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康飞  石义菲  张涵  梁永霞 《科技和产业》2024,24(14):238-246
科技论文是基础研究成果的主要表现形式之一。通过比较中美科技论文产出情况可在一定程度上反映两国基础研究的水平和差距。基于InCites数据库整理2013-2022年中美两国科技论文总量、高被引论文百分比及CNCI指数等指标的年度变化数据,并进行对比分析。近十年中国科技论文的数量和质量显著提升,篇均经费投入差距逐渐缩小,但学术平均水平仍与美国存在较大差距,部分关键学科竞争力相对弱势。未来中国需要精准资助关键学科、完善基础研究多元投入机制并构建符合基础研究规律和人才成长规律的评价体系,以不断增强基础研究水平,推动高水平科技自立自强。  相似文献   

The effects of firm and job characteristics on the wages of blacks and whites are analyzed using data from the 1988 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth [Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1997]. This study focuses on 2,370 full-time private sector employees. The results show that, first, blacks are disproportionately employed in large establishments despite their lower cognitive achievements. Second, blacks do not enjoy significant wage premiums associated with supervisory positions. Third, although the wage gap between blacks and whites is reduced considerably, controlling for education and cognitive skills, the gap increases significantly when structural attributes are included in the wage regressions despite the large wage premiums associated with employment in large establishments.  相似文献   

This paper tests the tax smoothing theory by focusing on its implication that a change in permanent government spending should result in an equal sized change in the tax rate. The effect of Medicaid, a state administered, federal and state funded medical insurance program for the poor, on state tax rates is investigated. The Medicaid program provides a natural experiment for this test as states are required to cover certain groups in order to receive federal matching money. Additionally, during the 1980s, a series of federal mandates greatly increased state Medicaid expenditures. Two stage least squares is used on a panel of U.S. states (1978-1994) to test whether changes in permanent state Medicaid expenditures resulted in equal sized tax rate changes. Tax smoothing as a positive theory of state government behavior is rejected. Additionally, it is found that this rejection cannot be attributed to the stringency of balanced budget rules.  相似文献   

Much of the recent empirical literature examining the New Economic Geography has focused on how access to markets impacts wages. In this article, we consider an alternative aspect of the theory by examining how access to markets affects industry growth. We develop a model relating the growth of two key measures of market size—market access and supplier access—to growth in industry employment and the real value of industry shipments. We estimate the model using data on U.S. manufacturing industries between 1984 and 1996. We find strong evidence to suggest that access to markets positively affects industry growth.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代中后期产生的日本异质论及美国"对日修正主义"是日美经贸摩擦延伸至体制领域的重要表现。它既是冷战结束前后国际政治格局变化和美国国内政治气候变迁的产物,又具有深刻的学术和舆论背景。美国"对日修正主义"者从资本主义发展模式的差异、日本政治经济体制及其相应政策手段的特殊性、美国对日贸易策略等三个方面阐述了其理论观点,在美国舆论界、学术界和决策层中产生了巨大的影响。  相似文献   

