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新能源汽车具有无污染、低噪声及节约能源等诸多优点,在我国推广多年,且国家的优惠福利政策不断,但其在我国的发展却并不明显。我国新能源汽车的发展还不完善,例如目标市场的不明确,存在诸多制约因素等问题。但作为汽车"新四化"的大趋势,新能源汽车的市场及发展前景都很可观。为了解决我国新能源汽车发展的弊端,文章提出了三点建议:制定统一的新能源汽车行业标准、完善新能源汽车的政策扶持制度、利用网络宣传新能源汽车以及政策。  相似文献   

A growing concern in transition economies is the gap between the law on the books and the law in practice. The existence of such a gap has long been recognized even in countries with a long legal tradition and where, by and large, the formal law seems to be observed. In transition economies as well as in many emerging markets and developing countries, this gap appears to be especially pronounced. This paper argues that an explanation for this phenomenon can be found in the process of law development in these countries. They have extensively imported law from other countries in an attempt to stage a catch-up in legal development. This was facilitated by foreign legal advisors preaching the existence and transferability of best practice in other parts of the world. The missing link in this equation has been the demand for law. This paper seeks to explain the meaning of the demand for law in the context of evolving Russian constitutional law drawing extensively from research on legal transplants and the lack of demand for law in other areas of the law.  相似文献   

The Demand for Nutrients in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
China is experiencing a nutritional transition accompanied by its rapid economic growth. However, the relationship between income growth and nutritional improvement is still unclear. In contrast with the biased indirect method, this paper employs a direct method to estimate the income elasticities of 22 nutrients using household survey data to fill the gap in the current literature. Our results indicate that the income elasticities of most nutrients are smaller than that which is stated in the current literature using the indirect method, and vary for different income groups.  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了我国汽车工业的发展历程,分析了我国汽车工业发展面临的形势,梳理了我国政府制定的新能源汽车发展规划和出台的政策,总结了我国研发推广新能源汽车的现状及取得的成效,指出了新能源汽车普及过程中存在的问题,最后提出了加快发展我国新能源汽车的几点政策建议。  相似文献   

Declining attendances at Australian Rules football games organized by the VFL recently have become the focus of much concern. An econometric analysis of the demand for football is presented, using annual average attendance data for the years 1950–86. It is found that increases in admission prices had a significant negative effect on demand, and increases in real income a positive impact. Amongst other variables of importance in explaining demand are lagged attendance and uncertainty of outcome. Elasticities of demand are calculated and it is shown how they might be used to predict attendance under different pricing scenarios.  相似文献   

传统的证明一般均衡存在性的方法都必须以连续的超额需求函数为条件。本文提供一种新方法突破这一局限。一般均衡分析中的个人择优问题是一个非线性规划问题,本文用动态规划方法来处理这一非线性规划问题,从而就克服了不连续超额需求函数带来的困难。运用这一新方法,本文证明了超额需求函数不连续时的存在性。  相似文献   

实践新发展观 发展消费需求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对当前实践科学发展观涉及的有关方面 ,特别是发展消费需求进行了相应的探讨。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have estimated demand for military expenditure in terms of economic, political and strategic variables. Ten years after the end of the Cold War, this paper attempts to ascertain if the new strategic environment has changed the pattern of determinants, by estimating cross-country demand functions for developing countries for periods during and just after the Cold War. The results suggest that, for both periods, military burden depended on neighbours' military spending and internal and external conflict. Democracy and population both relate negatively to military burden. There is little evidence of a change in the underlying relationship between the periods.  相似文献   

The elasticity of demand for labour at the aggregate level is an important parameter for macroeconomic analysis. In particular, policy issues concerning the impact of wage falls on employment and unemployment hinge on the size of this parameter. It is argued in the present paper that previous work on the elasticity of demand for labour in Australia has been unsatisfactory in a number of ways. A new set of estimates is provided that are derived using a better methodology than before.  相似文献   

中国内需拉动的关键难点与破解新思路   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
当前世界金融危机导致中国出口深幅回落,且较长时期内难以明显改善,惟有拉动内需才能稳定经济增长。而过去主要依靠投资拉动内需的增长方式已不可持续,居民消费便成为中国内需拉动的关键变量。居民消费启而不动,源于居民收入增长缓慢、社会保障体系不健全和房价过快上涨等制约因素。破解这一难题,必须转换宏观调控思路,通过短期缓解供需矛盾、中期改善居民预期和长期增加居民收入等政策组合来提振居民消费需求。  相似文献   

The regional demand for petrol in Australia is estimated using quarterly data on a State basis for the period from the September quarter 1958 through the June quarter 1981. A dynamic demand model is postulated and estimates obtained using an iterative Zellner procedure. The results suggest that per capita petrol demand is not income elastic as reported in other studies, and support the hypothesis that demand is price inelastic. In addition, the States exhibit statistically significant differential responses to price and income shocks. This implies that the specification of a single national demand function may be misleading.  相似文献   

通过政府补贴激励企业自主创新,是长期以来政府扶持新兴产业发展的主要方式。但现有研究对该模式能否起到研发激励效用仍然存在争议,特别是在信息不对称的情况下,骗补问题突出,使产业政策有效性再次成为焦点。在梳理新能源汽车产业政策历史沿革的基础上,根据政策特性把补贴分为研发补贴和生产补贴两个阶段,并通过计量检验和倾向得分匹配等实证方法评估其政策实施对新能源汽车企业研发的激励效果。结果发现,强度较高的“生产补贴”研发激励效用远低于强度较低的“研发补贴”,两种政府补贴方式都符合边际效用递减规律。最后,结合产业政策实施15年来的现实情况,提出补贴政策缓慢性退坡、建立可信的惩戒机制等政策建议。  相似文献   

新能源汽车是低碳经济的必然选择,代表汽车产业的发展趋势。新能源汽车产业化发展的直接推动力就是国家的相关扶持政策。美国、日本和欧洲的发达国家对新能源汽车技术高度重视,从汽车技术变革和产业升级的战略出发,颁布了优惠的政策措施。中国新能源汽车产业的发展也在政府支持下开局、破局和蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

在能源安全和气候变化问题日益严峻的今天,很多国家的政府均把电动汽车作为优先发展的重点,采取各种举措支持其发展。其采取的最新举措包括:出台国家战略,设立电动汽车发展目标;加强对电动汽车研发的财政支持,以实现关键技术的突破;制定电动汽车标准,抢占未来竞争的制高点;通过基础设施建设、补贴以及税收减免来推广和普及电动汽车。  相似文献   

This paper examines water consumption in group-metered households. A utility-maximising model is developed in which the marginal price schedule is approximated by a polynomial function of water consumption. The model is modified to allow for an incentive for group-metered households to consume more water than if they were separately metered. This occurs if households do not expect their own increase in water consumption to be matched by other households sharing the meter, so that part of the marginal cost of water is shifted to other households. Estimates using Western Australian data are, however, unable to detect any significant effect of this kind, perhaps because the price response itself is small.  相似文献   

目前 ,我国扩大内需的最大障碍是有效需求不足 ,为此 ,中央采取了积极的财政政策 ,并努力发挥货币政策的作用 ,综合运用多种手段调控经济运行。但由于我国经济长期处于“短缺”状态 ,许多宏观政策包括税收政策 ,其目的是防止过渡的投资需求和消费需求引起的通货膨胀。控制投资和消费 ,防止经济过热。本文分析了在积极财政政策对经济活动效果不够明显的背景下 ,提出了调整现行税收政策的建议 ,以适应扩大内需 ,促进经济增长。  相似文献   

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