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地方应用型本科院校化工类专业如何立足学科特点和优势,进行人才培养模式的革新,以培养满足市场发展需求的应用型人才已成为当前从事化工类教育工作者关注的重点课题。文章通过对当前地方应用型本科院校化工类专业人才培养存在的问题进行分析,并以此为基础,对化工类专业应用型人才的培养模式提出了建议,以供相关教育工作者参考。  相似文献   

为适应应用型本科的转型发展,要加强学生实践能力的培养,要为地方经济建设与发展培养应用型高级专业人才。作为化工类专业的一门综合性、实践性极强的必修课,化工设计课程的教学改革极具代表性。文章通过对化工设计课程的人才培养方案、教学内容、教学方法、考核方式等改革,达到提高应用型本科化工类专业学生的综合工程能力和实践创新能力的培养目标。  相似文献   

研究地方应用型本科院校机械类专业实践教学的定位、人才培养模式、师资建设、硬件平台、课程考核、制度保障,依据地方应用型本科院校机械类专业的培养目标,阐述机械类专业实践教学改革的思路和措施,为应用型本科院校机械类专业实践教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   

通过研究独立学院服装设计与工程专业人才培养目标,探讨了从明确专业建设发展方向、完善师资队伍建设、优化教学体系与教学方法、强化实践教学内容、健全教学质量保障体系等方面进行改革,以培养具有较强实践能力和创新精神,具有就业竞争优势与可持续发展基础的应用型高级专门人才;提出了适应广东特别是珠三角经济社会发展需要的应用型本科人才培养模式和课程体系,为独立学院的发展能更好地适应地方经济社会发展的需要提供参考。  相似文献   

从地方高校服装设计专业人才培养模式的问题出发,对服装设计专业的应用型人才培养计划做出初步探索,介绍应用型服装设计人才的能力要求,并对应用型地方高校服装设计专业人才培养模式的构建提出几点意见。  相似文献   

目前,新材料在各类产业应用日益广泛,对于材料及化工专业复合型人才提出了更高的要求,尤其是在应用型本科高校材料化工类专业人才培养过程中,以学科竞赛带动专业教学水平的稳步提升具有现实的意义。山西工程技术学院材料科学与工程系从材料专业特点入手,以新时代材料人才培养标准为依据,打造“双师双能型”师资团队,建立应用型的材料化工类专业教学体系,重视学科竞赛的积极开展。文章首先对应用型本科院校人才培养模式进行了概述,对学科竞赛的特点和价值进行了分析,提出了通过以赛促学的方式提升应用型院校材料化工类专业教学质量的对策。  相似文献   

高校经济管理专业类学生实践能力的提升是当前一些地方应用型本科高校亟需解决的重要问题,本文结合高校实际发展现状,从高校教师群体素质提高、高校管理部门职能优化、用人单位积极履行社会责任角度提出了提升高校经济管理专业学生专业实践能力的具体路径,最后认为高校专业实践网络的构建需要发挥每个主体的能动性,在构建过程中要尊重和满足相关利益主体的合理诉求,最终实现高校经管专业人才培养质量的提高。  相似文献   

地方本科院校向应用技术型大学转型发展势在必行,作为培养应用型人才的独立学院更应抓住这一转型机遇期,努力探索教育教学改革,研究并实施加强实践教学各项内容,完美促进内涵式发展。包装设计与印刷课程实践性应用性非常强,所以更具有代表性。  相似文献   

中等职业教育和应用型本科教育联合培养应用型本科生,即中职-本科“3+4”衔接培养模式就是顺应现代职业教育改革和应用型人才需求而出现的一种新型职业教育模式。该培养模式目前还处于实践探索阶段,在具体的衔接培养实施过程中还存在不少问题。文章将探究其问题缘由根据中国职业教育的实际出发,提出相应的解决措施,促进中职与应用型本科衔接培养工作能够顺利开展。  相似文献   

虚拟仿真实验室概况,地方本科院校建设虚拟仿真实验室的必要性。根据安康学院农学发展现状,论述地方本科院校农学专业虚拟仿真实验室建设的路径分析。  相似文献   

通过对我国包装工程专业高等教育发展现状的调研,结合青岛科技大学包装工程专业设置,对新形势下包装工程专业的基础理论课程设置、专业课程设置、实践环节设置进行分析研究,以期建立符合行业需要的包装工程专业高等教育体系,为国内包装工程专业高等教育发展和高素质创新型人才培养提供新思路。  相似文献   

尽管近几年受传统发展模式以及就业环境的影响,工商管理专业的发展出现了一些困境,但从安博教育集团发布的专业景气度指数以及社会对工商管理专业人才的需求趋势来看,该专业在本科教育中有其存在的必要性。为解决这种困境,当前有四种模式可供各大本科院校在专业建设上借鉴:一,开设工商管理高级班,培养高层次、国际化管理人才;二,与热门专业和行业嫁接,突出专业方向;三,以传统工商管理专业培养模式为依托,加大实践教学力度;四,整合社会资源,培养创业管理人才。  相似文献   

陈琼 《IT经理世界》2011,(17):56-59,10
云计算在硅谷不像是一场革命,而只是一种选择,在很多时候,这也是不得不做的选择:没那么轰轰烈烈,而是静悄悄地日新月异。  相似文献   

