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The Determinants of Entry are not Independent of Start-up Size: Some Evidence from Spanish Manufacturing 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod Agustí Segarra-Blasco 《Review of Industrial Organization》2005,27(2):147-165
In this paper we explore the determinants of firm start-up size of Spanish manufacturing industries. The industries’ barriers
to entry affect the ability of potential entrants to enter the markets and the size range at which they decide to enter. In
order to examine the relationships between barriers to entry and size we applied the quantile regression techniques. Our results
indicate that the variables that characterize the structure of the market, the variables that are related to the behaviour
of the incumbent firms and the rate of growth of the industries generate different barriers depending on the initial size
of the entrants.
JEL classifications: L110, L600. 相似文献
Employment Tribunals are the formal means of adjudicating disputes over individual employment rights in the UK. This article hypothesizes that, because small firms favour informality over formality, they are more likely (i) to experience employee claims than large firms; (ii) to be subject to different types of claims; (iii) to settle prior to reaching a formal Tribunal; and (iv) to lose at a Tribunal. Data from the 2003 Survey of Employment Tribunal Applications are used to examine these hypotheses. They are generally supported, although in relation to the third there was no size effect. Furthermore, our results show that firms that have procedures and follow them are more likely to win than those firms that do not have any procedures. Recognizing the benefits of informality, while also ensuring that small firms follow proper standards of procedural fairness, is a policy dilemma that has yet to be resolved. 相似文献
This paper analyses the impact of foreign multinationals on the start-up size ofdomestic entrants in Irish manufacturing industries. We use the regression quantileestimator, which allows us to take account of the heterogeneity of entrants' start-upsize. Estimation results show that the presence of foreign multinationals in a sectorimpacts negatively on the start-up size of domestic entrants of all sizes in modernsectors and on the start-up size of large domestic entrants in traditional sectors. Thisnegative effect may be attributed to competition of domestic plants with foreignmultinationals and other domestic plants in the final goods and/or the intermediategoods market. 相似文献
In this paper we extend the Bahk and Gort (1993) (Journal of Political Economy, 101, 561–583) approach of testing for the impact of learning by doing (LBD) on firm productivity using data on a panel of Spanish manufacturing firms. Specifically, we show that support for firm specific LBD and spillovers from sector-wide LBD seems to hinge crucially on the econometric methodology, and hence the underlying assumptions, employed. Once potential biases due to unobserved time invariant firm specific effects and endogeneity are taken account of, there is only support for spillovers from sector-wide LBD. Moreover, results depend on the definition of LBD employed. 相似文献
The present study examines the impact of firm and industry‐specific factors on profitability, using census data on Greek manufacturing. At the firm level, particular attention is given to strategy effects. Based on a modification of Porter's typology, these effects are captured through different forms of both ‘pure’ and ‘hybrid’ strategies. Industry effects are represented using industry concentration, entry barriers, and growth. Hypotheses are developed taking into account both previous research and the particular idiosyncrasies of the national context. The results obtained provide important insights on specific determinants of firm profitability. With respect to strategy, results confirm the hypothesis that hybrid strategies are clearly preferable compared to pure ones. In addition, it was found that the more generic strategy dimensions are included in the strategy mix, the more profitable the strategy is, provided that one of the key ingredients is low cost. Industry‐level effects, although weaker, show strong impact of industry entry barriers. Moreover, the findings suggest that while both sets of factors significantly contribute to firm profitability, firm‐specific factors explain more than twice as much profit variability as industry factors. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Empirical studies have shown that the size distribution of firms can be described as a Pareto distribution. However, these
studies have focused on large firms and aggregate statistics. Little attention has been placed on the role of technology in
shaping firm size distributions. Using a comprehensive dataset of manufacturing firms and the Community Innovation Survey
