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在当今社会主义新农村建设的进程中,村级债务已经成为我国农村经济发展中出现的新现象,并成为农村经济社会发展的障碍。笔者认为:化解村级债务,必须以科学发展观为指导,以可持续发展为目标。现在就某镇村级债务问题,谈一下我个人的看法。  相似文献   

村级债务问题,是正在进行的农村税费改革的第一大难题。它既表现在农村税费改革中对现有债务问题难处理,也表现在对农村税费改革以后可能出现的新债务的难防范。村级债务的形成既有市场机制发育不健全的原因,也有管理体制的制约。解决村级债务问题,必须从旧债和新债两个角度来寻找途径。  相似文献   

村级不良债务与村社集体经济组织及企业在经营过程中形成的负债有着且截然不同的性质。它主要是由于村内公共管理和农村公共设施及公益事业建设资金不足而形成,可它既没有固定的财政来源,又不能像企业经营一样在经营周转中收回。它的形成主要与村民委员会职能错位,管理体制及村民委员会管理制度不健全、不落实等有着直接的关系。化解控制新增村级不良债务需要通过全方位的依法综合治理和深层次的改革。  相似文献   

为了深入贯彻《国务院办公厅关于坚决制止发生新的乡村债务有关问题的通知》精神,制止发生新的村级债务,逐步化解村级债务,统筹城乡发展,保障村级组织正常运转,及时掌握村级债务增减变化情况及化解村级债务工作中存在的问题,研究制定村级债务化解具体措施,认真开展调查研究工作,对唐山市丰南区15个乡镇497个村的债权债务情况进行一次深入细致的调查摸底工作,努力寻求探索化解债务的有效途径及措施。  相似文献   

王秋生 《广东经济》2004,(11):46-47
当前,农村村级不良债务大量增加,集体经济空虚,包袱沉重,已成为制约农村经济发展、激化干群矛盾,影响农村稳定和基层政权巩固的严重问题。化解和防控其不良债务,是贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想,坚持党在农村的基本经营制度,维护农村改革、发展、稳定大局的需要。化解村级不良债务,要坚持多法并举,标本兼治的原则,在具体方法上可采取如下措施及对策,供借鉴参考。一、减员化债法口即严格控制村组干部职数, 精减超编人员,清退临聘人员和各类勤务人员等,尽力压缩人头费用支出,从源头上减轻村级经济负担。二、清欠消债法。组织精干专班,采取宣传、教育、行政和法律手段》对农户历年欠交集体应收款进行靖收,减少债务净额。在清欠过程中,要区别情况,分类对待。对有偿还能力的农户,要积极清收;对一次性还款有困难的农户,可制订还款计划, 分期分批偿还;对有能力还款拒不偿还的单位和个人,可通过诉讼程序,依法清收;对确属生产、生活困难的特困户,无法还款的,应交群众讨论,按照规定实行减免缓。  相似文献   

随着农村税费改革的不断深入,长期积累而未妥善解决的村级债务问题便集中凸现出来,它不仅困扰农村经济发展,也成为当前社会主义新农村建设的一大障碍。、通过对湖南省中西部地区某镇村级债务情况的实地调查,发现公益性事业投资欠债;集体经济经营收入少,偿债能力差;村级财务管理混乱是当地村级债务产生的主要原因.在此基础上提出化解村级债务的具体对策和建议。以期为有效化解村级债务提供参考及研究如何化解村级债务提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在我国广大的农村中,普遍存在着村级债务的问题,并且许多村级债务由于受到多种因素的影响而迟迟得不到有效的解决。村级债务长期存在严重影响农村经济的进一步发展,影响新农村建设的有序推进和农村稳定。因此在当前形势下如何积极深入的分析村级债务的形成原因,并在此基础上采取积极有效的化解措施,有效缓解村级债务,已经成为了目前农村工作的重中之重。  相似文献   

目前,沉重的村级债务已经成为制约农村稳定、经济发展和建设社会主义新农村的主要障碍。近期,我们对黑河市村级债务情况进行了调查,对债务产生的原因进行了分析,现就化解村级债务问题提出一些粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

由于受当前多种因素的影响,我国村级债务规模急剧膨胀,债务风险凸显。庞大的村级债务已严重影响财政的正常运转,成为影响经济社会稳定和发展的因素,引起了各方的关注。其形成原因复杂,债权主体不一,数额不均匀。只有客观地评估村级债务对地方财政运行的影响,并在此基础上提出化解村级债务的对策,才能促进地方财政科学稳健的发展。  相似文献   

村级债务的形成原因及化解对策的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施少君 《经济师》2010,(1):211-212
文章以苍南县为个案分析了村级债务形成的原因,提出化解村级债务的对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper analyses macroeconomic and financial determinants of bad loans applying a SVAR approach to investigate whether excessive loans granted during expansionary phases can explain the more than proportional increase in non-performing loans during contractionary periods. The results indicate that the effects of a permanent shock to bad loans on the excess of credit are significant and persistent for bad loans to firms, but not for bad loans to households or in the case of Cooperative Credit Banks, who adopt more efficient lending policies.  相似文献   

