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In the short run, China's export is a usable weather vane for the health of the global economy and the strength of consumer demand. A slump in export to some extent means economic depression elsewhere. Besides, the development direction choices of manufacturer will be pivotal to China's upgrade from export-oriented economy to a more well-rounded economy. The immediate threat to this upgrade is from the global slowdown that Chinese exports declined in November last year heralds tough times in 2009.  相似文献   

General Electric Co. will soon set up five new regional headquarters in China to further tap a huge market that boasts huge business potential. The U.S. giant now operates two regional headquarters in Shanghai and Beijing. The new locations will be in Shenyang, Wuhan, Chengdu, Xi'an and Guangzhou-provincial capitals in the country's northeast, central, southwest, northwest and south, according to Chen Xiangli, president of China Technology Center under GE.  相似文献   

2008 will undoubtedly witness a series of new developments in China's economy, some will be unpredictable,and some will meet the turning corner, while otherswill fulfill expectations. An analysis of the reasons, developing trends and relevant policies behind these hot issues will help to outline China's economic development in 2008.  相似文献   

Italy is a modern, industrialized nation which has managed to preserve its traditional culture intact. It is China's old friend, and its long-time trade partner. In 2006, the Year of Italy in China, various measures were taken to broaden the scope of China and Italy's relationship, not only in terms of economic cooperation and trade, but also concerning historical and cultural awareness. What sort of new opportunities for cooperation will we be seeing in the new year? China's Foreign Trade interviewed Antonino Laspina, Commissioner of the Italian Trade Commission's Beijing office, about this question and more.  相似文献   

"We will steadily develop foreign trade. The main issues are to exploit new markets, adjust the trade structure and promote trade balance", Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao delivered a government work report at the opening meeting of the annual full session of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, which started in Beijing on March 5, declaring a new development path of Chinese foreign trade in 2010. As one of the biggest trading powers in the world, this will bring great influence on world trade situation and the trade relationship between China and its main trade fellows such as the USA and the EU.  相似文献   

Gome, China's largest consumer electronics retailer in terms of number of stores, announced its net profit for 2008 fell by seven percent from a year earlier, the first ever since listing.The company did not say when it will resume trading, according to April 29's Shanghai Securities News.  相似文献   

Hebei Zhongxing Automobile Co., Ltd. is a joint venture invested by Taiwan Unite Leading Co. and Hebei Tianye Automobile Group Co., Ltd. The company will choose new two kinds of new products to be shown in the "Auto China 2006". On the eve of the exhibition, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Mr. Guo Qingfeng, Director of the company.  相似文献   

China's capital market is a hot issue in the new year. The best strategy to develop the Chinese capital market in the coming 15 to 20 years was discussed in the China Capital Market Forum, which was held in China at Renmin University on January 13. Government officials, scholars, and entrepreneurs commented that by 2020, the Chinese capital market will develop into one of the best capital markets in the world, not only in terms of size, but also asset quality, liquidity and dynamic trade. Is this a realistic goal? What steps should we take to pursue this target? With these questions in mind, after the forum, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Prof. Wu Xiaoqiu, Vice President of Renmin University of China, and the Director of the Finance & Securities Institute of Renmin University.  相似文献   

The second session of"China Overseas Investment Seminar" will be held on November 2 to 3, 2010 in Beijing's China World Trade Centre. The seminar is organized by China Industrial Overseas Development and Planning Association.  相似文献   

"I cannot see clearly when the real estate bubble in China will burst. However, there is certainty that housing prices will swiftly fall, and China can learn the lesson from the 1980s' real estate market in Japan" said Professor Robert.J.Shiller, "I don't want to put my judgment as a foreigner on the Chinese people, however, the housing price is obviously too high in some big cities. My suggestion is that since income is in an overall down- ward trend, the housing price should be much lower. Although income will grow as time goes by, the value of Chinese houses should not reach that of London and New York for another 20 to 30 years. Currently, the soaring housing price in China is like a bubble. Personally, I will definitely not buy or invest in property in China."  相似文献   

