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企业的资金结构一般有两种:一种是单一结构,即只筹集自有资金,没有长期债务资金,企业只承担经营风险;另一种是复合结构,即自有资金和债务资金相配合组成复合式结构,企业既要承担经营风险,又要承担财务风险。现代企业中单一资金结构的企业已不多见,因为它不利于企业发展,多半是家族式小企业。而复合式结构的企业正是发展大型化、国际化所必须的。因此本文只就复合式结构来讨论筹资风险的衡量。   目前理论界一般用经营杠杆 (DOL)和财务杠杆 (DFL)分别衡量经营风险和财务风险。   经营杠杆: DOL=(△ EBIT/EBIT)÷ (△ …  相似文献   

本文提出一个研究微观经济杠杆值域的新思路,按照“竞争性工商企业评价指标体系”中所确定的财务指标对2003年我国能源类19家上市公司进行聚类分析,把样本按财务指标值相近程度分为3类,然后对这3类公司的微观经济杠杆值域进行分析解释,得出2003年我国能源类上市公司按“竞争性工商企业评价指标体系”的财务指标分类后的微观经济杠杆值域。  相似文献   

本文运用杠杆原理,研究分析了经营中存在的经营杠杆及其杠杆度,推导出经营杠杆度的计算公式,阐明了经营杠杆在P-S图中的位置及其确定方法。得出以下几个结论:①经营杠杆是实际经营中客观存在的;②经营杠杆度DOL与安全边际系数MRS互为倒数关系,两者都对企业的经营状况起警示作用;③经营杠杆度DOL对销售收入S的函数为单调减函数;④企业应力求通过减小DOL来增加息税前利润EBIT。  相似文献   

杠杆系数与杠杆效应微探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、杠杆系数计算的微分法财务学中的杠杆即通过一个固定支点(固定性成本)的作用,用比较小的经营业绩的改善取得比较大的净利润的增长。1、经营杠杆系数(DOL)。在固定成本不变的情况下,经营杠杆系数说明了销售额增长(减少)所引起息税前利润增长(减少)的幅度,其定义式可以表示为  相似文献   

一、负债融资财务杠杆效应形成机理解读从定量角度看,财务杠杆效应的存在,会产生财务杠杆收益和财务杠杆风险,常用财务杠杆系数DFL作为财务杠杆收益和财务杠杆风险的衡量指标。在利用普通负债融资时,其财务杠杆系数DFL计算过程如表1所示:  相似文献   

一、负债融资财务杠杆效应形成机理解读 从定量角度看,财务杠杆效应的存在,会产生财务杠杆收益和财务杠杆风险,常用财务杠杆系数DFL作为财务杠杆收益和财务杠杆风险的衡量指标。在利用普通负债融资时,其财务杠杆系数DFL计算过程如表1所示:  相似文献   

一、财务管理中关于杠杆效应的经典描述经典的杠杆效应分析将杠杆效应分为两类,即经营杠杆效应和财务杠杆效应。经营杠杆效应是指企业在经营管理中由于固定成本的存在,随着经营规模的扩大,单位产品所分得的单位固定成本会降低,从而使企业息税前利润的增长率(或降低率)总是大于企业产销量的增长率(或降低率)。由于经营杠杆效应的存在,自然会产生经营的杠杆收益和杠杆风险,因此,也常将经营杠杆系数作为经营风险的衡量指标。以上是对经营杠杆效应的定性分析,而对经营杠杆效应的定量描述则需要计算经营杠杆系数DOL:D OL=ΔEBITEBITΔQQ=S…  相似文献   

财务杠杆系数(Degree of Financial Leverage,缩写为DFL)也称财务杠杆程度,它是指普通股每股收益变动率(或企业税后利润变动率)相当于息税前利润变动率的倍数。在企业经营管理活动中,财务管理人员通常应用该系数来衡量企业的财务杠杆利益和财务风险的大小程度。本文从财务杠杆利益与财务风险分析入手,进一步探讨财务杠杆系数的确定方法及其应用条件。  相似文献   

