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唐登莉  罗超亮 《江苏商论》2012,(12):92-95,107
联盟成员间的利益协同是保持知识联盟稳定发展的关键。首先,在相关理论的回顾基础上,构建知识联盟利益协同的合作博弈模型;然后,结合合作博弈的理论和方法,运用夏普利值法计算模型研究知识联盟利益分配机制。最后,通过假设实证研究,解决了知识联盟企业间的利益分配问题,提高了知识联盟绩效,有利于知识联盟的稳定发展。  相似文献   


Two trends, the drive for differentiation and the clamor for collaboration, are emerging from intermediaries in the food distribution system. Differentiation by large manufacturers and retailers will encourage more direct marketing by farmers. Although differentiation by manufacturers creates entry barriers for small firms, differentiation by retailers may open opportunities. Some collaboration initiatives will increase the supply chain efficiency up to the retailer, but adoption rates of collaborative technologies by stores will likely be slow. With more differentiation, consumers will have greater choice. Some technologies that could boost the efficiency of the food distribution system may be resisted by consumers.  相似文献   

电子商务在物流配送中的应用及其整合研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
余祖德  宋朝霞  叶彬 《商业研究》2003,(15):130-133
物流配送之所以能创造价值就在于其在物质实体的流动过程中实现了增值,但物流配送在实现物资流动的过程时要使得物资在空间和时间上的位移,这其中需要很大的成本,主要体现在货物的分拣、存放、包装、分类、组配、装货、运输、配送、储存等环节。为了降低物流配送成本,有必要实现其的现代化,其中很大的一个举措就是运用电子商务技术。  相似文献   

文章以我国流通服务业上市公司为研究样本,分析了上市公司资本结构和股权结构对公司绩效的影响,以及成长机会在其中的调节作用.研究结果表明流通服务业上市公司第一大股东持股比例、第二到第十大股东持股比例、长期负债资本比对公司绩效存在显著正向影响;国有股持股比例、高管持股比例、资产负债率对公司绩效存在显著负向影响.随着公司成长机会的增加,第二到第十大股东持股,非国有法人股持股对公司绩效正向影响作用增强;而第一大股东持股比例、国有股持股比例、高管持股比例、资产负债率与长期负债资本比对公司绩效的影响并不随着公司成长性的变化而变化.文章研究对于流通服务业上市公司股权结构和资本结构优化提供了有益的启示.  相似文献   

This paper analyses how the novelty of business opportunities at start-up constrains young technology-based firms from attaining substantial growth and becoming medium-sized. Data from 262 young Swedish technologybased firms are used to estimate a logit regression model relating different types of opportunities to the probability of becoming medium-sized. The results show that firms which seek to exploit opportunities based on new market knowledge are less likely to attain substantial growth than firms that seek to exploit opportunities based on existing market knowledge. The former class of firms can nevertheless increase the probability of such growth by actively seeking external financing.  相似文献   

Discovering entrepreneurial opportunities requires that individuals not only possess some form of prior knowledge, but that they also have the cognitive abilities that allow them to value and exploit that knowledge. This article builds upon and extends this line of inquiry by examining the relationship between opportunity identification and learning. Based upon an experimental task and other data collected from 380 technology professionals, the article defines a relationship between how individuals acquire and transform information and experience (i.e., learning) in order to identify opportunities. After analyzing the empirical data, the article develops the concept of learning asymmetries and explains how the manner in which people learn may affect their ability to identify entrepreneurial opportunities.  相似文献   

流通生财   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流通生财。流通因交换而发生,交换产生财富,推进了整个财富创造的过程。从逻辑上讲,交换有利于双方,自然应该有财富的创造。从经济学上讲,交换使物品的使用价值得到提高,同时发展了分工,促进了专业化,提高了生产力,给社会带来了巨大利益。流通是有成本的,如果流通的成本太高,把本来双方可以得到的利益吃掉了,交换就难以实现,所以降低流通成本对于帮助交换获利至关重要。流通成本的降低可以使全社会获得巨大的财富创造的机会。物流是一门伟大的学问,它联系消费和生产,沟通了物和人,也沟通了人和人,帮助社会创造了财富。  相似文献   