China hopes to increase investments in the United States, which will boost the country's economy and create jobs, said China's top diplomat to the US on October 25, according to China Daily.  相似文献   

The Coca-Cola Co. on December 2 said it will not revise its offer for China Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd. despite the weak equities market. Li Xiaojun, vice president of Coca-Cola China, told Xinhua that the world's beverage giant is still confident about the outlook for Huiyuan's juice business. In a joint statement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on December 2, the two companies said China's Ministry of Commerce is still reviewing the application for anti-trust approval. The review will continue until March 23, 2009. Coca-Cola will make further announcements after the anti-trust review, Li said.  相似文献   

Southwest China's Guizhou Province on August 30 unveiled its Expo 2010 pavilion logo featuring karst peaks with Miao ethnic minority designs, making it the first province to unveil its logo. The logo combines Miao traditional designs featuring the sun and moon as well as waves and butterfly motifs traditionally used in embroidery, signifying the harmonious blend of culture and nature in Guizhou's urban development. The province's 600-square-meter pavilion will feature wa- terfalls and a traditional "wind-rain" bridge, which is an ethnic Dong complex of wooden buildings, towers and corridors to be set among an 8-meter high model mountain with a miniature waterfall.The gates of the pavilion will be adorned by two giant silver head pieces like those worn by Miao girls. They will sway and clang in the breeze to welcome visitors.  相似文献   

The construction of the China-Russia oil pipeline conforms with the strategic goals of China and Russia to diversify the former's energy imports and latter's energy exports, Chinese Ambassador to Russia Liu Guchang has said. The move reflects the two countries' confidence and determination to tide over together the current global economic downturn, Liu said in a recent written interview with Xinhua on May 10. The signing of a package of oil cooperation deals between China and Russia as well as the start of the oil pipeline project marked a major breakthrough in their energy cooperation, represented a new height of China-Russia strategic partnership of cooperation and further substantiate this partnership, Liu said.  相似文献   

Global financial crisis sourced in subloan crisis in USA leads to the downturn in world economy, and also has a deep impact on people's hie and consumption, no matter where they are. There is no doubt that the crisis is changing people's idea and attitude of consuming. This article will have an insight in the change of consuming behaviors and how the companies should respond to the changes.  相似文献   

General Electric Co. will soon set up five new regional headquarters in China to further tap a huge market that boasts huge busi- ness potential. The U.S. giant now operates two regional headquarters in Shanghai and Beijing. The new locations will be in Shenyang, Wuhan, Chengdu, Xi'an and Guangzhou-provincial capitals in the country′s northeast, central, southwest, northwest and south, ac- cording to Chen Xiangli, president of China Technology Center under GE.  相似文献   

The 2009 NPC and CPPCC annual sessions were held amid the global financial crisis and the Chinese government's full preparation for the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. Many people around the world are asking, what will be done to help China's foreign trade and exhibition industry weather the current storm and create new business opportunities? To get the answer to this question, we conducted a special interview with Mr. Wan Jifei, CPPCC member and CCPIT chairman.  相似文献   

The Chinese government will hold a meeting of mayors of 120 Chinese and 20 overseas port cities in Tianjin in April.The China Port City Mayors International Summit will be held April 19-20 under the sponsorship of the Communications Ministry, the port city of Tianjin and the State Council Research and Development Center. The mayors and other port operators will listen to government leaders and experts talk about the development of the nation's relatively well-developed port cities, the organizers said in a statement.  相似文献   

In addition, new measures of centralized declaration of import and export goods in China's Customs will be taken from this May. Therefore, China's Foreign Trade offers you the latest information.  相似文献   

The central banks of China, Japan and Republic of Korea have agreed to meet annually to discuss financial issues to promote financial stability in the region, the People's Bank of China (PBOC) said on its website on December 10.  相似文献   

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