from the Netherlands, the paper investigates the relationship between firm size and technology. It shows that technological
factors shape the distribution of firm size, suggesting that the Pareto law is not an invariant property and that technology
can constrain the “self-organising” character of industrial economies. 相似文献
Firms' Growth,Size and Age: A Nonparametric Approach 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper offers empirical evidence of firm failurerates as well as the mean of the distribution ofrealized growth rates, distinguishing between thesample of non-failing firms and the sample of allfirms, failing and non-failing. Attention is directedat identifying a set of characteristics, in particularthe size and age of firms, systematically related tothe patterns of firm growth and exit, using a panel ofSpanish manufacturing firms. The two maincontributions of the paper are the use ofnonparametric techniques and the analysis of issuesignored in other studies like theregression-to-the-mean bias and the measurement oflearning effects. We find evidence that failure ratesand the mean growth rate of successful firms declinewith size and age. When failing firms are integrated,there are no significant differences in the meangrowth rate across the age and size of firms.Regression-to-the-mean does not prove to be asubstantial factor behind the negative relationshipbetween size and growth of surviving firms. 相似文献
In this paper we investigate the effect of increasedcompetition on employment inunionised andnon-unionised firms. We model product and labourmarket imperfections, and their interactions, in Nashequilibrium. The model predicts that employment lossin unionised firms in the face of increasedcompetition will be lower compared with non-unionisedfirms. This paradoxical outcome results from anoffsetting beneficial employment effect ofcompetition, which eliminates wage mark-ups inunionised firms. We find empirical support for thetheoretical prediction using U.K. firm level data overthe period 1985–1989. 相似文献
The Impact of Divestment on Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from a Panel of UK Companies 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Michelle Haynes Steve Thompson & Mike Wright 《The Journal of industrial economics》2002,50(2):173-196
It has widely been suggested that during the 1980s many diversified firms narrowed the scope of their activities by refocusing on core businesses, primarily through divestment activity. This study examines the impact of divestment on firm performance, using an unbalanced panel of 132 UK quoted companies over the period 1985 to 1993. The results suggest that divestment has a positive, significant and substantial effect in raising the profitability of the vendor company. We find limited support for the view that the benefit from divestment is greater for larger and/or more diversified firms and firms operating with weak governance arrangements. 相似文献
Aronsson Thomas Bergman Mats A. Rudholm Niklas 《Review of Industrial Organization》2001,19(4):423-433
This paper analyses how market shares for brandname drugs are affected by generic competition. The analysis is based onmicro data for twelve different original drugs, which are all subject togeneric competition. For five of these drugs, we find that the price of theoriginal relative to the average price of the generic substitutessignificantly affects the market share of the original drug. In addition,the introduction of a so called ``reference price' system appears to havehad a significant impact on the market shares of five original drugs. 相似文献
How do firm-level collective agreements affect firm performance in a multi-level bargaining system? Using detailed Belgian-linked employer–employee panel data, our findings show that firm-level agreements increase both wage costs and labour productivity (with respect to sector-level agreements). Relying on approaches developed by Bartolucci and Hellerstein et al., they also indicate that firm-level agreements exert a stronger impact on wages than on productivity, so that profitability is hampered. However, this rent-sharing effect mostly holds in sectors where firms are more concentrated or less exposed to international competition. Firm agreements are thus mainly found to raise wages beyond labour productivity when the rents to be shared between workers and firms are relatively big. Overall, this suggests that firm-level agreements benefit both employers and employees — through higher productivity and wages — without being very detrimental to firms’ performance. 相似文献
