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ABSTRACT Illinois teenage birth rates are estimated both as a pooled sample and also as an unpooled sample (under eighteen years old and eighteen to nineteen years old). The younger teens'are statistically significantly affected by the number of two-parent families in the county. The older teens'birth rates have statistically significant coefficients for three additional predictors–county education and income levels and the percent of children living in poverty. Variables that do not have a statistically significant relationship with either group's birth rates are population density and the unemployment rate. The proportion of white population was a statistically significant determinant for the younger teens'birth rate.  相似文献   

The development of the Internet as a global medium for the dissemination of corporate financial information creates a new reporting environment. Extensive literature examines the determinants of voluntary financial reporting through traditional media such as print–based annual reports. This paper extends this literature by examining the voluntary adoption of the Internet as a medium for transmitting financial reports and determinants of such voluntary practice by New Zealand companies. The results indicate that some determinants of traditional financial reporting—firm size, liquidity, industrial sector and spread of shareholding—are determinants of voluntary adoption of Internet financial reporting (IFR). However, other firm characteristics, such as leverage, profitability and internationalization do not explain the choice to use the Internet as a medium for corporate financial reporting.  相似文献   

中国城市互联网发展的影响因素及地区差异分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来中国的互联网发展迅速,但是地区间差异显著。首先分析和归纳了影响互联网发展的主要因素及其作用机制,然后利用面板数据模型实证验证了各因素对互联网使用情况的影响效果。研究发现:区域性因素,如城市规模、经济发展水平、产业结构、科技投入以及互联网基础设施对于互联网的发展具有积极的作用;而社会人口因素,如受教育程度和年龄结构的作用效果不显著。进一步的,研究发现影响地区间互联网使用情况差异的因素主要来自需求端,其中经济和科技发展水平是影响东部与中西部城市间互联网使用差异关键因素;人口规模对于中部与西部城市之间的差异也具有较强的解释能力。  相似文献   

研究目标:中国网络借贷平台风险及其决定因素。研究方法:在分析整体特征、检验问题与正常平台风险差异基础上,运用Logistic模型分析平台出险的决定因素,并进行包括Probit模型在内的稳健性检验。研究发现:整体上,平台基本为民营公司,整体实力弱;股东少,公司治理机制弱;利率高,业务集中度风险高,违约控制措施少;营运两极分化。结构上,问题类平台与正常平台之间的道德风险及公司治理、营运风险差异显著;标的利率、业务多元化、违约控制措施也差异显著。道德风险及公司治理、信用管理和营运风险越高,平台出问题的可能性越大。研究创新:提出四类风险假设及指标体系并进行实证检验。研究价值:防范平台出险,确保其健康发展。  相似文献   

Abstract . Statistical analysis of a hitherto unpublished tabulation of the 1976 Annual Survey of Manufactures provides new evidence of the small business/ large business relationship in the U.S. economy. Small business (measured by employees) seems to have an advantage over large in that it has relatively lower wage costs. But the data prove it has a higher ratio of labor inputto unit output. Higher productivity in large firms make its wage/output relationship an advantage over small firms. Large firms pay appreciably higher wages than small where most production is by large firms. Highly skilled and hence higher paid workers may be a correlate of higher mechanization. Similarly, the role of capital intensity as an indicator of technology differences explains why capital productivity is no adequate explicator of firm industry share. These variables are closely related to profit margin. Relatively high book values in large firms are associated with low small business industry shares. Nor do large businesses have an advantage in lower prices for raw materials and parts. In the U.S. large business is centered in the capital intensive industries.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new framework for the estimation of product-level global and interregional feedback and spillover (FS) factor multipliers. The framework is directly based on interregional supply and use tables (SUTs) that could be rectangular and gives a possibility of taking account of the inherent input–output data uncertainty problems. A Bayesian econometric approach is applied to the framework using the first version of international SUTs in the World Input–Output Database. The obtained estimates of the global and intercountry FS output effects are discussed and presented at the world, country and product levels for the period of 1995–2009.  相似文献   

A bstract .   This study empirically examines determinants of youth (age 15–24) suicide over the 1960–1998 period. It finds that the rate of youth suicide was positively influenced by the divorce rate, the violent crime rate, and the Vietnam War, and negatively influenced by the percent of the total population composed of those age 15–24. The first three variables have been ignored in the research and the latter is at odds with the "conventional wisdom."  相似文献   

