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This study was carried out to determine the role of relationship marketing in health organizations with regard to providing customer loyalty and to evaluate the views of patients related to relationship marketing activities. In this study, a questionnaire was applied to 371 patients in Kadlk0y Universal Hospital, which is a private hospital in Istanbul. As a result of the correlation analysis between the satisfaction level from hospital and customer loyalty, it was seen that there is a medium level positive relation between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The important implications of this study can be stated as follows: Keeping existing patient is significant as much as gaining new patient, the variables being effective for providing customer loyalty can show difference from one patient to another, the image of health organization is significant for providing customer loyalty, and customer loyalty can be acquired by making continuous communication with patients.  相似文献   

This article compares the extent to which ten basic "textbook" strategic marketing practices are being used among manufacturing firms in New Zealand and China. Data was collected via questionnaire and a total of 145 and 89 usable responses were received from firms employing more than 50 people in each country respectively. The results indicate that many of the basic strategic marketing practices which are typically advocated in the mainstream academic literature have been similarly and quite widely adopted by manufacturers in both countries. However, the results also suggest that, albeit in different areas, there is still scope for manufacturers in both New Zealand and China to embrace strategic marketing more fully.  相似文献   

The venture capital funds (VCF) financing sources of Latvia are considered in this paper. In the course of the work, a comparison was made between VCF financing sources generally used in Europe, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries, and Latvia. Based on the results of questionnaire of VCF partners, an investigation of sources and structure of the capital attracted by all of the Latvian VCF was performed. In process of the investigation, the following methods were applied: questionnaire, logical constructive method, and comparative analysis. Moreover, some VCs were interviewed. As a result, it has been revealed that as little as five financing sources exist in Latvia unlike Europe, where VCF have not less than 13 financing sources, and unlike CEE countries where the funds are supported by at least eight financing sources. The average size of a VCF in Latvia is 10.8 M EUR, which constitutes 35% of that of European VCF. Among the main reasons for a small size of Latvian VCF and a small number of types (classes) of their investors, the country's low financial appeal for VC and immaturity of some types of investors in Latvia can be mentioned. For that reason, the State has to compensate for a shortcoming of VC; as a result, the share percentage of social capital in VCF financing sources of Latvia has reached 76.2 % while all VCF of Latvia are hybrid.  相似文献   

Public policy-making is usually subject to influence from environmental factors at home and abroad, and "crisis" is often the key point for public policy to be listed as the important objective of government policy. In order to deal with the global financial tsunami in 2008, Taiwan government puts forward a number of public policies to revitalize the economy, and issuance of consumption voucher is one of the most important plans. It will cost NT$ 82.9 billion to issue consumption voucher, which is a large sum. It is worth evaluation of whether these paying taxes are used properly. Therefore, this research is to test the effectiveness from two levels: public policy-making and marketing management of public policy. The research results indicate that the public policy-making process is very rigorous and the marketing management shows a good effect, people generally think it as a benevolent policy. The high level of exposure makes the consumer confidence index rise and contributes to the positive improve effect of tax revenue. Besides, consumption voucher also promotes other effects, such as enhance Taiwan's international visibility, help the needy, replacement of the new identity card, catch the wanted suspect, etc. In a word, Taiwan government made a right decision to issue the consumption voucher and has made brilliant achievements in it.  相似文献   

The aim of this chapter is to run through the history of marketing research applied to measuring the effectiveness of advertising and deepen in all those theories that have shed light on this aspect and have influenced subsequent theories and models. This historical review offers the opportunity of knowing the past and understanding better the present of market research applied to advertising. It is a chronological analysis to present day, which introduces the development of the explanatory models for the functioning of advertising and the theoretical and empirical contributions in this area.  相似文献   

Seeking ways to increase company's competitiveness under current economic and social conditions brought us to investigate internal and external barriers. These reflect contradictions between participants to creation of company's output both in internal and external value creation process. These contradictions were identified and their causes are determined. That requires also considering about the trends that are characteristic of the current development in marketing where versatile development of customer orientation dominates. The general governing principle of overcoming the barriers to the growth of company's competitiveness is applied by the process approach in organisation and management. The mater is namely using the potential of supply chain management, as well as product and manufacture management, last but not least systematic creation of customer value with the objective of creating a loyal customer and employee.  相似文献   

In this paper, one vital point of the strategic marketing structure is its definition, marketing activities should be defined from "closed marketing activities" that are limited to the business and sales division to "open marketing activities" that can be performed through steady linkage with all other divisions in a company-wide framework. The aim is for an "Evolution of Market Creating" through "High Quality Assurance and Innovating Advertisement, Product planning and Dealers' Sales Activities" by utilizing the scientific approach of Advanced TMS. So, the authors present an "Intelligent Customer Information Marketing Model, ICIM" which takes the form of strategic marketing. As an example of the application of this research, the authors apply this model to advertising, product planning and dealers' sales activities and obtained the results shown.  相似文献   

