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肖俊极  李国栋 《经济学》2009,(3):1435-1454
会员积分制是目前零售业普遍采用的一种非价格竞争策略,其对于销售的作用也日渐受到经济学的普遍关注。本文通过采用大连市某一知名大型购物中心会员购买记录的扫描数据,对会员积分制的实际效果进行实证研究,结果表明积分能够对消费者的购买行为产生显著影响。积分弹性及交叉积分弹性表明,一种商品的积分促销不仅增加本商品的需求量,而且对其他商品的销售存在正外部性。积分促销可以起到与价格促销同样的作用;本文进一步得出积分与价格相互替代性的大小,为厂商在两种策略的权衡使用上提供参考。  相似文献   

以非价格竞争策略直面入世后的挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张静中 《生产力研究》2002,(2):16-17,23
我国加入WTO后 ,关税逐步降低 ,市场进一步对外开放 ,国内市场竞争加剧。由于我国劳动力成本逐年提高 ,而企业规模较小 ,劳动生产率较低 ,使得企业生产成本提高 ,致使部分产品已无价格优势。对此作者提出以非价格竞争策略直面WTO的挑战 ,其主要策略有 :产品质量竞争策略、优质服务竞争策略、产品品牌竞争策略、产品包装竞争策略、产品文化竞争策略、产品广告竞争策略等。企业将这些策略组合运用 ,以赢得市场竞争优势或击败竞争对手  相似文献   

曹燕春  韩共进  贺迎辉 《经济师》2011,(7):292-292,295
文章以百隆东方股份有限公司为案例论述了现代市场营销竞争的发展趋势,分析了企业实施非价格竞争的主要策略。  相似文献   

阮敏 《生产力研究》2006,53(4):109-111
我国医疗行业,从集中度看属于原子型市场,面临着激烈的竞争。本文应用产品差别化理论,对医疗行业的特性进行分析,得出了我国医疗行业的产品差别化策略,即高科技医疗服务策略、品牌化医疗服务策略、网络化医疗信息系统策略、网上医疗服务策略、医疗广告策略、卫生医疗的研究和开发策略和高感情医疗服务策略。以期医疗机构能运用这些差异化策略,避免残酷的价格竞争,提高其竞争力。  相似文献   

随着信息技术与互联网的飞速发展,消费者的购买行为也逐渐由传统的购买习惯向网上购物转变,同时消费者网购越来越呈现个性化、多样化、主动性、理性化的特征,唯品会的成功就充分说明了这一点。因此,在目前日趋激烈的市场竞争条件下,剖析唯品会消费者行为是着眼于研究网络消费需求特点、内容和特征,分析影响网络消费者行为的因素和购买过程,从而探索和研究唯品会电子商务应当如何进一步制定营销策略,来适应消费者行为的改变,满足消费者的各种需求以吸引和促进顾客消费,继续保持唯品会市场优势地位,获得持续发展的空间。  相似文献   

提高企业市场占有率策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,价格竞争成为了市场份额最大化的策略之一。如果灵活采取非价格策略和价格策略,并在发挥市场机制的同时结合政府宏观管理的推动,我们更有可能有效地实施市场占有率最大化的策略。  相似文献   

本文根据城市居民入户调查数据,研究超市消费者的各类特征对其食用油购买行为的影响,并分析消费者个体购买行为如何加总形成转基因油的市场趋势,验证由超市销售数据得出的结论。研究表明,消费者的购买行为受到购买决策者的特征、风险意识、家庭社会经济因素等的影响。此外,转基因油市场份额的改变受到较高收入者的"结构效应"影响,而低收入者的"总量效应"没有发生。一系列因素可能导致对"总量效应"乃至转基因油市场份额的低估。  相似文献   

以C2C淘宝女装店铺作为研究对象,综合采用文献法、观察法、案例法,从信息发布、视觉、服务、推广、促销几个方面入手,系统的对淘宝女装C2C商店的网络营销手段进行了研究。最终分析总结得出老客户会员维护;宝贝详情页设置专业仔细;积极参与淘宝包邮、促销活动;利用好口碑相传;热情周到的服务;在论坛、微博、微信等社交网络上发布外部宝贝链接六种对消费者影响最大的网络营销手段。  相似文献   

在消费者购买行为中,情境因素对消费者行为具有重要的影响。在不同的情境下,人们将会有不同的行为。面对同样的营销刺激,如同样的产品、服务或是同样的广告,同一个消费者在不同的情境下将会做出不同反应,采取不同的消费行为。本文介绍了消费者情境的相关理论,对影响消费者的情境因素进行了分析,并提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

龚强 《经济学(季刊)》2009,(4):1383-1406
本文建立的理论模型研究了消费者谈判能力、谈判成本和对商品的偏好程度等几方面对厂商最优标价决策的影响。当消费者谈判能力较弱时,厂商可能策略性地不对商品标价,以获取更大利润,利润大小与消费者的谈判能力呈倒U形关系;而当消费者谈判能力较强时,厂商会选择对商品进行标价以最大化利润;但若消费者谈判能力很弱,消费者很可能因无利可图而放弃购买,这时厂商就会选择标价销售。通过对模型进行模拟实验,模型的结果得到了进一步验证。本文同时证明,在一定条件下,厂商选择策略性不标价可能不是社会最优的,因此需要通过政府强制标价来实现市场有效性。  相似文献   

