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如何应对“窜货”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“窜货”俗称“冲货”,是销售网络中的分销机构受短期利益驱使,违反销售协议,有意识跨区域低价销售产品,并造成市场混乱和严重影响厂家声誉及渠道关系的恶性销售行为。  相似文献   

<正>窜货又叫跑货、跳货、冲货或者倒货,是分销网络中分公司、中间商、业务员受利益驱动,进行跨区销售的一种营销现象。对于生产厂家来说,在分销的过程中,最大的心患可能莫过于窜货。厂家为了维持区域市场的良性发展,总是千方百计的避免市场窜货行为的出现;经销商则在利益的驱使下,会想尽办法去实施窜货。这两个矛盾体的存在,使得厂商之间的关系很微妙。窜货问题无法避免。  相似文献   

窜货是渠道间非常典型的冲突形式,也是众多消费品企业深感头痛的问题.因为渠道窜货的问题不解决,就可能会导致整个销售网络的崩盘.那么,如何才能有效地解决渠道窜货呢?  相似文献   

拟从药品营销中渠道冲突的产生入手,重点分析了窜货的类型,产生窜货的原因,并提出了解决窜货问题的方法。  相似文献   

营销渠道是影响企业发展最重要的因素之一,目前广泛存在于营销渠道内的恶性窜货问题是困扰企业、影响市场竞争中能以立足的关键。因此,对渠道恶性窜货的研究具有重要的现实意义。企业发展的关键焦点。如何有效解决恶性窜货问题、提高渠道效率是企业在激烈文章以四达股份有限公司为例探讨分析营销渠道恶性窜货的问题,采用博弈的方法,提出相关的治理对策。  相似文献   

也许你是生产商,也许你是批发商,你是否因现有的营销渠道不够尽善尽美而困扰?你想知道如何改善吗?这里推荐一种垂直网络渠道模式。 中国市场渠道的变革实际上是在市场大潮的冲击下被动地、不自觉地、缓慢地进行着,因而形成了目前复杂多样的渠道网络形态。根据我们为众多客户服务的经验及几年来对渠道网络调查研究结果,我们对中国市场营销渠道网络问题作了基本的梳理,得出了许多有意义的发现,并提出了渠道网络分析的新方法。一、营销渠道网络的八大问题 1、窜货问题。 无论是中小型企业还是知名大型企业,都常被窜货问题搞得坐卧不宁。窜货引发的市场问题非常严重,不仅使企业自身经营受损,还会影响厂商关系,更可怕的是有可能令企业全面失控,失去市场。 尽管有的企业通过严格划分区域、实行编码制度或加强督查和惩罚力度等措施来限制这一情况,但在实际应用时效果非常有限,解决不了根  相似文献   

项晓娟 《企业导报》2013,(12):57-58
产品的跨区域销售带来规模和效益的同时,也带来一个很难解决的难题——窜货。本文介绍了窜货的含义,分析了我国销售渠道窜货形成的原因和危害,重点从厂商与经销商关系管理、经销权划分、产品区分策略、价格体系和促销五个方面提出相应的解决建议。  相似文献   

企业营销渠道发展状况对增强企业市场竞争力,提高企业营销效率具有重要的意义,当前,中国企业分销渠道模式正处于从传统的分销模式向现代分销模式转变的过程中,但不少企业仍运用传统的、粗放式的经验管理方式,尚无渠道网络和系统的概念,把企业渠道成员之间的关系视作一种短期利益关系,而非长期的合作关系,从而使渠道冲突成为企业渠道关系中...  相似文献   

渠道窜贷问题及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.渠道窜货的概述 渠道窜货,也称冲货,它是经销商不经公司销售中心和销入地区的经销商同意,擅自将公司产品销售到非辖区.由于经销网络中的各级分销商或分公司等受到利益的驱动,使所经销和代理的产品进行跨区域销售,从而造成价格混乱,让其它经销商对产品失去了信心,消费者同时对品牌失去信任的营销现象.  相似文献   

