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市场环境的复杂引致产品竞争转变为产品价值网络之间的竞争,后发企业的追赶能力依赖于产品价值网络的竞争力。本文基于博弈理论构建了包含后发企业新产品价值网络和在位企业旧产品价值网络的防降价均衡模型。通过数理推导产品价值网络各主体在降价博弈中的行为选择,进而分析后发企业为引导其他主体协同跟进、成功构建和运营新产品价值网络的策略安排。研究表明后发企业应该:(1)提高与模块供应商、互补品提供商的兼容度;(2)提高新旧产品的兼容度;(3)根据市场份额调整产品价格;(4)根据用户规模把控补贴额度和时间节点。研究结论为后发企业通过产品价值网络竞争实现追赶提供了重要见解。最后,结合华为鸿蒙系统案例分析了后发企业追赶策略的实际应用。  相似文献   

与技术专利时代相比,在商业方法专利时代企业的竞争规则发生了根本的改变。如何在商业方法专利时代建立新的竞争优势是企业面临的重要挑战。本文在介绍商业方法专利起源和发展的基础上,分析了我国企业在商业方法专利时代所面临的主要问题,并研究了相关的竞争策略。  相似文献   

技术标准战略的构建策略研究   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:37  
被设为法定技术标准的技术方案,技术性能未必是最优的。因此,在技术竞争中处于劣势的企业可以通过构建技术标准战略,通过先期获得广泛应用,以市场手段获得法定标准的地位,构建竞争壁垒,营造持续竞争优势。本文认为,企业只有实施以技术结盟、技术开放、合力创新的策略,建立在下一代技术上的优势,才能获得和巩固法定技术标准地位,进而在新兴市场上,以先发优势建立在更大地域上的优势。  相似文献   

我国房地产企业市场定位策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国房地产企业市场定位目前存在着产品定位不准确、客户管理不到位、销售过程管理不规范和缺乏战略规划等问题。房地产企业市场定位决定了企业的成败,只有通过准确地定位,房地产企业才能取得成功。房地产企业市场定位策略包括产品定位策略、品牌定位策略和企业战略定位策略。  相似文献   

区域广告策略与全国市场广告策略最大的不同在于,区域广告投放要求能够准确地覆盖,更具有针对性地诉求。油墨厂商在区域市场投放广告可以把油墨信息更及时、准确地传达到印刷企业,快速并有效地在区域市场树立起良好的品牌形象,取得直接竞争优势。  相似文献   

电能产品策略、定价策略、渠道策略、促销策略共同构成了电力市场营销组合策略。越来越多的企业发现,在产品、价格乃至广告同质化趋势加剧的今天,单凭产品的独立优势赢得竞争已非常困难。整合营销传播理论创始人、美国西北大学教授DonSchultz指出:在产品同质化的背景下,唯有“渠道”和“传播”能产生差异化的竞争优势。  相似文献   

国内成品油市场竞争模式的改变引起了对市场占有率的反思。单纯追求市场份额、追求销售数量的外延扩大式竞争,已开始转变为挖掘企业内部潜力、增强企业核心竞争能力的竞争。未来市场占有率增长空间主要集中在小额用户尤其是农村消费用户。扩大市场占有率的主要途径包括:(1)从资源、渠道、客户等多方面做文章,多管齐下;(2)通过市场手段和行政手段整合市场资源;(3)调整单一的产品结构以适应复杂多变的市场要求;(4)建立良好的激励机制、用人机制以及企业文化。提高市场占有率应注意几个问题:一是市场占有率并不是越高越好,提高企业整体盈利能力是目的,提高市场占有率仅仅是实现目的的手段之一;二是要正确处理短期利益与长远利益的问题,根据经营单位的实际经营能力、管理水平、市场拓展空间、当前占有水平和经营计划等因素进行综合判断;三是要正确处理石油、石化两大集团区内、区外市场占有的关系,避免由于竞争策略不当引起竞争各方全面受损。  相似文献   

