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经济学的困境与行为经济学的解构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行为经济学在当代的发展已经突破了正统经济学的基本框架,开始对情感、策略互动行为、社会效用、决策者在未知世界中的选择行为进行系统研究,并在最近几年综合形成了多种由理性系统和非理性系统组成的双系统模型.这些双系统模型与2 000多年前的柏拉图马车模型同构.经济学研究对柏拉图的回归,表明经济学仍然处于单极化本质主义的结构化陷阱之中.研究分析表明,经济学发展目前面临的困境,正是经济学转向关系论,走上希望之路的起点.  相似文献   

个体行为动机与行为经济学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从古典到新古典经济学是对个体行为动机研究的抽象化突破,而从新古典到行为经济学是对个体行为动机研究的异质化突破.行为经济学通过在经济学中纳入对异质经济行为动机的研究,而使得以同质经济理性为基本假定的新古典经济学成为其特例情形,因此行为经济学不是区别于新古典经济学的边缘学派或颠覆性理论,而是以新古典理论为核心的西方主流经济学的最新前沿理论.  相似文献   

This paper provides a brief review of the theory of benefit cost analysis and then discusses proposals by economists calling for developing a new foundation for applied welfare economics. These proposals assume individual choices cannot be reconciled with coherent preferences. As a result, applied welfare economics must consider a different basis for defining the public tradeoffs to be used in project evaluation. This analysis concludes none of the available proposals meets the needs for policy evaluation with benefit cost analysis. The paper also offers a different explanation for the seemingly incoherent preferences implied by some choices. The last part of the paper reports the results of laboratory experiments intended to evaluate whether market outcomes would allow analysts to discriminate among alternative hypothesis for seemingly irrational choices.  相似文献   

行为经济学中的公平和互惠   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在经济学里,均与寡,牵涉到人类社会两种最基本和重要的活动,那就是生活资源的生产和分配。人们对于公平的认识和体会,在现实生活中屡见不鲜。用行为经济学的研究方法来探索公平问题,并将其分析纳入社会经济发展和人类伦理学的交叉领域,对个人、家庭,乃至社会和国家的稳定、发展都有着极其重要的研究意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

Richard Thaler was awarded the 2017 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel for his contributions to behavioral economics. In this article, I review and discuss these contributions.  相似文献   

Environmental issues provide a rich ground for identifying the existence and consequences of human limitations. In this paper, we present a growing literature lying at the interface between behavioral and environmental economics. This literature identifies alternative solutions to traditional economic instruments in environmental domains that often work imperfectly. But it also faces a set of challenges, including the difficulty of computing welfare effects, and the identification of a robust environmental policy based on context-dependent (socio-) psychological effects. We illustrate our critical discussion with two behavioral schemes that have been widely implemented: “green nudges” and “corporate environmental responsibility.”  相似文献   

贴现因子、偏好和行为经济学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文讨论了影响人们跨时选择的重要因素--贴现因子的最新进展以及他们在经济学和金融中的重要应用,给出了目前关于改变贴现因子的模型.  相似文献   

基于行为经济学视角的税收遵从问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行为经济学以科学的方法研究非理性行为的行为模型取代了基于严格理性的简化模型,在解释异常现象和进行预测等方面更加具有可操作性。行为经济学的基本观点可以归纳为损失规避效应、确定性效应、心理账户效应、框架效应和羊群效应。本文以此分别对影响税收遵从的因素进行分析,并提出提高税收遵从度的建议,在税制制定中更多注重公平原则;税制要素的设计应达到"隐性增长"的目标;税收管理手段应更多采取预缴和源泉扣缴的方式;提高纳税服务水平,减少遵从成本;提高财政支出效益,充分发挥公民在公共产品供给决策中的作用。  相似文献   

价格是市场的基本信号,对资源配置起着基础性作用. 价格垄断会导致市场功能陷入瘫痪,对经济的破坏难以估量,因此必须对价格垄断行为予以关注. 分析近年来价格垄断问题的几种具体行为表现,运用传统经济学的"市场失灵"论、"利润最大化"假说以及"市场结构"论对价格垄断行为进行解释,发现这些解释均存在缺陷,缺乏对企业价格垄断行为心理活动过程的分析. 因而运用行为经济学的预期理论、心理账户理论、"自我约束问题"和信息不对称等理论对价格垄断行为产生原因加以阐释,并进一步提出利用行为经济学规制价格垄断行为的对策.  相似文献   

The authors present a series of writing assignments that teaches students how to evaluate and critique the written economic work of others. The foundation text is McCloskey's (2000) Economical Writing. The students' dialogues with McCloskey, with each other, and with the authors of the pieces they evaluate sharpen their understanding of, and ability to use, language as an instrument of economic thought. Interviews with former students identify specific benefits from the student perspective of this approach. The authors show how the assignment series can be modified in several ways and how the general approach, as well as the foundation text, can be used in different economics courses.  相似文献   

The workshop of the Association for Public Economic Theory on behavioral and experimental public economics was held at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Université de Lyon, from June 24 to June 26, 2008. Thirty papers were presented in addition to keynotes by Charlie Plott and John List. The focus of the workshop was to test theoretical models using experimental methods to increase our understanding of the efficiency of mechanisms supporting the provision of public goods, social cooperation, and voting systems. This special issue aims at showing how lively and diversified the ongoing experimental research in public economics has come to be. We highlight three topics in particular: the power of voting and legal enforcement systems, the efficiency of various institutions to support cooperation in social dilemma games, and auctions.  相似文献   

Behavioral economics can gain more in-roads into environmental economics if we better understand why exchange institutions fail, more effectively reduce health risks and environmental conflicts, encourage more coordination and cooperation, design better incentive systems, more accurately estimate economic measures of value, and promote more protection at less cost. Behavioral economics deserves two cheers for advancing ideas of context-dependence and social preferences, which we illustrate with two examples of recent research.  相似文献   

基于环境成本视角对旅游发展中的不可持续现象进行分析,从外部性这一旅游环境成本的基本属性出发,结合旅游环境成本的历史演变和经济学的成本属性,剖析旅游环境成本的经济涵义,提出旅游容量资源化的观点,认为旅游环境成本内生化是解决外部性问题的关键.  相似文献   

经济的不断发展,社会的持续变迁,要求税务稽查机关的工作方式和工作理念能够与时俱进。稽查约谈正是稽查机关为了提高行政效率,最大化地利用行政资源而推出的一种制度。行为经济学中的启发式认知偏差和期望理论有助于全面和深入地理解稽查约谈,有助于合理和有效地设计稽查约谈制度。  相似文献   

传统的旅游者行为分析方法,主要是进行定性的分析,将各个因素进行框架分析,而对旅游者行为的影响因素分析深度不够。借助行为经济学的理论和分析方法,从旅游者的心理活动角度入手,注重旅游者的心理变量分析,应用前景理论和心理账户分析旅游者行为,充分考虑了情境因素和体验因素,使得关于旅游者的行为分析更加细化和接近现实生活。  相似文献   

传统的旅游者行为分析方法,主要是进行定性的分析,将各个因素进行框架分析,而对旅游者行为的影响因素分析深度不够。借助行为经济学的理论和分析方法,从旅游者的心理活动角度入手,注重旅游者的心理变量分析,应用前景理论和心理账户分析旅游者行为,充分考虑了情境因素和体验因素,使得关于旅游者的行为分析更加细化和接近现实生活。  相似文献   

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