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薛丽娟 《经济论坛》2011,(8):216-218
债权人(本文主要指银行)的财务风险源自于企业经营风险的转移,由于治理权后置、信息不对称等原因,银行承担了与其收益不匹配的财务风险,这不利于建立正常、合理的银企关系。本文从债权人财务风险的表现入手,对其风险成因进行了深层次的分析,并依据目前我国银企合作关系的具体情况,提出了债权人财务风险防范的具体措施,以推动银企关系良性发展。  相似文献   

财务风险是经营风险的一种形式,但又不同于一般的经营风险,它是特指企业在生产经营中的资金运动,包括筹资、投资和利润分配等活动中所面临的各种风险。内部财务风险则是由于企业集团内部不确定因素的影响而产生的财务风险。  相似文献   

巨额的银行贷款给高校带来了经营风险和财务风险。借鉴企业财务管理中的风险测度方法,通过分析风险产生的决定因素,找出化解风险的措施:保证学生规模稳定增长,化解高校经营风险;积极筹措资金,减少债务本息,降低高校财务风险。  相似文献   

论现代企业的资金筹集及其风险   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
资金筹集是指企业从有关渠道采用一定方式取得经营所需资金的活动。企业采用不同方式所取得的资金,不仅性质不同,而且会使企业负担不同的成本,并给企业带来不同的风险。广义的筹资风险包括经营风险和财务风险。经营风险的存在会使企业的投资收益率出现不确定性;财务风险的存在会使企业的权益资金收益率出现不确定性。财务风险的衡量应使用权益资金收益率的标准离差或标准离差率。  相似文献   

论财务风险分层管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在出资者所有权和法人财产权相分离的现代企业制度下,建立在资金运动论基础上的现有财务风险管理理论和方法已不能很好地满足出资者和经营者对财务风险管理的不同需要,因此,建立一套于财务分层管理理论和现金运动的新型财务风险分层管理理论和方法体系,对出资者财务风险和经营者财务风险进行了分层管理,具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

代位权制度是债权保全的一种方式,现代各国立法为了保护债权人的利益,保障社会交易的安全,一般均设立了债权保全制度,我国《合同法》第73条对我国代位权制度做了原则性的规定,弥补了我国合同立法方面的空白。但在具体操作层面上,缺乏具体立法依据,使得代位权制度无法发挥应有功能,最高人民法院《关于适用〈中华人民共和国合同法〉若干问题的解释(一)》虽然对此作出补充性的规定,但其与其他国家的代位权制度大为不同,债权人行使代位权的方式过于单一,代位权的适用范围过于狭窄等问题的出现,也局限了代位权制度功能的发挥。  相似文献   

张秀玲 《时代经贸》2006,4(Z3):26-27
本文针对票据被伪造背书后的损失不能追回时,风险如何在相关当事人间分配才更符合公平正义的法律价值理念进行深入探讨,文章对KILDOR-HICKS理论、责任分层理论、损失分配理论分别加以介绍,并对各理论的优缺点详加评判、分析论证.并提出本文观点损失应该在付款人、被伪造人、直接后手之间进行分配,而不是统一商法中所说的只限于付款人和伪造人.  相似文献   

在激烈竞争的市场经济中,企业已成为市场竞争的主体,企业在各项财务活动中,由于各种难以预料、控制因素的作用,使实际财务收益与目标财务收益发生背离而蒙受经济损失。因此,为适应知识经济发展的要求,在新形势下如何客观地分析和认识财务风险,采取各种措施来控制和避免财务风险。采取各种措施来控制和避免财务风险的发生,并拥有好的技术方法,是事关企业生存和发展的重要课题。  相似文献   

上官小鸟 《时代经贸》2012,(20):213-214
经济高速发展,激烈的市场竞争,全球金融危机,给民营企业提出了新的课题:如何才能在复杂艰难的环境中生存与发展?民营企业财务风险预警的研究正是对这一课题的回应。建立适合民营企业长远发展的财务预警系统。加强企业的财务风_险意识.完善财务预誊系统,及早发现企业在财务管理、经营管理上长期潜在的问题,避免财务危机的出现,我们需要思考的问题、我们需要做的工作有很多。  相似文献   

中国从20世纪90年代初期开始转变为净国外资产持有者,目前是全球最大债权主体之一。但由于人民币尚未国际化,中国处于不成熟债权国地位;从债权结构看,由官方储备和债务性资产所构成的“风险资产”是中国净国外债权的主体部分;这一债权状况增加了中国的财富流失风险。基于向量误差修正模型和状态空间模型的实证检验结果表明,中国净国外债权变动中存在相当大的负估值效应,在国际金融危机期间尤为显著,人民币汇率变化是引起负估值效应的重要因素之一。因此,调整对外投资策略、稳定人民币汇率并积极推进人民币国际化是增强中国外部资产管理水平的关键。  相似文献   

