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Estimates indicate that total expenditures on drugs in developing countries would reach a magnitude of US $200 billion by the year 2000. In order to meet these requirements, developing countries would have to rationalize - individually and in cooperation among themselves - their pharmaceutical supply system, improving service technology and choices regarding the selection, procurement and distribution of drugs, as well as enhancing production possibilities and strengthening their capacity regarding transfer, application and development of technology in the pharmaceutical sector.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the comparatively low levels of businessstart-ups in Japan need not be a matter of concern in so faras the pattern of growth relying on existing companies persists.But the declining trend of start-up rates may be worrisome forit may indicate waning entrepreneurship and weakening mechanismsof resource reallocation and economic growth. Policy measuresto promote business start-ups are not based on well-foundedstudies at an aggregate level, which are lacking in the absenceof comparable data, but rather are inspired by the successfulUS experience. The paper looks into two specific areas of policy- private equity markets and bankruptcy - where important progresshas been made, and points to further scope for improvement.  相似文献   

Using a dual-economy model with urban unemployment and rural labor monopsony, this paper shows that the first-best optimum can be achieved by different rates of wage subsidies, in which the subsidy to rural wage is adjusted upward in accordance with the amount of exploitation by rural producers. It is also shown that the policy of either import substitution or export promotion has merit, depending on whether the distortion of urban unemployment exceeds that of rural labor monopsony or not. The theoretical results obtained in this paper justify the observation of the policies adopted in many countries.  相似文献   

本文对安徽省第三产业发展中存在的问题进行了剖析 ,结合安徽省情 ,为加快安徽第三产业发展 ,实现经济结构优化提出了对策  相似文献   

Papua New Guinea (PNG) has much to learn from the Indonesian economic experience of coping with one booming sector while creating an environment in which the economy could generate jobs. PNG's macroeconomic policy adjustments to the boom-bust cycles which characterise its economy work extremely well by comparison to most other developing countries experiencing the same difficulties. At the microeconomic level, policy improvement has been harder, with the rhetoric far out-distancing the actual advances. The challenge is to improve the productivity of the agricultural sector, to raise the education levels, and to attract investment to provide employment. At present the investment environment is bleak because of the deteriorating law and order situation.  相似文献   

This article aims to fulfil three functions. First, it provides a brief survey of the current state of policy and practice amongst two categories of local economic development institution, Urban Development Corporations (UDCs) and Enterprise Boards. This includes forming some impressions of the impact on Enterprise Boards of the abolition of the GLC and the Metropolitan Councils, and of the provisions of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 (Part V). And it includes some assessment of the responses of Urban Development Corporations to the largely critical assessments of them made by the National Audit Office (1988) on Liverpool and LDDC, and the House of Commons Employment Committee (1988) on employment effects. The recent expansion of numbers of UDCs (five “second-generation” ones set up in 1987, and four “third-generation” ones established during 1988 and 1989) also allows wider analysis of the form to be carried out.

The second aim of the article is to explore the extent and causes of diversity both between and within the two groups. This includes analysis of the degree of overlap and convergence between the two groups as well as the range of models within each.

A third aim is to explore the validity of either model for future implementation of local economic strategies.  相似文献   

This paper takes the novel Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf as an example to focus on the analysis of the mind style of the heroine of it, to explore her personality. It is hoped that the paper will extend the studies of mind styles to a wider scope, to include literary analysis of major characters in fiction. It is also hoped that the present research will provide a new perspective for readers and critics in appreciating and analyzing characters in fiction characterized with the use of the stream-of-consciousness technique.  相似文献   

任悦 《新财经》2009,(5):30-30
任志强先生又大放厥词了。两年前,他的只为富人盖房论,就曾在社会上引起了一场轩然大波。只为富人盖房,其实也没什么,这不过是一个商人对自己产品定位的问题。但是,何以自家的事却要拿到社会上来说,这不能不让人怀疑是在自我炒作。  相似文献   

