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Sincelastyear,variousgoodqualityandexquisitelymadetextilesforhomeusehavesoldwellonthemarketinsomebigcitiessuchasShanghai,BedingandGuangzhou.Mostoftheseproductsareturnedoutbywhollyforeign-fundedorjointventureinternationalnamebrandcompanies.Theseenterpriseshavefirst-rateinternationalequipmentandmodernmanagement,whichdomesticenterpriseslack.Themuchwelcomedproductsincludethoseusedasbedding,towels,curtainsandsofacovers;theyareofgoodqualityandsellatareasonableprice.Inaddition,importedproductsuseda…  相似文献   

庞可 《中国海关》2012,(5):64-64
那些不仅拥有可观的销售业绩,还掌握着重要客户资源,甚至对企业有着牵一发而动全身作用的销售人员被称为"大Sales"。连老板都要让三分的他们凭借对企业的贡献,未免会居功自傲,也不自觉地要享受某些特权。David是一家公司的老牌业务员,  相似文献   

Shoes are indispensable to people's daily life, just as the old Chinese saying goes,"A thousand-Li journey is started by taking the first step." China has always been a big shoe-making country, for it has a huge population of over one billion. Its annual output of shoes is more than four billion pairs, accounting for 40% of the world's total. In 1995, China exported 2.54 billion pairs of shoes, making it the largest exporter in the world.  相似文献   

To expand the second China AG Trade Fair to the web and promote agricultural product sales, a government-run website, www. catf.agri.gov.cn, opened. The website has stored the data of 2,010 farm product companies. Visitors can buy their products online and learn detailed information of the fair just through the click of the mouse.The website, sponsored by  相似文献   

After mang years of boosting new car sales figures, China's motorists are increasingly wanting to up- grade,bolstering its fledgling used car sector. Second-hand car sales totaled 2.7 million in 2006,accord- ing to the Ministry of Commerce,less than half that of the new car sales.Compared with developed countries,where used car  相似文献   

China's top 16 automotive groups chalked up a two- thirds increase in first-half combined profits,boosted by buoyant vehicle sales, an industry association said recently. Their post-tax profits totaled RMB 30.2 billion yuan in the first six months, up 65.8% from a year ago,according to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Die F?higkeit eines Unternehmens Leistungsnachweise von Marketing- und Verkaufsma?nahmen zu erbringen, wird bei Dell als Grundvoraussetzung für den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg angesehen. Die RAD („Retention Akquisition Development“)-Matrix ist ein Vorzeigebeispiel für ein Kennzahlencockpit, welches als Kontrollinstrument dient, mit dem Ziel, Zusammenh?nge zwischen Marktaktivit?ten und Marktleistung transparent zu machen. Zus?tzlich erm?glicht das Cockpit eine proaktive Steuerung zukünftiger Marketingma?nahmen über den gesamten Marketing-Mix hinweg. Dipl.-Betriebsw. Achim Freyer Sales Director bei Dell im Bereich Corporate Accounts für ?sterreich und die Schweiz Mag. Heike Kurzmann Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Marketing und Handel an der Universit?t St. Gallen  相似文献   

The sale of faster access to financial market data has recently generated public controversy. NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has referred to such fast data feeds as “Insider Trading 2.0”. For example, Thomson Reuters sold the University of Michigan’s Consumer Sentiment Index to computerized trading firms 2 seconds before releasing its data to its other paying clients. This paper explores the ethical issues involved in the sale of such information. Is selling faster access ethically the same as traditional insider trading, which generally involves a breach of fiduciary duty or the use of misappropriated information? Such practices are extremely different from traditional insider trading as there is neither a breach of fiduciary duty nor misappropriation of inside information. The ethical issues are similar to other market segmentation and price discrimination issues, in which different prices are charged to different customers. The ability to price discriminate across segments can actually benefit large segments of the population who may receive lower prices because others, such as the high-speed traders, are paying more. The sale of faster access to information, especially by exchanges, raises additional ethical issues. There may be adverse effects on market quality that must be addressed. The moral distaste for the practice expressed by some stems from the seeming unfairness of a modern market structure that provides advantages to a small group of computerized traders.  相似文献   

Learning from Volkswagen China Investment Corporation,the sales volume of Volkswagen vehicles in China in43 per cent to more than 500,000 units in 2002.Now,China has become Volkswagen's second-biggest market next toGermany.  相似文献   

China's online sales are estimated to hit RMB51 billion (US$6.38 billion) in 2007, up 63% on the previous year, according to a report by iResearch, an Internet research company. The report shows the registered number of online shoppers was 43.1 million in 2006  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(2):198-216
The authors propose a conceptual framework to explain whether and under what firm-level conditions cross-channel integration impacts firm sales growth. To test the theory, the authors conduct a qualitative grounded-theory study to build a measurement tool for cross-channel integration at four levels and analyze longitudinal data on 71 publicly traded U.S. retail firms from 2008 to 2011, gathered from multiple secondary sources. The findings reveal that cross-channel integration stimulates sales growth, but that firm online experience and physical-store presence weaken this effect.  相似文献   

China's retail sales will continue to grow at a fast rate over the next few years, thanks to the government's increasing emphasis on stimulating consumer demand.  相似文献   

China's passenger car sales rose 29% in June as automakers cut prices to lure consumers.  相似文献   

China's passenger vehicle sales rose to 3.54 million units in the first seven months this year,up 23.7% from the same period last year,according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. Sales of sedans jumped 26.6% to 2.64 million units,sports-utility vehicles soared 46.4% to 187,600 units,while multi-purpose vehicles went up 17.8% to 124,400 units. Passenger vehicle sales in July,however,declined by 10.45% from the previous  相似文献   

China's automobile production and sales both shot up 25% in the first eight months of the year, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said on September 8. The country produced 4.64 million vehicles between January and August, an increase of 25.37%.  相似文献   

Sales of flat screen TV in China are predicted to double from 3.8 million in 2006 to 7.5 million sets in 2007. according to research by CCID Consulting."About 53.3% of the respondents who plan to buy flat panel TV said they just want to watch programs of the Olympic Games."said Tian Xiaona,a senior analyst with CCID Consulting.  相似文献   

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