An absorptive capacity theory of knowledge spillover entrepreneurship   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship identifies new knowledge as a source of entrepreneurial opportunities, and suggests that entrepreneurs play an important role in commercializing new knowledge developed in large incumbent firms or research institutions. This paper argues that, knowledge spillover entrepreneurship depends not only on new knowledge but more importantly on entrepreneurial absorptive capacity that allows entrepreneurs to understand new knowledge, recognize its value, and commercialize it by creating a firm. This absorptive capacity theory of knowledge spillover entrepreneurship is tested using data based on U.S. metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

What do entrepreneurial opportunities look like? How do firms discover and exploit these opportunities to create value and sustain competitive advantage? This paper reviews the strategic management and entrepreneurship literatures to identify the nature and character of entrepreneurial opportunities and the entrepreneurial strategies that firms employ to seize and commercialize these opportunities. Three emerging schools are identified. The economic school argues that entrepreneurial opportunities exist as a result of the distribution of information about material resources in society. The cultural cognitive school argues that entrepreneurial opportunities exist as a result of environmental ambiguity and the cultural resources available to interpret and define these opportunities. Finally, the sociopolitical school stresses the role of network and political structures in defining entrepreneurial opportunities. We integrate these perspectives to offer a way to improve understanding of the opportunity creation and exploitation process.  相似文献   

To enter international markets successfully, firms need to secure adequate distribution channels for their products in the targeted markets. But gaining access to, as well as developing and maintaining marketing channels in foreign markets requires substantial knowledge of the distribution structures and patterns in thos markets. This follows because the so-called standardized (globalized) approach to international marketing strategy does not apply to distribution strategy in foreign markets. Comparative marketing analysis can provide international marketers with the means for obtaining the knowledge needed by providing (1) a substantial literature on distribution in different countries, (2) a variety of methodologies that can provide insights into foreign distribution structures, and (3) by sensitizing international marketers to changing patterns of distribution around the world.  相似文献   

调整商贸流通业发展战略助推新型城镇化建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新型城镇化建设为商贸流通业提供了新的发展机遇。当前,我国商贸流通业总体上仍处于投入推动型的粗放式的发展阶段,城乡市场分割现象依然突出;现代化的流通体系尚未真正建立起来;现代流通手段和营销方式的应用还处在起步阶段,环节较多、损耗较大、成本较高;消费环境有待净化;新兴业态质量有待提升。商贸流通业应加快调整发展战略,加强改革创新和文化建设,健全市场流通体系,推行现代化流通方式,开拓服务领域,加大民生工程建设力度,引导物流要素合理配置,重点培育城镇消费。国家应加快实施税制改革,推进金融与商贸流通业的融合发展,从而使商贸流通业有效助推新型城镇化建设。  相似文献   

改革开放后,中国分配领域发生了深刻的变革,一系列新的生产要素参与了价值的形成与创造,也参与了收入分配,因此,人们对按劳分配在中国分配制度中的主导地位存在疑惑。其实,土地、资本、信息、技术和管理等生产要素是物化劳动,它们参与分配,是按劳分配的创新形式,可见按劳分配依然是中国社会主义市场经济条件下占绝对主导的分配制度。  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from a census of more than 79,000 stock-keeping units (SKUs) in 37 consumer packaged goods categories totaling $55 billion in annual revenue. It shows that, in 86 percent of product categories, the relationship between market share and retail distribution is increasing and convex at the SKU level. The degree of convexity is greater in categories with higher revenues and more concentration in market shares. The relationship is also typically convex within leading brands’ SKU portfolios, showing that the “double jeopardy” phenomenon of low share and distribution not only affects small brands competing against market leaders, it also affects low-share SKUs within a category leader's product line. Holdout evidence shows that the distribution/share relationship within a brand's portfolio of existing SKUs usually holds for new SKUs as well. We explain how knowledge of the distribution/share relationship can help to improve a brand's go-to-market decisions for new SKUs.  相似文献   

Knowledge is recognized as an important ingredient for economic growth in addition to physical capital and labor. While transforming knowledge into products and processes it is exploited commercially. Nevertheless, the existing knowledge stock and the absorptive capacity of actors like employees at firms and researchers at universities and research institutions are conditional for the ability to produce, identify, and exploit knowledge. Since incumbent firms do not exploit new knowledge to the full extent, realized entrepreneurial opportunities may arise. This paper tests the hypothesis whether or not entrepreneurship is an important vehicle for knowledge flows and economic growth. The empirical results indicate that an increase in innovative start-up activity is more effective than an increase in general entrepreneurship for economic growth.   相似文献   