The current drought in central and southern Africa has focused attention on issues relating to the provision and supply of potable water. In the case of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe's second city, there is the very real prospect that water supplies may be exhausted before the onset of the next rainy season. This paper explores the background to this problem and shows how poor planning, financial constraints, and political intransigence have failed to keep pace with a policy aimed at the provision of water to the inhabitants in this expanding urban environment Alternative sources of supply. in particular a pipeline to the Zambezi River, are also investigated.  相似文献   

This paper sets up a two country monopolistic competition modelwith intra-industry trade to study the effects of an exogenousdifferential in wage and social policies on the location ofindustry. Two model scenarios are considered. In the traditionalone with physical capital, such a differential induces a relocationeffect which increases with the level of trade integration.The ‘new economic geography’ world assumes mobileentrepreneurs which can relocate thus bringing agglomerationforces into play. The most significant difference between thisworld and the traditional one is that, at high levels of tradeintegration, where one country has emerged as the core and theother as the periphery, the core may have more generous socialpolicies and higher wages than the periphery without inducinga relocation of firms. The scope to have higher wage is constrained,however, and related to the level of trade integration in abell-shaped way.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Industriepolitik in Taiwan und Korea. — Der Verfasser untersucht in dem vorliegenden Aufsatz die Industriepolitik in Taiwan und Korea w?hrend der sechziger Jahre. Er er?rtert die Gründe, die in diesen L?ndern für die Durchführung einer nach auΒen gerichteten (outward-looking) Entwicklungspolitik sprechen, und diskutiert die Methoden bei der Durchführung dieser Strategie. AnschlieΒend prüft er die Auswirkungen dieser Politik auf Export und Wachstum und die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Ausfuhr und Wirtschaftswachstum. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird dabei der Exportleistung, dem Wachstum und der Struktur des industriellen Sektors gewidmet. AbschlieΒend analysiert der Verfasser die gegenw?rtigen Probleme und die Zukunftsaussichten der beiden Volkswirtschaften und berücksichtigt dabei die Anwendbarkeit einer nach auΒen gerichteten Entwicklungsstrategie auch für andere Entwicklungsl?nder.
Résumé Politique industrielle en Taiwan et Corée. — Dans cet article l’auteur examine la politique industrielle du Ta?wan et de la Corée pendant la septième décade de notre siècle. Il explique pourquoi il faudrait, dans ces pays, adopter une politique de développement orientée vers l’extérieur (outward-looking strategy), et il discute les méthodes d’exécuter une telle stratégie. Puis, il examine les effets qu’elle produirait sur l’exportation et sur l’accroissement économique, en examinant aussi la relation entre ces deux. Il s’occupe spécialement du secteur industriel, c’est à dire, de ses exportations, son accroissement et sa structure. Finalement, l’auteur analyse les problèmes actuels et les perspectives des économies nationales du Ta?wan et de la Corée, tout en considérant l’applicabilité à d’autres pays d’une telle politique de développement orientée vers l’extérieur.

Resumen Política de industrialization en Taiwán y Corea. — El autor analiza en el présente artículo la política de industrialización en Taiwán y Corea del Sur durante los a?os sesenta. Examina los factores que aconsejan a estos países la adopción de una politica de desarrollo hacia fuera (outward-looking) y discute los métodos de aplicación de esta estrategia. A continuación analiza las repercusiones de esta política en la exportatión y el crecimiento económico y los efectos recíprocos entre exportatión y desarrollo, prestando especial atención a la capacidad exportadora, al crecimiento y a la estructura del sector industrial. Finalmente, el autor analiza los problemas actuales y las perspectivas de ambas economías y discute las posibilidades de adoptar la estrategia mencionada en otros paises en vías de desarrollo.

