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"经济民族主义"的无谓喧嚣 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
“经济民族主义”甚嚣尘上,说明发达国家也开始尝到了全球化的苦痛。不过,种种喧嚣只是对全球化的一种必然反应,却并不意味着全球化要走回头路[编者按] 相似文献
9月8日,商务部等六部委联合发布的《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》正式实施,不免让我们将其同今夏炒得沸沸扬扬的“徐工并购案”联系在一起。新政引来了西方舆论对于中国“贸易保护主义”的指责,美国媒体认为“中国政府是在给外国投资设置官僚障碍”,对外资的“妖魔化”最终可能伤及中国经济本身;一些外资风险投资家说他们感到“不安”,之前活跃在中国并购市场上的外资投资银行似乎也开始了观望。 相似文献
现阶段,经济全球化不仅仅是一种发展的趋势,而是成为了一种发展的现实。在经济全球化的大背景下,众多的国家都不可避免地融入到经济全球化的浪潮中,但不同的国家有不同的文化,本文以经济全球化为大背景,对企业文化取向展开相关论述,介绍全球化的背景和企业的价值取向,分析企业价值取向的重要性,以期处于经济全球化浪潮中的企业能够坚持正确的价值取向,推动企业自身更快更好发展。 相似文献
全球化既改变了国际体系的行为主体,也改变了国际体系的结构状态及国际体系的行为规则。本文从全球化的概念和影响入手,对全球化背景下国际法体系的变化作了简要分析。 相似文献
全球化既改变了国际体系的行为主体,也改变了国际体系的结构状态及国际体系的行为规则.本文从全球化的概念和影响入手,对全球化背景下国际法体系的变化作了简要分析. 相似文献
“全球化”是人类社会在电子信息科技发展成就的基础上,以经济全球化为主导力量和主体内容,对全人类的政治、经济、文化以及人们的生产和生活方式产生影响的过程。它不仅对我们当今经济发展带来了新景观,也为我们的文化发展带来了一种新气象,同时也让我们深深感到必须对文化殖民主义倾向提高警惕。 相似文献
随着改革开放的不断深入,经济全球化成为趋势,经济交流日趋广泛。此种形势之下,英语作为通用性语言发挥着更为重要的作用,也使得英语教学的应用性更为突出。如何适应经济全球化,如何培养复合型人才,这是我们在进行英语教学中所要解决的突出问题。 相似文献
民族主义是建立在近代民族这个特殊的人类共同体基础之上的理念和原则,它在不同的历史阶段表现出不同的内涵,很难由一个统一的总结性定义概括。在历史车轮的推动下,民族主义经历了从强调政治思想意识、国家及公民意识到强调民族情感和民族价值、沙文主义和军国主义的异化,从包含国家、公民意识及民 相似文献
当今世界全球化大潮淡化国家界限,国家经济主权受到削弱。本文将通过从历史与现实理论轨迹对主权与经济主权进行分析,揭示全球化背景下国家经济主权所面临的现实挑战,并着重分析发展中国家的处境与对策,对全球化背景下国家主权与经济发展的关系做出判断。 相似文献
改革开放后,随着我国市场化进程的深入,西方企业文化的概念和作用开始为我国企业所接受和关注,企业文化建设也日益受到重视.从趋势来看,在全球范围内的资源配置成为可能的条件下,企业与企业的竞争必然加剧,企业要想融入国际化取得竞争优势,一个重要方面就是加强企业文化建设,迅速提升人力资本效率,提高企业国际竞争力. 相似文献
Thi Hong Hanh Pham 《Applied economics》2013,45(23):2792-2813
Using a large panel data set covering 160 countries over the period 1990 to 2010, this article aims to address the question of how financial structure (bank-based versus market-based system) changes when economies are liberalized and opened to international capital markets. Specifically, in this study, globalization is characterized not only by trade and financial integration but also by other important aspects, such as social globalization, political globalization and cultural globalization. The empirical results support the impacts of globalization on financial structure, which are, however, diverse and strongly depend on the way to measure globalization and financial structure. Our finding also reveals a significant change in financial structure after the globalization process, except the case of low-income countries, in which financial structure seems to be not correlated with either globalization process or other macroeconomic variables. 相似文献
Australia developed a substantial clothing industry with protectionist international trade policies, including prohibitively high tariffs, quotas, and subsidies. The industry became an important source of jobs, with over 6.5 per cent of total manufacturing employment at the close of the 1960s. As Australia has moved towards freer trade, employment in clothing production has fallen substantially. The question of whether the clothing industry can remain viable in its new environment became an important issue. Here, we examine two crucial economic considerations relating to that question: economies of scale and relations (substitute/complementary) between the various inputs, both domestic and outsourced foreign. The findings strongly indicate the presence of economies of scale and that the industry has reduced its unit costs over the period of study. The results also suggest that most of the inputs are substitutes for one another, although only the estimated cross price elasticities between capital and labour are highly statistically significant in both models utilized in the study. To be successful in the future, the Australian clothing industry will likely need to find market niches where it can offer superior products and/or service as well as further reduce its unit costs. 相似文献
经济全球化是指生产要素跨越国界在全球范围内自由流动,各国、各地区相互融合成整体的历史过程。经济全球化是在特定的历史条件下产生和发展的一种潮流和趋势。经济全球化是世界经济发展中的一种客观趋势,它也是一种复杂的演化过程,充满着矛盾运动。从某种意义上说,它既反映了世界经济的内在矛盾,又是这种矛盾运动的必然结果。因此,要更好地把握其规律,就必须对经济全球化表现及其趋势中矛盾运动的发展进行深入的探讨。 相似文献
Takeshi Nakano 《European Journal of the History of Economic Thought》2013,20(1):33-52
The author explores Hegel's theory of economic nationalism in the Philosophy of Right. In that work, Hegel incorporates economics within a systematic theory of the nation-state. Hegel argues that both capitalism and nationalism are the products of the state, which emancipates human capacities by founding and securing individual rights. Capitalism, however, is an inherently self contradictory social phenomenon to which Hegel responds in a sophisticated manner, one eschewing those economic ideologies which subsequently dominated modern economic thought. Moreover, his response differs fundamentally from other supposed defenders of economic nationalism. Unlike the rationalist Fichte, that other great German defender of a national economics, Hegel paves the way to a scientific understanding of the relationship between the modern economy and the nation-state, in other words, a theory of economic nationalism. 相似文献
在经济全球化日益扩大的形势下,税收管理也日益复杂、本文试图探讨经济全球化的税收管理问题,并提出一些建议 相似文献
Yong-Yil Choi 《Applied economics》2013,45(26):3193-3201
This article uncovers a macroeconomic threshold for avoiding deep recession under globalization. The analysis shows that there is a long-run natural rate of substitution between the broadest measure of money balances and nominal government spending, namely the natural fiscal velocity. Applying this threshold to the actual economy can give us two benefits: first, comparing the actual rate of substitution between the broadest measure of money balances and nominal government spending with the natural fiscal velocity can provide an early sign to anticipate deep recession under globalization. Second, controlling the actual fiscal velocity so as not to exceed the natural one is such a macro calibration that the authorities can easily justify their pre-emptive actions as a means of avoiding a deep recession trap under globalization. 相似文献
根据世界贸易组织的相关规定.所有参加国签署的多边和双边国际条约或公约,只要得以政体上的承认,均可成为约束一国政府、受政府依法管理和治理的企业(行业)的规制或法律.从这个意义上说,加入WTO,即客观地将中国的经济社会融入了经济国际化或全球化的基本规则之中.国际化或全球化的表现首先为经济的一体化,但经济的全球化必然对包括政治、文化和法律在内的全部社会活动产生深刻的影响. 相似文献
拉美地区幅员辽阔,资源丰富,战略地位十分重要.近年来,拉美地区政局相对稳定,经济适度增长,多元外交活跃,国际社会日益重视拉美地区的战略地位,中国与大多数拉美国家保持着全面、健康、持续发展的关系. 相似文献