social practice, and biomedical research which is at times inclined to focus, for instance, on particular diseases without locating the diseases within the political economy of Southern Africa. Macro‐scale sociological explanations of poverty and the diseases associated with lack of development need to be meshed with micro‐scale research at village level in order to obtain a realistic perspective of rural life which can inform social practice. The relationship between preventative medicine and development is emphasized.  相似文献   

The competing theories of the macroeconomic trilemma and dilemma are empirically tested for South Africa. The empirical findings show evidence of the trilemma theory being applicable to South Africa, supporting the country's ability to maintain monetary independence (MI). An empirical puzzle, however, emerged as South Africa's MI index decreased during the country's 2000–2014 inflation‐targeting period. A possible explanation, and subject for further research, is that the increasing opening of South Africa to international flows since 1995 may have caused South Africa to be more exposed to international business cycles and shocks, resulting in a reduction in measured MI.  相似文献   


Economic history is out for the count. One might get that impression from reading recent contributions in international journals,2 and since the mid-1980s quite unscientific observations at several of the great international conferences of The International Economic History Association have led me to the conclusion that the age distribution of the participants has been rather skewed with an annoying dominance of the same sex and age as myself, that is middle-aged or elderly men. It points towards an academic field having passed its palmy days — around a generation ago.  相似文献   

The factors that have encouraged the emergence and clustering of high‐technology activities are investigated in the international and South African experience. This article focuses specifically on the significance of improved transport and telecommunication facilities for the development of high‐technology manufacturing. In line with international patterns, high‐technology manufacturing in South Africa is strongly agglomerated in the Pretoria‐Witwatersrand region. Central to the historical establishment of this cluster were the infrastructural advantages of Gauteng. Strengthening of the Gauteng cluster is linked to agglomeration economies deriving from the spatial concentration of both high‐technology production and non‐producer enterprises. Two distinct subclusters are identified: in Midrand and in the East Rand  相似文献   

South Africa's apartheid‐induced cities are on the threshold of a critical restructuring in the changing South Africa of the 1990s. The reform and planning of an effective post‐apartheid city require careful consideration of possible international similarities and links. This article seeks to provide answers to the following questions: What are the form and structure of international cities; what are the general characteristics of the South African city; and where do our cities fit in this international framework? Research has shown that the South African city corresponds to a multi‐faceted international profile of First World prosperity. Second World central intervention and Third World deprivation. While the South African city displays numerous similarities to international city form, it has obtained a unique character as a result of the legal enforcement of apartheid. Restructuring the post‐apartheid city will have to take account of the reality that the present South African city is intrinsically a deviant version of the colonial Third World city and that it is likely to revert increasingly to that city form as legal apartheid disappears.  相似文献   

李福连 《科技和产业》2024,24(8):160-165
国际大规模撤稿事件的频繁发生反映出学术不端行为普遍存在,了解当前国内外学术期刊撤稿的发展趋势以及对学术撤稿乱象提供一些建议。本文以撤稿特征、撤稿原因、撤稿实证分析和撤稿治理建议为主体结构对前人研究成果进行整理总结,概述当前学术期刊撤稿的研究现状。发现学术期刊撤稿现象的研究还存在研究数据获取不够全面、理论层面深入刨析较少、研究内容重复率较高等不足。治理科研活动中的学术撤稿乱象情况需要科研人员、期刊编辑和科研管理者三个层面共同努力,有效净化学术风气。  相似文献   

In the 1960s and early 1970s the future of Africa looked bright and promising. Economic growth and development on the continent was considerably higher than in other developing regions. However, during the middle 1970s political instability increased and economic development started to deteriorate, both contributing to the marginalization of the continent. The continued marginalization constitutes a serious threat to the participation of Africa in the global economy. Nepad calls for a reversal of this process through a new partnership between Africa and the international community (Nepad, 2001: 1 and 2).  相似文献   

Empirical studies on international trade highlight the role of innovation on international exchange but do not capture the effect of technological innovation when unobservable common factors (UCFs) are considered. This paper examines the long‐run relationship between technological innovation and international exchange using panel data for eight African countries over the period 1981–2013. The non‐stationarity and cointegration between technological innovation, international exchange, public investment, real gross domestic income and foreign direct investment were examined, controlling for cross‐sectional dependence and heterogeneity between countries. The results suggest that technological innovation in Africa remains low after controlling for UCFs, while public investment, real gross domestic product and foreign direct investment have significant impact on international exchange. Moreover, the results from the homogeneous and heterogeneous estimates, with and without UCFs, show that ignoring UCFs is likely to bias the coefficients. These findings reveal that African countries should invest more in public infrastructures and research and development to upgrade their capability To play an active role in the international market.  相似文献   

This research note forms part of an on‐going study on the informal sector entitled ‘A quantitative and qualitative assessment of the informal sector’. Attention is directed here at the employment and income generating capacity of informal sector activities in Southern Africa. A need for data revealing this potential contribution of the informal sector exists because no country‐wide study has so far been conducted. The note is published in the expectation that it will generate comments which could provide added insight on an important aspect of development in Southern Africa.  相似文献   

Since 1990, intense diplomatic efforts have taken place to secure and negotiate trade treaties with South Africa's traditional trading partners (the European Union, in particular) and those countries in close geographic proximity. This article examines South Africa's trade links with some of its ‘non‐traditional’ trading partners, in particular the countries of the Indian Ocean Rim (IOR), in an attempt to ascertain the nature of the trade and its importance vis‐a‐vis the rest of the world. An examination of trade data for the years 1992‐5 indicates that trade with the IOR consists mainly of the mutual exchange of natural resource products and that this trade is growing much faster than South Africa ‘s trade in general. Given this trade dynamism, South Africa should pay increasing attention to international relations with these countries. South African trade with the Rim was also found to differ from trade with the rest of the world in that it comprises the mutual exchange of natural resource‐based products. This research shows that our imports and exports are positively related to the gross domestic product of our trading partners, and negatively related to their population size and distance from South Africa. Also, more open economies have absorbed more exports from South Africa. There is some ambiguity as to the role that distance plays in determining the level of imports into this country. The intensity indices computed in this article have to be viewed in the light of this research.  相似文献   


The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture was founded in Oslo in 1922.1 From the start, the activities of the Institute have fallen into three categories: research work, mostly performed by Norwegian research fellows; public lectures given by foreign and Norwegian scholars; and publication of the lectures and the results of the research. The work was at first mainly concentrated on the study of the Arctic cultures, of the Caucasian and Indo-Iranian languages, and of folklore. In 1928 the Institute resolved to add to its programme the comparative study of the development of peasant communities.  相似文献   

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