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企业通过创新主体网络协同,构建出价值共创的创新生态系统,以便在数字化时代感知并适应数字环境变化,为此需对数字创新生态系统的生成机理进行探究。以数字创新企业——华为汽车为研究对象,采用扎根分析法,基于动态能力的理论视角,研究华为汽车数字创新生态系统的构建机理和演化路径。研究发现:(1)数字创新企业构建出的数字创新生态系统历经三个阶段,拥有三条演化路径和四种能力。三个阶段为整合数字资源阶段、拓展数字资源阶段和共享数字资源阶段;三条演化路径为市场需求、跨界交流和网络协同的路径;四种能力为信息感应、资源整合、资源获取和资源重组能力。(2)数字生态环境和动态能力是推动数字创新生态系统不断演进的内在动力,使系统组织构架不断升级,派生更多创新主体,形成网络协同架构。研究结论对数字创新企业如何构建数字创新生态系统,具有理论性指导和实践价值。  相似文献   

生态系统构建与管理是企业保持持续行业竞争优势的战略选择。现有研究对生态系统概念定义与特征阐释存在巨大争议:部分学者强调战略管理情境下的商业生态系统与创新生态系统概念相互独立;而另一部分学者认为两者不存在明显差异,并在研究中交替使用两个概念。基于关键文献评论方法,这一争议得到了调和。从静态角度看,商业生态系统区别于创新生态系统,前者强调系统成员价值共创过程,后者强调系统成员价值共取过程。但两者具有概念互补性:无论商业生态系统还是创新生态系统都可统一于系统生命周期和价值过程中。因此,从动态过程视角分析,战略管理情境下的生态系统着力于价值主张、价值共创、价值共享、价值分配以及价值共取;生态系统的价值过程在系统初创期、扩张期、成熟期以及衰落/复苏期具有不同的演化特征。未来相关研究可从历史演变角度,结合多学科视角,深化对生态系统概念演变规律的认识。  相似文献   

本文针对新疆自然生态系统和自然资源的特点及开发利用中存在的问题,提出了合理开发利用的途径。  相似文献   

我国工业化和城市化进程的不断加快,以及既成经济增长模式的转型困难,使得自然资源已成为支撑我国经济社会发展的必备要素,但纵观世界资源富集地区的发展可以发现,并非所有的资源富集地区都能因资源的开发利用而获得很好的发展,有些地区甚至出现了衰落。在此背景下,提出资源在促进区域经济发展上,存在着正负两方面的效应,并进一步提出资源与区域经济发展关系在理论上的三方面困惑,即资源的枯竭性、企业的逐利性与资源型地区长久发展之间的矛盾、资源型产业集聚所形成的"路径依赖"与产业结构优化升级需求之间的矛盾、政府在资源型地区发展中的角色矛盾,因此,只有有效的处理好这三方面的关系,才能更好地促进资源型地区的发展。  相似文献   

This paper introduces sector-specific externalities in the Heckscher-Ohlin two-country dynamic general equilibrium model to show that indeterminacy of the equilibrium path in the world market can occur. Under certain conditions in terms of factor intensities, there are multiple equilibrium paths from the same initial distribution of capital in the world market, and the distribution of capital in the limit differs among equilibrium paths. One equilibrium path converges to a long-run equilibrium in which the international ranking of factor endowment ratios differs from the initial ranking; another equilibrium path maintains the initial ranking and converges to another long-run equilibrium. Since the path realized is indeterminate, so is the long-run trade pattern. Therefore, the Long-Run Heckscher-Ohlin prediction is vulnerable to the introduction of externality. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: E13, E32, F11, F43.  相似文献   

