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2009年大事很多,最震撼人心的非“甲流”莫属,随之而来的是与防控“甲流”相关产品身价倍增,口罩、金银花、板兰根……这些平日不起眼的商品变得炙手可热,而在中国老百姓的生活中,作为餐桌上调味品的大蒜价格可谓一日千里,平日廉价的调味品,  相似文献   

2009年大事很多,最震撼人心的非"甲流"莫属,随之而来的是与防控"甲流"相关产品身价倍增,口罩、金银花、板兰根……这些平日不起眼的商品变得炙手可热,而在中国老百姓的生活中,作为餐桌上调味品的大蒜价格可谓一日千里,平日廉价的调味品,一下子成为"贵族菜",价格陡然上涨了几十倍,这与"甲流"的暴发多多少少有些瓜葛,因为据说大蒜具有消毒功能,可以预防甲型流感,难道大蒜价格暴涨都是"甲流"惹的祸吗?其涨价背后的原因值得探究。  相似文献   

冯晓霞 《光彩》2014,(2):18-19
正随着雾霾的蔓延,口罩无疑是2013年最热销的产品,一天销售数万个口罩对很多网店来说非常轻松雾霾横行,让有"防霾神器"之称的PM2.5口罩在2013年秋冬异常火爆。面对庞大的市场需求,口罩市场却面临品种繁杂、价格混乱、缺乏统一的行业标准等问题。怎一个"乱"字了得目前市面上口罩品种有100多种,价格从0.5  相似文献   

金错刀 《中国商人》2020,(4):108-111
这个时代,已经存在的同行不能再被称为竞争对手,未知的才是最可怕的,你永远都不知道对手会是谁。就说卖口罩,从雾霾受到重视的那天起,人们就公认3M。在疫情爆发后,3M口罩脱销,毕竟口罩只是3M诸多业务中的一个小分支。一夜之间,国内很多企业突然开始跨界生产口罩了:五菱、比亚迪等车企去做口罩;全球最大代工厂富士康做口罩;做文胸、内裤、家居用品等纺织类企业开始做口罩;做婴儿纸尿裤的也去做口罩了。  相似文献   

随着甲流死亡人数的递增,以及甲流病毒变异案例的增多,甲流给人们带来的恐慌感越来越严重,冬季的到来更是加剧了人们的担忧。市场  相似文献   

2020年伊始,突如其来的新冠疫情在国内蔓延并迅速引起各界关注。这场没有硝烟的战争不仅是民众个体与病毒的博弈,更是人力、物力、财力的斗争。在国家大力倡导全民戴口罩、而医疗物资相对紧张的情况下,各大电商平台口罩一度断货,出现“口罩难求”现象。文章从电商平台的供应链角度出发,通过对绝大多数平台口罩供应渠道的分析,以及国家政策、市场需求、民众的应激行为对口罩供应的影响,阐述此次疫情中“口罩难求”现象出现的相关因素,并提出对该现象的思考建议。  相似文献   

了调查委员会目前正在进行的工作,引起欧洲舆论的震撼。自从去年4月份墨西哥传出甲流报道后,作为流行病学者的沃达格就对有关数字产生了怀疑。当时甲流病毒仅感染了上千人,就有人故意传播,称这是“世纪大流行病”。这种说法的依据是,甲流病毒是一种从未发现过的新品种。但事实上所谓流行疾病的特征就是感染迅速,且每次传染都会出现新的变种、传染给新的载体——动物或人类。  相似文献   

胡宇萌  刘涛 《创业家》2009,(12):36-49
从甲肝、SARS、禽流感到甲流,一个草根技术创业者的疫苗人生"我从今年4月26日起,脑子里全是甲流,调动所有资源做疫苗。但我们的工厂没有连轴加班,这件事只能踏踏实实地做。"  相似文献   