为了应对全球化的挑战,美国与周边的墨西哥和加勒比海地区(CBI)国家合作,形成了一条以纵向一体化为核心的区域性纺织服装生产网络(regional production network,RPN)。由于RPN合作国家是美国纺织产业重要的出口市场,因此后者在该网络中具有既得利益。美国政府进而签订的《中芙纺织品协议》(以下简称"协议")旨在抑制后配额时代中国输美服装类产品对该RPN的冲击。本文就"协议"的实施对相关贸易流量的影响进行了评估。结果显示,"协议"已经对中国输美服装类产品产生贸易破坏效应,而墨西哥和CBI国家对美国的服装出口则从中受益。然而,研究并未显示"协议"的实施有助于美国增加纱线、面料等纺织类产品向RPN合作国家的出口,因而"协议"对美国纺织产业的实际保护效应有必要予以反思。本文的研究结论对于2008年"协议"到期后相关政策的制定和调整具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The explosive tourism-led growth experienced by the U.S. Virgin Islands during the 1960s and early 1970s reflected the duality of the Virgin Islands’ socioeconomic identity. Although growth was dependent on the U.S. economy and U.S. policies, it also reaffirmed the links the Virgin Islands had developed with the Eastern Caribbean labor market in spite of their unique history as a Danish and then an American colony. Relatively large scale inflows of Eastern Caribbean labor caused both general and relative wage effects, compression of the wage and income structures, and redistribution of income away from labor. Increased labor market segmentation exacerbated the inherent ambivalence of the Virgin Islands’ Eastern Caribbean identity. The nature of the transformation of employment and income in the Virgin Islands undermined the benefits derived by the indigenous labor force and established the bases of subsequent socioeconomic conflict.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung US-Zolltarif und komparative Vorteile: Ein Methodenüberblick. — Dieser Aufsatz gibt einen überblick sowohl über Arbeiten, die sich mit den komparativen Vorteilen der USA befassen, als auch über solche, die die Handelspolitik zum Gegenstand haben. Ein wesentlicher Grundsatz des Artikels ist, da\ der Ansatz des allgemeinen Gleichgewichts bei all diesen Problemen erforderlich ist, weil der internationale Handel einen weitreichenden Einflu\ auf eine Volkswirtschaft haben kann. Entsprochen werden kann diesem Erfordernis durch eine Simulation mit einem Modell des allgemeinen Gleichgewichts oder durch eine Regressionsanalyse, die die Simultanit?t einschlie\t. Dieser Artikel enth?lt drei Abschnitte. Der erste er?rtert Versuche, die komparativen Vorteile der amerikanischen Volkswirtschaft zu ermitteln. Der zweite behandelt die Wirkungen der Handelspolitik auf die Einkommensverteilung. Der dritte umfa\t die Untersuchungen, die ausdrücklich die Wohlfahrtseffekte der amerikanischen Handelsschranken berechnen.
Résumé Le tarif des Etats-Unis et l’avantage comparatif: Une revue sur des méthodes. — Cet article donne une revue sur des études qui se concentrent sur l’avantage comparatif des Etats-Unis et sur la politique commerciale. Un argument principal de cet article est qu’il faut appliquer une approche de l’équilibre général pour les aspects, en vue de l’effet per?ant que le commerce international peut avoir sur l’économie. Une telle approche peut être poursuivie par la simulation explicite d’un modèle de l’équilibre général ou par une analyse de régression qui incorpore la simultanéité. Cette revue se divise en trois sections principales. La première discute les efforts pour révéler l’avantage comparatif des Etats-Unis. La deuxième s’engage avec les effets de la politique commerciale sur la répartition des revenus. La troisième contient les études dans lesquelles on a calculé explicitement les effets des barrières commerciales des Etats-Unis sur le bien-être.

Resumen La tarifa aduanera de los EEUU y ventajas comparativas: Un estudio de método. — En este articulo se hace un recuento tanto de los estudios que enfocan las ventajas comparativas de los EEUU come de aquéllos relacionados con la política comercial. Un principio importante de este artículo es que un enfoque de equilibrio general as asignado por mandate para todos estes temas, en vista del impacto penetrante del comercio sobre la economía. Este puede ser alcanzado a traves de una simulación explícita de un modelo de equilibrio general, or por medio de un análisis de regresión que incorpora simultaneidad. Este recuento se divide en tres grandes secciones. En la primera se discuten esfuerzos por descubrir las ventajas comparativas de los EEUU. La segunda se ocupa de los efectos de la política comercial sobre la distributión del ingreso. La tercera sección abarca aquellos estudios que han hecho un cálculo de bienestar explícite con respecte a los esfuerzos restrictivos de las barreras comerciales de los EEUU.

Conclusion The model employed is sufficiently realistic to provide conclusions regarding income distribution due to factor migration. While more disaggregation and other models would be revealing, these results correspond to observed positions on migration issues. Owners of a productive factor can be expected to favor migration policy, either the making or enforcing of laws, favorable to themselves. A factor owner's sentiments can be predicted by identifying patterns of friendship. While each productive factor is its own enemy, empirical results for the U.S. identify two pairs of enemies as well: capital/skilled and semiskilled/unskilled labor. Unskilled labor is a friend of capitalists and skilled labor, both of which can be expected to favor their free immigration.  相似文献   

A general equilibrium model of heterogeneous capital is employed to investigate whether, how and to what extent monetary policy and market structure may have contributed to the decline of the labor share in the U.S. in recent decades. By construction the model allows monetary policy to affect the labor share through two channels, i.e. one linking the policy rate to the real interest rate and another linking the latter to the useful life of producers’ goods, whereas regarding market structure, the more competitive the economy, the higher the labor share. From its solution using U.S. data over the period 2000–2014 it emerges that the persistent reduction in the policy rate on the one hand slowed down the decline in the labor share and on the other accelerated it, because the reduction in the policy rate was accompanied by a robust upward trend in the equilibrium real rate of interest, which increased the useful life of producers’ goods. In turn, to gauge the relative strength of these two opposite effects, the equation of the labor share is estimated by means of the autoregressive distributed lag method. The results show that the adverse effect of monetary policy through the useful life of producers’ goods was more than 12 times as strong as the favorable effect of the policy rate and on this ground I conclude that the monetary policy contributed to the decline of the labor share significantly, at least since 2000. As for the market structure, it is found that even if firms had and attempted to exercise monopoly power, it would be exceedingly difficult to exploit it because the demand of consumers’ goods is significantly price elastic.  相似文献   

