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电子商务在铁路中应用的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了铁路电子商务的内涵 ,分析了铁路实施电子商务的切入点、步骤及策略 ,认为实施电子商务是铁路进一步改革和发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

铁路车站要抓住铁路提速这一时机,根据客流结构,调整营销重点,树立服务品牌。对各种品牌列车的开行,及协调好车站各部门的工作,在激烈的市场竞争中,做好车站的购票服务,乘降服务,保证铁路提速目标的实现  相似文献   

Most accessibility studies are usually related to the number of potential reachable opportunities, disregarding attributes related to quality. Schools are usually distributed in the city, but does the quality of the service in these schools provide spatial equity to access the educational system? This study investigates accessibility to education considering different modes of transport and the quality of schools. It calculates and compares potential accessibility and revealed mobility in a highly unequal context, focusing on elementary schools in São Paulo, the largest city in Latin America. The empirical research reveals disparities between public and private schools regarding the quality and transport mode, unfolding spatial inequity. We hope that these findings provide further insights into better planning our cities for young people to move, study and live.  相似文献   

员工的需求包括物质需求和精神需求,其中工资是最重要的动力来源,福利则是进一步的要求。而对于员工而言,获得培训机会是很好的福利。企业应注重非薪酬激励机制,了解员工非物质方面的需求,给予员工必要的满足和引导,如给员工提供良好的职业生涯规划,从而促使其全心为企业奉献,创造好的生产业绩。  相似文献   

分析铁路物流企业发展中面临的挑战和机遇,探讨如何通过加强营业部建设、加强信息化建设、加强企业文化建设等举措,转变思想观念、发展模式、管理模式,在重组整合过程中,推进铁路传统多元经营企业向现代物流企业转型升级。  相似文献   

社会资本参与铁路建设初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章借鉴台湾高速铁路及国内公路、民航基础设施多元化融资经验 ,分析了铁路建设项目吸引社会资本的方式 ,并提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

江苏盐阜公路运输集团有限公司始建于1958年,2004年10月按照国有资产存量入股、民营资本增资扩股的形式改制为投资主体多元化的有限责任公司.公司现有资产8.3亿元,在岗员工6 000名,拥有营运车辆2 000多台,客运班车通达全国25个省、市、自治区,是道路运输国家一级资质企业.2010年,公司完成营业收入4.02亿元,实现利润4 561万元,缴纳税费2 912万元.该公司在促进企业和谐发展的进程中,工会充分发挥民主、维权等方面的作用,全心全意为广大职工服务,先后获得省市"模范职工之家"的称号.  相似文献   

传统运输业是指旅客运输和货物运输,是实现人和物位移的一种经营活动。现代服务业是指那些不生产商品和货物的产业,是为第一、第二产业服务的行业,如信息、物流、金融、商贸服务等行业,交通运输业也包括其中,从产业分类上属于第三产业。应该说,现代服务业  相似文献   

This paper explores users loyalty to airlines’ websites, by examining differences among users belonging to the Y, X and baby boomer generations. The results indicate that to obtain users loyalty to a company’s site, it is necessary to first, affective e-loyalty, through e-trust, which is also positively influenced by offline perceived value, e-satisfaction, and indirectly by e-quality. We also demonstrates that significant differences exist among the various generations, implying airlines need to fine-tune their online strategies retain customer loyalty.  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化的趋势下 ,开发区作为我国经济价值链中的重要环节 ,正面临着历史性的机遇和挑战。本文通过对开发区的定位与优势进行分析、审视和思索 ,提出开发区应以环境创新、体制创新、产业创新为手段 ,实现开发区的可持续发展 ,并为最终提高我国产业国际整体竞争力而不懈努力。  相似文献   

铁路大提速是落实我国铁路跨越式发展战略的重要手段,大提速工程的实施必须坚持强本简末的建设理念,克服预算软约束和投资效益不佳等问题.为此,铁路提速工程要充分发挥铁道部和铁路局两方面的积极性,理顺更新改造与基建、大修的关系,合理确定提速改造方案,强化投资控制的刚性约束,以充分发挥有限资金的效益.  相似文献   

Measuring airport service quality (ASQ) is an important process for identifying shortages and suggesting improvements that guide management decisions. This research, introduces a general framework for measuring ASQ using passengers’ tweets about airports. The proposed framework considers tweets in any language, not just in English, to support ASQ evaluation in non-speaking English countries where passengers communicate with other languages. Accordingly, this work uses a large dataset that includes tweets in two languages (English and Arabic) and from four airports. Additionally, to extract passenger evaluations from tweets, our framework applies two different deep learning models (CNN and LSTM) and compares their results. The two models are trained with both general data and data from the aviation domain in order to clarify the effect of data type on model performance. Results show that better performance is achieved with the LSTM model when trained with domain specific data. This study has clear implications for researchers and airport managers aiming to use alternative methods to measure ASQ.  相似文献   

近年来,国家对行业协会提出了改革发展的新思路,并赋予行业协会前所未有的重要地位和作用.胡锦涛总书记在党的十七大报告中更是明确提出了规范发展行业协会和市场中介组织等创新发展、科学发展、可持续发展的新要求.  相似文献   

Increasingly tourism businesses are attempting to interact and communicate with consumers using a variety of social media tools. However, many are struggling to continue to effectually and effectively engage with an interactive audience so willing to openly speak their minds. Adoption barriers exist that limit the effective use of these and other new innovative technologies. This study confirms that the main barriers to the use of information communication technologies are also reflected in the active use of social media. These include a lack of skill, knowledge, time and resources. Despite confirmation in this and other studies, there is limited research into how businesses can overcome these barriers to more productively utilise social media tools and technologies. This paper investigates the synergistic relationships between university students and small, tourism-related businesses, and how a student-industry project can aid in reducing the barriers of engagement with social media. Online questionnaires collected anonymous responses from participating businesses in 2010 and 2011. It transpired that businesses gained confidence, skills and information while simultaneously providing real-world student experiences that extended beyond the classroom into the wider community. This opportunity offered tourism businesses a point of entry for understanding and utilising these new technologies.  相似文献   

从竞争走向竞合以创新促进高速公路客运可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
展开全国公路交通图,高速公路网络尽收眼底。1988年中国第一条高速公路——沪嘉高速公路通车,2010年末中国高速公路通车里程已突破7.4万公里,飞速发展的高速公路和高速公路客运让道路客运企业看到了行业发展的春天,高速公路客运也让不少道路客运企业进入了黄金10年。然而,随着铁路建设的复苏,铁路客运重振雄风,提速一动车组一高铁,一切都来得太快;盈利——亏损——停运,高速公路客运面临着前所未有的冲击。在综合运输体系中,高速公路客运该何去何从,值得深思。  相似文献   

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