经营杠杆的综合效应探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、经营杠杆综合效应分析 通常人们用经营杠杆度(DOL)表示经营风险的杠杆效应,反映销售量的既定变化对税息前收益(EBIT)的影响,因此在基础的财务管理课程中都把DOL当作预测不同销售水平上EBIT的变动状况的工具。而其实还可把DOL当作经营风险的一种综合分析的手段。虽然经营风险直接源于产品需求及要素价格的变  相似文献   

以我国2001~2005年度工业类307家上市公司的面板数据为基础,运用因子分析和数据包络分析方法构建企业竞争优势变量,对财务杠杆、固定资产投资、无形资产投资与企业竞争优势之间的关系进行实证分析.结果表明,上市公司的财务杠杆与企业竞争优势显著负相关,固定资产投资与企业竞争优势显著正相关;但与低杠杆企业相比,扩大固定资产投资对于增强高负债企业竞争优势的作用更不明显.  相似文献   


Differently from prior studies that examine the role of stand-alone control systems within the relationship between owners and managers, our study investigates the correlation between two control mechanisms – voluntary disclosure and independent directors – in companies characterized by the presence of a dominant shareholder that is supposed to mitigate the classical agency problem. Based on agency theory, we hypothesize that the two mechanisms tend to coexist, since the presence of either one reduces the costs of introducing the other. Two further effects – the reputation and the domino effect – contribute to determine a positive relationship between the two mechanisms. We carried out the empirical analysis on 175 non-financial Italian listed companies, all controlled by a dominant shareholder. Voluntary disclosure is measured through three alternative disclosure indexes. Independent directors are identified not only according to a formal/legal definition, but also through stricter criteria. The empirical test is based on a multivariate analysis controlling for size, residual ownership diffusion, leverage, profitability and labour pressure. Results support our hypothesis and are robust to alternative criteria to identify dominant shareholders. Our study contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between different control mechanisms in particular agency settings.  相似文献   

基于我国上市公司实行多元化经营战略的背景,从公司过度投资的视角对财务杠杆的治理效应进行了理论分析,并以2004-2009年的非金融上市公司为样本,检验了多元化经营对财务杠杆抑制企业过度投资治理效应的影响.结果发现,财务杠杆对我国上市公司的过度投资行为有明显的抑制作用,但是多元化经营会削弱这种抑制作用.进一步研究还发现,财务杠杆由于抑制过度投资,对公司绩效起到了正面的影响.而多元化经营同样会弱化财务杠杆对公司绩效的正面作用.研究结论不仅对于理解我国多元化经营的上市公司财务杠杆治理效应与投资效率之间的关系具有重要意义,同时也为我国上市公司多元化经营会降低公司经营业绩提供了新的证据.  相似文献   

我国上市公司的资本结构普遍不合理,并没有充分发挥债务融资的财务杠杆效应。本文以我国电力行业四家上市公司作为实证样本,基于其财务杠杆效应的利用现状,通过多元回归分析揭示了净资产收益率与负债权益比、债务利息率、息税前利润率等影响因素的相关性及显著性,从而为电力行业上市公司财务杠杆效应的有效利用提供理论指导与实务借鉴。  相似文献   

The Dynamics of Capital Structure in Transition Economies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper uses a dynamic unrestricted capital structure model to examine the determinants of the private companies' target financial leverage and the speed of adjustment to it in two transition economies, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria. We explicitly model the adjustment of companies' leverage to a target leverage, and this target leverage is itself explained by a set of factors. The panel data methodology combines cross-section and time-series information. The results indicate that the Bulgarian corporate credit markets were less supply -constrained than those of the Czech Republic during the period under investigation. Bulgariancompanies adjusted much faster to the target leverage than Czech firms. The speed ofadjustment related positively to the distance between target and observed ratio for Bulgarian companies while the relationship was neutral for Czech companies. The conservative policies of Czech banks and the exposure control were likely responsible for the slower adjustment among the larger companies while the opposite were true for Bulgarian banks and companies.  相似文献   

