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本文采用倍差法考察环境管制对健康、就业与收入的影响,并结合构建的理论模型估算环境管制的福利效应。研究发现,环境管制显著改善了健康状况,但降低了就业与工资水平,尽管工资影响不够显著。上述效应在不同经济发展阶段具有显著差异,并且高年龄、低教育组是上述健康收益与经济成本的主要获得者与承担者。福利效应分析表明,环境管制下健康改善的福利收益有效弥补了就业降低的福利损失。  相似文献   

对当前普遍存在的企业排污费管制的低效问题,本文利用混合策略理论,构建了排污企业与环境管制部门之间的静态博弈模型,通过对影响混合策略均衡形成的关键变量的研究,剖析了排污费管制效率生成的内部作用机制.研究发现:排污费额度、监管机构尽职收益、失职成本、企业外部损失、上级环境管制部门的监督力度、环境监管成本等变量的变动调整,以及相互作用决定了排污管制效率状况.  相似文献   

管制错位使原本均衡的利益分配机制失去平衡。校正管制错位使管制结构重归均衡的过程是各个利益主体有关利益重新分配的博弈过程,各利益主体雏护自身利益的行为将使这一过程复杂化,并引发较大社会成本。及时调整管制政策以适应新的市场结构,缩短管制结构再均衡的时间,将减少因管制错位带来的社会福利损失。  相似文献   

徐京悦 《生产力研究》2004,(11):150-152
从20世纪70年代开始,以美国为首的发达国家开始了管制改革运动。时至今日,从经济的角度看,国际管制改革的效果到底如何?针对这一问题,论文借鉴了国际权威机构的调查研究成果,对于管制改革的经济效益给予了肯定。同时指出在管制改革过程中,需要进一步关注成本问题,并分析了管制膨胀的新趋势对于管制改革效果的影响。  相似文献   

李程 《经济与管理》2011,25(3):5-11
环境管制旨在应对因资源环境消费而产生的外部性问题,它通过三种不同类型政策工具的运用得以实施,即:命令与控制型、基于市场型以及自愿型。对政府而言,这意味着三种具有不同交易成本发生和负担机制的管制手段选择。环境管制的发展沿革包含了一种政府在管制过程中不断减少交易成本的尝试,这种努力使得在最新的环境管制形态——自愿环境协议中,企业、非政府组织等多元社会主体共同形成决策并参与管制的实施,分担改善环境质量的社会责任与成本投入,环境管制因而实现了从管理到治理的转变。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的高速发展,环境形势日益严峻,而环境管制作为解决环境问题的有效途径,在我国取得了一定成就,同时也面临着一些问题。基于此现状,本文主要从环境法律法规体系、环境管制机构设置以及相关的管制政策三个方面来研究我国的环境管制现状,并从政府治理的角度分析我国环境管制存在的问题。我国需进一步完善环境管制的法律体系,相应调整管制机构体系,以限制地方政府对环境管制的不正当干预,从而保证环境管制政策的有效实施。  相似文献   

政府实施经济管制中,在管制立法、执法、监督等环节都存在大量成本,该文试图对管制的成本收益做出制度经济学分析,并从新制度经济学角度,对成本收益分析法做出评价,提出可以通过运用交易费用的边际分析法来弥补传统分析方法的不足,最后对管制经济的绩效进行了评价。  相似文献   

环境管制旨在应对因资源环境消费而产生的外部性问题,它通过三种不同类型政策工具的运用得以实施,即:命令与控制型、基于市场型与自愿型。对政府而言,这意味着三种具有不同交易成本发生和负担机制的管制手段选择。环境管制的发展包含了一种政府在管制过程中不断减少交易成本的尝试,这种努力使得在最新的环境管制形态———自愿环境协议中,企业、非政府组织等多元社会主体共同形成决策并参与管制的实施,分担改善环境质量的社会责任与成本投入,环境管制因而实现了从管理到治理的转变。  相似文献   

管制结构动态性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文用动态分析方法描述管制政策从理论设计到现实执行结果之间的演变轨迹 ,分析政府管制效果随管制环境动态演变的过程 ,探讨管制失灵背后的经济学机理 ,建立了管制结构动态性分析的理论框架。  相似文献   

家庭消费导致的直接碳排放问题日益突出,其导致的碳排放已经成为全社会碳排放的主体。在阐释家庭直接碳排放概念的基础上,探讨针对性的政府管制政策类型,并从公共政策分析基本要素角度对管制政策进行解读和实证研究文献分析总结。研究指出,在政府管制政策设计时,需要综合考虑政策外在环境(包括经济环境、政治环境和国际环境等)因素,尤其要考虑国内不同的文化情境因素对管制政策效应的调节作用。  相似文献   

Valuation methods have been used for five main purposes in environmental decision-making. Cost–benefit analysis (CBA) of projects, CBA of new regulations, natural resource damage assessment, environmental costing, and environmental accounting. The relatively lower importance attached to economic efficiency in environmental decision-making in most European countries compared to the U.S.A., both legally and in practice, might account for our general finding that there are very few valuation studies in Europe which have served as a decisive basis for environmental policy and regulations. However, with EU's goal to establish environmentally adjusted national accounts and to apply CBA to environmental policy and regulations, time seems ripe for an increased use of valuation techniques in Europe.  相似文献   

