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网络视频营销漫路求索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘东明 《广告大观》2008,(4):118-119
曾几何时,网络视频成为风投的宠儿;曾几何时,多少创业者们成为YouTube的朝拜者。然而今天,以亿元为门槛的烧钱数量级、尚处于上下求索阶段的盈利模式,还有2007年底颁布《互联网视听服务管理规定》带来的一场惊心动魄“生死劫”,让原本风风火火的网络视频一度迷途。  相似文献   

This study outlines some of the important positive outcomes of enhancing e-retailing services through adding experiential benefits. It investigates how provision of experiential values by an online store improves involvement of customers in the e-retailer's website. This paper also looks at the impacts of experiential values on the recently developed construct of perceived e-retailer's assistive intent and investigates whether this variable contributes to the enhancement of website involvement. Collecting data from 431 North American students through a survey on actual shopping experiences supports the overall model and the majority of the hypotheses. Findings confirm that esthetics, service excellence, and customer return on investment are effective experiential values in terms of improving e-retailer's assistive image and enhancing customers' involvement in the website.  相似文献   

刘磊 《广告大观》2008,(7):49-49
2006年的6月,在所有中国的MSN上,有一个打伞的小姑娘,点进去是当POLO邂逅MSN。这是MSN第三届在中国的Space大赛,是大众准备新POLO在中国上市的预热的活动。从海选到半决赛,到决赛是一个爱情故事的不断的延续,最终的赢家会得到一辆新的POLO。大赛的第一天,MSN中国的服务器断掉了,  相似文献   

许志敏 《广告大观》2009,(8):134-135
优酷热播剧场自推出以来,收视率屡创新高。两大权威调研机构CR尼尔森和艾瑞分别对优酷正在热播的两部电视剧——《我的青春谁做主》和《人间正道是沧桑》的播放进行了监测,均以日播放量过百万的数据见证了优酷“热播剧场”的强劲收视。森马和美的分别赞助了这两部剧,也以上千万次的品牌曝光取得了巨大成功。由此,从收视到营销,都表明优酷以热播剧场为代表的影视剧营销机制已然全线贯通,产业链基本成型。  相似文献   

2008年4月初,由搜狐娱乐、《综艺》及河南精品博览频道联合主办的2007《综艺》年度节目评选活动公布了新闻、体育、纪实、真人秀、脱口秀等节目的网络票选结果,其中进入年度纪实节目十强的节目有《黄金30分》(四川电视台二套)、《变形计》(湖南卫视)、《人与自然》(CCTV-1)、《传奇故事》(江西卫视)、《探索发现》(CCTV-10)、《天下故事》(四川卫视)、《今天故事汇》(CCTV-1)、《走近科学》(CCTV-10)、《讲述》(CCTV-10)和《动物世界》(CCTV-3)。CCTV-10科教频道的三档品牌栏目《探索发现》、《走近科学》、  相似文献   

2008年这场席卷全球的金融风暴,使作为市场经济晴雨表的广告市场也难以在暴风雪中独善其身。但令人欣慰的是,走过跌宕起伏的2008,电视媒体仍然保持绝对优势,以16%的增幅,占据76%的份额,继续领跑传统媒体广告市场。而江西电视台在08年的广告经营也是逆势而上,展现出第一阵营媒体的稳定性和成长性。  相似文献   

郭安菲 《广告大观》2009,(3):102-103
电视剧给许多电视台贡献的广告收入通常占到60%-70%,有的台甚至更多.电视剧已成为电视台赢利的重要来源。电视剧在电视竞争中所占地位越来越重要,电视台纷纷抢滩电视剧这块市场,并重视电视剧的营销。广告主日益明显地感觉到电视剧广告投放的成本一年比一年大降的趋势。  相似文献   

The capability of website quality management to drive tourism customer e-loyalty is the key factor to achieve superior performance of destination marketing organization (DMO) website operations. The quality management approaches that revolve around website design quality and online relationship quality have drawn intensive attention from e-loyalty researchers in recent years. Thorough empirical investigation, however, still lacks in incorporating the integrative impact generated by the two approaches into DMO website quality management. The current study introduces and validates a theoretical framework based on such impact. As the research result reveals, six facets predict tourism customer e-loyalty directly: informational usefulness, navigational effectiveness, aesthetic appeal, entertainment, social presence, and self-concept congruity embedded in the functional, emotional, and symbolic dimensions of website design quality. Online relationship quality, comprised of relationship satisfaction and relationship trust, plays a partial mediator role in amplifying the e-loyalty driving effect of website design quality in the DMO website context.  相似文献   

In a bid to combine the two major perspectives (strategic communications and strategic brand management) of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), this article proposes a Holistic Consumer Experience Management framework. According to the framework, the key mission of IMC is to effectively manage the mediated impression of and the direct encounter with the brand, so that synergism ensues among all the interrelated elements of IMC, including research and development, manufacturing, price formulation, channel arrangement, consumer service management, marketing message construction, and communication program execution. As such, IMC is capable of enhancing the holistic consumer experience and creating a holistic brand value structure, which can unite the consumer's sensory, emotional, social, and intellectual experiences in a new and positive way.  相似文献   

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