市场经济条件下,钢材由国家统购统销的传统模式逐渐失去地位,价值规律、竞争规律在并不成熟的市场中发挥着愈来愈强的作用。在波澜壮阔的市场海洋中,企业营销工作首先受到冲击和考验,钢铁企业纷纷调整和重新制定各具特色的营销策略,收到成效。剖析钢铁企业营销策略,于提高企业营销水平大有神益。1.营销思想中缺乏真正的市场观念、长远观念、系统观念、整体观念,尚未上升到战略高度。(l)有的钢铁企业仍然先看自己能生产什么产品,就生产什么产品,再推销什么产品;或仅看市场需要与本企业产品结构的相交部分,而忽视了与其他竞争对…  相似文献   

信息技术的兼容性分析--以软件业为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以软件业为分析对象,分析了信息技术的兼容性问题,得出以下结论:网络外部性使得顾客安装基础、品牌等在竞争中显得至关重要;不同产品之间实现兼容对消费者是很有利的;在顾客安装基础、品牌等方面较差的企业倾向于与优势企业实现兼容,而优势企业则可能倾向于不兼容;优势企业对兼容性的排斥在市场出现强力竞争对手时表现得较为明显;优势企业在排斥兼容性过程中很可能出现滥用界面著作权或开放标准下的隐含知识产权打击竞争对手的垄断性行为。  相似文献   

产品兼容、网络效应与企业竞争力   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
在网络效应较强的产业中,技术设置的兼容性是左右企业成长的关键因素。随着技术进步、新兴产业的发展和市场竞争的加剧,产品兼容、网络效应对企业竞争力具有越来越重要的意义。在计算机、电信、银行、旅游、媒体、软件等产业中,用户在购买时十分注重产品或服务的兼容性和网络效应。本文以差异产品竞争模型为基础,考察了产品兼容、网络效应对企业竞争力的影响,就在位企业和新进入企业如何利用这两个产品差异变量增强其竞争力进行了分析。  相似文献   

The experience of Chinese Taipei shows that opening up a previously protected market to new entrants can be a more effective and reliable way to enhance competition than regulating the behavior of dominant or monopolistic firms. Moreover, when opening up the market, the liberalizing measures adopted by government should be market-structure-neutral. That is, it should not try to dictate the direction and results of market competition. A more pressure-resistant mechanism should be designed to deal with market power, taking the form of a regime that is cross-sector, independent and collective in its decision-making, such as has been the case with Chinese Taipei's Fair Trade Commission.  相似文献   

Combining the FDI spillover literature with a competitor analysis framework, we examine the relative size of spillover and competition effects in China between foreign entrants and local firms, among foreign entrants, and among local firms. Our results show that the increased presence of foreign entrants has generally benefited local firms nationally, but has negatively affected the survival rates of local firms in regional markets. Surprisingly, foreign entrants are crowded out not only by their peers, but also by reformed local firms at both the national and regional levels. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research Summary: Explanations of entrants’ survival in an emerging industry are premised on pre‐entry capabilities or technology entry choices prior to the emergence of the dominant design. We consider how these drivers interact to strengthen or nullify firms’ pre‐entry advantage, and facilitate adaptation as the industry evolves. We also expand the treatment of exit by separating dissolution from acquisition, in which firms’ capabilities continue to be utilized in the industry. Studying a recent shakeout in the global solar photovoltaic industry, we find that pre‐entry capabilities and technology choices act in a complementary manner for some firms, thereby enhancing survival, and as buffers against exit for others. Nearly half of exits were via acquisitions, and technology choice at entry played an important role in determining how firms exited. Managerial Summary: New industries are often characterized by intense technology competition that culminates in a dominant technology followed by industry shakeout. Although prior research underscores the central role of technology choice and firm capabilities to survival, we do not actually know how firms with different capabilities and who have made competing technology choices survive an industry shakeout. In this article, we show how entrants’ capabilities and technology choices can act in a complementary manner for some firms, enhancing their chance of survival, and as buffers against failure for others. Moreover, we explain why some firms that do exit are acquired, when others are dissolved.  相似文献   

We study when and how pure non‐horizontal mergers, whether cross‐product or vertical, can deter new entry. Organizational mergers implicitly commit firms to more aggressive price competition. Because heightened competition deters entry, mergers can occur in equilibrium even when, absent entry considerations, they do not. We show that, in order to prevent a flood of entrants, mergers arise even when a marginal merger costs incumbent firms more than does a marginal entrant.  相似文献   