胡佳 《西部大开发》2009,(11):112-113
Bassnett believed that collusion exerts influence between the author, translator as well as target reader, thus providing us with a new perspective for translation studies. Enlightened by Susan Bassnett's notion of "collusion" , the writer makes a contemplative study about the social address terms in Chinese classic novel Shui Hu Zhuan. The research studies the translation of modest social address terms in Outlaws of the Marsh and All Men are Brothers from the perspective of collusion and culture construction. Through the study of the source text and target text, the thesis makes analysis as well as comparison of the two English versions, in order to investigate the possible criteria for the translators to evaluate their choices of words in translating the Chinese specific terms. During the research, the writer discovers that collusion plays an im nortant role in the nroeess of translation. with a notential result of culture construction in the target readers' mind.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a decomposition method that quantifies the contributions to common prosperity of labor market performance and social policies and extends the idea of shared prosperity to a new measure of inequity in opportunities.The resulting common prosperity indices and opportunity equality indices are then applied to five waves of the Chinese Household Income Project data from 1988 to 2018.This paper shows that the labor market performance and social policies have been improving over the last 30 years and have helped China move towards common prosperity for everyone.The indices developed in this paper allow us to quantify the extent of shared prosperity that a country has achieved and to carry out empirical studies on which policy is working and which is not.It can also help us identify the fundamental causes of inequality and aid us in achieving equality in opportunity among all members of society.  相似文献   

This article aims to present the main indicators for Science, Technology, and Innovation (ST&l) generated by the Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) in four years (2008-2011). The methodology used was a case study, with documentary research, held in the annual reports of activities of the foundation. The results showed that all indicators analyzed in aggregate form, evolved gradually. It is concluded that the FAPEMIG comes complying with their mission to induce and encourage research and scientific and technological innovation for the development of the State of Minas Gerais in the southeast region, maintaining the recognition as one of the main agents of development inductors ST&I in Brazil.  相似文献   

This research paper gives into context ongoing changes in the balance of forces in the international markets caused not only by the crisis and the need to restore market-neutral internationally agreed system for state participation in the support for exports based on real economic criteria. The aim of this research is to demonstrate the changes of the balance of forces in the international markets. This paper presented the statistical data relating to development of GDP, indebtedness or value of exports or imports that the present changes in international markets and open discussion about the topic problem. This article recalled the basic principles of insurance and export financing with state support and also are presented current problems of implementation rules of the CONSENSUS. Due to the fact that state support for exports is an important internationally respected system it is necessary to overcome some doubts and bring to the system real market neutrality. Therefore, we ask whether are respected in practice the agreed principles of international state aid exports and what problems currently international markets and fundamentally different countries are struggling. It can be said that the rules CONSENSUS OECD has contributed to the creation of fair market conditions in international markets, but it can be also monitored over time to some extent being away from the demands of market neutrality. In view of these facts it can be considered as the basis of the current situation primarily to ensure a truly market and competitive neutrality of state support for exports.  相似文献   

This study focuses on Medium-Sized Multinationals (MSMs) that belong to the sectors of mechanics and electronics, and that operate in dynamic international business markets. This work aims to investigate how international marketing strategies are based and maybe in some cases actually heavily dependent on the capacity to form and enhance skills in design, engineering, and production activities, and on the propensity to invest more resources in research and development (R&D) activities as well as in activities that are more strictly speaking production based (manufacturing). Undoubtedly, in a global and dynamic business, creative knowledge is one of the key resources that firms must possess in order to take up international strategies successfully. Creativity and innovation are strategic resources for all firms, including those of a medium size and even more for those that belong to the so-called "traditional sectors". This study also has the objective of examining the influence of the structure and composition of a technological MSMs international alliance portfolio in order to understand which forms of international collaboration are more opportunities for firms that aspire to increasing their know-how and taking up new and more sophisticated forms of exploratory innovation. The present work highlights the results of an empirical research that were carried out during the years 2000-2009. The research involved more than 80 firms of the mechanical and electronics department in the Marche region in Italy.  相似文献   

The difficulties of institutional innovation of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in old industrial bases lie in the fact that there are a great number of enterprises that need to be reformed, and it would be an extremely difficult task. It is, therefore, essential to accelerate the creation of a social security system, introduce strategic investors to diversify theirproperty rights and renew their ideas, while changing the government‘s functions to create a good environment for institutional innovation and reform, and for the smooth structural reform of SOEs.  相似文献   

Direct marketing is now a well-known discipline and widely used in almost every industry all around the world. The mid to late 2000s saw a huge growth of direct marketing due to the development of technology and the increasing number of well-educated marketers(Tapp,2008). According to the UK's lmtitute of Direct Marketing(as cited in Sargeant &West,2001,p.7), Direct marketing is" the planned recording, analysis and tracking of customer's direct response behaviour over dme...in order to develop future marketing strategies for long term customer loyalty and to ensure continued business growth". As Tapp(2008) points out that database is the core of direct marketing. So what is a database in the field of direct marketing? A definition is given by Tapp(2008,p.32)"A marketing database is a list of customers' and prospects' records that enables strategic analysis, and individual selections for and customer service support. The data is organized around the customer"  相似文献   

