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Is top management work a stable or a changing phenomenon? Compared to a classic study about managerial work (Executive Behaviour, Strömbergs, Stockholm, 1951), this article examines evolving management practices in the internationalised economy. The results show that the participants in the new study exercised control in a more general and financially oriented way. At the same time, the important stakeholder relations have shifted from national actors such as government and trade associations towards financial and commercial actors in an international arena. But the perhaps most interesting development is the transforming nature of fragmentation in managerial work. In contrast to Carlson, who related fragmentation to time, this article highlights the emergence and consequences of fragmented space.  相似文献   

This paper considers how Russian managerial values are developing in the context of the sweeping economic, political and social changes associated with the transition of Russia to a market economy.

By replicating earlier research (Holt et al., ; Ralston et al., ), it was possible to overcome the weaknesses of previous cross-sectional studies by tracking changes in Russian managers' values over time.

The paper concludes that some convergence between the values of Russian and US managers can be observed, but that the form of this convergence is not uniform. In addition, the way in which Russian managers act upon these values in the context of their own national context means that considerable divergence in managerial behaviour is still evident. Implications for international human resource management are discussed.  相似文献   

We study corporate investment by considering both external economic factor and managerial behavior, in particular the dynamic interaction between inflation uncertainty and managerial overconfidence by employing a sample of Chinese companies. The empirical findings demonstrate that lower inflation uncertainty increases over-investment, and managerial overconfidence exacerbates such effect. Further analysis shows that over-investment in state-owned enterprises (SOEs) is mainly driven by managerial overconfidence, and the negative association between inflation uncertainty and overinvestment is due to managerial overconfidence. The effect of managerial overconfidence is mute in non-state-owned enterprises (non-SOEs). In addition, we find asymmetric impact of inflation uncertainty on corporate over-investment during different economic cycles.  相似文献   

陈晓慧  黄韬  段鹰  李淑健 《价值工程》2009,28(6):103-105
针对如何提高组织内知识工作者与知识工作者之间工作效率的问题,分析了基于知识协同的组织中的人-人交互的基本过程,提炼出基于知识协同的组织中的人-人交互过程的特征,分析了人-人交互效率众多因素,构建了基于知识协同的组织内人-人交互主要影响因素的关系模型,从影响知识工作效率程度角度,初步探讨了动机-激励机制的关系模型和能力-技术方法的关系模型。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of managerial mergers- and acquisitions-related investment strategies on the exit risk of firms. Using a sample of hyperactive bidders, I show that managerial excessive acquisitiveness can precipitate firm exit. Overbidding is associated with weak corporate governance and lower disclosure quality within firms. I find that hyperactive bidders take more risk compared to conservative bidders. Such bidders also misallocate firms’ resources and dent firms’ reputational capital. Eventually, the external corporate control market is more effective compared to mechanisms such as bankruptcy reorganization, forced liquidation, leveraged buy-out, and expulsion from stock exchanges in disciplining hyperactive bidders by turning them into targets of takeover. These results suggest that a hyper acquisition-induced growth strategy is, on average, detrimental to the long-term survivability of firms and that the internal and external corporate-control mechanisms may not be effective enough to forestall falling value of an excessively acquisitive firm.  相似文献   

The position of top public managers implies management in three directions: up (political office holders), down (creating organizational capacity), and out (boundary spanning). We know however, little about what these managers do. I present a close-up analysis of city managers using diary analysis, shadowing, and interviews with stakeholders. The analysis interprets their craft as managing up, down, and out. It finds that despite the contemporary emphasis on collaborative public management, the prevalence of boundary spanning activities in top managers’ activity patterns is easily overestimated. Working in the governmental hierarchy consumes most of the managers’ attention.  相似文献   

This study describes an initial attempt to apply Heckhausen's Rubicon model of action phases to the decision-making process involved in a professional stay abroad. The datas stem from the longitudinal study Selection and Socialization of Managerial Candidates, which provides for the standardized questioning of examinees at the university faculties of economics, the natural sciences and engineering in Munich, Berlin and the Ruhr area. A sample of 453 managerial candidates, employed in German companies, was analysed in this study. The following conclusions for organizations can be drawn from the results of our study: the candidates' values and previous experiences abroad can furnish decisive criteria. Information offered in the job interview can further encourage already motivated persons. The lesser emphasis put on the value 'leadership' and the great importance ascribed to the value 'technological progress' could indicate training needs. Intercultural as well as special management trainings within the organization seem appropriate here.  相似文献   

This study examines how the economic structures of responsibility accounting (RA) affect decision-making and managerial action. It analyses how decision rights transform and affect managerial action and argue that functionalist approaches to organising a company through RA principles are inexpedient. The argument is based on two spaces related to decision-making and managerial action – physical space and virtual space – and addresses the managerial effects of RA with respect to these spaces. The RA literature argues that the design of RA should be based on its context and its structure should be stable. However, the study presented here shows how the effects of RA emerge in a process of development and transformation of the organisation. When an organisation and its management control system cannot embrace the dynamism of the physical space, the resulting managerial actions and decision-making are tumultuous; accountability in this context means possessing ‘a counter-ability’, not being ‘accountable’. Accounting forms a virtual organisational space, and the relationships between physical and virtual spaces co-construct the organisational effects of RA.  相似文献   

