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火红的7月,中国汽车工业迎来了50周年的大喜日子,东风载重车公司也迎来了4岁的生日。而在前此不久的4月19日,两辆东风商用车在新西兰国际汽车拉力赛上双双夺冠,不啻是在东风汽车发展史上绘出了色彩绚丽的一笔。把东风汽车打造成中国商用  相似文献   

日前,东莞市永强汽车制造有限公司与意大利VE公司签署了合作协议,就新能源全地形特种汽车技术合作和转让达成合作意向,并以3亿元人民币收购其品牌、核心技术和研发团队。就在不久前的4月20日,东风汽车有限公司与德国史密斯股份公司正式签署半挂车项目合资合作意向书,双方通过建立一家合资公司来制造和销售半挂车。  相似文献   

张静 《汽车观察》2012,(5):82-85
介于纯自主与合资自主之间,福田戴姆勒打破了国内商用车企传统的合资模式,开创了中外合作双方以中国为运营中心的先河,《汽车观察》将其定义为第三品牌发展战略。  相似文献   

7月15日,东风股份"龙腾计划"正式启动,标志着东风股份开创了全新的服务模式。7月12日,中国重汽2011年亲人服务大会暨首届全国卡车服务技能大赛启动仪式在济南召开,中国重汽将全力打造"亲人"服务品牌。而在不久前,江淮也为帅铃系列轻卡推出"迷人服务"计划。商用车企业或推出服务品牌,或强化服务品牌,目的何在,影响几何?本期柠檬茶座邀请了3位经销商,请他们谈谈服务品牌的打造对于销售工作的影响。  相似文献   

12月18日,东风商用车公司2012年度经销商大会在湖北十堰重卡新工厂召开。据东风商用车公司总经理黄刚介绍,2011年,东风商用车公司中重卡销量预计全年将超23万辆,市场份额稳步提升,持续稳居国内中重卡行业领先地位,支撑了“东风”品牌中重卡销量保持全球领先。  相似文献   

10月30日,东风商用车有限公司(以下简称东风商用车)与沃尔沃环球帆船赛在武汉签署联合品牌推广协议,正式命名"东风号"帆船将作为中国惟一赛船,参加2014~2015年度沃尔沃环球帆船赛。至此,"东风"品牌商用车的全球市场推广战略加速实施。东风商用车党委副书记秦捷和沃尔沃环球帆船赛首席执行官克努特·弗诺斯塔代表合作双方签字并互赠了东风天龙车模和"东风号"环球航行路  相似文献   

杨锋磊 《汽车观察》2012,(2):98-101
协同商企研发、采购制造、服务体系进行全价值链的协同,形成了东风商用车公司特有的营销模式,支撑了东风商用车公司战略商品的持续稳健增长。  相似文献   

前期高速成长环境下靠卖车来获得主要利润的时代将很难再现,市场竞争的重点将转向后市场和服务,而这些汽车经销服务企业要想实现顺利转型,需要突破公司治理结构、营销模式和人力资源等方面的"天花板"。在东风商用车公司举行的2013年商务年会上,举行了一场名为"东风商用车公司第一届营销高峰论坛"的活动,东风商用车公司请来几家咨询公司的高管分别就"家族企业公司治  相似文献   

近期,盐城市就实施商标战略,发展品牌农业的情况进行了调研,并提出一些相应的对策措施。一、农产品商标效应初现1、农产品商标发展呈现迅速增长的态势。随着农业产业化的推  相似文献   

东风商用车自从2005年提出以“阳光服务”为服务品牌,6年来一直坚持不懈地屡行“阳光服务”的宗旨和责任。  相似文献   

Procedural reform, with the help of third-party intervention, was at the heart of the Donovan Commission's recommendations. This paper looks at what happened since then, and why. In the 1970s considerable progress was made, although this was hidden from public perception by a number of economic and industrial relations traumas. In the 1980s, with the swing in the balance of power to employers, change was often imposed, rather than negotiated, and the role of third parties diminished. The proportion of workplaces recognizing unions and the proportion of employees covered by collective bargaining was much reduced. Formal procedures remained in place, but this hid major changes in the conduct of workplace industrial relations.  相似文献   

<正>中国航天三院第三总体设计部成立于1960年4月26日,是我国航天飞航高科技产品总体设计部及研发中心,主要承担航天飞航高科技产品的研究开发、总体设计、系统集成、试验验证和售后服务等任务。半个世纪以来,在党中央、国务院、  相似文献   

The consumption of alcoholic beverages, particularly commercially made beer, is rising rapidly in Third World countries. Yet very little is known about how this affects the nutritional status of those whose intake has increased (adult males) and that of their family members. The situation would appear to contain the potential for severe inequalities in the distribution of resources between those who hold the purse strings and those who do not. For this reason, the increase in sales of alcoholic beverages should be considered worthy of the attention of nutritionists and planners.  相似文献   

Third generation management of technology intelligence processes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
How have the technology intelligence approaches of large technology‐intensive companies changed in the last 30 years? This paper aims to answer this question through case study research in 26 leading European and North American companies in the pharmaceutical, telecommunication equipment and automobile/machinery industries. The empirical results show that technology intelligence approaches have closely followed the changes in R&D organization, project selection and technology planning. Three generations of technology intelligence management can be distinguished. Furthermore, the contingency factors for the location of technology intelligence within technology intensive companies are identified.  相似文献   

Due to the increasing price of raw material,the appreciation of RMB and the change in draw- back tax policy,the tie producing industry of Shengzhou has met a new crossroad after 20 years’ development.The Shengzhou government is researching in the prospective development of tie industry,and has decided to implement the"Silk Expanding Project",whose goal is to form a silk industry base of China and even the world basing on the tie industry and other related textile industry.  相似文献   

Awareness of the potential of communications technologies in the less developed countries has led to considerable interest and activity in communications development in the Third World. The author puts the subject in perspective, balancing the arguments in favour of extensive development against the arguments of the critics. He concludes that the major problem lies in the fact that Third World countries lack market mechanisms whereby user preferences and needs can be expressed. He points out essential factors that should be taken into account before the selection of a particular technological solution or course of development.  相似文献   

The industry has entered a painful cycle of asset deun,price declines,and investor redemptions.Despite the prevailing gloom,nearly one third of all enterprises are poised for robust growth.  相似文献   

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