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明隆 《金融纵横》2011,(8):43-47
本文通过构建实际利率、货币供应量变动率和上证综指收益率的三元结构SVAR(结构向量自回归)模型,进行定量分析。主要创新结论有:我国利率已经由以往纯粹的外生变量逐步转化为经济系统的内生变量,应继续推进利率市场化改革;利率的调整往往对股市具有较大影响,如果频繁的运用存贷款利率货币调控政策,则对股票市场的发展产生阻碍作用;所以现阶段的调控措施,央行应该侧重于运用数量型货币工具存款准备金率,而非传统的价格型货币工具存贷款利率,才能维护股市稳定,保证经济持续健康发展。  相似文献   

本文考察货币政策在中部地区的区域性实施效果,分析不同货币政策传导机制对地区经济发展的作用。以武汉市为例,文章运用SVAR模型及其脉冲响应函数比较、评价区域货币供应量和利率政策在经济扩张阶段与收缩阶段对区域经济发展的影响。实证结果表明,区域货币供应量在不同经济周期对武汉地区经济发展影响速度和深度大体相似;而利率政策的影响则有显著差异。在同一经济周期,不同货币政策对地区经济发展的影响也存在差异。文章根据实证结果给出了相应的结论与政策启示。  相似文献   

货币政策的资产价格传导机制主要通过两种途径:一种是基于Q理论的"托宾效应"实现的,另一种是基于莫迪利亚尼的"消费财富效应"实现的。随着我国股票市场的发展,部分学者对我国股市财富效应进行了理论和实证分析;但是,对基于财富效应的货币政策传导机制的研究并不丰富。本文利用2002年第二季度至2007年第三季度的上证综指,广义货币、消费支出和国内生产总值,借助协整检验、格兰杰因果检验进行实证分析。研究结果表明:财富效应在货币政策传导机制中的作用有限,货币政策主要通过其它传导途径发挥作用。  相似文献   

从理论上分析,资本市场的发展增加了货币政策的传导渠道,但我国货币政策的资本市场传导渠道却不通畅,财富效应、q效应等难以发挥作用,导致货币政策效应低.只有大力推进资本市场制度建设与改革,扩大市场规模,改革货币政策运作体系,才能不断完善资本市场对货币政策的传导机制,提高货币政策的有效性.  相似文献   

货币政策是否有效很大程度上取决于货币政策的传导机制是否顺畅,包括利率传导渠道、信贷传导渠道、汇率传导渠道等。本文主要讨论其中的信贷渠道对我国经济产生的影响,并用普通最小二乘法(OLS),对中国2000-2008年间的货币政策传导机制进行实证分析,结果表明货币政策主要是通过信贷渠道影响经济的。另外,我国的信贷传导机制还需要进一步完善,这样才能保证经济更好的发展。  相似文献   

罗平 《中国金融》1997,(9):41-42
货币政策的传导机制———国际清算银行对传导机制的研究侧记罗平货币政策态势的变化是以何种方式对经济活动和通货膨胀产生影响,这一问题涉及到中央银行的核心任务,但是,对于各种传导机制对经济产生影响的相对重要性,人们的看法却不尽相同。国际清算银行十分重视这方...  相似文献   

货币政策传导机制:货币渠道抑或信贷渠道   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对中国货币政策的传导机制实证分析得出:货币供给量与国内生产总值存在长期稳定关系,货币供给量作为货币政策代理变量具有较大的内生性;但是信贷配额与国内生产总值之间不存在长期稳定关系。中国货币政策传导机制主要还是货币渠道进行的,信贷渠道还不是货币政策传到的主渠道。  相似文献   

目前国内外对我国国有商业银行的股改、上市寄予厚望,希望借此来实现国有银行的商业化经营,完善治理结构,提高竞争能力,实现国有银行改革的目标。但是股改上市并不是国有商业银行改革的最终目的,也不能解决银行体系存在的所有问题。如何借国有银行股改上市的契机,真正实现产权结构的变革、完善银行内部治理结构、练好内功.才是至关重要的。  相似文献   

