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In1995,theagriculturalharvestnationwide,theoverallincreaseinruraleconomy,andtheincreaseoffarmersincomeplayedimportantrolesinensuringthesupplyoffarmandsidelineproducts,realizingtheobjectiveofmacrocontrolandregulationofthenationaleconomy,supportingtherapid…  相似文献   

Accountant: Are you satisfied with our contracts which will be concluded for sales of commodities?Auditor: I think the main contract clauses are satisfactory, but we will still discuss and research into the keyclauses in the sales contracts with you.  相似文献   

After more than 30 years of development,China has been transformed from a non-business and anti-business society into a normal pro-business society.Companies have become the most important and energetic social  相似文献   

In1995,inlinewiththespiritofspeechmadebyGeneralSecretaryJiangZeminattheFifthPlenarySessionofthe14thCPCCentralCommitteeonthereformofstateownedenterprises,enterprisereformnationwideadvancedinanallroundwayandmadebreakthroughsinsomekeyanddifficultissuesIPeri…  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explain the ways in translation, considering the discourse coherence. The author divides dis- course coherence into marked discourse coherence and the unmarked one. And this paper mainly discusses the translation of the unmarked discourse coherence.  相似文献   

1995,thelastyearofChinasEighthFiveYearPlan(199195),wasadecisiveyearfortheestablishmentofasocialistmarketeconomicstructureInthatyear,revolvingaroundthegoalofestablishingasocialistmarketeconomicstructure,inlightofChinasspecificpoliticalandeconomicsystem,andinc…  相似文献   

On 23 June 2016, a referendum was held in the United Kingdom (UK) to decide whether the country should leave or remain a member of the European Union (EU). The ‘Leave’ vote won by 52 per cent to 48 per cent of voters, leading to the EU–UK Withdrawal Agreement that came into force in 2020 and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement that came into force in 2021. Brexit is not exclusively a European matter; it affects third parties as well. In this article we examine the presence of Japanese affiliates in Europe during 2000–21 by analysing data obtained from the Toyo Keizai's Overseas Japanese Companies database. While the UK has been a major beneficiary of Japanese investments in Europe, its share of Japanese affiliates in Europe has decreased, especially during 2000–10. Brexit has had no negative impact on direct employment created by Japanese affiliates in the UK in the short term, but its impact in the long term could be exacerbated by any further policy divergence between the UK and the EU.  相似文献   

Loan managers’ trust in entrepreneurs can be a useful tool for overcoming entrepreneurial firms’ opaqueness. Nevertheless, the possibility for loan managers to leverage trust can be affected by differences in the regulative institutions within the banks (type of bank) and by place-bound normative institutions (social context). By relying on semi-structured interviews and a survey of 450 bank-entrepreneur relationships, this study finds that a positive impact of trust in lending relationships is sensitive to different place-bound normative institutions and to the regulative institutions within the banks. The results are robust with respect to potential endogeneity issues.  相似文献   

As multinational corporations operate in multiple countries, headquarters must take into account differences in local settings when seeking the means to coordinate and control subsidiaries. The local system of industrial relations sets the framework for what kind of human resource management a multinational corporation can implement. Yet another question is whether the still stronger multinationals can change the existing systems of industrial relations, directly or indirectly.

The paper analyzes four Danish enterprises over a 10-year period. This longitudinal study shows that none of the multinationals directly try to interfere in local industrial relations. However, by exercising their management prerogative in a way that differs from the Northern European tradition of industrial relations, they do influence the cooperation between employers and employees. In particular, the results show, that a shift from a stakeholder to a shareholder management style and an increased degree of HQ control have an effect on the whole cooperative atmosphere in each of the companies. In the long run, they may affect the collective bargaining system as such.  相似文献   

This study applies a triadic perspective to business triads of an industrial buyer, its service supplier and intermediary partners. The focus is on the structural, relational and cognitive features of interpersonal interaction. The study also takes into account strategic level interactions and interactions related to daily operations, thus providing insight into long and short-term interactive processes. Dedicated contacts and the social bonds between them provide important channels for both tacit and explicit information within and between the organizations, specifically at the operational level. The study contributes to service purchasing and supply literature by analysing complicated supply networks at the micro-level, and by providing concepts and models for the study of interactions in triadic contexts. Managerial implications relate to the importance of creating trusting relationships within and between the organizations. The longitudinal approach adds to our understanding of ongoing service purchasing processes and the dynamism of business relationships.  相似文献   