为维护市场经济秩序,确保广大人民群众的合法权益和身心健康,工商部门近日对利用防治“非典”名义从事违法经营的行为进行了严厉查处。国家工商总局日前公布了其中的十大典型案例:★四川省成都市工商局查处非法生产口罩案4月26日,成都市新津工商局在该县文井乡张场街边查获了一未经国家有关部门许可,超范围生产、加工劣质卫生口罩窝点。经检查,该窝点无任何生产口罩的合法手续,使用的原材料中有一定数量表面呈黄色、带污渍的旧纱布,加工场地也无任何消毒设备。★浙江省杭州市江干工商分局查处假冒伪劣口罩案4月22日上午,江干工商分局经检大…  相似文献   

江苏省扬州市邗江区头桥镇是全国有名的医疗器械之乡。非典袭来,头桥人感到,这既是一次百年未遇的商机,更是一次产品质量和企业信誉的生死考验。绝不以次充好蒙骗坑害消费者长城医疗器械有限公司,是头桥镇成立最早的私营企业,公司技术雄厚,是全镇唯一一家能够生产活性炭防护口罩的单位。当时社会上形形色色的口罩很多,不乏有一些以次充好的产品,不少人上了当。为了教给消费者识别的技巧,老板耿龙松随手撕开一只有过滤层的活性炭口罩和一只无纺布医用口罩,点上香烟分别吐在两只口罩上,发现一只中间过滤层有黄斑,另一只却没有任何斑迹。他说有…  相似文献   

[目的]比较和验证7种甲型H1N1流感病毒核酸检测方法,筛选出可用于实验室日常检测的方法,并证实实验室具有正确操作这些方法的能力。[方法]应用7种方法检测甲型H1N1流感病毒核酸,包括5种SYBR Green Ⅰ荧光RT-PCR法和2种Taqman探针荧光RT-PCR法的商业试剂盒,用于方法比较和验证的参考样品包括猪流感H1N1病毒核酸、2009年新甲型H1N1流感病毒核酸、能力验证样品等不同来源的核酸。[结果]2种预期用于猪流感H1N1病毒核酸检测的SYBR Green Ⅰ荧光RT-PCR法均能达到预期目的;3种预期用于2009年新甲型H1N1流感病毒核酸检测的SYBR Green Ⅰ荧光RT-PCR法均无法区分2009年新甲型H1N1流感病毒核酸和猪流感H1N1病毒核酸;2种Taqman探针荧光RT-PCR试剂盒均能正确检出2009年新甲型H1N1流感病毒核酸,但只有1种可检出能力验证阳性样品。[结论]5种SYBRGreen Ⅰ荧光RT-PCR法中有2种能用于猪流感H1N1病毒核酸的检测,另外3种不能用于新甲型H1N1流感病毒核酸的检测;2种Taqman探针荧光RT-PCR法的商业试剂盒能用于2009年新甲型H1N1流感病毒核酸的检测。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(3):253-263
Many organizations are drowning in a flood of corporate bullshit, and this is particularly true of organizations in trouble, whose managers tend to make up stuff on the fly and with little regard for future consequences. Bullshitting and lying are not synonymous. While the liar knows the truth and wittingly bends it to suit their purpose, the bullshitter simply does not care about the truth. Managers can actually do something about organizational bullshit, and this Executive Digest provides a sequential framework that enables them to do so. They can comprehend it, they can recognize it for what it is, they can act against it, and they can take steps to prevent it from happening in the future. While it is unlikely that any organization will ever be able to rid itself of bullshit entirely, this article argues that by taking these steps, astute managers can work toward stemming its flood.  相似文献   

In a market for ideas, an intermediary often masks buyers’ information that is not to be exposed to the public. This article shows that such obscuration plays an important role in removing excess inertia because it prevents the emergence of a bandwagon effect among buyers. This model applies to outsourcing-type R&D competition. Although innovation is spurred, welfare implications are ambiguous because the competition among buyers becomes harsher than it is in the absence of the intermediary.  相似文献   

