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以2000-2019年6月发表的118篇中外文献为基础,对2007-2009年金融危机前后的保险业系统性风险研究进行回顾和总结。研究发现:学界对保险业系统性风险的研究在金融危机后开始快速增长,研究内容最初集中在系统性风险的存在性与实证检验,随后转向对影响因素和成因机制的关注,同时,监管制度研究具有持续性。现有文献已经取得初步成果,今后可以从风险衡量手段比较、影响因素探析和监管制度等方面开展和深化研究。  相似文献   

This study reviews literature on the Islamic banking sustainability and presents directions for future research. The article discourses scholars’ and practitioners’ views on the two perspectives of sustainability in relation to the objectives of Islamic banking and finance. That there are limited studies on Islamic banking sustainability is one of the major issues presented in the article. The study highlights essential issues on the sustainability without in-depth empirical analysis. The needs for long-term economic, social, and environmental sustainability are not a compromising issue. Therefore, Islamic banks must strike a balance between the institutional, societal, and environmental sustainability in order to achieve the objective of Sharia.  相似文献   

This article considers the role of American International Group (AIG) and the insurance sector in the 2007–2009 financial crisis and the implications for insurance regulation. Following an overview of the causes of the crisis, I explore the events and policies that contributed to federal government intervention to prevent bankruptcy of AIG and the scope of federal assistance to AIG. I discuss the extent to which insurance in general poses systemic risk and whether a systemic risk regulator is desirable for insurers or other nonbank financial institutions. The last two sections of the article address the financial crisis's implications for proposed optional and/or mandatory federal chartering and regulation of insurers and for insurance regulation in general.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the systemic relevance of the insurance sector. Systemic risk is defined as the propensity of a financial institution to be undercapitalised when the financial system as a whole is undercapitalised. By the law of large numbers, traditional lines of insurance with idiosyncratic non-catastrophic risks cannot be systemic. On the contrary, undiversified insurers specialised in activities whose insured risks are highly correlated with GDP are systemic. In the life insurance sector, some contractual clauses such as unhedged minimum guarantees and free options to surrender raise the chance of systemic relevance. On the contrary, life insurers satisfying the classic solvency capital requirements contribute to the liquidity of financial markets thanks to the long-termist approach of their portfolio management. Finally, using historical data in the U.S. on the contribution of different sectors to the aggregate volatility of the economy, we show that investment banking is almost twice as volatile as aggregate GDP, while insurance is one fifth as volatile as aggregate GDP. The insurance sector thus appears to be a stabilising force of the economy.  相似文献   

This article proposes a framework for measuring and managing systemic risk. Current solvency regulations have been criticized for their focus on individual firms rather than the system as a whole. We show how an insurance program can be designed to deal with systemic risk through a risk charge on participating institutions. The risk charge is based on the generalized co‐conditional tail expectation, a conditional risk measure adapted from conditional value‐at‐risk. Current regulations have been criticized on the grounds that their capital requirements are procyclical. They require extra capital in periods of extreme stress thus exacerbating a crisis. We show how to construct a countercyclical risk charge and illustrate the approach using a numerical example.  相似文献   

Differing from conventional insurance firms whose underwriting business does not contribute to systemic risk, credit risk insurance companies providing credit protections for debt obligations are exposed to systemic risk. We show that credit risk insurers (CRIs) underperformed conventional insurance companies during the 2007–2009 financial crisis, and such underperformance is attributed to the greater systemic risk of CRIs. We also find that the credit spreads of insured bonds increase significantly after their insurers are downgraded or put in the negative watch list. We control for alternative factors affecting bond credit spreads and the result is robust.  相似文献   

2008年金融危机爆发后,对系统性风险的认识从"大而不倒"转向到"关联度太广而不能倒"。基于关联度视角研究系统性风险成为金融危机爆发后研究系统性风险的主流方向。本文详细梳理了金融危机前后有关"关联度与系统性风险"之间相关性的文献,总结关联度视角下测度系统性风险的挑战,并为未来的研究指出方向。  相似文献   

