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Because the consumer is the focus of all marketing activities, knowledge of his/her behavior is one of the most important aspects of marketing. Empirical studies are needed to determine, how consumer arrives at decision to make a particular purchase, what kind of deliberation exhibited by consumers and correlates of deliberation are analyzed.  相似文献   

Summary In summary, it is important, from time to time, to step back and consider the publication process, as it exists in marketing and as it operates forJAMS. As part of this consideration, the issue of journal quality is paramount. As mentioned above, there are many ways to assess journal quality, and each method has its advantages and its limitations. In the field of marketing, we have a long history of relying on perceptual data, and this tradition is reflected in methods that rely on expert ratings and rankings of journals. In our field, we also have a history of trying to collect “objective” or quantitative data, and methods that rely on citation counts fit into this tradition. Here, using contrasting but related methods, we report encouraging evidence about the growing status and reputation ofJAMS as an influential publication outlet for marketing scholarship.  相似文献   

This study provides deeper insight in the link between service quality and customer satisfaction. The traditional assumption of a linear relationship is challenged by exploring asymmetries and dynamics. The simultaneous influence of service quality and customer experience on satisfaction is examined by means of nonlinear structural equation modeling. Results show that functional-utilitarian quality attributes (availability, efficiency, fulfillment, and privacy) lose their capability to delight customers as the customer relationship matures. In contrast, hedonic quality attributes (design, enjoyment, and image) only exhibit an increasing effect on satisfaction for more experienced customers. These insights are vital for service managers as they help to improve the efficiency of quality investments.  相似文献   

高铁战略起始于2004年国务院审议通过的《中长期铁路网规划》,新型城镇化战略起始于政府十八大报告“走中国特色新型城镇化道路”.作为促进中国经济与社会全面发展的两大战略,高铁战略与新型城镇化战略并非割裂存在,而是具有协同性与依存性.文章从总体布局、核心理念、使命承载、推进次序等方面论证了两大战略的协同性;从推动区域平衡、产业结构优化升级、城市间功能互补等方面论证了新型城镇化战略对高铁战略的依存性,从高铁运营的财务成本压力方面论证了高铁战略对新型城镇化战略的依存性.  相似文献   

对中国1952年至2007年的数据进行梳理分析,以验证瓦格纳法则的普遍适用性。采用协整分析方法研究财政支出与国民收入之间是否存在长期稳定的均衡关系,结果表明两者不存在协整关系。进而运用格兰杰因果检验法分析各模型中的变量关系,结果表明中国的财政支出与国民收入之间存在单向的格兰杰因果关系。  相似文献   

CRM与企业战略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着市场经济和信息技术的发展,基于信息技术的客户关系管理(CRM)应运而生,并成为企业的发展趋势。CRM以高新技术的形式呈现出来,但实际上,CRM并不仅仅是技术的开发应用,而是一个完整的商业战略。成功的CRM必须从企业战略高度来实施。CRM系统的有效运转离不开战略思想的指导。CRM与企业战略紧密交融,构成企业市场竞争能力的有力保障。  相似文献   

Although marketing researchers have recognized the importance of early life experiences in shaping patterns of consumer behavior in later life, they have inadequate theoretical and methodological bases for investigating consumption-related issues over the life course. As a result, relatively little is known about the changes consumers experience over time, how they respond to these changes, and how early life experiences affect their consumer behavior. The life course approach, developed as an interdisciplinary program for studying various aspects of behavior, offers a framework for filling gaps in previous efforts to study consumer behavior over time. The purpose of this article is to advocate the life course approach for studying various types of market behavior. First, the author presents a general conceptual life course framework that serves as a blueprint for discussing theoretical perspectives and organizing, integrating, and reporting consumer research relevant to the life course paradigm. Second, methods of data analysis compatible with life course research are discussed. Finally, select areas of interest to marketing researchers (materialism and compulsive consumption) illustrate how the life course approach might contribute to previous efforts to study these consumer behaviors in an innovative way.  相似文献   

战略柔性思想及核心能力理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统战略管理理论的基石在于假设环境可以认知、竞争过程可控。随着竞争的深化,这一缺陷越发明显,而针对环境的复杂性、不可确定性的战略柔性思想纷纷涌现。本分析了其中的代表性理论,并且详细分析了“核心能力”理论的发展及其缺陷,以及该理论对于中小企业的独特意义和一些重要结论。  相似文献   