Riassunto Politica industriale in Taiwan e Corea. — L’autore, nel presente articolo, esamina la politica industriale in Taiwan e Corea durante gli anni sessanta. Egli esamina i motivi che in questi Paesi parlano per l’attuazione di una politica di sviluppo rivolta verso l’esterno (outward-looking) e discute i metodi nell’attuazione di questa strategia. Nello stesso tempo egli studia le ripercussioni di questa politica su esportazione e crescita e gli effetti di cambio tra esportazione e crescita economica. Speciale attenzione è dedicata inoltre al rendimento delle esportazioni, alla crescita ed alla struttura del settore industriale. Infine l’autore analizza i problemi attuali e le prospettive per il futuro di entrambe le economie e tiene conto inoltre della applicabilità di una strategia di sviluppo rivolta verso l’esterno anche per altri Paesi in sviluppo.

This study investigates the effects of loan-to-value (LTV) and debt-to-income (DTI) policies on macroeconomic variables such as commodity price index (CPI) and industrial production (IP) and financial variables such as house price and household bank loan in Korea by employing a structural vector autoregression (VAR) model. We use measures of LTV and DTI regulations that properly reflect changes in regulation coverage and intensity. Empirical results show that LTV and DTI shocks have significant effects not only on house price and household bank loan but also on CPI and IP, particularly when both policies are implemented together. The effects of DTI shocks are similar to those of monetary policy shocks, but LTV and DTI shocks tend to have a slower effect on CPI and IP but a faster effect on house price and household bank loan.  相似文献   

Globalisation and Competition Policies. — This paper discusses the nature of globalisation and its relationship to cross-country competition in the markets for tradeable goods and services. It emphasises the dual modes of cross-border supply, namely, international trade and international production. These have given rise to new international dimensions of competition policy. The paper surveys these dimensions and considers the desirability of harmonising competition policies of different nations and other options such as the development of multilateral competition policies under the WTO.  相似文献   

Following a review of the policies applied prior to 1973 and their economic effects, this paper provides an appraisal of the measures taken after the oil crisis in the light of the performance of the Brazilian economy during this period. The paper further evaluates the 1979 policy reforms and makes policy recommendations for the future. These would entail increasing incentives to exports vis-à-vis import substitution, increasing the application of automatic rules in the private sector, and improving decision-making in the public sector.  相似文献   

Fiscal policies in Eastern Europe   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We focus on the role of fiscal policies in macroeconomic stabilizationin eastern Europe and assess the sustainability of fiscal policiesfor the central and eastern European economies in transition.We show the main causes of fiscal imbalances experienced atthe beginning of the transition process. Countries that adoptedtight fiscal policies were more successful with their inflationstabilization programmes, have experienced a faster recoveryof growth, and did not experience a steeper decline in output.Countries with unsustainable fiscal policies all floated theirexchange rate, but there are both floating and peg arrangementsamong the successful stabilizers. In all the successful cases,however, current account convertibility was established. Wealso discuss the experience of Poland and Romania - two polarcases in terms of fiscal policies and present lessons and policyrecommendations for other economies in transition.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the debt problem and argues that there is a need for wider financial reforms as well as debt relief. North-South dispute is best resolved through the development of agreed rules governing both debt relief and balance-of-payments financing for exogenously created shocks. The poorest countries require both debt relief and increased finance. Improved compensatory finance, more liberal supplementary finance and conditional repayment arrangements are recommended for all. The terms of new arrangements should be applied retroactively as debt relief. A new issue of special drawing rights is advocated for the financing of these relief and reform proposals.  相似文献   

Since the global financial crisis of 2008, the world has been riveted by China's rapid growth and its contribution to the global recovery. But less attention has been paid to India and Indonesia – Asia's two other giants – which also displayed resilience during the crisis and show promise of sustaining this performance. Also remarkable are their geographical, historical and cultural proximity; notwithstanding their differences, these two countries are alike in many respects and face similar challenges, as reflected in their emerging policy priorities. China's large size and rapid growth may have absorbed the attention of Indian and Indonesian policy makers, but this paper argues that a comparative approach to the issues that both countries face can yield interesting insights and provide potential solutions to their development challenges.  相似文献   

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