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采用美国俄亥俄州大学编制的领导行为问卷,对中共甘肃省委党校2006年第28期中青年干部培训班(副厅级后备干部)35~52岁之间的52名男性县处级干部,进行问卷调查和统计分析结果显示,领导干部的领导行为在工作取向的得分均高于在人情取向上的得分;学历不是影响领导行为的主要因素,但应注意提高领导干部的学历层次,而工作岗位对领导行为的影响很大。  相似文献   

近年来,东宁县审计局积极探索创新领导干部经济责任审计工作方法,通过强化组织领导、搞好审前调查、创新审计机制、用实审计结果,使领导干部经济责任审计工作质量和水平有了显著提高,在准确评价和使用干部、加强干部监督管理、规范干部用权行为等方面发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   

一是战略意识。对领导中实行任期经济责任审计,是党中央、国务院加强干部管理的一项重大决策,是新形势下加强党风、政风建设的具有战略意义的措施。实践证明,这项工作对规范领导干部的经济管理行为,强化领导干部的经济责任,提高领导干部的经济管理水平,促进领导干部的作风转变和廉政建设,都具有重要意义。各级领导必须把对这项工作的认识,统一到党中央、国务院要求的精神上来,树立战略观念,进一步加强领导,认真组织实施,扎扎实实地把这项工作搞好。  相似文献   

近年来,曲阜市审计局在开展领导干部任期经济责任审计中发现,领导干部的离任交接手续不够完备,既给审计部门准确清晰地界定前任与后任领导干部的任期经济责任带来了一定的困难,也为后任领导干部掌握真实的家底,量力而行的开展工作造成了不利的影响。  相似文献   

通俗来讲.领导形象是指领导者在领导活动中留给下属与群众的”模样”。领导形象能对下属群众产生潜移默化的作用.作为下属群众的”领头雁”,领导干部的思想品质、心理素质、领导能力、知识水平、价值取向等都能影响着下属群众。同时.下属群众又会从领导者的言行中听其言、观其色、察其行,并由此产生对领导者的信任或厌倦、敬重或鄙视、亲近或疏远等心理效应和看法.进而在实际的执行中作出客观、积极或消极的行为反应。  相似文献   

江泽民同志在中纪委第七次全体会议上发表重要讲话时强调:“领导干部要树立正确的权力观,诚心诚意为实现人民群众的利益奋斗。”能否树立正确的权力观,对一个领导干部的思想和行为有重大影响,对党的事业有重大影响。要保证党的各级干部掌好权、用好权,每一个领导干部必须首先树立正确而全面的权力观。  相似文献   

近日来自中组部的消息表明,今年干部监督工作的力度将进一步加大。首先是对领导干部特别是“一把手”的监督将有新举措。 一是健全和完善巡视制度,中组部将与中纪委联合派出巡视组,重点对省部级党政领导干部特别是党政“一把手”执行党的路线方针政策及对中央批示、交办的各项工作落实情况,贯彻执行民主集中制、选择任用干部和廉洁从政等情况进行监督检查。 二是依照有关法规和要求,严格规范领导干部廉洁从政行为,积极推行省部级现职领导干部家庭财产报告制度。 三是扩大领导干部任期经济责任审计制度的适用范围,在省部、地厅级领导…  相似文献   

干部权力道德是干部个人思想修养、价值观念及道德素养在履权行为中的具体体现,本质上说是一种政治道德、从政道德。干部权力道德不同于一般社会道德,也不同于职业道德,是人们所说的“官德”。邓小平同志曾经指出:“在思想道德建设上,党是整个社会的表率,党的各级领导同志又是全党的表率。”由此可见.处在执政地位的各级领导干部的履权道德.即权力道德.  相似文献   

为客观公正、实事求是地反映干部任职期间的情况,搞好干部全程化监督,自1998年以来,临城县审计局把领导干部离任审计作为强化干部监督,加强任职管理的一项重要工作来抓,统筹安排,精心部署,严格实施,取得了明显成效,有力地促进了全县各项工作的开展。一、提高认识,强化领导。改革开放的深入和市场经济的发展,使领导干部在经济方面的责任越来越突出,成为广大群众关注的热点问题。领导行为和领导成效在很大程度上要通过经济责任反映和表现出来。如有的干部弄虚作假,虚报政绩,骗取荣誉和地位;有的挥霍公款,讲排场、比阔气、…  相似文献   