警惕竞争对手的窜货行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈军 《企业活力》2002,(8):34-35
<正>窜货是市场的杀手,如果窜货得不到及时有效地制止,窜货就会产生连锁反应,窜货就会不断迅速蔓延、升级,甚至导致以降价为武器的窜货大战。一家窜货,多家受害,然后引发多家窜货,最终演变成为一场窜货大战,危及企业营销网络的安全。一、窜货危及企业营销网络的安全 (1)经销商的忠诚度是靠利益来维系的。 经销商销售某产品的直接动力是什么?就是经营利润。如果没有了经营利  相似文献   

目的:为某药业公司销售支持人员构建薪酬设计方案.方法:分析某药业公司目前薪酬方案存在的问题,构建“C-2P”模式的薪酬设计框架,确定有关参数,并采用层次分析法(AHP)和Delphi法确定相关指标的权重和等级评分.结果:岗位重要性(v)、工作量饱和度(s)和适岗性(m)三个指标加权得到岗位系数(α),综合素质(d)和岗位职责(r)各项指标加权得到绩效系数(β),实际薪酬(W)为工资基数(B)、岗位系数(α)和绩效系数(β)的乘积.结论:此套薪酬设计方案能普遍提高销售支持人员的岗位标准工资,引入绩效考核机制,体现薪酬的公平性和激励性,促进营销团队的稳定与发展,降低企业人才管理成本.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the influence of human resource management (HRM) activities and organizational climate on job satisfaction in Turkish banks. The study first examines the relative influence of eight HRM activities of: (i) behavior and attitudes (in recruitment and selection); (ii) teamwork; (iii) extensive training; (iv) written policies; (v) training in multiple functions; (vi) incentives; (vii) performance appraisal; and (viii) feedback on performance on job satisfaction. Second, the influence of six factors relating to organizational climate are examined, again from the view point of their influence on job satisfaction. The second group factors are: (i) support for innovation; (ii) managerial competence and consistency; (iii) workload pressure; (iv) cohesion; (v) organizational boundaries; and (vi) organizational ethics. The data collected through interviews from 346 employees from 19 banks show that in addition to the positive impact of HRM activities, organizational climate in particular makes a significant contribution to job satisfaction. The paper presents the influence of the two groups of factors on job satisfaction and the mechanisms through which these factors foster job satisfaction and their implications for practitioners.  相似文献   

This paper examines recent EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) case law precedents relating to personnel selection, most notably hiring, training, promotion and downsizing. The statutes referenced include Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 as amended by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), Constitutional claims, the Civil Rights Act of 1991 (CRA-91), and Executive Order 11246 on Affirmative action. Seven topics are featured, including: (I) disparate treatment theory, (II) adverse impact theory in the ADEA, (III) adverse impact theory in Title VII, (IV) affirmative action based on operational needs, (V) key ADA rulings and the ADA amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), (VI) retaliation, and (VII) mandatory binding arbitration agreements. The case law surveyed reveals costly mistakes employers and HR managers can make, but which can be avoided with proper methods and policies. Some issues may require professional help (e.g., developing and validating selection tests), whereas others (e.g. retaliation), can be addressed in-house with knowledge of policies and procedures recommended by the EEOC to prevent problems from occurring, and to quickly correct them if they occur.  相似文献   

It is well known that in the case of independent random variables, the (reversed) hazard rate of the (maximum) minimum of two random variables is the sum of the individual (reversed) hazard rates and hence the onotonicity of the (reversed) hazard rate of the marginals is preserved by the monotonicity of the (reversed) hazard rate of the (maximum) minimum. However, for the bivariate distributions this property is not always preserved. In this paper, we study the monotonicity of the (reversed) hazard rate of the (maximum) minimum for two well known families of bivariate distributions viz the Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern (FGM) and Sarmanov family. In case of the FGM family, we obtain the (reversed) hazard rate of the (maximum) minimum and provide several examples in some of which the (reversed) hazard rate is monotonic and in others it is non-monotonic. In the case of Sarmanov family the (reversed) hazard rate of the (maximum) minimum may not be expressed in a compact form in general. We consider some examples to illustrate the procedureResearch of the second author is supported by a grant from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the research of the other two authors is partially supported by a travel grant from the Canadian American Center of the University of Maine  相似文献   