The availability of longitudinal data for individual firms has allowed the improvementof the existing knowledge on market structure dynamics. We present additional evidence through the analysis of a cohort of Spanish manufacturing firms. Our results confirm some basic empirical findings obtained in studies for other countries. According to the behavior of the cohort we study, Gibrat's Law does not hold for new entrants. Patterns of market turbulence vary considerably according to the type of industry. The behavior of new firms seems to fit the learning model. The estimation of a hazard function demonstrates that the main regularities affecting the likelihood of survival of young firms are quite similar in different types of countries. 相似文献
中国汽车产业市场结构与市场绩效研究 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
本文利用中国汽车工业1998—2008年的数据,通过多元回归分析方法,对中国汽车产业市场结构和市场绩效进行实证研究。实证表明,中国汽车产业市场已从竞争型转向了中下集中寡占型,市场集中度对汽车产业的市场绩效为正效应,但对内资企业、外商投资企业、港澳台投资企业的影响程度不同。本文剖析了中国汽车企业通过市场集中度提高提升市场绩效的主要影响因素及市场集中度对内外资企业市场绩效影响程度差异的原因,并探讨相关政策建议,以期对中国汽车产业发展提供有益的思路。 相似文献
Michael Pfaffermayr 《Review of Industrial Organization》1999,15(4):379-396
Multi-plant economies of scale generated by firm-specific assets form a constituent feature of multinational firms. This paper uses a panel of Austrian manufacturing firms to test for multi-plant economies of scale by examining the dependence of labor productivity in plants of the home country on the volume of foreign production. As there is an inherent causality problem in testing this proposition, the econometric estimates use a simultaneous equation framework. The estimation results indeed indicate that firms which operate plants abroad achieve productivity advantages in domestic plants. The same holds true for affiliates of foreign multinationals. 相似文献
This paper estimates the effects of actual and potential rivalry on profitability of firms in the U.S. pharmaceutical industry during the 20‐year period 1963–82. The results show that during the 1960s actual rivalry among the sampled firms did not materially affect firm profitability, but that during the 1970s competition among incumbents had an increasingly adverse effect on their profitability. The results also show that potential competition significantly reduced drug firms’ profitability during the entire 20‐year period. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
We analyze a data set (on grocerystore prices for lettuce) with many advantages overthose used previously to explain firm heterogeneity inthe size and frequency of price changes. Despitecommon shocks to their input price, grocers' pricechanges vary widely in size and frequency. We testhypotheses emerging from a theoretical framework. Wefind that product, firm, and market characteristicsassociated with the benefits from and costs ofchanging price explain grocer-to-grocer variation inthe size and frequency of price changes. Moreconcentrated markets, larger firm size, and thinnerproduct markets lead to infrequent and large pricechanges. 相似文献
文字是人类文明进步不可缺少的基本工具,它既是语言的载体,也是信息化社会的基础。拉丁字母文字从一万多年前的原始文字到现代表音的字母文字,经历了漫长的原始文字、古典文字和字母文字三大阶段,文字形态的每一个变化,在保有历史痕迹的同时,也实现了更加快速有效传达信息的目的。各个时代不同的文字书写工具和载体作为媒介指导了信号的传递,并直接影响到当时的文字形态和信息传达。古登堡铅活字印刷术的发明带来了信息传递的重大技术变革,使得文字形态进入印刷文化阶段;印刷油墨和纸张作为文字的新载体在世界范围内推广,陆续产生了现在依然有影响力的诸多拉丁字母文字。铅字字模印刷文字形态的一致性,使得固定形态重复出现时的文字可识别性大大提高,形成了规范的印刷品文字形态,使文字的易读性和可读性明显优于形态相对不固定的手写体,使信息能够被更加清晰准确地传递,对更好地实现文字的功能具有重要意义。随着信息化社会的发展,印刷文字扮演着越来越重要的角色,拉丁字母文字印刷体形态如何更好地传达信息必将得到更大的关注和更深入的研究。 相似文献
M.R. Narayana 《Telecommunications Policy》2011,35(2):115-127
This paper estimates the growth contributions of telecom services by public and private sectors and distinguishes it from the information technology services. Socio-economic determinants of demand for telecom services are estimated for fixed and mobile phones in the framework of a Logit model and using data from a small-household sample survey in India. Estimation results show a significant negative impact of price and a positive impact of income variables; distinguish the importance of social caste, education level, nature of occupation, age of household head and family size between fixed and mobiles phones and offer evidence for substitutability of mobile phones for fixed phones. These results add to the empirical knowledge of socio-economic determinants of telecom demand and have implications for selective design of policies towards promotion of higher demand and attainment of higher economic growth by fixed and mobile services in India and other developing countries. 相似文献
This paper examines the impact of high technology onmultifactor productivity and price-cost margins. Principal components obtained from five technologyvariables are related to multifactor productivityand price-cost margin. A negative and significantrelationship between price-cost margin and hightechnology methods when industry effects areexcluded, becomes insignificant in the industryeffects specification. The price-cost marginequations suggest that prior findings of a negativerelationship between profitability and hightechnology may result from omitting industryeffects. For multifactor productivity, there is apositive impact from high technology regardless ofwhether the specification includes industry effects. 相似文献