企业行为直接受领导干部行为的支配、影响和制约,领导干部行为决定着企业行为的方向,影响着企业经营的效果。只有不断加强企业领导干部的自身建设,规范领导行为,才能正确引导企业适应社会主义市场经济体制,适应改革、发展的大环境,  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between ethno-cultural diversity and attitudinal and non-attitudinal measures of organizational performance in a field setting. Data were collected from ninety-eight respondents in seven branches of a leading Canadian bank. As compared to culturally homogeneous branches, the culturally heterogeneous branches experienced lower levels of absenteeism and achieved higher productivity and financial profitability despite their lower scores on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and workplace coherence, and higher rates of turnover. These relationships were moderated by age, job tenure, organizational position, children's age, location of education and previous employment, birthplace and education level.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationships between high-performance human resource (HR) practices and individual outcome variables from a cross-level perspective. It also identifies the mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between psychological climate and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Drawing on a sample of 576 employees from 11 manufacturing plants in Taiwan, our results show that psychological climate perceptions are positively and significantly associated with job satisfaction and OCB, and job satisfaction mediates the relationship between psychological climate perceptions and OCB at the individual level. At the plant level, high-performance HR practices have a positive and significant relationship only with job satisfaction. The theoretical and managerial implications and contributions of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in the relationship between job autonomy and organizational performance in the manufacturing industry. The study also investigates the moderating role of automation in those relationships. Although it is well known that job autonomy has an intimate relationship with employees’ attitudes at the individual level, no studies have yet elucidated the relationships of job autonomy with OCB and organizational performance at the organizational level. Moreover, no research has investigated the role of automation in an OB discipline, although automation constitutes an important contextual variable. Using a moderated mediation model, this study found that OCB mediated the relationship between job autonomy and performance, and that these relationships were stronger in less automated organizations. The findings offer implications regarding how job autonomy can improve organizational performance and which organizations benefit more from job autonomy.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2007,14(2):251-268
We test the wealth maximization theory of quitting behavior on the German Socioeconomic Panel (1985–2003). With the interpretation of job satisfaction as an expression of the experienced preference for the present job against available alternatives, the propensity to stay in the present job is simply related to the residual of a job satisfaction equation. We show that this residual is a better predictor of quits than the overall level of satisfaction. Furthermore, we validate a dynamic extension of the economic theory of quits for which uncertainty in the expectation of future events plays a decisive role.  相似文献   

The present study examined the differences in the perceptions of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) between Chinese and American employees. Survey responses concerning the presence of OCB in their organizations were collected from a total of 393 employees. Analyses showed that Chinese and American employees reported similar levels of personal support and conscientious initiative in their organizations, but Chinese employees reported higher levels of organizational support in comparison with American employees. In addition, results indicated that perceptions of personal support, organizational support, and conscientious initiative were a function of job/hierarchical level such that management reported lower levels on all three dimensions of OCB. Finally, the results showed that country and job/hierarchical level do not interact to influence perceptions of organizational citizenship behavior. Implications and directions for future research on cultural differences in organizational citizenship behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

From the divergence perspective in human resource management (HRM), this paper develops an indigenous framework exploring the mechanisms between the prominent cultural characteristic of harmony originating from Confucian ideology, and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as well as job satisfaction in the Chinese context. By employing structural equation modeling, our findings demonstrate that the degree of harmony is positively related to employees' OCB and job satisfaction, and that job satisfaction positively mediates the relationship between the degree of harmony and OCB. This research – that examines the relationships between Chinese harmony grounding in an art-based view and employees' display of OCB derived from Western theories – is a response to the recent calls for introducing valid context-specific measures and considering the cultural impact on individual behaviors in HRM. This study suggests that firms in China may encourage employee OCB and job satisfaction by boosting harmonious level at workplace. It provides a useful guideline for multinational enterprises eager to effectively manage Chinese employees, and enriches non-Chinese managers' understanding of the values of harmony in China.  相似文献   

We argue that Competency Modeling (CM) has the potential to fill an important void in Traditional Job Analysis (TJA), specifically the infusion of strategic concerns in day-to-day employee behavior. Moreover TJA and CM pursue fundamentally different goals, which those who argue for and against either of these human resource methods at times may overlook. To buttress this point we compare TJA and CM along six dimensions: purpose (describe versus influence behavior), view of the job (an object to be described versus a role to be enacted), focus (job versus organization), time orientation (past versus future), performance level (typical versus maximum), and measurement approach (latent trait versus clinical judgment). We conclude with a series of recommendations regarding ways in which TJA can be joined with CM so that an organization may achieve, among other outcomes, the critical purpose of directing employee behavior toward the accomplishment of its strategic objectives.  相似文献   

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has been associated with positive organizational outcomes and with higher managerial ratings of employee performance. However, concerns have been raised about the possible personal costs of performing such activities. This paper examines the relationship between OCB and emotional exhaustion and work‐family conflict and explores the moderating role of job performance in shaping those relationships. In a time‐lagged field study of customer‐contact center employees the research found that one particular dimension of OCB—conscientiousness—was associated with higher emotional exhaustion and with work‐family conflict. The study also revealed that conscientious employees who performed their in‐role job responsibilities at a high level experienced greater emotional exhaustion and work‐family conflict than conscientious employees who performed their in‐role job responsibilities at a low level. Our findings suggest that organizational pressures to increase the level at which both discretionary and formal role obligations are performed can carry negative consequences for employees. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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