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"十五"时期,我国内地零售业发展的重点,是使传统零售业尽快通过与现代物流的接轨,加快其现代化,从而促进经济实现"跨越式"发展.加强香港和内地在零售业物流发展方面的合作,对于促进内地零售业发展,实现产业结构升级、转型,带动香港零售业及经济的发展,推动香港的持续繁荣稳定发展都具重要意义.  相似文献   

尹可樱 《中国企业家》2011,(8):106-108,17
15年来,Bobby通过一锅汤见证了中国"富人阶层"的养成与壮大,远比很多研究报告总结的要真实生动 外行抢热闹,内行抢门道。在3月份日本地震与海啸引发的屯货恐慌里,卢仁德(Bobby)也出手参与了抢购。不同的是,他抢的不是盐,而是重灾区仙台出产的十几公斤上等鲍鱼。  相似文献   

Network Intermediaries in International Trade   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Motivated by evidence on the importance of incomplete information and networks in international trade, we investigate the supply of network intermediation. We build a general-equilibrium model in which agents with networks of foreign contacts either can use their networks themselves in support of production or can make their networks available for others to use and thereby can become network intermediaries. We use this model for comparative statics and welfare analysis. One welfare conclusion is that intermediaries may have inadequate incentives to maintain or to expand their networks, suggesting a rationale for the policies followed by some countries to encourage large-scale trading companies.  相似文献   

This study examines the attitudes of three groups of managers in Hong Kong, namely, Hong Kong Chinese managers in local Chinese firms (HK/HK), Hong Kong Chinese managers in US firms (HK/US) and American managers in US firms (US/US), towards supervisory, peer, subordinate and multi-source appraisal of executive performance. The more recent perspective of crossvergence, within the convergence-divergence debate, provides the theoretical foundation for formulating the hypotheses. The findings indicate support for this new perspective of crossvergence. There is also evidence of the coexistence of all the three perspectives of convergence, divergence and crossvergence. The study found that the practice of supervisory appraisal is supported more by HK/US and US/US managers than by HK/HK managers. Furthermore, both HK/US and US/US managers are more supportive of subordinate evaluation than peer evaluation. Overall, the findings indicate that the traditional Chinese values may be more congruent with the notion of supervisory appraisal than with peer and subordinate evaluation. The study thus points out the importance of the compatibility of norms and beliefs regarding a management practice such as performance appraisal with the local national cultures in determining the acceptance and hence the transferability of that practice across countries.  相似文献   

Predictors of gerontechnology acceptance by older Hong Kong Chinese   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to examine the factors which influence the acceptance of gerontechnology by older Hong Kong Chinese. A research model based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was proposed. It was empirically tested by using survey data collected from 1012 seniors aged 55 and over in Hong Kong. A face to face interview technique with a preset questionnaire was employed to collect data and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used for data analysis. The proposed model could explain 55.4% of the variance in actual usage of gerontechnology. However, in contrast to TAM and UTAUT, significant effects for perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and attitude towards using on usage behavior were not found in this study. Personal attributes like technology self-efficacy and anxiety, and facilitating conditions were more decisive than perceived benefits for predicting gerontechnology usage behavior of Hong Kong older Chinese. The managerial implications generated from the results are discussed.  相似文献   

海外金融市场的波动,对金融、保险、房地产及相关的专业服务(FIRE)行业造成明显的影响。这些行业向来属香港写字楼需求主力,中环甲级写字楼超过84%的租户均属于FIRE行业。次贷危机造成环球金融动荡,地产市场连锁波动。第三季度香港甲级写字楼市场表现沉寂。各主要商业区的吸纳量(租用量)均少于上一季度,中环空置率由上季度的1.1%微升至1.2%。这反映了目前企业尤其是金融企业对优质写字楼空间的需求减退。  相似文献   

Chinese mainland business expatriates assigned to Hong Kong were surveyed assessing their socio-cultural and psychological adjustment. The investigation explored the association of a variety of personal characteristics with adjustment to work and life in the territory. The main results of the study showed that expatriates from the neighbouring Guangdong Province, male expatriates, younger expatriates and expatriates who were accompanied by their spouses were better adjusted in Hong Kong than others. On the other hand, expatriates recruited directly from universities were less well adjusted than those hired from other sources. Implications of these findings are drawn and future avenues for improving and extending this kind of exploratory research are discussed.  相似文献   

香港的质量进展可从政府支持、行业协会(质量学会)和质量奖3个方面来看,如右表所示。Chin先生在分析了香港产业将近20年的发展史后,提出了  相似文献   

In Hong Kong, after its smooth establishment as a Special Administrative Region, there is a major deregulation effort. A deregulation committee is pursuing cases of unnecessary red tape and the private sector is becoming more involved in the delivery of public services. Hong Kong is the best place in Asia to do business.  相似文献   