In this paper the author identifies two related problems in financial modelling. First, the problem of implementing financial decision theory in practical decision situations and, second, the need to develop existing managerial financial models. A discussion of organization decision processes indicates possible reasons for the relative failure of management science and financial theory based models in practice and the predominance of accounting based models. This analysis of strategic decision processes suggests key design features for the implementation of financial models. Finally, research orientated models designed using these guidelines are seen as appropriate media for the transfer of knowledge between financial decision theory and financial practice. This is seen as providing a tentative basis for the development of managerial financial models. Throughout the paper the author uses examples from his own experience in model building in instalment credit, and leasing financial intermediaries, i.e. “Finance Houses”.  相似文献   

Museums are important cultural institutions having the mission of conserving, interpreting, researching and displaying heritage. The evaluation of their efficiency has been extensively investigated in the literature using different approaches and methods. In this paper, we employ a generalised conditional efficiency model to assess the true efficiency of Italian museums, i.e. the efficiency in the provision of museums' service potential, consistently dealing with the impact of the socio-demographic and institutional environment in which museums operate. Results show that the operational environment matters. In particular, conditional estimates suggest that higher income levels and larger hospitality sectors positively influence museums efficiency. Ownership matters: museums’ service potential is higher for private institutions while, among public institutions, efficiency is generally lower for state-owned museums.  相似文献   

A mixed duopoly setting is examined where a private non‐profit firm (NPO) competes with a private profit‐maximizer. The NPO's stakeholders select a contract for their managers. A novel NPO objective function is utilized which takes into account all the likely returns to the NPO's stakeholders (NPO profits and the surplus accruing to the NPO stakeholders) in such a commercial setting. In sub‐game perfect equilibria, it is shown that the NPO's managers generally will not be given the NPO's true objective to optimize. It is also shown that aggregate social welfare may increase or decrease due to this managerial contracting behavior or the use of NPO membership fees. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Online discussion forums have been used to both support and resist organizational change. Our empirical study examined how employees in one organization used an online forum to help them deal discursively with changes that they perceived as threatening to their identity. In particular, we found that the postings of one key individual were central in framing the organizational changes in a way that had powerful cathartic consequences for employees’ feelings of anger and loss of face. Paradoxically, however, we also found that such use of the online forum had the contradictory consequence of helping to facilitate the very changes that employees perceived to be problematic.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a significant growth in knowledge transfer partnerships to improve the quality and timeliness of health care. These activities require an increasing level of interdependence between academic and health care professionals, with important implications for human resource management. To understand these knowledge transfer partnerships, we conducted an in-depth longitudinal study based on 99 interviews and 5 focus group workshops across academic and health care professionals in nine university-based knowledge transfer partnerships in England. We explore how academic professionals of lower and higher status organizations develop a new form of professional work, based on the principles of collaborative professionalism, during their involvement in partnerships with health care professionals. We illuminate how the interdependent work between academic professionals and health care professionals in the development of a new academic specialization is shaped by the status of their organizations.  相似文献   

The franchising business model has received scant attention within the field of human resource management (HRM). Data tracking workers' experience of this format are more elusive still. This study draws on comparative, qualitative data derived from discussions with 82 respondents working within the corporate and franchised divisions of a market leading, fast food multinational company (MNC). Extant analyses of franchised operations point to shortcomings in franchisees' treatment of staff. This outcome is typically asserted to be the result of the opportunism that flows from the desire to maximise revenues and minimise costs. This emphasis on structural pressures ignores the micro-level influences and the complexity of the day-to-day dynamics of the employment relationship. Specifically, the impact of the leadership skills and competence of front-line managers (FLMs) is overlooked. The study highlights that differences in FLM capability significantly affect the work climate, further aggravating poor HR activities in the franchised units, while offsetting some of the repressive task features associated with routinised work in the corporate division.  相似文献   

What factors shape managerial attitudes towards the utilization of work-life policies? The influence of disruptiveness (Powell and Mainiero 1999) and dependency (Klein, Berman and Dickson 2000) arguments on managerial attitudes is examined using a vignette design. In this study, managers in four financial firms in the UK and the Netherlands were asked to judge hypothetical requests from employees to utilize work-life policies. Findings indicate that managers are mainly interested in the performance of their department or work unit, and work-life policies are often seen as disruptive. However, when the least disruptive request is considered (short-term leave), we find that dependency arguments also play an important role and managers are more likely to respond to their employees' personal and family needs.  相似文献   

师生之间的知识共享模式直接决定高校会计专业实践教学的效果。基于隐性知识外化的知识创造理论视角对两所高校会计专业师生进行问卷调查的结果显示,学校、教师、学生都以不同的方式对会计实践教学中师生的互动行为施加影响。高校应该一方面加强自身努力,另一方面引导教师与学生作出各自的努力,以更好地开展会计实践教学。  相似文献   

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