Eurostat constructs consolidated input–output (IO) tables for the European Community (EC) by means of an aggregation of the domestic and the intra-EC import matrices from the harmonized national IO tables. Intercountry EC IO tables can be constructed by disaggregating the intra-EC imports according to country of origin, with coefficients derived from international trade statistics. These procedures, however, produce inadequate outcomes for several reasons. The most important reason is that the imports are valued in ex-customs prices, instead of the theoretically more appropriate producers' prices. This paper analyzes the nature of these and other data problems, and describes a more extensive and satisfactory method to construct intercountry and consolidated EC IO tables. The empirical results are illustrated by an analysis of the domestic and intercountry intersectoral spillover effects for 1965–85.  相似文献   

LED扩散板光扩散的性能评价是根据环境要求和不同场所照度标准要求,利用LED扩散板光扩散的性能(如照度均匀度、眩光限制、光源颜色、显色性、反射比等),生产出具备一定柔和舒适度的LED照明灯具,制造出符合室内照明要求的气氛照明、情景照明、情调照明,满足用户的各种照明要求,其造型也要符合用户的审美观,最主要的是符合能源高效的利用。这项技术的成功研制将会使我国LED灯具在LED国际市场的竞争中处于优势地位,打开国际市场。这项技术的成功研制也填补了行业内无LED扩散板光扩散的性能评价体系的一个空白。  相似文献   

This paper refines, develops and applies input–output (IO) decomposition analysis: by providing it with a unique intercountry perspective, by concentrating on explaining income growth, and by systematically separating the effects of trade structure changes from the effects of technology and preference changes. The resulting matrix formula distinguishes six components and is applied to a set of European Community (EC) intercountry IO tables for 1975 and 1985 with 25 sectors and eight EC countries. Because GDP growth is analyzed in nominal terms, macro-economic demand growth is found to be the most important component. The other five components relate to the effects of coefficient changes. Their sizes are smaller, but significant and widely different between sectors and countries, which shows that there is clear potential for effective sector policies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Suicide is the third major cause of death among American youths between the ages of 15 and 19 years. This study offers additional quantitative support for the Easerlin-Holinger Hypothesis that relative cohort size is a significant statistical predictor of youth suicide.  相似文献   

This study examines the merger premiums paid for a sample of 320 bank acquisitions consummated during the period January 1982 through October 1990. The results of the research indicate that higher merger premiums were paid for, (a) smaller size targets, (b) targets with higher return on common equity ratios (pre-merger), (c) targets with higher leverage as measured by the percentage of primary capital to total capital, (d) targets in a different state than the bidder, and (e) transactions carried out through exchange of stock as opposed to a cash purchase.  相似文献   

This paper studies the determinants of lobbying-employment decisions of former members of the U.S. House of Representatives for the 105th–108th Congresses. The main empirical findings indicate that there are two groups more likely to become lobbyists: members not re-elected who had more conservative voting records and held important committee assignments and longer-serving members who voluntarily retired and voted less conservatively in their last term compared to their previous terms in office. A decomposition analysis confirms that the revolving doors for the two groups of legislators differ because of differences in employer response rather than in legislator characteristics.  相似文献   


An exploratory study involving 273 Indian managers from India and Singapore measured the effects of demographic (age, sex, education, nationality, and culture), personality (locus of control, achievement need, and ambiguity intolerance), and work-related (organizational level, tenure, and organizational size) factors on managerial preference as measured by the defender-prospector (Miles & Snow, 1978) continuum. Blockwise regression analysis revealed that younger managers, male managers, and managers with high ambiguity tolerance were significantly more likely to prefer prospector strategies.  相似文献   

This paper extends the study of contextual determinants of planning processes in three important directions. First, we present a comprehensive conceptualization of planning processes along six design dimensions. Second, in addition to examining the effects of environments, technology, and organizational complexity, we assess the effects of the organization's strategic orientation on the design of planning processes. Third, we move towards a configurational approach and explore the effects of concurrent presence of multiple contingencies. The study uses data from a large sample of North American corporations. The results suggest that the forces of context govern the design of planning processes. Furthermore, exploration of the effects of concurrent presence of multiple contingencies provides interesting illustrations of situations where the forces of context are aligned in the same direction as well as situations where the forces pull in opposite directions.  相似文献   

We investigate the issue of whose interest is reflected in selecting the size of public service broadcasting (PSB). We examine two different approaches: (1) the public interest theory, where PSB size is selected to maximise citizens’ welfare and (2) the public choice theory, where PSB size is determined by self-interested politicians. Based on the foundations of these two views, we derive theoretical predictions about how PSB size changes with an increase in political competition. Then, we test these predictions using panel data from OECD countries over the period 1993–2010, and we find that the degree of electoral competition is negatively associated with PSB size. We conclude that PSB size does not reflect the public interest theory, but rather upholds the public choice theory, especially the politicians’ rent-seeking motive.  相似文献   

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