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从本期开始,本刊将开辟“造船合同”栏目,针对当前金融危机导致船东弃船所发生的船舶建造合同纠纷,刊发系列文章,讨论相关纠纷、法律责任以及发生纠纷时的救济手段。由于此类问题在我国外贸船舶建造中问题比较突出。而此类合同往往约定适用英国法律。因此,该系列文章在讨论中将援引大量的英国案例。  相似文献   

本文研究侵权法体系里疏忽责任制度的两个重要特点。首先,根据单侧模型的分析,在疏忽责任制度里过度严格的行业标准并不会抑制企业的风险活动,因为他们可以选择成为"疏忽"而不需要去忍受过多的预防成本;其次,研究了为什么理论上疏忽责任制度里不存在责任保险的需求,但实际上在实施疏忽责任制度的国家里责任保险却异常发达的原因;通过信息模型,给出了责任保险存在的两个必要条件:一是信息的价值必须为正,二是阻止的成本必须大于满足不成为"疏忽"标准的注意成本和保险成本之和。  相似文献   

船舶建造合同中不仅明示条款对双方有约束力,默示条款同样具有约束力。特别是在合同约定适用英国法律等外国法时.这些默示条款往往容易被我国船厂所忽略,因此需要更加重视。本文以此为核心,介绍英国法律下船舶建造合同中默示条款的一些案例,供广大读者参考。  相似文献   

The regulation of nanotechnology has been relatively well covered by policy-makers and academic commentators. Surprisingly, the potential impact of civil products liability has been less explored and yet, in an innovative industry sector, this should be of crucial concern to businesses and policy-makers generally. This paper explores this in the light of the EU Products Liability Directive. It explores the nature of risks and develops a new terminology to differentiate risks according to whether they are totally unexpected risks, potential but still unexpected risks, or suspected identified defects (either due to a characteristic of the product related to the defect or by analogy with another nanoproduct). The perhaps startling conclusion is that the more unknown a risk is the more likely a product containing it is to be found defective. However, the uncertainty surrounding this new area of science may give some leeway for the narrow development risks defence and that may have implications for the liability exposure of nanotechnology industries in those states that have chosen to exclude the development risks defence.  相似文献   

侵权责任归责原则体系分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孟旭 《商业研究》2011,(4):129-134
侵权责任法的归责原则是确定行为人的侵权民事责任的依据和标准,也是贯穿于整个侵权责任法并对各个侵权法规范起着统帅作用的立法指导方针。侵权责任的归责原则所要解决的是侵权责任的伦理和正义性基础问题,"三元论"归责原则因具备内在逻辑联系和层次性而较之其它归责原则说更具有合理性。我国新颁行的侵权责任法采用二元归责体系,即归责原则由过错责任和无过错责任构成,归责原则应采用以过错责任原则和无过错责任原则为基础,以公平责任原则为补充的归责原则体系。  相似文献   

产品责任归责原则是确定生产者和销售者民事责任的依据和标准.我国现行有关产品责任的法律根据生产者和销售者的不同地位,分别实行严格责任和过错责任、过错推定责任原则,以及两者之间的替代责任原则.根据实践中产品责任侵权现象出现的新情况,为顺应时代潮流,在我国产品责任相关立法中,应把严格责任明确规定为产品责任的归责原则,并进一步加以完善.  相似文献   

探析注册会计师法律责任难于落实的原因,从表因分析,主要来自于被审计单位的会计责任、注册会计师自身的审计责任、会计师事务所方面的责任、社会公众的过度期望以及来自同行业竞争的压力。但从根源分析,我国就注册会计师法律责任的规定并不完善,让有心之人有机可乘;审计制度自身也存在一定的问题,仅把责任归咎于在这个制度上运作的组织或人其实有些片面;我国市场经济秩序存在诸多不公平,也是滋生责任问题的一大可能。  相似文献   

银行在发生不当付款情况时承担的责任主要分为合同责任和侵权责任,这种责任的区分在司法实践中具有意义重大,不但涉及到案件的案由确定,而且还涉及适用法律、赔偿范围和举证责任等许多问题。对此类案件不能笼统分析,要区分是单独行为还是共同行为。前者,银行与债务人之间就形成不了真正的连带责任;后者,银行应该在侵害债权范围之内,与债务人承担连带责任。这样才能彰显法律的严谨性。  相似文献   

Much has been written about where the boundaries of the firm are drawn, but little about what occurs at the boundaries themselves. When a firm subcontracts, does it inform its suppliers fully of what it requires, or is it willing to accept what they have available? In practice firms often engage in a dialogue, or conversation, with their suppliers, in which at first they set out their general requirements, and only when the supplier reports back on how these can be met are their more specific requirements set out. This paper models such conversations as a rational response to communication costs. The model is used to examine the impact of new information technology, such as CAD/CAM, on the conduct of subcontracting. It can also be used to examine its impact on the marketing activities of firms. The technique of analysis, which is based on the economic theory of teams, has more general applications too. It can be used to model all the forms of dialogue involved in the processes of coordination both within and between firms.  相似文献   

