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在当前全球对核能及核技术需求不断增加的背景下,2009年国际原子能机构(I-AEA)将重点放在支持成员国了加强新加入国家的核电计划的安全、保安和应急准备与响应等方面及相关能力的建设,以及利用核技术发展粮食和农业、人类健康、水处理与环境等领域。本文简要介绍2009年IAEA在核技术及核安全方面的进展情况。  相似文献   

美国是全球最大核电国.其核电机组数量、总装机容量、核电生产总量均为世界第一.通过介绍美国核电工业的现状,研究了美国政府核能研究开发活动对未来核技术走向的影响,分析了美国政府推行的有关利好政策、激励措施和改善监管等对核电发展和核安全的促进,研究结果表明:当前核对电发展面临着若干挑战和较突出的问题以及政策摇摆所造成的困惑,未来10年,美国核电工业可能不会有预期中的大规模发展.  相似文献   

2011年3月11日发生的日本福岛核事故,是继1979年美国三里岛核事故及1986年前苏联切尔诺贝利核事故后第三次重大的核事故.作为核能领域全球唯一的政府间国际组织——国际原子能机构,责无旁贷地采取了一系列应对举措,密切与国际社会的沟通,在检查和提高核能的安全性、强化国际核安全框架、恢复对核安全的信心、稳定核能发展势头等方面,表现出中心和主导作用.本文重点研究和分析了国际原子能机构2011年的科技新举措,特别是围绕日本福岛核事故展开的一系列响应行动,及其在加强核安全检查和评估、构建后福岛时代全球核安全框架、促进世界核能可持续发展等方面的努力.  相似文献   

1996年1月1日,国际原子能机构核安全司正式成立,司长由加拿大前任核安全局长DOMARATZKI先生担任。国际原子能机构新设立了安全标准咨询委员会,并改组了原来四个专业标准咨询委员会,安全标准的编写和审定开始按新的程序进行。规范世界各国核安全管理的第一个法律性文件核安全公约于1996  相似文献   

1997年世界核能核安全发展综述林月晓施安政一、核电发展根据国际原子能机构动力堆信息系统的统计,截至1996年底世界上共有442座动力反应堆正在运行,其总装机容量约为3.5亿千瓦。1996年全世界的核发电量占总发电量的17%。按发电量排列,前五个国家...  相似文献   

邓玥 《环境经济》2023,(6):36-37
<正>近年来,我国核能与核技术事业发展迅速,全面加强核安全监管、筑牢核安全底线责任在肩、意义重大。党的二十大报告在提出“积极安全有序发展核电”的同时,用专章对推进国家安全体系和能力现代化,坚决维护国家安全进行全面部署。2023年是全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神的开局之年,如何将党的二十大精神落实到核与辐射监管工作中,同时落实好全国生态环境保护工作会议的各项工作部署要求,推动核安全监管实现高质量发展?为此,本刊记者对生态环境部核设施安全监管司司长江光进行了专访。  相似文献   

浅析我国核电发展中存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要介绍了我国核电发展的历程和现状,分析了现阶段我国核电建设在技术路线、核电标准、核燃料保障以及核安全监管等方面存在的问题和争议,并结合实际提出了建议。  相似文献   

我国核电企业经过20多年的建设和发展,在借鉴国外核电企业经验的基础上也形成了具有自身特色的企业文化。本文通过对核安全发展的背景综述,以当前核安全文化的研究与发展的现状分析为基础,进一步对核电技术发展趋势以及对核安全文化的影响作了一定的分析。  相似文献   

邓玥 《环境经济》2023,(8):58-59
<正>党的二十大从全面建设社会主义现代化国家的高度,对加强生态文明建设、积极安全有序发展核电、确保核安全等作出战略部署,为我国核事业发展和核安全工作在更高水平实现高质量发展提供了科学指南和根本遵循。在此背景下,去年我国核电厂和研究堆总体规模和核安全状况如何?2023年,在核电厂和研究堆核安全监管方面,又将安排哪些重点工作?为此,本报记者专访了生态环境部核电安全监管司副司长、一级巡视员郝晓峰。  相似文献   

核电设备的质量直接关系到核电厂的质量,也是确保核电厂核安全的重要基础。本文依据核电工程总承包质量管理工作中一些经验,浅谈如何对核电设备供方进行质量管理,使之建立并实施适宜的质量管理体系以确保核电设备质量的稳定、可靠,从而实现维护和增强核安全的目的。  相似文献   