货币政策、信贷渠道与资本结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马文超  胡思玥 《会计研究》2012,(11):39-48,94,95
我国金融市场以银行体系为主,在企业融资研究中,考察货币政策的影响具有重要的现实意义。依据"信贷观"下的贷款渠道及信贷配给理论,分析表明,当货币政策变化影响到信贷供给时,未受约束企业的资本结构在政策紧缩时受影响较小,而受约束企业的杠杆率随着政策的紧缩(宽松)而减小(增大)。考察我国2003-2009年的非金融类上市公司的资本结构,在政策紧缩时经验证据与理论分析一致;但在政策宽松时资本结构的调整与"信贷观"并不一致,受约束企业的杠杆仍然较小,未受约束企业的权益及债务均较大。研究结论对于解释我国货币政策效应及企业融资决策,改进金融监管均具有重要的借鉴。  相似文献   

关于中国货币政策的分析与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国人民银行在货币政策战略方面已经取得了巨大成绩,但随着经济的日趋复杂,货币政策的有效性将会降低。实证研究表明中国需要维持对货币的盯住(a reference to money)战略以及加强利率在货币政策执行中的作用。我们建议采取折衷性战略,包括盯住若干指标,并将短期利率作为执行目标。应该赋予央行利率政策的自主权,在不远的将来实现这一目标不存在技术上的障碍。  相似文献   

This paper deepens our understanding of the importance of the cost channel of monetary policy, where inflation adjusts with a firm's marginal cost of working capital. A model extended for a small, open economy with financial frictions is proposed and examined with data from Taiwan. The cost channel effect on inflation adjustment is substantiated by simultaneous generalized method of moments estimations and appears to be strengthened by financial frictions but mitigated by external shocks. Greater caution is hence required in the conduct of monetary policy for a bank-dependent emerging economy such as Taiwan because of the relative complexity in its supply-side interest rate pass-through.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of monetary policy on asset prices in economies where assets are traded periodically in bilateral meetings. The trading mechanism is designed to maximize social welfare taking as given the frictions in the environment and monetary policy. We show that asset price “bubbles” emerge in a constrained‐efficient monetary equilibrium only if liquidity is abundant and the first‐best allocation is implementable. In contrast, if liquidity is scarce, assets are priced at their fundamental value in any constrained‐efficient monetary equilibrium, in which case an increase in inflation has no effect on asset prices, but it reduces output and welfare.  相似文献   

By testing the impact of monetary policy on the bond market and the impact of the bond market on the real macro economy using different empirical methods, this article examines the performance of the bond price transmission mechanism in China’s monetary policy. Empirical studies show that monetary policy has power over bond yield fluctuations, while the bond market has a relatively limited impact on the real macro economy. Short-term bond yields have relatively significant transmission effects on some output variables, such as consumption, investment, and the consumer price index, while the influence of long-term bonds is not significant.  相似文献   

Optimal Monetary Policy with an Uncertain Cost Channel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cost channel of monetary transmission describes a supply-side effect of interest rates on firms' costs. Previous research has found this effect to vary, both over time and across countries. Moreover, the cyclical nature of financial frictions is likely to amplify the cost channel. This paper derives optimal monetary policy in the presence of uncertainty about the true size of the cost channel. In a min–max approach, the central bank derives an optimal policy plan to be implemented by a Taylor rule. It is shown that uncertainty about the cost channel leads to an attenuated interest rate setting behavior. In this respect, the Brainard (1967) principle of cautious policy in the face of uncertainty continues to hold in both a Bayesian and a min–max framework.  相似文献   

Conventionally, the policymakers relied on three policy alternatives to manage business cycles – debt-financed government spending, debt-financed tax rebate and interest rate. While the first two are fiscal policy instruments, the latter is a monetary policy instrument. This paper aims to capture interactions among Indian monetary and fiscal policy actions, and the impact of such policy actions on select macroeconomic variables for the period 1990Q1–2011Q4. The policy actions are identified using the sign restrictions approach combined with magnitude restrictions in a Structural Vector Autoregression framework, and interpreted using impulse responses and variance decomposition. The results show that Indian monetary policy responds to tax rebate shocks and spending shocks differently. In the case of a tax rebate shock, Indian monetary policy responds by reducing interest rates thereby accommodating fiscal expansion. On the opposite, monetary policy seems not to accommodate expenditure shocks. Interestingly, the monetary policy shock is accompanied by a fiscal expansion that threatens the credibility of the central bank actions, thus indicating fiscal policy dominance. A comparison of the efficacy of the policies suggests that the interest rate is more effective in stimulating output. Out of the two fiscal policy instruments analysed, the tax rebate seems to be the better option for stimulating output considering the output-debt trade-off.  相似文献   

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