While pictures tell stories, in the case of cartoons, stories also tell pictures. A theory of cartooning suggests that cartoons reflect public sentiment toward issues. As such, cartoons are a useful way of gauging and tracking public sentiment over time. This article uses a historical cartoon analysis to track public sentiment toward issues surrounding corporate governance. Specifically, it compares what cartoons reflected prior to the economic crash of 2008 and what they portrayed after. The criteria of narrative, location, binary struggle, and normative transfer were used as a framework to analyze 258 cartoons. We found that three major changes emerged after the 2008 crash that hold important lessons for those who govern corporations: the public's concern is no longer so much about corporate and individual fraudulent behavior as it is about corporate and individual greed; there is an impression that corporations do not do bad things so much as they do not do any good things; and ordinary people, workers, and taxpayers are those who suffer most when corporations are not governed well.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(1):101-111
In recent years, the number of harassment claims filed with the EEOC has declined overall, but this fact masks a frightening reality: though claims involving some types of harassment have declined, claims for other types of harassment—especially nontraditional forms of harassment—have actually increased. Therefore it remains necessary for employers to maintain a current anti-harassment program, which should consist of the following elements: (1) a clear anti-harassment policy; (2) an explicit statement of prohibited behaviors that can be considered harassment; (3) a complaint procedure that encourages employees to come forward with harassment complaints; (4) protections for complainants and witnesses against retaliation; (5) an investigative strategy that protects privacy interests of both the alleged victim and the accused offender and ensures confidentiality to the extent possible; (6) periodic management training and employee awareness programs that continue to communicate the organization's position on this issue; and (7) measures and processes to ensure prompt corrective action to stop ongoing harassment, and appropriate remedial and disciplinary actions for offenders. In this article, we provide best practice recommendations concerning each of these elements.  相似文献   

Many individuals have been reluctant to follow the COVID-19 prevention guidelines (e.g., wearing a mask, physical distancing, and vigilant handwashing) set forth by the U.S. Center for Disease Control to reduce the spread of COVID-19. In this research, we use reciprocal altruism theory to investigate the role of loneliness and its impact on compliance with these guidelines. Our findings indicate that lonely individuals are less willing to comply with COVID-19 prevention guidelines than non-lonely individuals. Process evidence suggests that this occurs as loneliness can inhibit an individual's sense of obligation to reciprocate to others. However, we demonstrate that framing information about COVID-19 through agentic (vs. communal) advertising messaging strategies can offset the negative impact of loneliness on compliance with COVID-19 prevention guidelines. Thus, marketers and policymakers may want to consider the important role of loneliness when tailoring messaging appeals that encourage compliance with COVID-19 prevention guidelines.  相似文献   

Much has recently been written about the desirability of restrictive usury laws. While low maximum rates may prevent excessive charges to some, they also limit the ability of high-risk persons to borrow. Therefore, if consumers have a sufficient understanding of the credit market to realize what they are paying for and how much they are paying when they borrow, a case can be made against low maximum finance rates. This article reports on a nationwide study designed to measure consumer knowledge and understanding of consumer credit. The results are that while consumers can generally rank lenders correctly in terms of cost, there are serious gaps in their knowledge of the credit market. Education and income are the key determinants of knowledge and understanding of consumer credit.  相似文献   

日美动漫产业营销战略的比较及对我国动漫产业的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究日本和美国动漫产业营销战略,并与我国动漫产业发展渠道、产品策略、成本策略及衍生品开发策略进行比较,给予我们的启示是,我国应该走一条有中国特色的动漫产业道路。这条路需要我们将目前的世界动漫市场进行重新划分,在二维和三维动漫市场之间划分出一个夹缝市场,以二维为渲染背景,三维构造人物,充分利用我国目前的文化资源,将中国元素与动漫产品相结合,充分发挥我国的武术资源和劳动力资源,开创真正的动作动画片。  相似文献   

In the modern theory of finance, the valuation of derivative assets is commonly based on a replication argument. When there are transaction costs, this argument is no longer valid. In this paper, we try to address the general problem of finding the optimal portfolio among those which dominate a given derivative asset at maturity. We derive an interval for its price. the upper bound is the minimum amount one has to invest initially in order to obtain proceeds at least as valuable as the derivative asset. the lower bound is the maximum amount one can borrow initially against the proceeds of the derivative asset. We show that, in some instances, this interval may be strictly bounded above by the price of the replicating strategy. Prima facie, the cost of a dominating strategy should appear to be higher than that of the replicating one. But because trading is costly, it may pay to weigh the benefits of replication against those of potential savings on transaction costs.  相似文献   

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