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季枢中同志刚走下楼,就听到出纳股的同志们在大喊大嚷。“凭啥叫我当复核员?我也不比别人强,死了那份心吧,说什么我也不干!这是李在菊同志的声音。过了一会儿,又听到小李说:“干脆,咱们大家伙来抓阄吧,谁抓住叫谁干!”季枢中同志听在耳里,记在心里,停顿一下走开了。  相似文献   

实际工作中,不少采购人"滥用""补充合同"的法律规定,变相扩大采购的规模和范围,甚至有的还借机擅自采购其他项目,严重扰乱了正常的采购秩序。因此——  相似文献   

去年以来,工行温州分行高度重视“民生”,全面实施员工援助计划(简称EAP)。该行本着缓解员工工作压力,提高员工归属感的宗旨,努力营造和谐温馨、积极向上的人文工作环境,先后推出了家访慰问制度,让困难员工及时感知工行组织的温暖;开办瑜伽基础培训班和提高班,让多数女工体验到健康、美丽和自信;举行音乐减压讲座,让美妙的音符缓解紧张工作带来的压力;  相似文献   

’96消费品市场发展趋势有特点 ’97消费品市场发展趋势有变化 生产者、消费者关注——  相似文献   

随着政府采购改革逐步推进和制度建设不断完善,对政府采购规范、高效的要求也越来越高;同时随着政府采购规模的不断扩大,采购的工作量和工作强度也逐渐加大,实施政府采购电子化管理和操作已经越来越重要。南京市几年来深刻地认识到政府采购电子化是提高采购效率、规范操作程序、保证公开透明的有效途径。从2001年起开始探索政府采购电子化,通过六年的实践,已逐步建立了一套以四大政府采购当事人为主体的电子网络系统,走上政府采购信息化管理的道路。  相似文献   

This study examines how takeover decisions are influenced by the quality of information in target firms’ earnings. We show that bidders prefer negotiated takeovers in deals involving targets with poor earnings quality. Moreover, earnings quality and takeover premiums are negatively related in negotiated takeovers, suggesting that bidders obtain valuable private information through negotiations. We also find that bidders share information risk with target shareholders by paying with more equity for targets with poor earnings quality. These findings are driven primarily by the asymmetric information component of earnings quality (as opposed to the symmetric component) and are observed mainly in inter-industry takeovers, where asymmetric information concerns are greater, rather than in intra-industry takeovers. We conclude that targets’ earnings quality affects bidders’ takeover decisions, particularly in cases of large asymmetric information between targets and bidders.  相似文献   

近日,读了记者刘瑾撰写的一篇题为《改革中完善,完善中发展,发展中提高》的特别报道,深有感触,该文刊登在2007年第12期《中国政府采购》杂志上,主要报道了山西省政府采购中心近年来政府采购工作的开展情况,文中对该省在专审评审工作的先进经验作了介绍,引人深思。  相似文献   

This study examines whether reported values for firms’ research and development (R&D) affect analysts’ annual earnings forecast revisions following quarterly earnings announcements. Because R&D introduces uncertainty into earnings forecasts, analysts may benefit from additional information searches in an effort to increase forecast accuracy. Also, accounting standards mandate an immediate expensing of R&D, in essence projecting a zero value for the R&D. To the extent that R&D will produce future payoffs, the expense treatment reduces the informativeness of reported earnings for forecasting future earnings. Thus, the marginal benefit of analysts’ efforts to produce more information may increase with the magnitude of the R&D component of earnings announcements and trigger additional forecast revisions. Alternatively, if the cost of information searches exceeds the benefit, analysts’ forecast revisions may decrease. Our results show a positive relation between R&D expenses and analysts’ forecast revision activity. We also find a positive and significant association between the level of R&D expenses and the magnitude of analysts’ forecast revisions following quarterly announcements. These results point to a greater amount of analyst scrutiny when reported earnings are accompanied by high levels of R&D expenses.
Li-Chin Jennifer HoEmail:

1994年北京市在经济持续高速增长过程中也产生了一些问题,突出表现是,市场物价涨幅较高,上涨速度较快,成为政府忧心、企业焦心,群众担心的热点。如何客观分析当前市场物价形势,准确预测发展趋势,并采取切实有效的宏观调控措施,是保持首都经济持续快速健康发展,保持首都安定团结政治大局的关键。  相似文献   

