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A relatively recent development in the intra-industry trade (IIT) literature is the measurement of the simultaneous import and export of quality-differentiated products, commonly known as vertical and horizontal IIT. A recent paper from Azhar and Elliott [Azhar, A. K. M. & Elliott, R. J. R. (2006), On the Measurement of Product Quality in Intra-Industry Trade, Review of World Economics, Vol 142 no 3, pp 476–495] analyses various approaches for disentangling vertical and horizontal IIT and suggests a complementary methodology. To investigate the robustness and sensitivity of the existing approaches we examine data on the nature of trade flows between China and its East Asian neighbours and show that in 2002 China tended to export low quality versions of its manufactured goods to Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of openness on China's regional productivity growth. We build a model of technology diffusion in which follower economies achieve productivity growth by taking advantage of technology spillovers from the world technology frontier. We hypothesize that China's regional productivity growth is a positive function of regional openness and a negative function of the current level of regional productivity. Empirical analysis in this paper focuses on how openness affects productivity growth in the Chinese provinces. We examine two effects of openness on regional productivity growth in China: the direct growth effect and the convergence effect. By using a variety of panel data regression techniques, we show that the direct growth effect of openness is the main effect while the convergence effect is insignificant. The findings of this paper lend strong support to the claim that the opening-up of China promotes the country's economic growth.  相似文献   

中国与东盟国家服务贸易现状、结构与竞争力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王娟 《亚太经济》2008,(2):55-58
本文利用实证研究方法,重点分析了中国与东盟国家服务贸易的整体水平、现实结构和国际竞争力,为中国与东盟开展服务贸易与投资提供了实证素材和趋势分析。  相似文献   

In the last two decades, manufacturing industries in Korea have become more concentrated, and interconnectedness across industries and across country borders has risen via vertical relationships and trade linkages. Using the industry-level international input–output data, this paper investigates the propagation of economic shocks in such a highly concentrated and interconnected structure, focusing on the role of vertical and trade linkages. The results establish that, first, the role of vertical and trade linkages in propagating economic shocks originated from both domestic sources and external sources is important. Second, the productivity impacts of a few key sources of economic shocks are relatively sizable. These findings highlight that economic shocks in a few key industries and/or major trading partners that are transmitted through vertical and trade linkages can lead to large swings in the overall economy. This paper contributes to the understanding of the potential interactions between the industrial structure and economic growth/stability.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic severely disrupted international trade, leading countries to grapple with product shortages and firms to experience major supply chain issues. These challenges increased production costs and significantly contributed to lower trade and higher inflation. In this paper, we examine the impact of COVID-19 on Chinese trade through its two main trading partners: Japan and the US. By differentiating products by product type and processing status, we find evidence that products in the middle of the global supply chain were most affected by the pandemic and that the severity of the shock depends on the partner country’s role in the global supply chain. Additionally, we find that Chinese exports are more impacted than Chinese imports, regardless of processing status. These findings are largely consistent with economic theory. Understanding that the effects of global shocks vary by product and country will help guide policies that minimize supply chain disruptions.  相似文献   

陈燕明 《特区经济》2010,(1):262-263
本文运用单位根检验和协整分析对内地和香港进出口贸易与人民币汇率之间的关系进行了估计,还对两地贸易结构进行了分析。结论表明,尽管两地进出口受全球消费市场疲弱和信贷市场萎缩的影响有所减少,但两地间经贸合作关系受人民币汇率变动影响小,价格是拉动两地经济发展的主要原因。  相似文献   

By using data on firms listed on Chinese A-share markets from 2011 to 2017, this study analyzes whether the implementation of China’s the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) affects the sustainable innovation ability of firms. To address endogeneity concerns, we construct a quasi-natural experiment that focuses on firms with overseas business relationships, which had further expanded its foreign trade scale due to the BRI policy in 2014 to explore the casual relation between foreign trade and firm innovation sustainability. Baseline results indicate that the sustainable innovation ability of firms has improved significantly since the promulgation of the BRI policy in 2014. In addition, we find that the improvement of sustainable innovation ability is caused by the “going-out” effect, rather than the “bringing-in” effect, which is the result of the BRI policy. Results suggest that free trade has been conductive to promoting firm sustainable innovation ability, which is also confirmed in additional robustness and placebo tests.  相似文献   

运用计量经济模型分析河北省对外贸易与经济增长之间的关系,结果表明:对外贸易对河北经济增长有很强的拉动作用,其中出口对经济增长的贡献要高于进口,而净出口对经济增长的作用不明显.  相似文献   

