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This paper considers the problem of forecasting realized variance measures. These measures are highly persistent estimates of the underlying integrated variance, but are also noisy. Bollerslev, Patton and Quaedvlieg (2016), Journal of Econometrics 192(1), 1–18 exploited this so as to extend the commonly used heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) by letting the model parameters vary over time depending on the estimated measurement error variances. We propose an alternative specification that allows the autoregressive parameters of HAR models to be driven by a latent Gaussian autoregressive process that may also depend on the estimated measurement error variance. The model parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood using the Kalman filter. Our empirical analysis considers the realized variances of 40 stocks from the S&P 500. Our model based on log variances shows the best overall performance and generates superior forecasts both in terms of a range of different loss functions and for various subsamples of the forecasting period.  相似文献   

This paper incorporates vintage differences and forecasts into the Markov switching models described by Hamilton (1994). The vintage differences and forecasts induce parameter breaks close to the end of the sample, too close for standard maximum likelihood techniques to produce precise parameter estimates. A supplementary procedure estimates the statistical properties of the end-of-sample observations that behave differently from the rest, allowing inferred probabilities to reflect the breaks. Empirical results using real-time data show that these techniques improve the ability of a Markov switching model based on GDP and GDI to recognize the start of the 2001 recession.  相似文献   

Following Hamilton [1989. A new approach to the economic analysis of nonstationary time series and the business cycle. Econometrica 57, 357–384], estimation of Markov regime-switching regressions typically relies on the assumption that the latent state variable controlling regime change is exogenous. We relax this assumption and develop a parsimonious model of endogenous Markov regime-switching. Inference via maximum likelihood estimation is possible with relatively minor modifications to existing recursive filters. The model nests the exogenous switching model, yielding straightforward tests for endogeneity. In Monte Carlo experiments, maximum likelihood estimates of the endogenous switching model parameters were quite accurate, even in the presence of certain model misspecifications. As an application, we extend the volatility feedback model of equity returns given in Turner et al. [1989. A Markov model of heteroskedasticity, risk, and learning in the stock market. Journal of Financial Economics 25, 3–22] to allow for endogenous switching.  相似文献   

We propose new empirical models to capture the dynamics of the variance and skewness in realized volatility measures. We find that time-variation in variance and skewness of realized measures is a key empirical feature, even after accounting for well-known, stylized facts such as long-memory-type persistence and large incidental observations. Using a broad range of 89 US stocks across different sectors over 2001–2019, we show that these are not incidental phenomena of a few stocks but are widely shared. Accounting for dynamics in the variance and skewness of realized measures results in significantly better in-sample fit and out-of-sample unconditional density and quantile forecasts.  相似文献   

This paper examines jump risk in the time series of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). Using high-frequency index-level and firm-level data, the econometric model in this paper integrates jumps into the volatility forecast by estimating jump augmented Heterogeneous Autoregressive (HAR) models of realized volatility. To assess the information value of these specifications, their forecasting accuracies for generating one-step ahead daily Value-at-Risk are also compared with other VaR specifications, including those generated from historical returns, bootstrap technique, and severity loss distribution.  相似文献   

This paper considers the location‐scale quantile autoregression in which the location and scale parameters are subject to regime shifts. The regime changes in lower and upper tails are determined by the outcome of a latent, discrete‐state Markov process. The new method provides direct inference and estimate for different parts of a non‐stationary time series distribution. Bayesian inference for switching regimes within a quantile, via a three‐parameter asymmetric Laplace distribution, is adapted and designed for parameter estimation. Using the Bayesian output, the marginal likelihood is readily available for testing the presence and the number of regimes. The simulation study shows that the predictability of regimes and conditional quantiles by using asymmetric Laplace distribution as the likelihood is fairly comparable with the true model distributions. However, ignoring that autoregressive coefficients might be quantile dependent leads to substantial bias in both regime inference and quantile prediction. The potential of this new approach is illustrated in the empirical applications to the US inflation and real exchange rates for asymmetric dynamics and the S&P 500 index returns of different frequencies for financial market risk assessment.  相似文献   

Volatility swaps and volatility options are financial products written on discretely sampled realized variance. Actively traded in over-the-counter markets, these products are often priced by continuously sampled approximations to simplify the computations. This paper presents an analytical approach to efficiently and accurately price discretely sampled volatility derivatives, under a general stochastic volatility model. We first obtain an accurate approximation for the characteristic function of the discretely sampled realized variance. This characteristic function is then applied to price discrete volatility derivatives through either semi-analytical pricing formulae (up to an inverse Fourier transform) or an efficient Fourier-cosine series method. Numerical experiments show that our approximation is more accurate in comparison to the approximations in the literature. We remark that although discretely sampled variance swaps and options are usually more expensive than their continuously sampled counterparts, discretely sampled volatility swaps are more prone to be cheaper than the continuously sampled counterparts. An analysis is then provided to explain why this is the case in general for realistic contract specifications and reasonable model parameters.  相似文献   