季建国 《税务纵横》2003,(12):117-118
建立起良好的效能监察机制,是做好效能监察工作的重要保证。定陶县国税局在效能监察工作中重点抓好内部评议、外部评议、纳税户走访、税企监督、优化服务监督等环节,建立了“六项机制”,最大限度地发挥税务监察和监督作用,提升效能监察水平,取得了很好的成效。在今年全县51个单位参评的行风评议活动中,该局又荣登榜首,连续7年荣获行风评比第一名。  相似文献   


This essay adopts an interpretive methodology of relevant literature to explore the limitations of accounting education when it is taught purely as a technical practice. The essay proceeds from the assumption that conventional accounting education is captured by a positivistic neo-classical model of decision-making that draws on economic rationale to inform and report on corporate activities and make value judgements about accounting. Accounting with its emphasis on transactions and recording makes little sense unless accountability and stewardship objectives are effective. This essay calls for an increased use of active learning strategies (experiential and in-context activities) to connect students to the social realities of accounting. Cognitive dissonance, as an explicit objective of accounting education, provides the means to challenge accounting as a rational stage of endeavour through critical and dialogical perspectives in accounting. Two types of learning pedagogies based on ‘in’ and ‘out’ of classroom activities were discussed and analysed.  相似文献   

随着股票市场的持续升温,中国的证券投资基金(以下简称基金)也迈向了历史发展的新台阶。更有《中国基金行业发展评估报告》指出,假设中国的GDP保持不少于7%的年增长率、中国的基金规模处于发达国家的30%左右,预计三年以后中国基金的资产规模将达到2.4万亿元-2.8万亿元,到2020年将达到20万亿元-25万亿元。  相似文献   

杨丁山 《投资与合作》2014,(12):270-271
德兴铜矿大山厂共有9台φ18'×28'特大型球磨机,其传动部分中的小齿轮轴的维修是整个φ18'×28'球磨机维修中的重点和难点。  相似文献   

经过五年试验期后,今年各类证券市场(B股市场除外)同时呈现出突飞猛进的发展势头,其中深圳A股市场尤其突出,其涨幅今年前10个月连续在世界股票市场保持排名第一,这在我国历史上尚属首次。1996年即将过去,新的一年我国的证券市场将呈怎样的发展趋势呢?下面就对此做初步的判断。 股票市场 1997年经济环境同时存在诸多利好和利空因素。 其中利好因素,一是明年经济改革的重点仍然是国企改革,其关键在于提高国企经营效  相似文献   

This postcard reflects on an issue common to many academics, whether they teach accounting, politics or—as in my case—commercial law to business and economics students. Creating an open and effective relationship with students is a balancing act undertaken by educators across the board—and no less by my accounting colleagues down the hall. In teaching commercial law to accounting students, I was recently reminded of the importance and occasional difficulty in maintaining a healthy ‘two-way’ relationship. I trust the following may connect with accounting educators and others who are also trying to achieve the right balance.  相似文献   

This study explores the effects of business counterparties’ (i.e. suppliers’/customers’) production efficiency uncertainty (PEU) on corporate credit risk by employing American bond observations of manufacturing firms. Empirical results of this study show that customers’ PEU is positively related to corporate bond yield spreads whereas suppliers’ has an opposite effect. The former result shows the importance of demand uncertainty while the latter one suggests that the benefits of supply chain integration or information sharing exceed the costs of supply chain uncertainty. We also find that the effects of suppliers’/customers’ PEUs on bond yield spreads are significantly affected by the information flow risk within the supply chain. In addition, the customer-side effect becomes weaker during the financial crisis period, whereas the supplier-side one is insignificantly affected. These empirical results are robust when controlling for potential endogeneity problems and employing an alternative sample which consists of the bond observations with both supplier and customer identification information. Finally, it has to be noticed that our conclusions are only applicable to manufacturing industries.  相似文献   

颍上支行在认真总结过去经验教训的基础上,结合县域实际,紧紧抓住当前春耕生产急需,探索出新的三户联保贷款9万元,五户联保贷款15万元的新方法,不失时机地投放支农贷款,受到地方党政的高度评价和当地农民朋友的赞扬。  相似文献   

We find financial analysts herd to a greater degree in firms with more opaque information environments as measured by the incidence of short-term institutional investors present. The S-statistic, a measure of forecast bias, and forecast timing and quality metrics are used to measure analyst herding behavior. The results are consistent with the notion that opaque information environments are more conducive to analysts engaging in reputational herding behavior where more capable analysts act first and less capable analysts follow. Additionally, analysts are more likely to issue forecast revisions subsequent to management earnings guidance in less opaque environments. Robustness tests indicate our operational measure of opacity is not subsumed by other measures of the information environment, namely information asymmetry.  相似文献   

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