王爽  张丽莉 《特区经济》2011,(12):110-112
中国和巴西作为两大新兴市场经济体和金砖国家合作机制的成员国,其经济崛起日益受到世界的关注。本文从两国外贸发展的视角入手,对中巴外贸发展的现状和外贸发展历程进行比较,进而发现中巴经贸关系发展中存在的问题,最后展望前景。  相似文献   

China became a full member of the WTO on 11 December 2001. China has not only increased its presence in mainstream world trade but has gained knowledge about the basic rules of market economies and become more adaptable to changes in the international economy. As a new member of the WTO, being adaptable to changes in the international economy is essential. As a large developing country, China, with its rapid economic growth, huge volume of trade and substantial market potential, has exerted and will continue to exert profound influence on the world economy. It is commonly recognized that China's influence cannot be ignored in the world economy. Five years since its accession to the WTO, China is considering where it stands as a member of the WTO. What does China hope to achieve by being a member of the WTO, how can these hopes be shared among all trading partners, what is China's responsibility in this, and what are the responsibilities of other trading partners?  相似文献   

Standards can influence trades via multiple channels, such as signaling effects, common language effects, and compliance costs. We argue that the impacting channels of standards differ across sectors, which originates from diverse sector features and results in heterogeneous trade effects of standards. In this paper, we focus on the trade effects of standards in developing countries as exporters. Gravity models are applied on the panel data of China’s bilateral trades in 33 sectors from 2002 to 2016. We examine the moderating role of sector features, including the intensity of capital, labor, and technology, on the trade effects of standards. We find that trade-promoting effects of standards are stronger in high-capital sectors and weaker in high-labor sectors. In high-tech sectors, the trade-promoting effects are stronger for internationally harmonized standards while weaker for national standards. Our findings provide managerial implications on standardization policies for China and other developing countries. For instance, international harmonization of standards should be highlighted in high-tech sectors.  相似文献   

代金贵  祁春节 《特区经济》2008,(12):102-103
中国与东盟国家在果蔬产品上具有很强的互补性,通过中国-东盟自由贸易区的不断发展,中国与东盟国家果蔬产品贸易自由化在博弈中也取得了很大的发展,本文讨论了中国与东盟国家果蔬贸易的"囚徒困境"和中国充当"智猪博弈"中的大猪的情况,并分析了充当大猪后中国的收益,最后总结中国在进一步博弈中的策略取向。  相似文献   

全球生产网络、贸易结构与工资差距:来自中国的证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文通过建立全球生产网络的中间投入品模型,实证分析中间品贸易对一国技术劳动力和非技术劳动力工资差异的影响。研究发现:加工贸易是中国融入全球生产网络的典型形态;其出口会扩大对技术和非技术劳动力的需求。但技术劳动力的工资上涨幅度要高于非技术劳动力的工资涨幅,从而使相对工资差距扩大。短期内,中间品的进口减少了技术劳动力的需求和就业,但长期来看中间品进口会扩大对技术劳动力的需求,相对工资差距拉大。人力资本投资的供给增长由于未能满足劳动力市场的需求,从而在一定程度上表现为工资差距拉大;但长期来看,人力资本积累机制的完善使得相对工资差距会逐渐缓和。  相似文献   

赵君丽 《特区经济》2007,224(9):93-94
贸易的政治因素和经济因素经常被单独分析,Freeman的利益相关者分析成功地实现了两者的综合。本文通过利益相关者方法分析中、美纺织品贸易摩擦问题,分析表明:贸易摩擦牵涉到各方利益,贸易摩擦的解决最终是各方政治经济利益的均衡。因此对于中方,不应只站在自己的角度,而应站在双方视角看待和解决纺织品贸易摩擦问题,对症下药,提高对美贸易政策的有效性,具体可采取对外直接投资,开辟多元化的出口市场,争取美国国内零售协会的帮助和自愿出口限额等措施。  相似文献   

李维  胡颖 《科技和产业》2022,22(12):133-137
基础设施建设是经济社会发展的重要支撑,对国家经贸关系进一步发展具有桥梁作用。基于“一带一路”沿线51个国家2011—2019年面板数据,构建拓展引力模型实证分析东道国基础设施质量分别对中国进口与出口的影响。研究发现:东道国基础设施质量会显著促进中国的进口与出口贸易,但对中国进口贸易促进作用强于出口,且东道国GDP增长促进了中国进口与出口贸易增加,其对中国进口贸易促进作用大于出口;而东道国与中国的地理距离对中国进口贸易限制作用大于出口,东道国与中国为邻国、与中国具有共同语言及签订自由贸易协定会推动中国对其进出口贸易增长。在此基础上,提出促进中国与沿线国家进出口贸易的对策建议。  相似文献   