This paper studies the relative impact on product innovation of research and development (R&D) collaborations with universities, suppliers, customers, and competitors. It argues that each type of R&D collaboration differs in terms of the breadth of new knowledge provided to the firm and in the ease of access of this new knowledge, resulting in a different impact on product innovation. As a result, it proposes that R&D collaborations with universities are likely to have the highest impact on product innovation, followed by R&D collaborations with suppliers, customers, and, finally, competitors. These arguments are tested on the R&D collaborations undertaken by a sample of 781 manufacturing firms during 1998–2002. The tests find that R&D collaborations with suppliers have the highest positive impact on product innovation, followed by collaborations with universities. Surprisingly, R&D collaborations with customers do not appear to affect product innovation, and collaborations with competitors appear to harm it. Moreover, the positive influence of R&D collaborations with universities and suppliers is sustained over the long‐term, but the negative influence of R&D collaborations with competitors is, fortunately, short‐lived. These findings indicate that ease of knowledge access, rather than breadth of knowledge, appears to drive the success of R&D collaborations for product innovation. R&D collaborations with suppliers or universities, which are characterized by relatively easy knowledge access, have a positive influence on product innovation, whereas R&D collaborations with customers or competitors, which are characterized by reduced ease in knowledge access, are not related or are even negatively related to product innovation. Moreover, to achieve product innovation with the help of R&D collaborations, it appears that the collaboration must first have mechanisms in place to facilitate the transfer of knowledge; once these are in place, it is better if the partner has a relatively narrow knowledge base. Thus, while R&D collaborations with both suppliers and universities are positively related to product innovation, the narrow knowledge base provided by collaborations with suppliers appears to have a larger positive impact on product innovation than the wider knowledge base provided by collaborations with universities. These arguments and findings are important and novel. The paper is one of the first to theoretically explain and empirically show that various types of collaborations have a differential influence on product innovation. It goes beyond previous literature by providing a theoretical logic for ranking the likely impact of types of collaborations on product innovation. The study also suggests to managers to carefully select the partners for their firms' R&D collaborations. Collaborations with suppliers appear to be the most promising for product innovation, followed by collaborations with universities, whereas collaborations with competitors may be detrimental to product innovation.  相似文献   

中国加入WTO以后,中国建筑业正面临激烈的人才竞争。本以上海隧道工程股份有限公司的人才整体开发思路为背景,通过实证分析,探讨了人才整体开发持续创新以及人才资源合理开发,深入分析了企业人才整体开发创新对企业经济发展的推动作用。  相似文献   

本文在论述我国包装行业现状和发展趋势的同时,回顾了包装工程专业高等教育发展历程,针对专业学科基础薄弱、主干学科不明晰的现状进行了详细的分析.基于包装科学技术的发展和包装工程专业人才培养的需求,明晰了主干学科及科学内涵,提出包装工程专业的知识体系,构建知识、能力、素质的结构关系,为人才培养方案的制定和实施奠定了基础.  相似文献   

The emphasis personnel place on the development schedule is one factor in determining how quickly a new product will reach the market. Normally, each team member will stress different development program aspects in ways that depend on their own background, functional specialty and sense of what their management desires. In this article, Milton Rosenau describes a means to measure the emphasis an individual places on schedule and other program aspects. The results of such a measure can then be used to improve team congruity.  相似文献   

The frequent and intermittent need for new scientific knowledge has resulted in an increasing focus on links between industry and academic institutions. This has been particularly pronounced in the flows of knowledge between the two partners, which may lead to considerable diffusion of scientific and technical knowledge, particularly into the small firm sector. This development could be of particular benefit to smaller peripheral economies, which have demonstrated low levels of indigenous industrial technological development. As a result, universities could become increasingly important for local economic development in smaller countries on the periphery of Europe. However, a greater understanding is required of the pro-active role that the university itself can play in developing strong linkages with industry, particularly through mechanisms such as the Industrial Liaison Office (ILO). In particular, there needs to be an examination of the strategies and policies that are undertaken to increase the process of technology transfer from academia into local indigenous business within smaller countries. This paper will therefore examine the role that universities play in the regional economic development in two contrasting small countries of Europe, namely Sweden and Ireland. Drawing on interviews with key individuals in the processes of technology transfer between academia and industry (including ILOs), as well as secondary data, it will examine the general role and function of the industrial liaison office and how this has changed. It will also discuss the involvement of the university in different types of industrial links, the main opportunities and barriers to the development of links between university and industry, the benefits to the university from industrial links, and the perception of industry’s assessment of the relationship with universities. The research will provide valuable insight into the role of universities in developing innovation and entrepreneurship within the smaller and peripheral countries of Europe and will determine whether these universities are undertaking a pro-active role in encouraging the growth of innovative indigenous industry. This may have significant policy implications, especially with regard to the development of specific regional programmes to encourage academic-based entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

A major focus of national and institutional research policies during the 1990s has been on improving linkages between publicly funded research activities and industry for the purpose of advancing economic and other national objectives. The transfer of scientific knowledge, however, within and between public research institutions, universities and other innovative organizations is taking place within rapidly changing organizational environments. The emergence of new organizational structures that transcend institutional boundaries, scientific disciplines and the boundaries between basic and applied research are all contributing to as well as responding to changes in the ways science intersects with industrial innovation.
Recent international evidence suggests that innovative organizations during the next decade will depend more on their ability to maintain quite complex organizational research linkages than on their internal organizational research capabilities. Case studies of the organizational approach adopted by companies and commercial-research agency consortia in China and Australia lead to a discussion of a typology of academic-industry alliances. The typology provides insights into different collaborative R&D management strategies associated with different forms of science-industry alliance.  相似文献   

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