题记:核能有些像马戏团里的猛兽,听话时让人感到其乐无穷,而一旦失控,后果不堪设想。——瑞典核物理学家帕克金森美国,1979年3月28日,三里岛!前苏联,1986年4月26日,切尔诺贝利!日本,2011年3月11日,福岛!关注核能源问题的人,一定会从以上的提示中发现,这是人类利用核能史上三起重大核泄漏事故的发生地和发生时间。  相似文献   

在核能利用方面,西方国家一直走在世界前列。从核电站发电量占全国总发电量的比例看,法国是80%,日本是30%,世界发达国家的平均水平是16%。在全世界已经拥有核电站的31个国家和地区当中,尽管中国核电发展很  相似文献   

瑞典的核废料处置技术和管理模式都处于世界领先之列,特别是乏燃料最终处置计划更是其他各国效仿的对象.文章在对瑞典核废料处置情况作简要概述之后,重点分析了瑞典核废料管理的经验.完善的规划与系统、绝对安全的理念与要求、公众的全程参与和对话,建构了一个特色鲜明的瑞典模式,给我国核废料处置和管理带来很多有价值的启示.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the impact of the increasing use of nuclear energy on the international safeguards system, and it identifies and assesses options for coping with the anticipated impact. A review of nuclear energy forecasts indicates a need for substantial increases in the financial and personnel resources of the safeguards system over the next decade. The requisite financial increases are probably within the limits of political feasibility, but the personnel needs may become problematic. There is also likely to be a continuing decline in confidence in the effectiveness of the system because of perceptions of inadequate resources and methods. There are several options that could reduce the projected technical and political pressures on the system: a postponement of plutonium recycle; improved materials measurement accuracies; immediate increases in the IAEA inspections staff. There are also options that would supplement the safeguards system and alleviate the pressures on it: multinational fuel cycle centers; a suppliers' cartel-like arrangement; and an International Nuclear Materials Custodial Authority.  相似文献   

Today, consensus is strengthening that mankind ought to prevent atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations from more than doubling, since such a doubling is likely to cause a significant interference with the planet's climate system, to which it might prove difficult to adapt. Nuclear energy possesses large disadvantages, among which waste, proliferation and safety. An expansion of nuclear energy would encounter great social, institutional and economic barriers. Because the 21st century requires a radical transformation of global energy production and consumption towards nonfossil fuels, however, it is one of the noncarbon emitting alternatives that, at present, deserve enhanced research and development efforts. If nuclear energy were expanded 10-fold, it could contribute significantly to mitigating carbon emissions: a 10-fold expansion of nuclear energy could avoid about 15% of cumulative carbon emissions over the period 2000–2075. Nuclear energy, however, can be no panacea for the problem of global warming. Even with a massive expansion, nuclear energy should be complemented by drastic fossil fuel decarbonization measures or the development of renewable energy resources. Preferably, a combination of both should be targeted and complemented by far-reaching efficiency and savings regimes. Since the risks for humanity resulting from climate change are high, it would be unwise to currently abandon any noncarbon energy resource, including fission. A central thrust of continued research and development into nuclear energy ought to be the design of satisfactory nuclear waste depositories and of safe reactors that are less susceptible to proliferation risks.  相似文献   

The external effects arising from the use of nuclear power are, in a fundamental way, related to uncertainty. In this paper we locate these external effects and derive a dynamic Pigouvian tax in order to make the decentralized economy support the command optimum. Another interesting result is that a small constant energy tax (which we interpret as a second best policy) can take the decentralized economy reasonably close to the command optimum.  相似文献   

SFAS 143, Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations, has the potential to cause significant economic consequences to firms impacted by its provisions. BK&L (Boatsman, J. R.; Khurana, I. K.; Loudder, M. L. “The Economic Implications of Proposed Changes in the Accounting for Nuclear Decommissioning Costs,” Accounting Horizons, 14 (2), June 2000, pp. 211–233) suggests that companies would be required to record materially increased assets, liabilities, and expenses which may subsequently cause a significant impact to commonly used financial ratios. BK&L developed predictions of the pro forma effect on assets, liabilities, and expenses due to SFAS 143 adoption by nuclear power utilities. This study examines the actual financial statement effect on BK&L's sample firms due to the adoption of SFAS 143. Results indicate that concern voiced over the standard's requirement to capitalize asset retirement obligations and the related asset, and to record additional expenses by nuclear power companies may have been unfounded.  相似文献   

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