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柯荆民 《环球财经》2013,(11):70-71
银行资产管理计划的推出虽然规模有限,但其中进行的改革尝试却能为中国的资产证券化积累经验,而后者才是最具深远意义的改革重头戏。  相似文献   

相对2010年,2011年非保本型理财产品的发行数量升幅较大,而保本固定型理财产品遭遇冷门。到期市场则没有太大变动。由此推测,投资者已不仅仅满足于通过理财产品来跑赢CPI,而是在理财市场火热的氛围下不惜承担较大风险,期望获取更加可观的收益。  相似文献   

李斌 《新财经》2013,(5):68-71
一段时间以来,外界理解的资金池都是有风险的,因为不清楚池子里放的是好资产还是坏资产。但事实上,中国的银行做资金池的目的不是要把坏资产放进池子,而是为了绕开信贷规模的限制,资产本身是好的。  相似文献   

杨亮 《特区经济》2011,(9):88-90
本文通过对大连银行目前的现况、资产规模、机构规模、业务盈利等分析,与主要东北地区盛京银行、吉林银行、哈尔滨银行对比,发现大连银行可能存在的潜在危险和发展机会,提出了可持续发展的策略。给中国其他城市商业银行或中小商业银行的发展提供好的借鉴作用。本文认为,大连银行发展的关键,应该是以早日完成上市为核心,根据大连本地中小企业类型和需求,不断创新融资方式,才能实现经营战略可持续发展。  相似文献   

马婷 《天津经济》2005,(4):48-50
目前,良好的通关环境提升了天津口岸的积聚辐射能力,每年吸引了3000多万吨增量的外贸货物从天津口岸通过。2004年,天津港完成货物吞吐量突破2亿吨,同比增长27.4%。其中,港口外贸货物吞吐量达1亿吨,同比增长23.4%。近年来天津地区的进出口贸易稳定增长,20041年,外贸进出口总值达到420.19亿美元。国际结算尤其是贸易融资业务已成为商业银行激烈竞争的焦点,各银行都抢抓机遇扩大市场份额,发挥国际贸易融资业务方面的竞争优势,争取将其培育成为具有突出品牌效应的特色产品和标志性产品。  相似文献   

李昌 《西部论丛》2006,(10):68-69
理财业务是指金融机构为投资人(自然人或机构)提供的财务分析、财务规划、投资顾问、资产管理等专业化服务活动。伴随我国国民经济持续快速增长,城乡贫富差距不断拉大,财富呈现集中发展的趋势,同时金融产品及金融工具的不断丰富,城市居民特别是大中城市居民理财业务需求日益增强,多种竞争主体发行的理财产品应运而生,发行规模迅速扩张,但理财机构(商业银行、信托投资公司等)面临的声誉风险、法律风险正在扩大,理财市场面临的诸多问题越来越引起各方关注:一是法律依据标准不清,制度性风险隐患突出,对理财行为适用于合同法(委托代理)还是信托法存在争议,涉及财产登记、税收、会计等系列问题不统一,在司法实践中存在诸多问题:二是同质化严重,特别是商业银行推出的理财产品在产品设计、盈利模式等各方面有着高度的一致性;三是理财业务本身存在的市场风险、操作风险及策略风险等并未充分被投资者所认知,市场环境的成熟度不高,合格委托人匮乏:四是政出多门、标准不一、多头监管、不公平竞争等负面效应,已逐渐成为当前理财市场的突出问题和特征。  相似文献   

王寅 《中国报道》2013,(5):46-47
银监会8号文规范商业银行理财业务的举动使影子银行成为公众关注的焦点。什么是中国的影子银行?它一无是处还是有利有弊?3月27日,中国银监会下发《关于规范商业银行理财业务投资运作有关问题的通知》(简称8号文)。次日,银行股在沪深股市上集体暴跌。股市的这一波动,将银行理财产品等银行业务以及由此牵扯出的影子银行问题推入大众的视野。模糊的影子影子银行由美国太平洋投资管理公司执行董事麦卡利于2007年首次提  相似文献   

王艳 《中国经贸》2012,(2):130-130
随着我国经济的发展以及人民生活水平的提高,银行理财业务呈现出了突飞猛进的发展。无论在发行规模、数量还是在产品结构上都有了很大的改变。但是由于我国银行理财市场起步较晚,在不断适应市场需要的同时,仍然存在着一些制度以及设计上的问题。本文通过对我国银行理财业务现状的分析,探讨银行理财业务的不足,并提出合理的应对策略。  相似文献   

董露茜 《新财经》2012,(3):42-43,28
最早起步于国内理财市场的券商资产管理业务,目前必须面对远远落后于公募基金和阳光私募的严峻局面。在这个强者愈强的行业中,券商资管能否与公募基金、阳光私募鼎足?  相似文献   

吴遐 《沪港经济》2009,(3):44-45
据中国社会科学院金融研究所理财产品中心统计,2008年前10个月.商业银行共发行个人理财产品3700余只,高于2007年全年的发行数量。而央行的统计数据显示,2008年的上半年,商业银行发行个人理财产品募集的资金规模.已经超过1万亿元人民币,相当于2007年今年的1.5倍,超过了同期由信托公司、证券公司和保险公司发行的个人理财产品以及公募基金募集资金的总和。 无疑,银行系已经成为了理财产品市场上的大户。  相似文献   