Recent literature shows a lively debate on how tocapture ecological and environmental aspects indifferent evaluation methods and the closely relatedissue of the (im)possibilities of monetization ofthese aspects. Although economists in general tend tofavour Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) aboveMulti-Criteria Analysis (MCA), part of the literaturesuggests that CBA falls short of being the onlydecision-making device for environmental problems,both for theoretical and practical reasons. This paperdiscusses both evaluation methods and the main resultsof a major, publicly-financed nature conservationproject in The Netherlands.The evaluation method combines the straightforwardnessof CBA with the flexibility of MCA. Conceptually, itconsists of a MCA, the net result of a CBA beingintegrated as one of the criteria. The differentaspects of the nature conservation project that can bemonetized are incorporated into the CBA. Otheraspects such as changes in biodiversity or scenicbeauty are analysed in their own dimension,provided (cardinal) quantification is possible. Infact, the analysis consists of a very simple MCA, withtwo criteria: social costs and a quantitative measureof nature.Quantifying the amount of nature in its own,non-monetary dimension is a key element of theempirical analysis. A detailed quantitative estimateis made of the improvement of nature, based upon 564species and 131 different ecosystems. The result ofthe evaluation is a trade-off at the national levelbetween ecological improvements (plus 18 percent) andsocial costs (DFl. 3.4 billion net present value). Dueto the detailed quantification of the effect on naturethe evaluation also yields results about thecost-effectiveness of four different instruments tocreate and to preserve nature. That part of theanalysis shows that complete withdrawal ofagricultural land for nature purposes in the projectin general is more cost-effective than subsidizingnature-friendly farming, although the former is moreexpensive.  相似文献   

Are there environmental limits to cost benefit analysis?   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
This paper considers the problem areas found in applying cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to projects involving environmental costs or benefits. This is particularly relevant given recent moves by the UK government to include environmental valuations in CBA exercises, and in other related appraisal activities, following the publication of the Pearce Report. The paper argues that a major problem lies in placing monetary values on non-market goods. The paper also addresses the problems of (i) differences between citizen and consumer values; (ii) complexity of ecosystems; (iii) irreversibility and uniqueness; and (iv) intergenerational equity and discounting. The extent to which CBA is an institution open to capture is also discussed.  相似文献   

Environmental regulation and MNEs location: Does CSR matter?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate whether firms with relatively low environmental standards are more often located in countries that are poor, corrupt or have weak environmental regulations. We find new empirical evidence in favor of the Pollution Haven Hypothesis, which states that MNEs are transferring their dirty operations to countries with weak environmental regulation. Our findings suggest that these are not necessarily the poorest or most corrupt countries. We establish that MNEs with strong social responsibility avoid locating their operations in countries with weak environmental regulation.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,国外管制的实践与理论研究的重心开始从经济性管制转移到社会性管制上来。随着经济的增长和收入水平的提高,人们对生活和工作的质量提出了更高的标准和要求,从而,促使政府不得不重视环境质量管制。  相似文献   

环境经济学的传统假说认为,环境目标与企业竞争力之间存在社会收益与私人成本的权衡,环境规制制约企业竞争力.但由于其严格假设损害理论的普适性等原因而遭质疑,由此诞生环境规制与企业竞争力双赢假说.双赢假说引入动态的创新机制,打破新古典静态分析框架,提出环境规制激发企业创新与生产效率提高,企业可获得"创新优势"与"先动优势".以后,一些学者通过对影响环境规制与企业竞争力关系因素的研究,提出二者存在相关性不确定性的假说.文章系统阐述二者相关性研究的演进过程,挖掘它们在假设、方法论、政策导向等方面的差异,以及演进的内在逻辑与借鉴意义.  相似文献   

方时姣  张柯 《技术经济》2024,43(1):164-178
本文基于2006-2020年我国A股上市企业数据,考察企业数字化转型对企业环境社会责任的影响及机制。研究发现:企业数字化转型对企业“源头控制”环境社会责任有显著正向影响,对“末端治理”环境社会责任有显著负向影响,并实现了企业从“末端治理”向“源头控制”的转变。实证结论在经一系列稳健性检验与内生性处理后依然成立。机制分析发现,数字化转型能通过员工绿色行为、企业环境社会关注意愿及全要素生产率影响企业的环境社会责任。调节效应发现,公司治理与融资成本能进一步调节数字化转型对两种环境社会责任的影响。异质性分析发现,数字化转型对非国有、高环境规制及高学历高管在承担“源头控制”环境社会责任上有着更显著的影响。动机分析发现,企业之所以从“末端治理”向“源头控制”环境社会责任的转变,其动机在于后者对企业价值有着更为显著的正向影响,而数字化转型在其中会进一步强化这一影响。  相似文献   

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