International Risk Sharing and the Transmission of Productivity Shocks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper shows that standard international business cycle models can be reconciled with the empirical evidence on the lack of consumption risk sharing. First, we show analytically that with incomplete asset markets productivity disturbances can have large uninsurable effects on wealth, depending on the value of the trade elasticity and shock persistence. Second, we investigate these findings quantitatively in a model calibrated to the U.S. economy. With the low trade elasticity estimated via a method of moments procedure, the consumption risk of productivity shocks is magnified by high terms of trade and real exchange rate (RER) volatility. Strong wealth effects in response to shocks raise the demand for domestic goods above supply, crowding out external demand and appreciating the terms of trade and the RER. Building upon the literature on incomplete markets, we then show that similar results are obtained when productivity shocks are nearly permanent, provided the trade elasticity is set equal to the high values consistent with micro-estimates. Under both approaches the model accounts for the low and negative correlation between the RER and relative (domestic to foreign) consumption in the data—the "Backus–Smith puzzle".  相似文献   

When medical care prices and individual health needs follow stochastic processes with non-zero trends. community rating facilitates lifetime insurance and intergenerational risk sharing. While such a policy is unsustainable in competitive private insurance markets. it provides the basis for the financing of public health systems designed to spread risks efficiently.  相似文献   

We provide an empirical analysis of regional risk sharing in Norway over the period 1977–90. The approach of Asdrubali, Sørensen and Yosha (1996) is extended to take public employment into account as a possible shock absorber. The other channels of risk sharing are capital markets and commuting, taxes and transfers, and credit markets. The estimated degree of regional consumption insurance is very high. We cannot reject the hypothesis that there is full interregional risk sharing in the short term. Public employment absorbs up to 25 percent of private sector output shocks in our analyses. Generally, central government insurance against regional shocks is relatively more important, the more permanent the shocks are, and vice versa for market‐based risk‐sharing channels.  相似文献   

Arrangements for achieving efficient risk-sharing vary depending on the information available to agents in the economy. The usual Euler equation restricts efficient allocations in an economy which obeys the permanent income hypothesis, while efficient allocations in an economy with private information and long-term contracts satisfy a symmetric restriction, but not the Euler equation. Full insurance arrangements are unique in that they satisfy both restrictions.
We look at an environment in which it seems likely that long-term contracts play a role in mitigating the effects of private information: three village economies in South India. The evidence that consumption allocations satisfy the private information restriction is quite strong for households in two of the three villages; the evidence for the third village suggests that while consumption for some households satisfies the private information restrictions, other households' consumption obey the permanent income hypothesis.  相似文献   

公司合并对公司债权人的债权实现会产生重大的影响,但是对债权人的保护不应以损害公司合并效率为代价。新《公司法》很好地确立了这一立法价值取向,但是在保护债权人制度的具体设计上,却存在诸多的缺陷,特别是没有规定债权人权利损害的救济请求权,对债权人的保护殊为不利,需要立法进一步明确。  相似文献   

Most of the literature on multiple banking assumes equal financing shares. However, unequal, asymmetric or concentrated bank borrowing is widespread, and creditor concentration is only weakly correlated with the number of bank relationships. This paper therefore investigates the determinants of creditor concentration for German firms using a comprehensive firm-bank level dataset for the time period between 1993 and 2003. We document that corporate borrowing from banks is very often concentrated, even for the largest firms in our sample. Leveraged firms and firms with more redeployable assets concentrate their borrowing from banks, as are firms dealing with a relationship lender that is profitable, that has lower monitoring costs, or that operates in a concentrated regional lending market.  相似文献   

This paper explores the implications of the presence of uninsured idiosyncratic risks for the hoarding of intrinsically useless fiat money in an overlapping-generations model. It is shown that: (a) monetary equilibria exist in almost all cases; (b) the valuation of money is not necessarily Pareto-improving since the non-monetary steady state may Pareto-dominate the monetary one; and (c) the accelerating inflation may, moreover, reduce the long-run capital stock.
JEL Classification Number: E41.  相似文献   

自然灾害风险不符合传统精算理论上的可保风险,然而市场—社会效用意义上的可保风险标准拓展了自然灾害风险的可保性.建立在这—理论基础上,文章探讨了如何构建自然灾害保险意义上的整体性、多层次的自然灾害损失分散机制.从直接保险、共同保险、再保险到资本市场和政府的最终保障,居民、保险市场、再保险市场和资本市场是市场化的自然灾害保险损失分散主体,而政府财政救助不应再是“第一保险人”的角色,反之应是承担较高层次的自然灾害损失——“最后再保险人”角色,并以此达到有效的将自然灾害损失分摊到不同主体和个人,最终实现最大限度的损失补偿,为我国的自然灾害保险制度的构建与设计提供参考依据.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the importance of marriage for interstate risk sharing in the US. We find that US federal states in which married couples account for a higher share of the population are less exposed to state‐specific output shocks. Thus, in addition to improving the allocation of risk at the individual level, marriage also has implications for risk sharing at the more aggregated state level. Quantitatively, the impact of marriage on interstate risk sharing varies over divorce regimes.  相似文献   

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