从中国开放格局看,全面推进香港与内地服务贸易自由化是目前政策重点,与此同时东盟10+1也步入服务贸易自由化的阶段。未来,香港、新加坡服务贸易将共同在中国发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, we have seen a dramatic increase in the incidence of temporary trade barriers such as antidumping duties and countervailing duties. China has been at the receiving end of a large number of such measures. In this paper, we study how China's exports to its major trade partners have been affected when its major trade partners have used these measures either against China or against other countries. We find that Chinese exports to the country that imposed an antidumping duty decreased by approximately 35 percent. At the same time, an antidumping duty used by the importing country that was directed towards other countries but not against China led to an approximate 30‐percent increase in China's exports to the policy‐imposing country. These results remain robust across various specifications. Our findings have important policy implications. In particular, the magnitude of these effects highlights why it is important to curb the recent widespread use of these barriers.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Zusammensetzung des Konsums und Handelsintensit?t. Ein alternativer Test der Linder-Hypothese. — Die Autoren beabsichtigen, Linders nachfrageorientierte Erkl?rung der typischen Struktur und Intensit?t des Au\enhandels zu überprüfen. Die Analyse enth?lt eine vergleichende Dimension, welche die Schw?chen früherer Studien aufzeigen soll mit ihrer Spezifizierung einer linearen Beziehung, ihrer einseitigen Konzentration auf Importneigungen und ihrer Verwendung von Unterschieden des Pro-Kopf-Einkommens als Surrogat für die Unterschiede bzw. ?hnlichkeiten im Konsumverhalten. Eine wichtige Erkenntnis ist, da\ Unterschiede in der Definition der Variablen und der Formulierung der Modelle die Regressionsergebnisse beeinflussen, d.h., die Ergebnisse früherer Studien sind nicht robust. Insbesondere dann, wenn statt der Import- (oder Export-)neigung die Gesamthandelsintensit?t in einer nichtlinearen (doppelt logarithmischen) Funktion zu einem exakteren Ma\ für die ?hnlichkeit im Konsum in Beziehung gesetzt wird, best?tigt sich Linders Hypothese st?rker als bisher.
Résumé La structure de la consommation et les intensités du commerce extérieur: Un test alternatif de l’hypothèse de Linder. — L’intention de cette étude est d’examiner l’expliquation de la structure et de l’intensité du commerce extérieur par la demande à la Linder. L’analyse inclut une dimension comparative faite pour indiquer les défauts des rapprochements antérieurs concernant la spécification d’une relation linéaire, le focus invariable sur les tendances à l’importation et leurs utilisation des différences entre les revenus par personne comme indicateur de la similarité en consommation. Il est trouvé que les différences entre les définitions des variables et les formulations du modèle changent les résultats de la regression tellement que les résultats des études antérieures ne se sont pas montrés stabiles. Exprimé d’une manière plus précise, si l’intensité du commerce extérieur total au lieu des tendances à l’exportation (ou l’importation) est lié comme une fonction non-linéaire (double-log) à une mesure plus exacte de la similarité en consommation, l’hypothèse de Linder se montre plus fort qu’auparavant.

Resumen La compositión del consumo y las intensidades de comercio: un test alternativo de la hipótesis de Linder. — El objeto de este trabajo es examinar la explicación del comercio por el lado de la demanda y de la intensidad de comercio presentada por Linder. El análisis incluye una dimensión comparativa, dise?ada para indicar las debilidades de enfoques anteriores para especificar una relaci?n lineal, la invariable concentración en propensidades a importar y la utilización de diferencias en el nivel de ingreso per cápita como indicador de similitud de los patrones de consumo. Un resultado importante es que diferencias entre las definiciones de las variables y la formulación de los modelos alteran las estimaciones obtenidas por regresión, o sea que los resultados de estudios anteriores no son estables. En concreto, cuando la intensidad de comercio total, en vez de la propensidad a exportar o a importar, es relacionada con la medida más exacta de similitud de los patrones de consumo através de una función no lineal (logaritmica doble) la hipótesis de Linder parece estar basada sobre fundamentos más sólidos que en estudios anteriores.

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