Whether finance is beneficial to economic development remains ambiguous. There are studies arguing that finance can facilitate growth and increase stability. However, the recent global financial crisis has led some to argue that finance can decrease stability and lead to more crises. This paper constructs a non-monotonic framework of quantity of finance (measured by leverage) and financial crisis and decomposes leverage into fundamental and excess components. Using cross-country level data, the empirical results confirms that it is excess leverage, rather than fundamental leverage, that results in the increase of probability of financial crisis. Further empirical results show that excess leverage leads to a higher probability of currency crisis, asset price collapse, and banking crisis, while fundamental leverage helps alleviates the crises. This paper reconciles the two contrasting views of the relationship between finance and economic development and provides strong policy implication to pay special attention to the sudden increase of leverage, which is probably excessive, rather than fundamental leverage.  相似文献   

Considering the importance of retaining key staff and managing the negative impact of high labor turnover on firm performance, this study investigates the notion of internal market orientation (IMO) as an employee management tool for helping companies retain employees and leverage performance via their organizational commitment. Drawing on data from three different managerial respondents in 275 companies based in China, the findings demonstrate the precedential effect of IMO on corporate performance through employees’ organizational commitment and retention. Interdepartmental relationship and interdepartmental communication, together with ownership types are identified as potential moderating variables, which may vary IMO’s effectiveness in the framework. This study provides scholars and practitioners with empirical evidence of IMO’s contribution to different industries and markets. Building on a western perspective, this study extends the literature in an emerging market context and specifically has implications for managing Chinese employees.  相似文献   

基于审计成本效益理论和审计风险溢价理论,以2015—2020年我国A股上市公司数据为样本,检验控股股东杠杆增持与审计定价的关系及内在机理。结果表明,控股股东杠杆增持与审计定价正相关。控股股东杠杆增持行为主要通过提高审计师风险溢价以及增加审计投入对审计定价产生促进作用。上述关系在企业存在控股股东股权质押、法律环境较为严格时得到强化,而较好的信息披露质量以及较高的股权制衡度会削弱控股股东杠杆增持与审计定价的正相关关系。同时,控股股东杠杆增持带来的风险溢价效应会抑制审计师出具标准的审计意见,损害审计质量。研究结论有助于强化审计师对控股股东杠杆增持的风险认知,进而为进一步提升审计报告质量、强化投资者保护提供了增量证据。  相似文献   

食品企业社会责任信息披露影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对近年来不断出现的食品安全事件,结合企业社会责任理论和食品行业披露的社会责任信息,对中国食品企业社会责任信息披露的主要影响因素进行了实证分析。文章选取了2006~2010年食品行业的A股公司作为研究样本,通过对企业年报、社会责任报告的内容分析,测算了公司社会责任信息披露指数。研究发现:规模越大、独立董事比例越高的公司披露的社会责任信息越多;公司财务杠杆和企业社会责任信息披露负相关;企业性质对企业社会责任信息披露无显著影响。论文从实证结果出发,提出了食品企业建立社会责任信息披露制度的建议。  相似文献   

As carbon regulation evolves and becomes specialized in addressing carbon reduction issues, stakeholders will demand that firms provide increased information regarding corporate climate change practices. This paper contributes to the international research that examines the relationship between environmental information disclosures and additional firm factors. To do so, we have conducted an empirical analysis of the relationship between the corporate climate change disclosure practices of firms listed in the Athens Stock Exchange and firm factors, such as size, profitability, leverage and activity sector. Our results indicate there is a significant positive relationship between size and increased corporate disclosures regarding climate change practices. However, no significant relationship is detected between profitability or leverage and corporate climate change disclosures. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

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