Conclusions The problem of bad enterprise and bank debts has developed into one of the most acute economic problems in PETs. The general delay in implementing comprehensive policy measures to combat this issue as well as mismanagement contributed to the snow-balling of bad loans. In the case of Bulgaria this led to a major financial crisis and the authorities had to undertake a large-scale rescue operation.The experience of the past three years or so indicates that there are no ideal definitive solutions to the bad-loan problem. All bad-loan management options discussed in the literature and experimented with in PETs have serious drawbacks and their inherent cost is usually quite high. So the bad-loan problem has turned into one of the many dilemmas that economic policy makers of the PETs have to face up to.The Bulgarian approach to the bad loans issue builds on ideas that have been debated in the literature and adds some new and original aspects. It is an attempt to link the process of cleaning up the bad loans to the recapitalization of commercial banks and to the process of privatizing SOEs. In this respect it can be regarded as an element of a broader policy aimed at speeding-up the process of economic transformation of the country. At the same time, the Bulgarian approach has a number of weak features that may have undesirable consequences.  相似文献   

The nature of TVEs and the real functions of township-village governments are rooted in the Chinese township-village organization. The management of common property in a village group or a rural community is quite different from management in a situation where the boundaries of common property are unclear. Before economic reform, the cooperative elements or interspecific resources, such as low information costs, kinship ties, trust and cooperative spirit belonged in common to all villagers, yet cooperation was absent because the Chinese state appropriated the collective benefits. During the course of reform, the link between village official and state is being gradually broken down and the official is returning to his own village organization. The original interspecific resources of villagers and the identity of the village leader as government official are institutionalized as specific contractual relations in China's reform circumstances. The Chinese village behaves as a firm-type organization and the collective benefits can be internalized during the economic transition.  相似文献   

关于城市建设贷款证券化的可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,城市化进程的加快导致城市基础建设贷款的迅速增长,而不断扩大的贷款规模与有限的地方政府财力之间的矛盾日益突出,其中存在的潜在风险也越来越引起人们的关注。笔者运用国外成熟资产证券化原理,试图探索城市建设贷款证券化(财政—银行—证券)这样一种新型的基础设施投融资方式,建立"政府入口、金融孵化、资本市场出口"的机制,把政府的组织优势与银行的融资优势结合起来,有效地发挥金融机构连接政府和市场的桥梁与纽带作用,为解决我国目前城镇化进程加快与地方政府财力有限的矛盾探索一条合理有效的途径。  相似文献   

Access to financial resources is crucial for young firms to strive. To foster innovation and growth in these firms, governments address financing constraints by initiating public support programs. For such financial support to be effective, it is, however, important that firms are able to augment publicly provided resources with additional means. This study examines the relationship between new ventures’ subsidy receipt and long-term bank loans. Studying new ventures founded between 2005 and 2009 in Germany, we test whether the subsidy itself facilitates use to bank financing. Applying econometric techniques that account for the endogenous nature of a subsidy receipt, we find that subsidized young firms are more likely to use bank loans and to have obtained a larger share of their financing mix from banks. We further show that this effect is stronger in highly information-opaque sectors. These results suggest that the effect may be attributed to an information value carried by the grant that is relevant to banks’ loan assessment procedures, especially when new venture value is difficult to judge.  相似文献   

While village industries are known to play an important role in the development of rural areas in developing countries, little is known about village industries in transition economies. This paper inquires into the transformation process of a village industry in northern Vietnam from a traditional to a modern cluster where new iron and steel products are produced. We found that proprietors’ human capital acquired by formal education and experience in marketing and management as well as their family ties are critically important for upgrading product lines and improving management, marketing, and consequently the overall performance of the village enterprises.  相似文献   

We estimate banks’ technical efficiency using directional distance functions, a generalization of the radial distance functions that allow us to credit banks for their efforts to increase outputs and decrease resource use and bad loans. We find that once bad loans are considered, banks’ efficiency increases significantly. In addition, omitting bad loans may result in the underestimation of the performance of good credit quality banks. These results suggest that a significant aspect of banking production, credit quality, needs to be considered when evaluating banks’ performances for regulatory purposes.  相似文献   

基于社会利润最大化的视角,本文研究了银行监管中的最优市场约束问题.研究发现:在银行监管中实施最优的市场约束不仅可以提高银行监管帕累托效率,而且可以给社会带来最大的利润;最优市场约束水平受到银行"额外价值",无市场约束时贷款失败的概率、贷款成功的收益、市场约束的成本弹性等因素的影响,且与这些因素呈正相关;最优市场约束水平对银行"额外价值"、贷款成功的收益这两个因素的变化敏感性较强,对无市场约束时贷款失败的概率的变化敏感性较弱,对市场约束的成本弹性的敏感性呈现出由强变弱的趋势.  相似文献   

《European Economic Review》1999,43(4-6):903-914
This paper investigates institutional reasons for the soft-budget constraint problem; and how the soft-budget constraint problem creates conditions which may result in a financial crisis. As a consequence of soft-budget constraints, bad projects do not stop; bad loans accumulate; and banks and depositors do not receive bad news on time. Poorly informed depositors are then likely to herd to overinvest when there is no bankruptcy (`frenzy'); and they are likely to herd to panic when bankruptcy occurs (`crash'), which may be the result of excessive bad loans that are also a consequence of soft-budget constraints. In contrast, under hard-budget constraints information is disclosed quickly regarding liquidation. Better-informed investors are then less likely to herd wrongly.  相似文献   

提名方式是选举的重要组成部分 ,农村民主选举的不同提名方式对村领导的行为及其绩效有不同的影响。对土地的投入是农村普遍的经济活动 ,与土地相关的活动对村民来说是至关重要的 ,村民对村领导决定的土地分配有着强烈的反响。从农村民主选举与土地管理体制的角度来研究选举提名方式是农村民主政治建设研究的一个新视角。  相似文献   

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