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Review of Industrial Organization - From the mid-1870s through 1895, a commoditiesmarket in oil existed. Although its organizationwas primitive, it offered the varieties of commoditycontracts...  相似文献   

中国石油润滑油分公司是中国润滑油行业走向规范化的引导者,它的成立和运作将是提高该行业竞争力的希望所在。然而,任何新生事物的产生和发展都不可能一帆风顺,该润滑油专业公司也在经历着磨炼。从亏损到赢利,从竞争力较弱到在国内国际市场上形成一定竞争规模,这是一条艰难的路,需要付出不懈的努力。 日前,记者专访了中国石油润滑油分公司副总经理宫伟军,请他就该润滑油专业公司未来的发展思路谈了自己的看法。 1.顺应市场要求,在竞争中诞生和成长 润滑油分公司的成立是“中国  相似文献   

The Supreme Court in 1911, on the occasion of the first major test of the Sherman Act, ordered the dissolution of the Standard Oil Trust. In his 1958 paper John McGee argued that predatory pricing is, in general, irrational and, relying solely on the information in the Trial Record related to that decision, concluded that Standard Oil did not engage in predatory pricing. His paper has had an extraordinary influence on both antitrust policy in the United States and economic lore. This paper documents the breadth and scope of the influence of McGee’s paper and offers several possible explanations for it. We suggest four reasons: (1) the lack of a theoretical challenge for 25 years, (2) the failure of scholars to replicate McGee’s empirical findings, (3) the unique status of the Standard Oil case in the history of American antitrust and (4) the influence of the Chicago School on economic and legal thinking.  相似文献   

I evaluate railroad price discrimination in three periods: 1870–1886, before the passage of the Interstate Commerce Act; 1945–1975, when rates were regulated but railroads faced extensive intermodal competition; and 1980–2010, after the passage of major regulatory reforms. While price discrimination was widespread in each period, the specific practices varied as the nature of competition, regulation, and the information available to decision-makers changed. The Act focused heavily on price discrimination, and limited some practices while encouraging others. One major weakness of the Act was the restrictions that were imposed on pricing practices that could lead to cost reductions and productivity improvements.  相似文献   

介绍了普光采气厂标准管理信息系统的建立、原理和内容,同时对应用效果进行了分析。该信息系统实现了标准的在线查询,解决了标准管理和生产中的实际问题,获得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

海上修井作业施工,不仅面临风、浪、潮等自然环境的危害,还面临队伍资质、人员素质等诸多方面的考验。海上作业队伍,不仅要取得海上作业的相关资质,还要求涉海作业的设备能力、应急物资贮备、救济抢险及人员素质等符合规定。通过严格贯彻落实海上作业的安全标准,确保海上施工作业的安全可靠。  相似文献   

徐州供电公司(以下简称徐州供电)是以供电为主,兼有电力工程勘察设计、送变电施工、高低压电器制造以及经营服务等综合能力的全民特大型电力企业。徐电公司2004年供电量87.43 亿千瓦时,售电量80亿千瓦时,转供电量234亿千瓦时,最高负荷为190万千瓦,员工5000余人,供电可靠性99.991%,截至2004年底,徐州供电已实现连续安全生产2342天,创造了连续25年又4个月无电力生产人身死亡事故的全国同类企业最高纪录。香港中华电力公司(以下简称中华电力)隶属于中电控股有限公司。拥有输电及供电、市场及客户服务、发电(青山电厂等共634万千瓦)、资讯科技、其  相似文献   

石油地震勘探是采用人工地震方法进行地下地质构造调查和探明石油储量的一种重要手段。它主要采取的方法是在地下一定深度进行爆破产生地震波 ,用高精度地震仪器接收地震波 ,通过对地震波变化的研究 ,调查地下地质构造并探明石油储量。尽管是运用炸药爆破方式进行勘探 ,但在有效的控制之下 ,对环境造成的影响较小。然而爆破产生的声音和震动 ,在距离人们生活、生产很近的地方 ,还是具有一定影响 ,这就是存在地震勘探施工补偿的原因。至今地震勘探施工补偿还没有制定国家标准。随着社会的发展、自然环境的变化以及地震勘探方法的改进 ,施工补…  相似文献   

我国军品市场准入制度安排探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军品是指为确保国防安全所消费的产品,包括军需用品、军事设施和武器装备,一般可分为军事专用品和军民通用品。军品作为产出国防安全这一特殊公共物品的中间投入品,除了具有一般商品属性外,还具有特殊性,其需求由军方垄断,供应则根据军品的类型不同,不同国家分别采取政府生产和私人生产的制度安排。  相似文献   

This study examines the role of visual processing in new product evaluation. The primary goal of this research was to provide insights into the role of visualization content (self‐related versus others‐related images) in product evaluation as it differentially relates to two separate types of products—incremental products and really new products. This study's results show that for incremental products, visualizing with self‐related images (versus others‐related images) led to higher evaluations. In this context, it seems that familiarity with the product category from which an incremental product extension is generated enables individuals to produce images easily where they can see themselves using the new product. In some sense, self‐related visualization might be thought of as a form of surrogate experience with the new product. The ability to self‐reference during evaluation provides positive benefits to the evaluation outcome. Contrasting this result, this study's findings showed that for really new product introductions the previously identified benefits of self‐visualization were not realized. Confirming this study's prediction, the advantage of self‐visualization over others‐related visualization was lost. This is attributed to consumer difficulty in visualizing the full application of a really new product to their current consumption behavior. Of further interest, this study's results also showed that in the case of really new products others‐related visualization facilitated higher evaluations than self‐visualization. The mediating role of visualization‐based evaluation difficulty provides further explanation for these findings. Self‐related images are shown to be difficult to imagine in a really new product context, whereas imagining others utilizing the really new product is shown to be significantly easier. Perhaps individuals can see the benefits and better understand the novel applications of a really new product when visually simulating someone else using it but have more trouble imagining the applicability of the innovation in their own life. These findings are integrated into a discussion of the managerial implications and the potential avenues for future research in the area.  相似文献   

提出了在执行油田化学剂标准时遇到的典型问题,如产品质量标准的缺乏,有些标准的适应性不够、基准物质与某些产品指标的配套性不够好、基准物质紧缺及基浆指标难达要求等问题,建议在标准制定中全面考虑标准的可适应性、配套性、可实施性,并加强基础物质的开放。  相似文献   

SY/T 5288《钻采提升设备主要连接尺寸》标准的制定,规范了我国钻采提升设备的主要配合连接尺寸,保证了提升设备的通用互换,扩充了提升设备的载荷级别范围,满足了钻采提升设备发展的需要,同时考虑了与国外先进标准接轨以及与相关标准的协调。  相似文献   

阐述了我国油井水泥及外加剂标准体系的建立与发展阶段,重点介绍了我国油井水泥标准、油井水泥应用性能试验方法标准.以及油井水泥外加剂产品标准和相关标准。提出了完善我国油井水泥浆标准体系的思路与认识。  相似文献   

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