肠凯 《走向世界》2014,(1):58-60
如果银行不改变,我们就改变银行。-马云  相似文献   

<正>一位老师曾这样说过:我眼中的教育不只是奉献,而是享受;不只是重复,而是创造;不只是谋生的手段,更是实现自己人生价值的途径。我相信人的快乐取决于心态,所以我微笑着享受身边的点点滴滴。我曾接到一个学困班,这个班属于八年级,这个年龄属于最叛逆的年龄。因此,接班的困难不言而喻。在大家看来学困班是由一群学习成绩很差,组织纪律性很差,品德不良,各方面活动不积极,集体荣誉感差等多方面皆差的学困生所组成的班集体。没有接触这群孩子的时候,我也是这样想的。正式开始接触时,有学生迟到了,我笑  相似文献   

A competitive banking system helps lower transaction costs and risks. It also helps make financial markets more efficient. In Ghana however, observers believe that the banking industry is not competitive and point to the huge spread between bank lending and borrowing rates as evidence. The Ghanaian banking industry is analysed for evidence of market power by computing the Lerner Index of banks using quarterly data from 2001 to 2006. The evidence is that Ghanaian banks possess market power. Factors that significantly explain the market power of Ghanaian banks are: bank size, efficiency of banks with respect to staff costs, the macroeconomic environment and time.  相似文献   

This paper examines the efficiency of commercial banks in Namibia using the standard econometric frontier approach. Although two aspects of efficiency (scale and scope) receive our attention, the emphasis is on the latter which pertains to whether a firm produces as efficiently as it possibly can, given its size. Our results indicate that substantial economies of scale exist in commercial banking in Namibia. This will tend to suggest that commercial banks in Namibia can increase their efficiency by increasing their current scale of operation. The results for scope economies show that the current level of input combination does not make for maximum efficiency as sufficient scope exists for a more efficient combination of inputs. We believe this will reduce operating costs in the industry and stimulate efficiency.  相似文献   

We first derive a theoretical model to predict that the relation between nonperforming loan ratios and government shareholdings can be downward‐sloping, upward‐sloping, U‐shaped, and inversely U‐shaped. An increase in the government's shareholding facilitates political lobbying. On the other hand, private shareholding induces more nonperforming loans (NPLs) to be manipulated by corrupt private owners. We adopt a panel data set of forty Taiwanese commercial banks during 1996–99 for empirical analysis. The results show that the rate of NPLs decreased as the ratio of government shareholding in a bank rose (up to 63.51 percent), while the rate thereafter increased. Bank size was negatively related to the rate of NPLs. Rates of NPLs are shown to have steadily increased from 1996 to 1999. Banks established after deregulation, on average, had a lower rate of NPLs than those established before deregulation.  相似文献   

The financial crisis placed severe pressure on global bank liquidity. Many banks were unable to create sufficient liquidity and had to receive government support or face default. This paper attempts to determine the impact of the financial crisis on liquidity creation within South African banks using a model previously applied to US banks. Four measures of liquidity creation are discussed and applied to data spanning 2004‐2009. Although created, liquidity decreases steeply from 2007, liquidity levels in 2009 remain about 45% higher than those of 2004. The four large South African banks created about 80% of the total market liquidity. The authors are aware that the liquidity measures discussed in this paper may not accurately reflect the manner in which South African banks created liquidity before and during the financial crisis as the period under review was characterised by various other factors. These factors include the concurrent rise in securitisation, considerable changes in the South African Reserve Bank's (SARB) stance on monetary policy, historic low‐interest rates during the period and severe curtailing of local inter‐bank dealing. It remains possible that these factors may have had an impact on the way in which South African banks created and disseminated liquidity. This possibility will be the subject of future research.  相似文献   

The banking sector in Turkey has grown significantly over the last two decades of financial liberalization. One of the aims of the financial liberalization was to improve efficiency through restructuring programs including the privatization of state banks and the encouragement of mergers. In this paper we identify key factors determining the technical efficiency differentials among Turkish commercial banks in the pre‐ and post‐liberalization periods, using the technical inefficiency effects model. We found that loan quality, size, ownership of the banks, and profitability have a positive and significant impact on the technical efficiencies of banks. The results warrant implementation of effective regulatory measures to improve the quality of the earning assets of commercial banks. Furthermore, steps by the government to encourage acquisitions or mergers for private banks and the privatization of state‐owned banks seem to be consistent in improving the overall efficiency of commercial banking in Turkey.  相似文献   

Central bank independence (CBI) is currently a widely debated and topical issue commanding the centre point of many economical and political debates, filling the pages of many scholarly journals. Both central bank independence and accountability are currently regarded as necessary best practices for achieving price stability. The importance of CBI rests on the premise that inflation is primarily a monetary phenomenon, and that the cost of reducing inflation can be lowered by an independent central bank with credibility. Support for CBI also stems from the argument that the power to create money should generally be separated from the power to spend it. This is even more relevant for countries with weak political institutions. However, various studies (cited below) detected lower inflation in those countries where independence of their central banks is the strongest. Countries all over – including some on the African continent – have increased the independence of their central banks accordingly.  相似文献   

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