Theories on merger activity and union membership suggest that conglomerate mergers should enhance the probability of managers employing nonunion workers, while nonconglomerate mergers should be associated with a greater probability of union membership. To test this hypothesis, a standard sample-selection derived union status equation is estimated which includes measures of three types of merger activity as explanatory variables. The findings suggest that being in an industry with substantial conglomerate mergers reduces the chance that a worker is a union member. All other types of mergers are positively associated with the probability of union membership. This pattern holds even after controlling for the possibility of merger endogeneity.  相似文献   

Interest rates in the U. S. and eurodollar markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zusammenfassung Zinss?tze in den USA und auf den Eurodollarm?rkten. — Diese Arbeit entwickelt eine Theorie der Gleichgewichts-Zinsdifferenzen zwischen heimischen und ausw?rtigen (Euro-) Zinss?tzen auf der Grundlage des zus?tzlich wahrgenommenen Risikos von Anlagen und Darlehen im Ausland und der h?heren Kosten der Regulierung, die mit dem Angebot dieser Anlagen und Darlehen im Inland verbunden sind. Kurzfristige Ver?nderungen der Zinsdifferenzen zwischen ausw?rtigen und heimischen M?rkten ergeben sich nach Ansicht der Autoren aus Unvollkommenheiten auf den heimischen M?rkten, wie z. B. einschr?nkenden Vorschriften und oligopolistischen Marktbedingungen. Empirische Tests für US- und Eurodollar-Zinss?tze für die Jahre 1974—1978 best?tigen die Hypothese, da\ die Eurodollar-S?tze schneller auf Ver?nderungen der Kreditbedingungen reagieren als die US-Bankraten.
Résumé Les taux d’intérêt dans les marchés des E.U. et d’Eurodollar. — Cet article introduit une théorie de la différence d’équilibre entre les taux d’intérêt locaux et ?offshore? (Euro) sur la base du risque per?u supplémentairement des dép?ts et des prêts, et les frais plus hauts de régulation associés avec les dépℸs et les prêts offerts localement. Les auteurs arguent que les changements à court terme dans les différences des taux d’intérêt entre les marchés ?qoffshore? et locaux résultent des imperfections de marché local comme par exemple les restrictions régulatrices et les conditions de marché oligopolistique. Les tests empiriques avec les taux d’intérêt des E.U. et d’Eurodollar pour la période 1974–1978 supportent la hypothèse que les taux d’Eurodollar repondent plus rapidement aux changements dans les conditions de crédit que les taux des banques des E.U.

Resumen Tasas de interés en los mercados de EEUU y del Eurodólar. — Este artículo proporciona una teoría del diferencial de equilibrio entre tasas de interés domésticas y ?offshore? (Euro) sobre la base de la percepci⤵ de riesgos adicionales para dep?sitos y préstamos ?offshore? y los costos de regulaci⤵ mayores asociados con la oferta doméstica de depósitos y préstamos. Cambios de corto plazo en las diferenciales de las tasas de interés entre mercados internos y ?offshore?, resultan, según los autores, de imperfecciones del mercado doméstico tales como restricciones regulatorias y condiciones oligopolísticas del mercado. Pruebas empíricas de las tasas de interés de los EEUU y del Eurodólar entre 1974 y 1978 sustentan la hipótesis, que las tasas del Eurodólar responden más rápidamente a cambios en las condiciones de crédito que las tasas bancarias de los EEUU.

This paper gauges the openness of German, Japanese, and U.S. capital markets by examining their term premia comovement. The term premia appear to move together. This result suggests that the risky excess returns in the term structure behave as if the assets in the three countries were traded in a single integrated market.  相似文献   

在国内,人们买了商品后退货要费很多口舌,甚至吵闹一番也没有结果。在美国,商家的服务方式和服务速度都让我们感到震惊。看看美国的售后服务,也许能给中国的商家们一些启示和反思。  相似文献   

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