按照对效率与公平偏好的不同,初次分配效率与公平的政策组合有四种类型:"轻效率,轻公平"型;"轻效率,重公平"型;"重效率,轻公平"型;"重效率,重公平"型。不同社会发展阶段收入分配政策的制定实际上是对这四种政策组合的选择,以选择能带来最大化效用的分配制度。用分粥模型形象地对效率与公平的各种政策组合进行模拟,并根据收入分配效用函数对效率与公平政策组合的效用选择状况进行分析,结果表明,在初次分配"重效率"目标不变的前提下,消除收入分配不公平、减少贫富差距的关键在于同时建立初次分配"重公平"的机制。  相似文献   

发展现代物流促进流通现代化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
物流是一个国家实现流通现代化的重要途径,也是衡量一个国家和地区流通现代化程度的重要标志。发展现代物流,实现流通现代化,是提升我国经济素质和效益,降低成本,服务民生的迫切需要。目前中国现代物流业已从起步期进入了发展期,各个方面都取得了突出的成绩,物流的产业地位得以确立,物流对经济的贡献逐步加大,物流行业的改革开放步伐加快,物流行业的竞争实力进一步增强,物流园区的集聚作用日益突出,为现代物流发展奠定了坚实的基础,但物流业的发展与我国经济发展的要求还不相适应,许多方面与国际水平比还有相当大的差距,影响了流通效率,加大了流通损耗。因此,必须抓住当前面临的良好机遇,采取积极有效措施,全面推动现代物流业发展,要以规划促发展,以改革促发展,以开放促发展,以科技促发展。重点抓好流通企业内部物流的社会化,加强冷链物流体系建设,大力发展农村现代物流,努力推动第三方物流的发展,积极推广先进适用的物流技术,开展物流试点示范工作。  相似文献   

随着我国加入了WTO,物流业对外全面开放,我国物流业面临着激烈的挑战。物流企业必须考虑重新调整、优化网络结构,以适应当前的市场状况。基于轴辐式网络模型的物流配送体系是一种非常有效的网络结构形式,以其具有规模经济效益的特点,实现提高运输工具和运输网络的利用率,减少运输成本的目的。本文主要分析了建立轴辐式物流配送系统的现实价值,提出了在我国建立此网络系统的几点设想。  相似文献   

当前,我国制造业面临着越来越严峻的压力和挑战,这对我国经济结构战略性调整提出了更加迫切的要求,结构调整应突破传统思维定式的束缚。文章从微笑曲线或全球价值链的分析视角,基于国际分工视野对"中国制造"面临的严峻挑战进行解读。研究结果发现,流通属于价值链的高端环节,流通能力的提升不仅是企业组织实现价值链升级的有效途径,也是优化整个宏观经济结构应该努力的方向,流通是实现结构调整的有效路径。企业和政府应从价值创造与企业和国家竞争力提升的高度重视流通环节,加强企业流通能力建设,鼓励并支持流通产业发展,提高全社会的流通能力与整个国民经济的运行效率。  相似文献   

Taking the perspective of global sourcing suppliers in China, this paper investigates how the supplier firms acquire market and technical knowledge from the outsourcing partnerships differently based on their strategic orientations regarding the exploitation of opportunities versus resources. We find that suppliers whose strategy formulation is driven by the aggressive pursuit of valuable opportunities tend to be able to learn more from the outsourcing partners. Our results also show that market and technical knowledge acquisition of the supplier firms has a positive effect on employees’ alertness to opportunities. In addition, organizational innovativeness plays an important role in determining how effectively knowledge can be utilized by employees to identify novel opportunities.  相似文献   

This paper develops an approach to analyzing an equilibrium in markets where firms can choose dual distribution to sell their products. Dual distribution involves a firm selling its product both through company-owned stores and through independently owned franchises. For a monopoly firm, the use of company-owned stores is assumed to play a number of roles. When the total number of markets is variable, an increase in company-owned stores can signal the quality of the product to potential franchisees, increasing the total number of markets served by the monopolist. Additional company-owned stores may also increase the royalty rate received by the franchisor, as well as increase demand in the local markets. There are limits, however, to the benefits of company ownership, called the “Penrose Effect.” For an equilibrium to exist, the monopoly firm must have no incentive to alter the the number of company-owned stores vis-à-vis franchised stores. The approach taken here yields a number of testable implications, which can form the basis of empirical tests of dual distribution.  相似文献   

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