We empirically implement a dynamic structural model of labor supply and welfare program participation for agents with potentially time‐inconsistent preferences. Using panel data on the choices of single women with children from the National Longitudinal Surveys (NLSY) 1979, we provide estimates of the degree of time‐inconsistency, and of its influence on the welfare take‐up decision. With these estimates, we conduct counterfactual experiments to quantify a measure of the utility loss stemming from the inability to commit to future decisions, and the potential gains from commitment mechanisms such as welfare time limits and work requirements.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the impact of the introduction of incentive regulation on firms’ advertising spending among the population of local exchange carriers in the United States telecommunications industry between 1988 and 2001. The results show that the hybrid rate of return method and other intermediate incentive schemes have a negative relationship with advertising spending. Conversely, the introduction of pure price caps schemes has had a positive and significant impact on firms’ advertising spending. These results highlight the importance of incentive compatible mechanism design in motivating firms to be market oriented and strive for superior performance.  相似文献   

The authors ask how welfare reform has affected the earnings and incomes of welfare recipients using a detailed longitudinal data set, the recently released Survey of Program Dynamics (SPD). They find pre-TANF waivers positively affected the earnings and incomes of both female high school graduates and nongraduates, but the effect is statistically significant only for nongraduates. In contrast, the effect of TANF policies is detrimental to nongraduates but improves economic outcomes for graduates. The findings indicate there are still families who are left behind by welfare programs. The results also warrant further use of longitudinal data sets such as the SPD. (JEL I38 , H53 )  相似文献   

本文利用农户的面板数据评价京津风沙源治理工程的实施对当地农户收入的短期影响。分析了退耕还林强度、工程参与程度、村参与工程的时间对样本农户人均年收入的影响程度。分析结果表明:(1)工程参与对农户收入的影响为正向关系;(2)如果在村级早一年实施工程,则人均年收入提高17.37%;(3)实施退耕还林工程对消除贫困的影响尚考虑不足。本文利用农户的面板数据评价京津风沙源治理工程的实施对当地农户收入的短期影响。分析了退耕还林强度、工程参与程度、村参与工程的时间对样本农户人均年收入的影响程度。分析结果表明:(1)工程参与对农户收入的影响为正向关系;(2)如果在村级早一年实施工程,则人均年收入提高17.37%;(3)实施退耕还林工程对消除贫困的影响尚考虑不足。  相似文献   

We investigate the factors that contribute to participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program) and the effects of such participation on self‐assessed health (SAH). Our estimation approach consists of an endogenous switching ordered probability model, using the copula approach, for a sample of current and former Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients in Tennessee. Results indicate that sociodemographic characteristics play a role in SNAP participation. Interestingly, we find that participation in SNAP is inversely related to SAH. (JEL I12, I38, C31)  相似文献   

Many public health policies are rooted in findings from medical and epidemiological studies that fail to consider behavioral influences. Using nearly 50 years of data from the Framingham Heart Study's male participants, we evaluate the longevity consequences of different lifetime smoking patterns by jointly estimating smoking behavior and health outcomes over the life cycle, by richly including smoking and health histories, and by flexibly incorporating correlated unobserved heterogeneity. Unconditional difference‐in‐mean calculations that treat smoking behaviors as random indicate a 9.3‐year difference in age of death between lifelong smokers and nonsmokers; our findings suggest the bias‐corrected difference is 4.3 years.  相似文献   

This paper presents new evidence on the length of consumer horizon, which represents an important aspect of the Permanent Income Hypothesis. It uses data on private wealth of India for 1949–50 to 1974–75. Time varying parameter estimation is used to derive annual values of consumer discount rate and horizon. The findings support Friedman's view that horizon is approximately three years long. The author discusses the plausibility of his findings.  相似文献   

Strategic offsetting behavior occurs when a policy is offset by an individual not targeted by the policy. By affecting the payoffs of the target the incentives of a strategic competitor are adjusted, which acts to mitigate the policy. Evidence is presented using data from National Collegiate Athletic Association men's basketball. For the 2008–2009 season, the three‐point line was extended. This leads to not only a decrease in three‐point shooting and scoring, but also a decrease in the percentage of two‐point shots made. This evidence is consistent with defenses adjusting their focus away from the more difficult three‐point shot, which strategically offset the policy. (JEL K20, C72)  相似文献   

麦敕勒(Metzler,1949)指出,对大国的进口行业征收关税可能会降低其国内相对价格,因而减少了它在经济中的产量份额。针对这一观点,本文发展了关于国民生产总值(GDP)转换对数函数系统的一个理论模型,并据此估计美国贸易政策对其行业产量份额的影响。通过采用美国及其经济合作与发展组织(OECD)贸易成员国的行业面板数据,并在控制要素禀赋和技术创新对行业产量份额的影响后,得出了在服装和玻璃行业呈现高关税导致低产量份额的经验证据。在控制了由贸易的政治经济因素导致的内生性及运用各类非关税壁垒代替关税作为测量行业保护的工具后,这些发现也同样稳健。因此,本文的贡献在一定程度上弥补了国际贸易中该领域实证研究方面的空白:证明了麦敕勒悖论理论不再只是一种可能性,而的确在服装业中存在。  相似文献   

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