This paper reviews the key theories relating to the role of education in economic development and social change and how education, as a critical component of total factor productivity, contributes to sustained economic growth. It examines how China "s education policy reflects the country's unique dual economy. Focusing on the post-reform period, the paper contends that while progress has been made, there are risks to China's future growth prospects from failing to reap the benefits of sound education policy. It argues that if the Chinese education system is to continue to be a driver of rather than a drain on economic growth, and if China is to successfully manage its transition towards more inclusive, sustainable and equitable growth, reforms will be needed to improve the quality of education at all levels and to create an environment in which China's extensive human capital is duly recognized and respected. Crucially, the education system should be transformed to ensure it promotes a comprehensive range of human capabilities, including those that go beyond the part humans play in augmenting production possibilities.  相似文献   

The move from domestic market to one that includes major retailers. Whiles prior research acknowledged differences international firms is not proving an easy task for between country environments and stressed the importance of addressing these differences in order to avoid the dangers and failures inherent in internationalisation, there is still lack of suitable framework that captures the effects of the institutional environment on failure in international retailing. The purpose of this paper is to introduce institutional theory as a complementary framework to explain failure in international retailing and suggest propositions for further research. The paper seeks to answer the research question: What are the factors in the institutional environment of a host country that affect failure in international retailing? Consequently, the objective of this paper is threefold: (1) to introduce institutional theory as alternative theoretical framework to conceptualise failure in international retailing; (2) to identify institutional factors that exert pressures on the operational activities of international retailers in foreign markets and which leads to failure; (3) to provide some research propositions for further investigation. This paper offers several contributions. First, we extend current theories in international business, particularly, the literature on retail internationalisation and institutional theory by exploring pressures and difficulties that international retailers face in a new host institutional environment. Second, we identify a set of institutional factors that exert pressures on international retailers in foreign markets that lead to failure. Finally, with the institutional approach, this study fills the gap in earlier works by developing a complementary framework along with 11 propositions for future research. One major limitation of this paper is that it is conceptual; hence, further empirical analysis is needed to test the suggested propositions.  相似文献   

The thesis resulting from the research on the "costs-effects" relation is the principle of economic efficiency of defence capabilities. At first glance, the arguments in this direction are well-known and popular in crisis situations of various nature, including the current financial and economic crisis in the country, and the question about the cost of public welfare-security and defence is debatable. This cost is manifested through the defence capabilities of a country. In the new security environment, the compilation of a national defence strategy is a priority of the Defence Ministry, which has more and more limited resources. This means that they should be treated as an economic activity. An economic activity is considered as any purposeful activity, allocating and combining scarce resources among alternatives, making it possible to maximize the outcomes and minimize costs. The ratio between the costs and benefits of a given resource or combination of resources to achieve a pre-defined objective is pushed to the forefront and the rationalization of management decisions is based on it. This necessitates a cost effectiveness analysis, hence the evaluation of the outcomes (benefits) is manifested in the "cost-effect (benefit)" analysis. Defence as a product has the basic features of any commodity or service, i.e. it is designed for exchange, is useful, and meets certain needs. But due to the fact that it meets very specific needs (,preservation of the territorial integrity of the country and improving its national security), it is distinguished by certain features which may be summarized as follows: collectivity of production and consumption of defence as a product necessary to the public, expressed by its consumption indivisibility; lack of market valuation of the price of defence as a product upon its consumption (as a monetary expression of its value); the usefulness of defence as a product is reflected in its capacity to meet the system's needs for security and defence, which dete  相似文献   

Two groups of second grade from a senior high school that is part of The Autonomous University of Sinaloa in Mexico (N1 = 47 and N2 = 46) were selected. Each group was divided by gender. The “average score” was measured as an indicator of academic achievement, before and after the intervention. In one of the groups, an intervention called “Socialization of Values Through Strategic Poles” was performed, while in the other group there was not intervention. The six students with highest academic achievement were trained about the importance of practicing life values such as respect, honesty, responsibility, self-discipline, solidarity and tolerance, as important aspects of being a good person and developing their human potential. These values were chosen according to the Association for Living Values Education International (ALIVE); the values were discussed within the classroom where the students ranked them. Groups called “Strategic Poles to Socialize Values” were formed with the expectation that students with higher academic achievement influenced the students with lower achievement, so the latter could improve their academic performance. From the comparative study, the results showed that the group which received the intervention had higher achievement than the group that received no intervention. Women in the group that received intervention performed better than men of the same group. The performance of the research through intervention allowed us to observe its usefulness and to propose it as a viable option to promote values in today's society, both in business and school.  相似文献   

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