A growing number of mergers and their potentially negative impacts on consumer welfare in the retailing sector have prompted discussion on how to define the boundaries of the relevant market. This article explores the boundaries of the geographic market of daily consumer goods through an examination of factors that influence shoppers' mobility in Croatia. The study takes into consideration the purpose of the trip and differentiates between major and fill‐in shopping trips, and demonstrates that different factors impact the shopper mobility for each of the two shopping trips. It provides support for the practice of defining market boundaries empirically on the basis of region and store format specificities, taking into account prevalent shopping occasion, economic situation of the residents, size of the residential area, and geographical placement of the stores among other things. The study shows that the boundaries of the retail market may be more narrow than expected.  相似文献   

Horizontal centrality bias has been found to influence what products consumers pay attention to and what products they choose to purchase. Such bias offers substantial competitive advantage to brands that know about it and display their products so as to capitalize on it. Atalay et al. (2012) identified the key components of this horizontal centrality effect: initial fixation bias, gaze cascade bias, and subsequent choice bias. In this paper, we re-examine their study under two new conditions: time pressure and a more ambiguous choice action. We find that although the horizontal centrality effect persists, it is modified in the extended time condition. The central gaze cascade component does not arise in the data when the choice moment is ambiguous, however, choice bias persists under all conditions.  相似文献   

Casson and Wadeson (International Journal of the Economics of Business, 1998, 5, pp. 5-27) have modelled the dialogue, or conversation, which customers have with their suppliers in order to convey their requirements, while taking production implications into account. They showed that this has important implications for the positioning of the boundaries of the firm. Unfortunately, their model has the restriction that communication is only costly in the direction of customer to supplier. This paper extends their model by introducing two-way communication costs. It shows that the level of communication cost in the direction of supplier to customer is a key additional factor in determining the nature of the dialogue that takes place. It also shows that this has important additional implications for the positioning of the boundaries of the firm. Custom computer software development is used as an example of an application of the theory.  相似文献   

The Internet promises many opportunities for consumers who shop online. While prior studies identify problems with online access for persons with disabilities, research has not examined whether consumers with disabilities shop online similarly to persons who are not disabled. The study attempts to fill this gap in two unique ways. First, this paper specifically considers the frequency of online shopping, the amount spent, and reasons for shopping online among both disabled and non-disabled persons. In addition, the study groups persons with disabilities into six major categories according to disability type rather than aggregating into one general category. Telephone surveys of 1053 persons reveal both differences and similarities that suggest opportunities for improving online access and developing a richer understanding of the online shopping motivations and needs of persons with disabilities.  相似文献   

责任保险发展了多年,但一直是财产保险市场中的小险种.各级政府也花了许多精力大力发展责任保险,但效果不是非常明显.供给不足是一个主要原因.责任保险的供给不足是有很深的根源的.本文用经济学的方法,分析了责任保险供给不足的根本原因.由于外部环境道德风险较大、保险市场对创新无保护、外部法制环境不健全、保险公司内部管理能力较弱等多方面宏观与微观的原因,导致责任保险的供给成本增加,从而使保险公司的供给总量减小.另外,保险公司的资源有限使得在分配资源时,出于利润最大或收入最高的目的,也不愿意在供给成本比较高的责任保险方面增加供给.因此,要发展责任保险也必须考虑刺激责任保险的供给.  相似文献   

任佩 《商业研究》2004,(19):144-147
不同法学、不同国家之间基于传统理论、价值取向的不同,关于董事对第三人责任的设计迥然不同。我国在董事对第三人责任问题上,坚持了由公司承担对外责任,董事不对第三人直接承担责任的模式,这样设计的主要目的是为了与民法传统理论法人人格的独立性原则保持一致,但仍有不足,应尽快加以弥补。  相似文献   

顾能柱 《商业研究》2008,(4):117-120
金融市场当中的资产收益和利率波动具有不确定性,保险企业的财务目标是满足偿付能力要求,同时最大化期望收益,最小化风险。为了实现这一稳健的财务目标,保险企业需要在不确定性条件下对资产与负债实行有效管理。  相似文献   

债务重组的有关问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2001年<债务重组准则>重新修订后做了较大变动,但其变动与国际会计惯例所颁布的债务重组准则有一定的区别;另外,以账面价值代替公允价值,虽然具有一定的操作性,但是缺乏较强的说服力;且其会计处理在不影响会计信息客观公允的前提下可进一步简化.  相似文献   

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