我国的就业问题是个重大战略问题,具有特殊重要性。目前我国就业形势极端严峻,应采取特殊的政策和措施。  相似文献   

OECD 2012年发布的《技能战略》提出:发展技能需要鼓励投资于技能提升,动态关联技能培训体系与人才市场,保障技能培训的全面性,实施技能提升的开放策略;激活技能供应需要促进青年人职业发展、传统失业人群向劳务市场提供技能,防止技能因闲置而过时,留住劳务市场技术熟练人员;有效利用技能需要人们就业稳定,技能信息透明,区域内部劳动力市场流通,经济向附加值链上方移动。依据OECD的《技能战略》,中国需要构建全方位的技能政策体系获取人力资源红利,搭建"政产学研用"技能人才培养平台促进科技创新,完善技能信息透明的通道促进技能匹配,实行技能人才贯通培养模式推动产业转型升级。  相似文献   

Conclusions The purpose of this commentary is to offer a different perspective on marketing’s contributions to the strategy dialogue and strategic management from that provided by Day. In this regard, the comment intends to supplement and complement his valuable insights. In closing, it is instructive to consider what is meant by strategy and consider the thoughts of Andrews (1983): It is part of the comprehensive concept of strategy that leaders of a company must be dedicated to the durable core of a company’s character ... while encouraging innovations that will bring about or respond to the changes taking place in its surroundings (p. 9). Another look at the very concept of strategy might provide marketing and strategic management scholars with the foundation upon which to build a substantive dialogue.  相似文献   

The focus of the paper is the process of model validation. The discussion illustrates some problems encountered in validating stochastic models, with special reference to market behavior models. A brief discussion of some important dimensions of model validation are presented. The discussion focuses on the role of simulation to generate sample universes for realistic output validation (both at micro and macro levels) of a stochastic model. Also, some light is shed upon two neglected aspects of model validation, experimentation to test the realism of a model's policy implications and a comparative evaluation with existing models. It is hoped for that the article has raised some important issues for the attention of a serious model builder.  相似文献   

旅游竞争优势战略:旅游业发展的新战略观   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
当前中国旅游业发展战略追切需要从资源优势战略转变为竞争优势战略,应用波特的产业国际竞争力国家钻石模型分析区域旅游竞争力的影响因素,进而提出旅游业发展的竞争优势战略及其对于区域旅游开发和旅游市场营销的具体指导要义。  相似文献   

中部崛起战略的形成与山西经济发展战略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过分析“中部塌陷”这一客观现象和改革开放以来国家的宏观经济发展政策经验,提出了山西迅超崛起的对策建议。  相似文献   

Sales researchers have spent decades developing and empirically testing various scales that reflect distinct theoretical perspectives of salesperson behavior and job functioning. Despite extensive research in this area, little comparative work has been done to assess the relative effectiveness of these different scales in explaining salesperson performance or to explicate whether or not they are best considered in isolation or as working together—even potentially interacting—to influence sales success. We examine four established scales related to customer-directed salesperson job functioning, and look at how well they relate to both self-reported and objective job performance measures. Our analyses are based on responses from 524 salespeople drawn from three different firms. The results show that two scales (ADAPTS, Selling Skills) outperform the others. Furthermore, we find an important interaction between ADAPTS and Selling Skills that helps to predict superior objective performance.  相似文献   

在两权分离的股份公司中,经营者同时具有高级雇员兼知识资本所有者双重身份。如何针对经营者的双重身份建立合理的薪酬激励机制,调动经营者工作的积极性与创造性,进而提高公司绩效,是当前公司理论研究的重要课题。经营者薪酬支付策略目前主要有三种:即期支付策略、递延支付策略和期权支付策略。  相似文献   

个性化营销的理念与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着新世纪的来临,营销管理人员开始采用一种策略把他们与客户的关系建立在一种“个人主义”或我们常称的“个性化”的基础上,这种策略的核心内容是按特定客户的个人需要来定制商品和服务,而不是为所有客户提供同一种商品或服务,基于个性化的重要性,它应与产品、价格、渠道、促销、人员、物质财富、计划等一起作为营销组合的元素,形成新的营销组合,即8Ps。  相似文献   

战略与企业可持续发展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
企业可持续发展需要进行系统的研究,既有理论存在严重不足,企业可持续发展是一种超越企业增长不足或增长过度,超越资源和环保约束,超越产品生命周期的发展状态,这种发展状态通过不断创新,不断提高开拓和满足市场需求的能力,不断追求企业可持续增长而达到,我国企业可持续发展是一项系统工程,战略在企业可持续发展中发挥导向工作,因此要系统地研究我国企业可持续发展的战略问题。寻找相关对策。  相似文献   

双边自由贸易协定(FTA)的签署可以为成员国带来巨大的经济利益与政治利益。中国目前从FTA中获得的直接经济利益虽然相对有限,但仍然可从缓解国内面临的资源压力、赢得经济发展的良好外部环境、增强多边谈判中的地位等方面实现自己的利益。为进一步增加在FTA实践中的获益,中国应加快FTA步伐,适时与大国及重要贸易伙伴开展FTA谈判,且应将FTA涉及的领域拓宽至服务贸易以及多种合作便利化和合作形式等方面。  相似文献   

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