Reducing Structural Dominance and Entry Barriers in Russian Industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While many industrial firms in Russiahave undergone ownership change, relatively few havecompetitively restructured. This paper, using survey and other data, suggests much of Russian industry is immune from robust competition due to seller/buyer concentration in select markets, a high degree of vertical integration, and geographic segmentation. Regulatory constraints protect incumbent firms from entrants, both domestic and foreign. The absence of new businesses is striking. Restructuringanti-competitive structures and reducing barriers to entry should be key items in Russia'spost-privatization program, and the paper sketches out a reform agenda. The nascent rules-based framework for competition policy should be strengthened to reduce discretion, increase transparency and enhance accountability.  相似文献   

突破性创新、互补性资产与企业间合作的整合研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
主导企业在技术变革中经历了技术劣势后,这种劣势在何种程度上转化为商业劣势取决于突破性创新的破坏幅度。如果新技术只破坏了主导企业的技术能力而没有破坏互补性资产的价值.那么主导企业的绩效将会改进:如果新技术同时破坏了主导企业的技术能力和互补性资产的价值.那么主导企业的绩效将会下滑。正是由于大量突破性创新属于前者并且主导企业控制了大部分的互补性资产.开发了突破性创新的新进入企业只能与主导企业建立合作关系.共同分享创新利润。  相似文献   

Technological Incompatibility, Endogenous Switching Costs and Lock-in   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Systems are goods comprising of durables that are sequentially updated with complements. With sequential purchases, if suppliers produce incompatible brands, consumers who upgrade systems with complements of a different brand must replace the durables they own. Thus, the price of these durables is an endogenous switching cost. The paper deals with the concern that firms may use incompatibility to create consumer's switching costs to reduce competition in aftermarkets. However, it shows that, with homogenous durables, and small costs of reaching compatibility, endogenous switching costs increase intertemporal price competition to the extent that producers prefer to have compatible technologies.  相似文献   

The expected restructuring of Asian corporations in the aftermath of the 1997 financial crisis has not materialized. This paper argues that restructuring in Asia will depend upon two institutional changes. First, the creation of high quality institutions that promotes the growth of new entrants and provides incentives to incumbents to restructure and or exit. Second, that the market scope of dominant incumbents be confronted and limited. The first condition creates pathways for new organizational populations to enter the economy and the second ensures room for their growth. The current debate emphasizes the former but neglects the latter. The absence of either inhibits the rate and direction of restructuring for two reasons. First, incumbents may lack the incentive and ability to exit or transform their structures and, secondly, incumbents can create a ‘blocking coalition’ to diminish competition from new entrants.  相似文献   

In contrast to previous studies of pioneer survival that directly compare the survival of market pioneers with later entrants, this paper proposes that a market pioneer, as the first entrant, operates under two distinctly different survival processes, one during the initial monopoly period and another during the later competition period. The two processes of market pioneers need to be separately estimated and compared with the survival process of later entrants. This paper demonstrates a method for decomposing the pioneer's survival and empirically shows how researchers can compare the pioneer survival in two periods with that of later entrants and identify period‐specific advantages of pioneering. Our empirical analysis using data collected from two different types of industries—a low‐tech (i.e., newspaper) industry and several high‐tech industries—reveals several interesting new findings that illustrate the advantages of decomposing pioneer survival. For example, this paper shows that when treating first‐mover survival as a single process, one can only find an oversimplified pattern showing that first movers have a survival chance equal to that of second movers in the newspaper industry, but a lower one than the second movers in high‐tech industries. However, when analyzing the first‐mover's survival as a sequence of monopoly and competition processes, new insights emerge. In the newspaper industry, the pioneers can have survival advantages in both the monopoly and the competition periods relative to the second movers, and there is a significant survival advantage for those second entrants who delay market entry until the first entrant exits. In contrast, the overall pioneer survival disadvantage identified in the high‐tech industries when treating the survival as a single process comes from the survival disadvantage in the competition period but not in the monopoly period. Furthermore, our empirical analyses using data from two types of industries reveal completely different patterns with regard to the pioneer survival advantage, which suggests that being first can benefit pioneers in both two‐market periods in low‐tech industries but can be extremely risky for pioneers to gain any survival advantages in both two‐market periods in high‐tech industries because the former markets have relatively low market and technology uncertainties, and organizational change is less important; whereas the latter industries have significantly high market and technology uncertainties, technological advances emerge frequently, and firms are required to adapt themselves quickly to a fast‐changing environment.  相似文献   

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