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广州麦当劳的人才本土化战略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人才本土化是指跨国公司的海外企业开发利用东道国的人力资源,使其成为企业员工的主体。人才本土化是海外跨国公司在经营、产品、研发、品牌、管理等方面实施本土化战略的基础,也是跨国公司的海外企业与东道国的本土企业争夺竞争优势的重要措施,人才本土化是本土化战略的核心。  相似文献   

在华跨国公司人才本土化问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田泽 《集团经济研究》2006,(32):251-252
近年来,跨国公司加大了对华直接投资力度,并实施了人才本土化战略,通过充分利用中国丰富的人才资源,以增强其竞争力.据有关资料显示,全球500强企业在中国的人才本土化比例高达90%.实际上,人力资源本土化已经成为在华跨国公司的重要战略目标.  相似文献   

跨国公司人力资源本土化战略的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近10年来,中国作为世界上最具魅力的新兴市场之一,吸引着诸多跨国公司纷至沓来。据统计,美国《财富》杂志公布的世界500强企业中已有300多家落户中国。随着大型跨国公司投资的逐步增多,其经营活动也出现本土化的新动向,本土化策略已经成为跨国公司全球化战略具体落实的载体。而人力资源本土化则是跨国公司本土化战略的关键和根本,已经成为了众多跨国公司人力资源管理的核心内容。各种统计资料显示,在一般管理人员层面,许多在华的跨国公司已基本实现了本土化。而在管理高层方面,也向本土化迈进,如微软最早有杜家滨、吴士宏,后有高群耀等,微软…  相似文献   

我国在改革开放以来国际吸引力与日俱增。很多大型国际企业都纷纷进驻中国,在中国设立分公司、子公司,投资建厂,发展贸易。在华跨国企业为了迎合中国市场的需要,吸引更多的中国消费者,在中国更好的经营发展,必须采取一系列符合我国国情符合自身发展的本地化战略,人力资源的本土化是其中的核心和关键。本文对人力资源本土化成功的跨国公司进行案例分析并得出启示。  相似文献   

我国要实现现代化和全面建设小康社会的目标,必须加快社会主义新农村建设,加大对农村人力资源的开发和投入力度,增加人力资本存量。通过对农村人力资源现状和成因分析,只有加快对农村战略人力资源进行开发,才能从根本上改变农村的落后面貌。在此基础上探讨了我国农村人力资源开发的战略性措施。  相似文献   

美资在华科技研发企业人力资源本土化是美国企业"中国战略"的重要组成部分。研究美资在华科技研发企业人力资源管理的特点和发展趋势,不仅可以增强中国的科技研发实力,而且可以大大提高中国科技企业的国际竞争力和综合国力。本文首先介绍了美资在华科技研发企业努力实现人力资源管理本土化的现状和原因,接着指出了美资在华科技研发企业人力资源管理本土化过程中出现的三大问题及解决方案。最后认为:无论是国际私法上的矛盾和冲突,抑或是文化自适应性上的问题,还是劳资双方的利益博弈困局,都需要本着双方互惠共赢的原则加以协商解决,尽量避免经济利益政治化的倾向。  相似文献   

浅析跨国公司人力资源本土化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济全球化越来越深刻地影响当今世界的形势下,跨国公司的全球资源配置向纵深发展.跨国公司作为经济全球化的主要载体,其竞争力不仅体现于拥有雄厚资本、先进技术、驰名品牌、完善的销售网络以及科学的管理等方面,更重要的是先进的人力资源管理模式.在诸多人力资源管理模式中,东道国人力资源本土化成为跨国公司普遍采用的人力资源管理模式.而在华跨国公司人力资源本土化作为其全球化战略的重要组成部分,对跨国公司整体经营战略和竞争力产生了深刻的影响.  相似文献   

人力资源本土化对公司国际化经营影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王永谦 《企业经济》2004,(12):94-95
人力资本的异质性和经济性,是跨国公司为了提高国际竞争力而实施人力资源本土化战略的根本原因。运用跨文化管理和人力资本栽培技术,可以融合人力资本的要素性负效应和精神性负效应。人力资源本土化可以提升我国人力资本的丰饶度。利用人力资本的外溢效应,可以促进我国民族产业经营的国际化。  相似文献   

关兵  霍荣 《物流科技》2004,27(6):72-74
近年来,跨国公司根据其全球战略的需要,纷纷加大在中国的研发投资力度。这些研发机构提高了我国的整体技术水平,总体上对中国的经济产生了积极的影响。我国应通过采取改善研发环境的宏观对策以及企业提高自主研发能力的对策来吸引和利用跨国公司在华研发投资。  相似文献   

刘绍涛 《企业导报》2013,(10):206-206
随着经济全球化的不断深入,跨国公司的发展成为全球化经济背景下的主要产物之一。在跨国公司人力资源管理工作中,加大对人力资源战略性管理的创新、以人为本的理念等,给予我国企业人力资源管理带来了很多的启示。本研究以当代跨国公司人力资源管理特点为研究对象,通过对跨国公司人力资源管理的研究,旨在探寻有利于我国企业人力资源管理的良策,以更好地促进我国企业竞争力的提升。  相似文献   

人力资源价值是人力资源会计的关键,通过人力资源价值的合理计量可以反映现有人力资源的质量状况,为人力资源的投资决策、收益分析提供重要的依据。本文对近年国内学者在该领域研究进行汇集整理,分析了当期价值理论、改进的随机报酬法、调整后的完全价值法、博弈模型、期权估价模型等方法,并对其进行了总结与简要评述。  相似文献   

