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This paper is focused on the allocation of vacant jobs to job seekers from a demand side perspective by studying the recruitment behaviour of employers. A model is developed to analyze the role of search and selection methods of employers as determinants of the probability that an unemployed person will be hired for a certain type of job. In an empirical application for the Dutch labour market, we have examined the effect of employer's recruitment behaviour on the allocation of vacant jobs to employed, unemployed and school-leaving job seekers.We find that job requirements for the applicants with respect to work experience are the most important determinant of the probability that an unemployed person will be selected to fill a vacant job. In addition, the use of advertisements by employers for jobs requiring high skill levels does also have a significant effect.  相似文献   

程燕 《生产力研究》2007,(9):6-7,14
文章从经济全球化的角度,阐述了反倾销是WTO规则允许的一种贸易保护措施,是国际市场竞争的一种必然现象,也会是一个较为长期的过程。提出了克服不正确的认识,按市场经济原则规范我国的进出口贸易、以积极的、务实的态度应对贸易争端等观点。  相似文献   

Most pension plans allow a lump sum distribution upon job separation, enabling a subsequent cash-out. In the 1992–2000 HRS, 13% of entitlements were cashed-out, representing 5.3% of entitlement dollars. Among plans with a lump sum option, 20% were cashed out. Cash-outs can be rational and we broadly confirm hypotheses for cash-out determinants, but not that individuals with short expected longevity should wish to disproportionately cash out. Fears of adverse selection into the pool of pensioners with annuity income thus appear unfounded. While we find only limited leakage, it is concentrated among individuals vulnerable to poverty in old age.  相似文献   

We quantify the effects of hiring subsidies using the model of Mortensen and Pissarides (2003). The job creation effect can be large in a weak labor market. However, in the long-run, subsidies raise the wage and equilibrium unemployment.  相似文献   

Job multipliers are often cited as justification for economic development incentives in particular industries. In this article, we use Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages data for counties in the State of Ohio to estimate the tradable sector’s job multiplier. We find that for each additional job in the tradable sector over a 10-year period, there are 1.6 jobs created in the nontradable sector. This multiplier estimate is lower for shorter periods of 1 year and 3 years. For the manufacturing sector specifically, we find the multiplier effect to be 1.2 jobs in the nontradable sector over a 10-year period. We also provide evidence that the multiplier varies over time. During the recessionary period of 2008 and 2009, the multiplier appears lower compared to the time period preceding and proceeding the recession.  相似文献   

A good job     
Frank J 《Medical economics》2010,87(19):65, 69-65, 71

According to some authors, technical change contributes to the explanation of the increase in equilibrium unemployment by making jobs more and more specialized. Here, we assume that firms optimally adapt the specialization of jobs to overall labour market conditions. Using a matching labour market framework, we show that the increase in unemployment can explain the higher specialization of jobs.  相似文献   

If the St. Petersburg game is played in real time, gamblers will discount their possible payoffs subjectively due to impatience. Risk-neutral individuals and some risk seekers will not pay an infinite sum to play the game. For three different risk-seeking utility functions, this paper derives conditions under which a gambler, with each utility function, refuses to pay an infinite sum to play the game.  相似文献   

近几年来,由于我国人口绝对量大,农业剩余劳动力多,国有企业减员增效,产业结构正处于转型期,经济发展速度放慢,以及部分人就业观念滞后等因素影响,使得下岗、失业人员规模日益扩大,失业率不断攀升。面对严峻的就业、再就业形势,我认为应采取以下七个方面措施,转变观念拓宽思路,消除政策障碍,努力开创就业工作的新局面。一、政府要适当放松管制,消除就业的行政性障碍对政府来说,最大的利益就是税收和就业机会。不管是国有还是民营,只要能提供税收和就业机会,就是政府应该扶持的企业。政府对企业应该适当放松管制,减少行政干…  相似文献   

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