股票市场、货币需求与总量经济:一般均衡分析   总被引:110,自引:1,他引:110  
近几年来我国实体经济与股票市场的表现出现较大差别 ,与传统理论 (如财富效应、Q效应 )相违背。本文认为传统观点实质上是一种局部均衡分析 ,没有考虑货币市场的影响。为此 ,本文引入一个简单的一般均衡模型 ,在考察股票市场对货币需求影响的基础上 ,全面综合分析股票市场对实体总量经济的影响。文章还着重分析了我国股票市场对实体经济作用有限或滞后的原因 ,并提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Synopsis Haida Gwaii and the Great Bear Rainforest (GBR) comprise the world’s largest intact coastal temperate rainforest. British Columbia has encouraged industrial logging of this region. As a result, ecological values have been eroded and natural capital has been drawn down. The logging industry has provided few local economic benefits. Colonization and industrial resource extraction have contributed to high levels of social distress in First Nations communities. Since 2001, logging companies, environmental organizations, and the provincial and First Nations governments have collaborated in developing an Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) approach. EBM is intended to maintain ecosystem integrity and improve human wellbeing. In 2006, the province began implementing EBM by setting aside one third of the GBR’s land base from logging and by proposing transitional EBM requirements. This paper draws on stumpage and forest cover data to analyze natural capital depletion. The analysis indicates that much of the GBR’s natural capital, as represented by timber, has been depleted. Industrial logging was already on the decline before the decision was taken to implement an EBM approach. Expectations for improved socio-economic outcomes under EBM may not be realistic given the constraints implied by past logging. If EBM performance is measured using conventional economic indicators without accounting for past depletion, it risks being found to have failed the goal of improving human wellbeing. This would create pressure to relax EBM provisions to allow more logging, an outcome that would fail both ecosystems and human communities in the long term. If much reduced extraction levels are to support local human wellbeing, a greater share of economic benefits must be retained locally.   相似文献   

We consider an economy where contracts are necessary to encourage investments. Contract enforcement requires that a fraction of the agents work in the public sector and do not accept bribes. We find that: (1) It may be optimal to allow some corruption and not enforce property rights fully. (2) Less developed economies may choose lower levels of property right enforcement and more corruption. (3) There may exist a 'free-lunch' such that over a certain range it is possible simultaneously to reduce corruption, increase investment, and achieve a better allocation of talent.  相似文献   

This paper examines a two-country, dynamic game model of pollution control in the presence of economic interactions between countries within a period, as well as the environmental interaction between periods (i.e., a change in the stock of global pollution). These economic interactions emerge because of changes in the terms of trade of polluting goods or the market share of domestic polluting industries. It is shown that if within-period externalities exist, a noncooperative equilibrium may result in a smaller stock of global pollution in the steady state than does international cooperation. Moreover, the properties of equilibrium paths depend on the direction and size of such externalities. In addition, trigger strategy equilibria that achieve the outcome of the collusive solution are examined.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper, the effects of social assistance reform proposals are discussed for the case of Germany using a computable general equilibrium model that incorporates a discrete choice model of labour supply. This allows us to identify general equilibrium effects of the reforms on wages and unemployment. The simulation results show that general equilibrium wage reactions mitigate labour supply effects and that unemployment in fact decreases. Wage reactions are thus sufficiently strong to prevent additional labour supply from translating into higher unemployment. The simulations indicate that major cuts in welfare payments are necessary to produce substantial employment effects.  相似文献   

产业生态系统理论及其应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产业生态化是人类社会经济实现可持续发展的必然选择.产业生态系统理论研究备受国内外学者和业界高度重视,研究成果丰富;基于微观企业、中观经济园区和宏观跨区域三个层面的产业生态系统理论应用研究也在一定程度上取得了成功.文章为今后产业生态化理论及其应用研究指出了重点和方向.  相似文献   