人力资源会计基本问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈富永  陈华 《财会通讯》2007,(3):107-109
本文从人力资源会计的基本概念出发,对人力资源资产属性进行了研究和探讨,同时对人力资源会计的计量,报告与披露等基本问题进行了论述,以期为建立人力资源会计提供参考。  相似文献   

工程项目人力资源管理的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑艳平  王辉 《基建优化》2007,28(5):25-26
人力资源因素是影响工程项目建设诸多因素中最活跃和最有创造性的因素,人力资源管理是否科学合理直接关系到工程项目的进度、成本与质量,它是联系三大控制的桥梁.本文采用对比的方法讲解了现代人力资源管理与传统劳动人事管理的区别,并综合分析了工程项目人力资源管理的程序及实施过程中需要注意的问题和解决的方法.  相似文献   

商誉会计问题的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者认为商誉最基本的特征是它与企业的不可分割性,归根结底是源于企业的人力资源。但是商誉并非是对人力资源的反映,商誉是企业的人力资源与非人力资源相结合后所产生的一种共生资源。笔者主张对自创商誉采用边确认边摊销的方法,并且建议在确认摊销过程中采用避开损益表的方法。在计量方面,倾向以超额利润的现值来计量商誉,并且由于超额利润的获得不完全来自商誉,所以在量化商誉时应对估计的超额利润进行一定幅度的调整。  相似文献   

This article reviews the growing body of empirical evidence (N = 35) on the impact of HRM on innovation that has been published during the past 25 years (1990–2015). Our most definitive finding concerns the impact of bundled HRM practices, which can be firmly linked to innovation. The role of high-commitment practice bundles appears particularly important. Studies on the various individual practices indicate that practices that foster employee commitment, loyalty, learning and intrinsic motivation are conducive to innovation. Some evidence points to the role of macro- and micro-level moderators setting boundary conditions (e.g. industry and strategy) for the HRM–innovation relationship and to mediators, such as creativity and knowledge management, as explanatory mechanisms as to why HRM impacts innovation. We noted a number of insufficiently covered areas that call for further research. We present four specific recommendations: (1) different phases of the innovation process deserve greater attention; (2) the invention of radical innovation warrants further investigation; (3) measurement of innovation and HRM should be more consistent; and (4) the theoretical underpinnings of the relationship between HRM and innovation should be strengthened. We conclude by reflecting the ‘black box’ stage between HRM and innovation through the AMO framework.  相似文献   

Effective management of people is increasingly recognized in the literature as a vital contributor to organizational performance and indeed survival. Nevertheless, studies of the dynamics of human resource management in small entrepreneurial ventures are relatively sparse. In this paper we draw upon a range of behaviourally-informed research publications to demonstrate that a culture of owner-influenced individualism and informality pervades these ventures, affecting prime human resource issues such as performance related practices, training and development, work–life balance and other critical dimensions of employee welfare. A preference for informality and an absence of strategy to inform owner–employee relations sits uneasily alongside growing political pressures toward codification of the management of employees in small entrepreneurial ventures. The response to these pressures may have significant implications both for relationships with employees and for organizational performance.  相似文献   

人力资源价值会计货币计量方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人力资源价值会计是发展至今比较成熟的人力资源会计模式,对其计量方法的研究成果颇丰。本文通 过总结国内外较成熟的人力资源价值货币计量方法,为进一步开展这方面的研究提供条件和根据。  相似文献   

Human resource management in smaller firms: A contradiction in terms?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human resource management came into popular parlance in the late 1970s. as a managerial approach aimed at re-ordering the employment relationship to ensure employee efforts were strategically focused on achieving organisational performance and competitiveness in increasingly volatile markets. Since then there has been much consideration of whether HRM is a robust academic concept supporting a particular managerialist ideology, a status enhancing label for people managers, or a practitioner tool kit. There has also been a consideration of how HRM is articulated in small and entrepreneurial firms. This paper suggests that the concept of HRM is, in most instances, uncertainly theorised and, therefore, how it, whatever ‘it’ is, might be identified in such firms is challenging. Unless HRM is theorised in context with more care, there is a danger of it remaining a ‘fuzzy concept’ encouraging abstract empiricism which, rather than clarifying our understanding, only further muddies already muddy waters. In pursuit of this argument, in this paper current debates about the notion of HRM are considered as is how these fit with what is known about the management of labour in small firms. Consequently, the purpose of this paper is to question how appropriate it is to talk about HRM as an approach to managing labour in small firms.  相似文献   

A diversity of opinion exists about the definition, intellectual boundaries, and major premises of the fields of human resources management (HRM) and industrial relations (IR). To help provide a common frame of reference for discussion and debate on the symposium topic, I endeavor in this paper to flesh out a consensus position on these matters. The method used is largely historical. Based on a review of the origins and evolution of the two fields from the early 20th century to the present day, I show that human resources (HR) up to the early 1960s was typically considered to be a subfield of IR. In more recent years, however, HR has largely severed its links with IR and now is widely regarded as a separate, sometimes competing and sometimes complementary field of study. In the last part of the paper I use this historical analysis, together with a review of the literatures in the two fields and the findings and conclusions of the other papers in this symposium, to identity both the commonalities and differences that distinguish the two fields in terms of their approach to science building (research) and problem solving (policy/practice).  相似文献   

This paper looks at the ‘science’ and ‘practice’ of human resource management in small firms. While there is growing evidence that the practice of human resource management in small firms is characterized by informality, there is less evidence about the science, or explaining why this is the case. We look to writing on strategic human resource management, which has at its heart the resource based view of the firm, for possibilities offered to understanding the science of human resource management in small firms.  相似文献   

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