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潘春晖 《武汉金融》2000,(12):35-38
随着中国金融业的进一步改革开放和中国加入WTO的临近 ,中国金融企业正面临前所未有的挑战。面对愈来愈激烈的竞争环境 ,如何全面提高自身的竞争力 ,已成为中国金融企业必须解决的主要课题。而中国金融企业以股本融资方式上市 ,可以说是促进我国金融企业和资本市场共同发展、共生共荣的双赢举措。本文首先回顾了金融企业上市的有关政策 ,然后从增强企业自身实力和促进资本市场发展两个方面阐述了金融企业上市的现实意义 ,并针对现行的资本市场监管规则 ,提出了创新要求与完善措施 ,最后对金融企业境外上市作了尝试性的探索。  相似文献   

金融乃“百业之首”,在现代经济发展中举足轻重。中国改革开放的总设计师邓小平先生曾经说过“金融是现代经济的核心”。但是,长期以来,在中国证券市场上的金融企业却一直为数不多。目前,上海深圳两地虽然有一千多家上市公司,但是金融类上市企业却只有屈指可数的七家,即三家商业银行(深圳发展银行、浦东发展银行、中国民生银行),两家信托投资公司(陕国投、鞍山信托),一家证券公司(宏源证券),及一家金融参股公司(爱建股份),仅仅占目前一千多家上市公司总数(A股)与0.6%,其股票总市值仅仅占全部上市股票总市值的1.3%左右。这与我国金融业在国民经济中的重要地位极不相称。  相似文献   

金融企业是指包括商业银行、保险公司、证券公司、信托投资公司、财务公司等各类从事金融业务的法人机构。长期以来,由于受到国家政策的限制,我国金融企业到国内外资本市场上市发行股票几乎是一块空白。随着社会主义市场经济的深入发展和改革的不断深化,国家对金融企业上市的政策有了松动。近两年来,已有若干家股份制商业银行获准上市,尚未上市的金融企业也在积极筹划,准备挺进资本市场,人们似乎已听到金融企业上市传来的阵阵脚步声。  相似文献   

封文丽 《中国金融》2002,(1):41-42,45
在国际证券市场上,金融企业通过发行上市筹集资金已成为一种普遍现象。金融股以其回报有保障、股本规模大等特点,成为稳定市场的中坚力量。国际上一些著名的金融企业,如花旗银行、大通曼哈顿银行、美林证券、高盛证券、汇丰控股、恒生银行等均是上市公司,并构成证券市场上的中流砥柱。而我国金融类上市公司只有屈指可数的7家,其中包括3家商业银行(深圳发展银行、浦东发展银行、中国民生银行)、2家信托投资公司(陕西投、鞍山信托)、1家证券公司(宏源证券)以及1家涉足金融业务的综合性上市公司(爱建股份),其数量占上市公司总数的0.6%,市值仅占全部上市股票总市值的1.3%左右,这种局面与金融业在我国国民经济中的重要地位极不相称,加入WTO后,国内金融企业将面临空前的竞争压力。  相似文献   

刘薇 《武汉金融》2001,(6):63-63
金融企业是经营金融商品的特殊企业,它包括银行业,证券业,保险业,信托业和租赁业等,金融企业具有指标业,垄断业,高风险性和效益依赖性等基本特点。  相似文献   

1990年中信泰富在香港买壳上市,掀开了中国企业在海外融资的序幕,十年后,先后有50多家企业走出国门,到香港、纽约、伦敦等国际资本市场上融资,融资总额上千亿元人民币,这些上市企业中“既有像中华网这样中国概念股风光无限好的辉煌,也有大半股价跃破发行价惨不忍睹的苦涩”,中国企业的海外上市之路可谓十年沉浮,潮起潮落。  相似文献   

近十年来,国内企业纷纷通过各种渠道到海外融资,方式包括首次公开发行、增发新股、间接挂牌上市、存款凭证、可转换债券、战略投资私募等。仅去年,就有中石化、中石油、中海油、中国移动(香港)、中国联通等多家大型企业到境外上市融资,而中国移动(香港)公司更是在国内外投资银行的协助下,运用娴熟的资本市场操作手段多渠道低成本融资,包括去年7月份以优惠利率获得当时国内最大的人民币银团贷款125亿美元,10月在美国和香港金融市场公开增发新股融资41亿美元,同时发行5年期6亿美元SEC公开登记的投资级可转换债券等。今年6月份移动(香港)公司再次通过子公司广东移动通信公司发行50亿元人民币担保浮息债券,偿还相比成本较高的银行贷款,发行过程也采用了国际市场发债的惯用做法,如路演和市场化定价等。  相似文献   