围绕会计准则的性质,从管理学和经济学两个视角进行诠释,试图通过会计准则性质的全新和全面释义,求解会计准则的管理意义和经济价值,并进一步为会计准则的后续研究提供新的命题与研究路径。从九个角度给出了会计准则性质的确认,研究认为:会计准则是一种经济规制(历史观)、是一组分配标准(经济后果观)、是一种平衡机制(企业定价观)、是一种决策和制衡机制(公司治理观)、是一种博弈均衡制度(博弈观)、是一种产权制度(产权观)、是一种契约装置(信息观)、是一种公共物品(公共选择观)、是一种评价利益关系的风险配置(契约观)。  相似文献   

For a balanced two-way mixed model, the maximum likelihood (ML) and restricted ML (REML) estimators of the variance components were obtained and compared under the non-negativity requirements of the variance components by L ee and K apadia (1984). In this note, for a mixed (random blocks) incomplete block model, explicit forms for the REML estimators of variance components are obtained. They are always non-negative and have smaller mean squared error (MSE) than the analysis of variance (AOV) estimators. The asymptotic sampling variances of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimators and the REML estimators are compared and the balanced incomplete block design (BIBD) is considered as a special case. The ML estimators are shown to have smaller asymptotic variances than the REML estimators, but a numerical result in the randomized complete block design (RCBD) demonstrated that the performances of the REML and ML estimators are not much different in the MSE sense.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Credit risk is the most important type of risk in terms of monetary value. Another key risk measure is market risk, which is concerned with stocks and bonds, and related financial derivatives, as well as exchange rates and interest rates. This paper is concerned with market risk management and monitoring under the Basel II Accord, and presents Ten Commandments for optimizing value-at-risk (VaR) and daily capital charges, based on choosing wisely from (1) conditional, stochastic and realized volatility; (2) symmetry, asymmetry and leverage; (3) dynamic correlations and dynamic covariances; (4) single index and portfolio models; (5) parametric, semi-parametric and non-parametric models; (6) estimation, simulation and calibration of parameters; (7) assumptions, regularity conditions and statistical properties; (8) accuracy in calculating moments and forecasts; (9) optimizing threshold violations and economic benefits; and (10) optimizing private and public benefits of risk management. For practical purposes, it is found that the Basel II Accord would seem to encourage excessive risk taking at the expense of providing accurate measures and forecasts of risk and VaR.  相似文献   

Summary For an inclusion probability proportional to size (IPPS) sampling scheme recently proposed by Saxena, Singh and Srivastava (1986), it is shown that under certain simple verifiable conditions (1) the Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator based on it has a smaller variance than the variance of the Hansen-Hurwitz (1943) estimator based on probability proportional to size (PPS) sampling with replacement (WR) both involving the same size-measures and the expected sample size in the former being equal to the number of draws in the latter and (2) the Yates-Grundy (1953) estimator for the variance of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator based on this IPPS scheme is uniformly non-negative.  相似文献   

目前在国际上已开发出制备羟基磷灰石(Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2:HAp)纤维的新颖方法。羟基磷灰石纤维可通过在空气中1000℃的温度加热一种压缩块来成功地加以合成,这种压缩块由β-磷酸钙(β-Ca(PO3)2)纤维和(Ca(OH)2)颗粒组成,压缩之后用稀盐酸水溶液加以处理。压缩块中的β-Ca(PO3)2纤维和Ca(OH)2经过加热就转变成了纤维性的HAp和CaO相,其中的CaO经过酸洗而除去。在这种情况下获得的HAp纤维长度为40~150μm、直径为2~10μm。它们与β~Ca(PO3)2纤维的尺寸大小几乎差不多。  相似文献   

The analysis of the decision to enter into self‐employment is a hot topic in the economic literature. Among the elements that most directly influence this decision, individual factors are central. This study produces a comprehensive survey of the impact of these factors, covering both the theoretical arguments and the main conclusions emerging from the empirical studies. We analyze 12 critical determinant factors of the entry into self‐employment grouped into seven categories: (1) basic individual characteristics (gender, age, marital status, and children); (2) family background (parents and spouse); (3) personality characteristics; (4) human capital (education and experience); (5) health condition; (6) nationality and ethnicity; and (7) access to financial resources. While for some of the factors solid conclusions can be found, for others additional research is still needed in order to shed further light on their influence.  相似文献   

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