人类的可持续发展正面临着诸如气候变化、城市化、粮食安全、水资源供应以及灾害风险等诸多挑战。为了应对这些复杂的挑战,既需要依靠技术策略以解决发展中的工程问题,同时还需要通过全面管理社会生态系统,以提高生态系统的服务能力;这些综合的方案被统称为“基于自然的解决方案”。首先对如何定义基于自然的解决方案进行探究,接着从实施途径到效益评估的角度,阐述基于自然的解决方案是如何落地的,并借助荷兰德尔福兰德的沙滩引擎项目,结合Christopher M.Raymond的七阶段实施指导流程,具体阐释基于自然的解决方案是如何开展实践与评估。最后文章指出,尽管基于自然的解决方案已投入广泛的实践,但其仍处于探索阶段,存在着一定的发展障碍与知识缺口。为了更好地利用自然应对当下的严峻的挑战,亟须确立该术语的定义框架,制定统一的实施与评估流程,以提高基于自然的解决方案的可操作性。  相似文献   

韩莹  许晓惠 《技术经济》2024,43(2):79-91
平台经济聚焦数字平台及其生态系统,既是数字经济发展的关键路径,又发挥着驱动实体经济成长的基本功能。本文将数字平台生态观与社会网络理论对话,纵向剖析蚂蚁集团数字平台金融生态系统的网络赋能、价值共创及两者关系作用机制。研究发现:数字平台金融生态系统以平台网络为价值共创的赋能基础,网络赋能促进价值共创,反推新一轮网络赋能,遵循“平台网络Ⅰ-网络赋能-共创价值输出-平台网络Ⅱ-网络赋能优化”路径形成螺旋式上升的正反馈循环,共同作用于生态系统的动态演化。本文深化了数字平台金融生态演进背后阶段化、连续性的赋能机理研究,对数字金融平台充分发展和赋能数字经济与实体经济“相向而行、深度融合”具有启示意义。  相似文献   

Tarmo Valkonen 《Empirica》2001,28(2):219-239
This paper simulates the effects of the recent Finnish corporate tax reform with a computable general equilibrium model. It shows that the impact of the reform on the capital stock depends on the reactions of firms. If the financial strategy is changed to prefer dividend distribution and share issues, the cost of capital falls and the capital stock increases. On the other hand, if the criterion of financial policy is to minimise the welfare loss of current shareholders, the earlier financial behaviour should be continued. In that case,the induced higher cost of capital leads to a lower capital stock. The overall welfare evaluation of the tax reform is not sensitive to the regime shift: the reform should not have been implemented. This is because the increase in interest income taxation distorts saving decisions, expands the net foreign debt of the economy and weakens the terms of trade.  相似文献   

在OLG的纯交换经济中,区分了内部习惯和外部习惯对经济动态性质的影响。我们发现内部习惯增加了年轻人的储蓄并可以把古典经济转变为萨谬尔森经济;外部习惯减少了年轻人的储蓄并可以把萨谬尔森经济转变为古典经济。不论是外部习惯还是内部习惯,都提高了在相对风险规避系数一定的情况下消费者忍受风险的能力,从而可能导致经济的周期运动。  相似文献   

我国当前工业发展进程中的增长方式粗放,经济发展受到资(能)源短缺和环境恶化的制约,须走一条新型工业化道路来保证可持续发展,循环经济这种人、自然和经济和谐持续发展的新思想、新道路就成为我国实现工业化目标的首选.  相似文献   

关于自然资源和环境的观点,循环经济与主流经济学并不矛盾.早在古典经济学时代自然资源和环境就被视作同土地和劳动一样具有稀缺性的生产要素,资源价值补偿一直是主流经济学研究的内容之一,而且循环经济的理论发展和实践推广也依赖主流经济学的研究方法和计量工具,因此二者的一致性远远大于分歧.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes a general equilibrium R&D model of endogenous growth via increasing capital variety to examine the impact of alternative policies on productivity and economic growth. The model is calibrated using data from the Canadian economy. Findings reveal that direct incentives such as subsidies to R&D activities would have the highest productivity impact on the Canadian economy, that an increase in subsidies to the users of R&D capital (output) would have a positive but smaller impact, and trade liberalization would have minimal effects on productivity growth via its impact on international R&D spillovers.  相似文献   

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