This article explores the possibility of spatial diversification of weather risk for 17 agricultural production regions in China. We investigate the relation between the size of the buffer load and the size of the trading area of a hypothetical temperature‐based insurance. The analysis adopts the hierarchical Archimedean copula approach that allows for flexible modeling of the dependence structure of insured losses. We find that the spatial diversification effect depends on the type of the weather index and the strike level of the insurance. Our findings are relevant for the current discussion on the viability of private crop insurance in China.  相似文献   

一、江西省保险市场基本情况 近些年,江西保险业得到了迅猛发展,截止2001年底,全省保险机构总资产达45.02亿元,2001年实现总保费33.66亿元,比去年同期增长20.04%,其中:财产险保费11.93亿元,比去年同期增长10.64%,人身险保费21.73亿元,比去年同期增长25.91%,与此同时,通过2001年整顿和规范保险市场秩序的工作,各保险公司普遍提高了依法合规经营的自觉性,风险意识有所增强,管理和服务得到了提升,恶性竞争的现象受到了遏制,全省保险业正在朝着健康快速的方向发展.  相似文献   

今年是中华人民共和国成立70周年。70年来,伴随着国家建设和改革开放的伟大进程,保险业取得了令人瞩目的成就。我国保险监管体制经历了初期监管、集中监管、专门监管、协同监管等四个阶段。随着监管体制的演进,保险监管法律制度体系积极适应现实需要,朝着科学、完备、协调的目标向前迈进,在促进行业健康发展和有效实施保险监管等方面也取得明显成效。保险业发展的辉煌成就,与保险监管工作密不可分。在监管实践中积累的许多宝贵经验,为进一步推进保险监管法制建设提供了有益借鉴,即坚持党的领导,坚持市场化、法治化方向,坚持监管姓监,坚持以人为本。新时代的保险监管法制建设,要准确把握保险监管法制建设面临的新形势,持续提升保险监管质效,深入推进保险法律制度体系建设。  相似文献   

我国养老保险个人账户研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
养老保险个人账户缴费制度一直是我国养老保险制度改革的重点,改革虽取得重大成效,但依然存在着诸多问题。本文在个人账户研究理论的基础上,介绍了国内学者在探究做实个人账户、个人账户基金投资管理和保值增值上的研究,以使人们全面了解养老保险个人账户的研究现状,为完善个人账户制度研究打下基础。  相似文献   

杨子晖  陈雨恬  林师涵 《金融研究》2022,499(1):185-217
防范风险是我国金融业的永恒主题。如何有效应对金融系统的异常波动、缓释国际市场的外部冲击、精准处置重点领域风险,仍将是我国“十四五”期间的重要任务。本文分别基于系统性金融风险的有效测度、传染溢出、驱动因素、前瞻预测,以及其与宏观经济的相互作用关系、风险调控政策与政策的有效性、监管理念发展等不同视角,对272篇国内外顶级(权威)文献进行了全面、深入的梳理与总结,并展望该领域的重点研究方向,从而为我国构建金融风险防控长效机制、完善“双循环”新格局下的金融监管体系提供参考,以牢牢守住不发生系统性金融风险的底线,推动经济社会高质量发展。  相似文献   

近年来,保险系统性风险与宏观审慎监管问题逐渐受到世界各国重视。目前我国的保险监管制度虽已逐渐将保险系统性风险纳入监管范围,但现有的监管措施过于简陋,难以有效防范、化解系统性风险。为此,在厘清保险系统性风险内生性根源与制度性根源基础上,反思我国保险系统性风险既有监管规则之不足,认为我国保险系统性风险监管的应然诉求是建立金融机构协调合作机制的法制化路径、提高保险宏观审慎监管相关立法、将现代科技手段运用与保险宏观审慎监管实践相结合。  相似文献   

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