Like other concepts, gentrification must be situated in the socio‐historical context in which it was produced. Since its coinage the concept has travelled widely, yet it has been applied unevenly, and in some cases uncritically, in various locations now including Asian cities. This essay challenges the application of the concept of gentrification to Hong Kong, as attempted by an article previously published in this journal. It responds through two main lines of inquiry. First, it demonstrates how the absence of historical, geographical and socio‐political context weakens the basis for a critical urban geography. Second, in constructing a historical baseline, this essay proposes to conceive urban redevelopment through hegemony‐cum‐alienation, which is a more complicated process than displacement of the working class. Alienated hegemonic redevelopment perpetuates systemic reproduction and associated power politics, yet with the primary source of contradiction residing in landed and property relations. Conclusions suggest the urgency of developing new approaches instead of relying on more empirical studies as evidence for an already over‐developed concept. Analysis of the Hong Kong case suggests how the spent concept of gentrification could be superseded by alternatives.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the ethics of peer reporting in Chinese societies. Based on a review of the literature, we develop a framework that explains peer reporting behaviour in terms of the individual's ethical ideology, locus of control and subjective judgement regarding the ethicality of peer reporting. Hypotheses derived from these speculations are tested with data from Chinese managers (n?=?362). Statistical analysis largely supports the hypotheses. The implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

The Hong Kong government's neoliberal approach regarding land development and urbanization affects not only the housing market but also burial places, increasing inequality for both the living and the dead. The urgency of tackling the issue of places for burial is all the more pressing given current demographic changes and an existing backlog of public burial places in inner‐city locations. Against this backdrop, this paper focuses on the cultural practices around burial and worship among the inhabitants of Hong Kong, and on their struggle to maintain these practices. It illustrates various forms and means of legitimacy (e.g. pragmatic, normative and cognitive) being applied by all actors, and shows how the continuing practices around worship and burial lead to the production of informality. The main argument is that socially constructed legitimacy can be gained and lost by various actors in a dynamic negotiation process based on belief systems, rules and norms (following Suchman, 1995). Thus, it should be understood as a strategic mode both within and outside the state. This perspective of legitimacy provides a better understanding of how and by what means resources and power are being negotiated in order to draw lessons from informal dynamics.  相似文献   

为推动落实国家"十二五"规划有关内地对香港基本实现服务贸易自由化的目标,广东省十一届三次全会审议通过了《中共广东省委贯彻落实〈中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定〉的意见》,明确提出了要在2014年底率先基本实现粤港服务贸易自由化。从现状看,粤港服务贸易自由化进展顺利,成绩斐然。但由于国家政策、社会制度、服务贸易发展水平等方面的影响,粤港服务贸易自由化还存在较多的难点。争取国家政策支持,加强制度设计,加快重点合作区建设,是推进粤港服务贸易自由化的关键。  相似文献   

Employees in Hong Kong, like those in many other industrialized societies, face the competing demands of work and family. Long working hours and the associated problem of work–family conflict is a serious problem for the workforce. Although a number of family-friendly policies, such as the five-day working week, paternal leave and so on, have been introduced, they are not necessarily used to their fullest extent. This paper examines the utilization of family-friendly incentives using a telephone survey of 661 employees in Hong Kong with access to such measures. Its major strength is the use of a well-established model of health care utilization, the Andersen model, to conceptualize the factors associated with the uptake of family-friendly policies. The results indicate that the Andersen model works very well in this context, and further demonstrate that access to family-friendly policies in Hong Kong is not equitable. The study makes a number of significant contributions to the literature on work–life balance and the uptake of supportive measures, and shows that enabling (such as perceived effectiveness) rather than need factors explain most of the variance in such use.  相似文献   

核电是什么?核电是由原子裂变产生的能量。一个铀235核吸收了一个中子后分裂成两个较轻的原子核,并产生新中子,同时发生的质量亏损,转变为很大的能量,这就是核裂变反应。根据爱因斯坦的质能转换公式可以计算出一公斤铀235全部裂变约为193兆电子伏,这样不难计算1公斤铀—235裂变释放能量很大,相当于2400吨标准煤释放的能量。  相似文献   

通过对香港国际机场航空货运站、惠康超市配送中心和香港亚洲货柜码头基本设施、规模及运作的考察,以及参加泛亚电子商务与物流展览会,与有关物流同行进行交流,提出了加速发展内地现代物流业,壮大物流综合竞争能力的设想与建议。  相似文献   

采用香港1947~2013年的闪电资料分析该地区近67a的闪电气候特征,得出香港的年平均闪电日数为45.5d,总体有逐年增多的趋势,且存在22~32a、10~17a、3~5a三类时间尺度周期。其中,大时间尺度周期变化最明显但有局部性,中时间尺度周期在1970~1990年变化较弱,小时间尺度几乎占据整个研究时域。月平均闪电日数主要集中在4~9月,占全年总数的92.35%。  相似文献   

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