海外上市意向的确定是公司内部的决策,主要根据企业发展规划和具体运作情况来决策,主要包括:海外上市的必要性和可能性判断:筹集资金的数量;融资工具的初步选择;海外上市公司的初步意向。可供选择 的海外上市的方式包括境外直接上市,买壳上市,造壳上市,存托凭证上市,可转换债券上市。  相似文献   

At the end of October 2003, there were 237 Chinese firms' listings on various stock exchanges outside of Mainland China. Beyond geographical proximity and other obvious explanations of why Chinese firms prefer listing in Hong Kong more than in the United States, we identify two additional benefits of a Hong Kong listing. We find that Chinese firms listed in Hong Kong have a better information environment than those listed solely in the United States. We also find that the Hong Kong-listed firms are less financially constrained, which may be due to their ability to access the Hong Kong capital market for external financing. The results of our study show that different stock markets offer different benefits as a listing venue and the benefits of foreign listing may depend on the choice of listing location.  相似文献   

全国人民代表大会一年一度例会,但今年的十一届全国人大二次会议是在金融危机的背景下召开的,因此聚焦了来自世界各地的关切目光.海内外媒体希望通过"两会"在更深的层面上获得中国政府应对金融危机对策的解读.3月13日中国总理温家宝在中外记者招待会上,阐述了中国政府应对国际金融危机的政策,表示在必要时将推出新的刺激经济政策,提振了国入的信心.  相似文献   

商业银行上市与金融产业组织结构的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓霆 《新金融》2000,(7):6-8
由于中国政府对金融改革一直持十分谨慎的态度,迄今为止仅批准了两家商业银行在证券交易所上市,目前待批准上市的银行还有几家,预计从今年开始将陆续改制上市.商业银行的上市,对银行自身来讲,能够筹集更多的资金,充实资本金,改善财务结构,有利于其进一步吸纳社会资金.而且,上市以后,随着实力与透明度的同步提高,对提高在国际市场的筹资能力,改善融资条件,也有很大的帮助,这是眼前就能看到的益处.此外,商业银行的上市还将拉开我国金融产业组织结构重大调整的序幕.  相似文献   

We compare the sensitivity of managerial cash compensation to firm performance, the level of long term managerial incentives, and the sensitivity of CEO turnover to firm performance for three types of state-controlled Chinese firms: A shares (firms incorporated and listed in mainland China), H shares (firms incorporated in mainland China but listed in Hong Kong), and Red Chip shares (firms incorporated outside mainland China and listed in Hong Kong). We find no difference in the three pay-for-performance sensitivity measures between H shares and A shares. The cash pay-for-performance sensitivity and the level of long-term managerial incentives are higher for Red Chip shares than for the other two firm types. However, the sensitivity of CEO turnover to firm performance is insignificant for all three firm types. Our study illustrates the complexity in the influence of mainland China’s versus Hong Kong’s institutional forces on state-controlled Chinese firms listed in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Forcing firms to talk: financial disclosure regulation and externalities   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We analyze a model of voluntary disclosure by firms and thedesirability of disclosure regulation. In our model disclosureis costly, it has private and social value, and its precisionis endogenous. We show that (i) a convexity in the value ofdisclosure can lead to a discontinuity in the disclosure policy;(ii) the Nash equilibrium of a voluntary disclosure game isoften socially inefficient; (iii) regulation that requires aminimal precision level sometimes but not always improves welfare;(iii) the same is true for subsidies that change the perceivedcost of disclosures; and (iv) neither regulation method dominatesthe other.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the soundness of financial institutions affected bank lending to new firms during the 2008 financial crisis by using a unique firm–bank match‐level dataset of 1,467 unlisted small and medium‐sized enterprises incorporated in Japan. We employ a within‐firm estimator that can control for unobserved firms’ demand for credit through firm ? time fixed effects. The major findings of this paper are the following four points. First, sounder financial institutions may be generally less likely to provide financing to new firms. Second, our results suggest that sounder financial institutions were less likely to provide loans to new firms during the 2008 financial crisis. Third, financial institutions were less likely to provide financing to new firms during such crisis as compared to those with the same soundness during non‐crisis periods. Finally, such lending relationships to new firms that are established during the financial crisis by sounder financial institutions are more likely to be continued than such lending by less sound financial institutions.  相似文献   

This paper examines how economic policy uncertainty affects financial firms' capital shortages in the event of a new crisis. By employing a global economic policy uncertainty index, we show that an increase in policy uncertainty leads to future capital shortfall increases in the event of a severe market decline. This effect of policy uncertainty is of a similar magnitude for all firms across all regions and sectors, albeit with a few exceptions. As expected, well-capitalized financial firms are less affected. Our findings have important implications for policymakers and politicians, since if their response during a severe market decline is not timely and decisive, the delay will come at a cost. Further, in terms of the implications for firms' managers, we show that during periods of elevated policy uncertainty and a severe market downturn, firms will face additional, unexpected capital requirements.  相似文献   

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