Copulas provide an attractive approach to the construction of multivariate distributions with flexible marginal distributions and different forms of dependences. Of particular importance in many areas is the possibility of forecasting the tail-dependences explicitly. Most of the available approaches are only able to estimate tail-dependences and correlations via nuisance parameters, and cannot be used for either interpretation or forecasting. We propose a general Bayesian approach for modeling and forecasting tail-dependences and correlations as explicit functions of covariates, with the aim of improving the copula forecasting performance. The proposed covariate-dependent copula model also allows for Bayesian variable selection from among the covariates of the marginal models, as well as the copula density. The copulas that we study include the Joe-Clayton copula, the Clayton copula, the Gumbel copula and the Student’s t-copula. Posterior inference is carried out using an efficient MCMC simulation method. Our approach is applied to both simulated data and the S&P 100 and S&P 600 stock indices. The forecasting performance of the proposed approach is compared with those of other modeling strategies based on log predictive scores. A value-at-risk evaluation is also performed for the model comparisons.  相似文献   

Quality & Quantity - Nonresponse is of major concern to social scientists, due to the possibility of selectivity: not all groups in the population are equally represented in the final sample,...  相似文献   

Decisions in Economics and Finance - Stochastic and time-varying volatility models typically fail to correctly price out-of-the-money put options at short maturity. We extend realized volatility...  相似文献   

This paper develops a model for the forward and spot exchange rate which allows for the presence of a Markov switching risk premium in the forward market and considers the issue of testing the unbiased forward exchange rate (UFER) hypothesis. Using US/UK data, it is shown that the UFER hypothesis cannot be rejected, provided that instrumental variables are used to account for within‐regime correlation between explanatory variables and disturbances in the Markov switching model on which the test is based. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It seems quite natural for economists to decompose a series with several indexes (time, industry, etc.) into several series with one index apiece, each of which will be analyzed separately. This operation has generally been made in a linear way in the traditional analysis of variance, possibly after some transformation of the initial series. We propose to do this in a multiplicative way which does not allow us to use the basic theorems of econometrics, and which is near factor analysis. We present several kinds of estimators, study their statistical properties and finally compare our method to more classical ones, using a series of the distribution of dividends paid by French corporations, available over 11 years for 26 industries.  相似文献   

This paper solves rational expectations models in which structural parameters switch across multiple regimes according to state-dependent (endogenous) transition probabilities. Assuming small shocks and smooth transition probabilities, we apply a perturbation approach. We first provide for conditions under which a unique bounded equilibrium exists. We then compute first- and second-order approximations. In a new-Keynesian model with monetary policy switching, we document new effects of monetary policy switching when transition probabilities depend on inflation.  相似文献   

New strategies for the implementation of maximum likelihood estimation of nonlinear time series models are suggested. They make use of recent work on the EM algorithm and iterative simulation techniques. The estimation procedures are applied to the problem of fitting stochastic variance models to exchange rate data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose the two-component realized EGARCH (REGARCH-2C) model, which accommodates the high-frequency information and the long memory volatility through the realized measure of volatility and the component volatility structure, to forecast VIX. We obtain the risk-neutral dynamics of the REGARCH-2C model and derive the corresponding model-implied VIX formula. The parameter estimates of the REGARCH-2C model are obtained via the joint maximum likelihood estimation using observations on the returns, realized measure and VIX. Our empirical results demonstrate that the proposed REGARCH-2C model provides more accurate VIX forecasts compared to a variety of competing models, including the GARCH, GJR-GARCH, nonlinear GARCH, Heston–Nandi GARCH, EGARCH, REGARCH and two two-component GARCH models. This result is found to be robust to alternative realized measure. Our empirical evidence highlights the importance of incorporating the realized measure as well as the component volatility structure for VIX forecasting.  相似文献   

The causal link between monetary variables and output is one of the most studied issues in macroeconomics. One puzzle from this literature is that the results of causality tests appear to be sensitive with respect to the sample period that one considers. As a way of overcoming this difficulty, we propose a method for analysing Granger causality which is based on a vector autoregressive model with time‐varying parameters. We model parameter time‐variation so as to reflect changes in Granger causality, and assume that these changes are stochastic and governed by an unobservable Markov chain. When applied to US data, our methodology allows us to reconcile previous puzzling differences in the outcome of conventional tests for money–output causality. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new factor structure suitable for modeling large realized covariance matrices with full likelihood‐based estimation. Parametric and nonparametric versions are introduced. Because of the computational advantages of our approach, we can model the factor nonparametrically as a Dirichlet process mixture or as an infinite hidden Markov mixture, which leads to an infinite mixture of inverse‐Wishart distributions. Applications to 10 assets and 60 assets show that the models perform well. By exploiting parallel computing the models can be estimated in a matter of a few minutes.  相似文献   

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