In this study, I consider the effects of tax risk from tax volatility on the pricing of syndicated debt. Tax volatility is an interesting feature in that managers have some discretion over the risks they take with their tax strategies, which, however, are often harder to monitor for outsiders than risks related to other business activities. Framing my predictions based on the theoretical model developed by Merton [1974], I hypothesize and find that tax volatility is incrementally informative to other priced risks suggesting that tax risks per se are relevant to lenders. Moreover, I find that the results are stronger when the loan contract does not include performance pricing provisions or other restrictions, such as capital expenditure covenants, that protect lenders. This evidence adds to knowledge about the real effects of tax risk.  相似文献   

In1995,wecontinuedtocarryoutthespiritoftheThirdPlenaryofthe14thCongressoftheCommunistPartyofChina,graspedfirmlytheoverallsituationof“seizingtheopportunity,deepeningthereform,wideningtheopening,promotingthedevelopmentandkeepingthestability”Thefocuswastopus…  相似文献   

Paavo  Pia   《Technovation》2009,29(12):819-828
There has been a substantial increase in collaboration with external stakeholders in R&D and innovation activities in modern economies. In particular, collaborating with competitors (coopetition) has been found to be an effective way of creating both incremental and radical innovations, especially in high-tech industries. However, coopetition also includes some major risks and disadvantages, which makes it undesirable in certain cases. The focus in this study is on the factors that distinguish coopetition from collaboration. We propose that the ability of a firm to reap benefits in innovation-related coopetition is contingent on factors that enable collective value creation, and on those that facilitate the individual isolation of the innovations and any subsequent profits. Further, we suggest that the effectiveness of these factors depends on the novelty of the innovation with respect to current markets and technology. In explicitly analyzing such issues we aim to expand current understanding of how firms can create and appropriate value in collaborative R&D and innovation with competitors as specific partners.  相似文献   

Narrative strategy-making is useful in the mobilization of strategies because narratives impart coherence and linearity to our understanding of organizational events. Our paper examines the relation between narrative strategy-making and the flow of events. We present a longitudinal, participatory study of a software company seeking global growth. Specifically, we followed events preceding and succeeding construction of the strategic ‘success stories’ used by the software company’s managers in investor negotiations. We conceptualize the point of illusion and disillusion underlying the temporal construction and use of strategy narratives and show how the former enables strategy-making, while the latter constrains it. We add to narrative strategy research by elaborating the relation between the construction of strategy narratives and the flow of organizational events.  相似文献   


Innovations in public policy are difficult to realize if decision-making arrangements are not scrutinized at the same time. Rigid institutional arrangements often hinder the realization of policy breakthroughs. Consequently, in the day-to-day practice of public administration, more and more experiments with innovative arrangements towards realizing groundbreaking policy decisions are being seen. Two rather different examples of such arrangements in the Dutch context are transition arenas and pilot projects (proeftuinen). In this article we describe these arrangements from an innovation management perspective and evaluate their functioning by focusing on their approaches to two dilemmas: the dilemma between diversity and closedness within the innovation plans and the dilemma between openness and closedness of the plan in relation to its context, the outside world. From their comparison we can learn about the context-specific application of different innovation plans and the results of different ways of handling these innovation dilemmas.  相似文献   

In1995,ChinaachievedobviousprogressinmacroeconomicsreadjustmentandconsolidationMajorgoalswerefulfilled;inflationwasproperlyrestrained;thegrowthrateofeconomyapproachedthepropergrowthrange;thestrategicgoalofdoublingtheeconomicoutputof1980wasrealizedfiveyears…  相似文献   

Collaborative research consortia allow firms to pursue scale and scope economies in research, finance large costly proposals, share risks, avoid unnecessary duplication, internalize the externalities created by research spillovers, and allow the use of firm-specific complementary skills and resources. In this study we examine the evolution of cooperative research organizations in the USA and Japan. We explore the factors which influence the emergence of alternative forms of cooperation. Specifically, we examine the role of culture and the institutional environment in molding the organization of cooperation between firms in R&D and the consequences of such cooperation. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In federal systems, where tax bases are joint property, the tax policy of one level of government affects the tax base of the other. This paper examines the interdependence of US federal and state cigarette tax rates. Our results suggest that states may reduce their cigarette tax rate by as much as 48 cents per dollar increase in the federal tax rate. Thus, a federal tax hike may reduce the amount of generated state tax revenues both directly (the overall tax rate rises and the state tax base declines), and indirectly (the state tax rate declines).  相似文献   

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